




enter image description here


enter image description here


#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
using boost::polygon::voronoi_builder;
using boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram;

struct Point
  double a;
  double b;
  Point(double x, double y) : a(x), b(y) {}

namespace boost
  namespace polygon
    template <>
    struct geometry_concept<Point>
      typedef point_concept type;

    template <>
    struct point_traits<Point>
      typedef double coordinate_type;

      static inline coordinate_type get(const Point& point, orientation_2d orient)
        return (orient == HORIZONTAL) ? point.a : point.b;
  }  // polygon
}  // boost

int main()

 std::vector<double> xx = {8.45619987, 9.96573889, 0.26574428, 7.63918524, 8.15187618, 0.09100718};
 std::vector<double> yy = {9.2452883, 7.0843455, 0.4811701, 3.1193826, 5.1336435, 5.5368374};

 // std::vector<double> xx = {8, 10, 0, 8, 8, 0};
 // std::vector<double> yy = {9, 7, 0, 3, 5, 6};

  std::vector<Point> points;

  for (int i = 0 ; i < xx.size() ; i++)
    points.push_back(Point(xx[i], yy[i]));

  // Construction of the Voronoi Diagram.
  voronoi_diagram<double> vd;
  construct_voronoi(points.begin(), points.end(), &vd);

  for (const auto& vertex: vd.vertices())
    std::vector<Point> triangle;
    auto edge = vertex.incident_edge();
      auto cell = edge->cell();

      if (triangle.size() == 3)
        // process output triangles
        std::cout << "Got triangle: (" << triangle[0].a << " " << triangle[0].b << ") (" << triangle[1].a << " " << triangle[1].b << ") (" << triangle[2].a << " " << triangle[2].b << ")" << std::endl;
        triangle.erase(triangle.begin() + 1);

      edge = edge->rot_next();
    } while (edge != vertex.incident_edge());

  return 0;

可能是boost库中的一个bug。他们的bug跟踪器中有一些票据看起来与你的问题相似:Voronoi图中缺少边polygon/voronoi缺少边 - Vincent Saulue-Laborde
“Decimal” 是什么意思? - Marc Glisse
你能展示一下输入数据应该是什么样子吗?因为无论我怎么看这个输入(即使是整数输入),它看起来都像是无效的多边形。 - sehe
@MarcGlisse 对,这实际上是我的英语问题。我想说的是积分。谢谢。 - JRR
@JRR 不是数字长什么样子的问题。对应的形状会是什么样子呢?我已经看过这些数字了。但是我和我使用的软件都无法从中找出一个有效的多边形。 - sehe







谢谢,这就是我在文档中了解到的(特别是voronoi_builder)。实际上,我只需要2位数字精度,所以我将输入乘以100并转换为整数。 - JRR

  1. 环 { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, }
  2. 环 { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {8, 5}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, }
Ring const inputs[] = {
            Ring { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, }, // {0, 0},
            Ring { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {8, 5}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, } // {0, 0},

The closing points commented out are in case you have a polygon model that requires the polygon be closed.

In this case, I've opted fro Boost Geometries polygon model, and parameterized it to be not-closed:

static constexpr bool closed_polygons = false;
using bgPoly  = bgm::polygon<Point, false, closed_polygons>;
using bgMulti = bgm::multi_polygon<bgPoly>;
using Ring    = bgPoly::ring_type;


  1. To create the test-cases that are not using integral numbers, let's transform the polygon by shifting it from (0,0) to (1,1) and also scaling every dimension by a factor of π.

  2. let's also check for input validity (and optionally attempt to correct for errors):

    template <typename G> void validate(std::string name, G& geom) {
        std::cout << name << ": " << bg::wkt(geom) << "\n";
        std::string reason;
        if (!bg::is_valid(geom, reason)) {
            std::cout << name << ": " << reason << "\n";
            std::cout << bg::wkt(geom) << "\n";
            if (!bg::is_valid(geom, reason)) {
                std::cout << name << " corrected: " << reason << "\n";
  3. Finally, let's save some SVG visualizations of the input and triangulations


在 Coliru 上运行

#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
using boost::polygon::voronoi_builder;
using boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram;

struct Point
    double a;
    double b;
    Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : a(x), b(y) {}

namespace boost { namespace polygon {
    template <> struct geometry_concept<Point> { typedef point_concept type; };

    template <> struct point_traits<Point> {
        typedef double coordinate_type;

        static inline coordinate_type get(const Point& point, orientation_2d orient) {
            return (orient == HORIZONTAL) ? point.a : point.b;
} }

#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/convex_hull.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/io/io.hpp>
#include <fstream>

namespace bg  = boost::geometry;
namespace bgm = bg::model;
namespace bgs = bg::strategy;

BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D(Point, double, bg::cs::cartesian, a, b)

static constexpr bool closed_polygons = false;
using bgPoly  = bgm::polygon<Point, false, closed_polygons>;
using bgMulti = bgm::multi_polygon<bgPoly>;
using Ring    = bgPoly::ring_type;

template <typename G> void validate(std::string name, G& geom) {
    std::cout << name << ": " << bg::wkt(geom) << "\n";

    std::string reason;
    if (!bg::is_valid(geom, reason)) {
        std::cout << name << ": " << reason << "\n";


        std::cout << bg::wkt(geom) << "\n";
        if (!bg::is_valid(geom, reason)) {
            std::cout << name << " corrected: " << reason << "\n";

int main()
    int count = 0;

    Ring const inputs[] = {
                Ring { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, }, // {0, 0},
                Ring { {0,0}, {8, 3}, {8, 5}, {10, 7}, {8, 9}, {0, 6}, } // {0, 0},

    bgs::transform::matrix_transformer<double, 2, 2> const transformations[] = {
            { 1,    0,    0, // identity transformation
              0,    1,    0,
              0,    0,    1 },
            { M_PI, 0,    1, // just to get nice non-integral numbers everywhere
              0,    M_PI, 1, // shift to (1,1) and scale everything by π
              0,    0,    1 },

    for (auto transformation : transformations) {
        for (auto input : inputs) {
            validate("Input", input);

            Ring transformed_input;
            bg::transform(input, transformed_input, transformation);

            validate("transformed_input", transformed_input);

            // Construction of the Voronoi Diagram.
            voronoi_diagram<double> vd;
            construct_voronoi(transformed_input.begin(), transformed_input.end(), &vd);

            bgMulti out;
            Ring triangle;

            for (const auto& vertex: vd.vertices()) {
                for(auto edge = vertex.incident_edge(); triangle.empty() || edge != vertex.incident_edge(); edge = edge->rot_next()) {

                    if (triangle.size() == 3) {

#if 0
                        std::cout << " -- found \n";
                        bgPoly t{triangle};
                        validate("Triangle", t);
                        out.push_back({ triangle });

                        triangle.erase(triangle.begin() + 1);

            std::cout << "Out " << bg::wkt(out) << "\n";
                std::ofstream svg("/tmp/svg" + std::to_string(++count) + ".svg");
                boost::geometry::svg_mapper<Point> mapper(svg, 600, 600);

                mapper.map(out, R"(fill-opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(153,204,0);stroke:rgb(153,204,0);stroke-dasharray=5,5;stroke-width:2)");

                mapper.map(transformed_input, R"(fill-opacity:0.1;fill:rgb(204,153,0);stroke:red;stroke-width:3)");
        } // inputs
    } // transformations

Input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,10 7,8 9,0 6))
transformed_input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,10 7,8 9,0 6))
Out MULTIPOLYGON(((0 6,0 0,8 3,0 6)),((8 9,0 6,8 3,8 9)),((10 7,8 9,8 3,10 7)))
Input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,8 5,10 7,8 9,0 6))
transformed_input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,8 5,10 7,8 9,0 6))
Out MULTIPOLYGON(((0 6,0 0,8 3,0 6)),((8 5,0 6,8 3,8 5)),((8 9,0 6,8 5,8 9)),((8 9,8 5,10 7,8 9)),((10 7,8 5,8 3,10 7)))
Input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,10 7,8 9,0 6))
transformed_input: POLYGON((1 1,26.1327 10.4248,32.4159 22.9911,26.1327 29.2743,1 19.8496))
Out MULTIPOLYGON(((1 19.8496,1 1,26.1327 10.4248,1 19.8496)),((26.1327 29.2743,1 19.8496,26.1327 10.4248,26.1327 29.2743)),((32.4159 22.9911,26.1327 29.2743,26.1327 10.4248,32.4159 22.9911)))
Input: POLYGON((0 0,8 3,8 5,10 7,8 9,0 6))
transformed_input: POLYGON((1 1,26.1327 10.4248,26.1327 16.708,32.4159 22.9911,26.1327 29.2743,1 19.8496))
Out MULTIPOLYGON(((1 19.8496,1 1,26.1327 10.4248,1 19.8496)),((26.1327 16.708,1 19.8496,26.1327 10.4248,26.1327 16.708)),((26.1327 29.2743,1 19.8496,26.1327 16.708,26.1327 29.2743)),((26.1327 29.2743,26.1327 16.708,32.4159 22.9911,26.1327 29.2743)),((32.4159 22.9911,26.1327 16.708,26.1327 10.4248,32.4159 22.9911)))


enter image description here

https://imgur.com/a/eGtSwlf 包含150dpi细节的SVG渲染,SVG在实时Coliru输出中。 - sehe
缩小100倍规模(http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/e6e257ec975bad7d)会遇到问题,导致输出为空 https://imgur.com/a/akTzxmM - sehe


当点的尺寸太小,比如(0.411, 0.633),(0.142, 0.453)等,我也遇到了同样的问题。

所以我使用point.x * 100, point.y * 100来放大这些点,然后boost::polygon::voronoi就可以正常工作,可能是由于浮点精度造成的。

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