






在我的情况下,我使用了一个正常的分布转移函数(它满足对称性的要求),宽度为d。 对于每个我使用的d,我确实获得了高斯分布,但标准差sigma取决于我选择的d。 结果的高斯分布应该大约有0.701的标准差,但我发现实际得到的值取决于参数d,而不应该这样。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm

We want to get an exponential decay integral approx using importance sampling.
We will try to integrate x^2exp(-x^2) over the real line.
Metropolis-hasting alg will generate configuartions (in this case, single numbers) such that 
the probablity of a given configuration x^a ~ p(x^a) for p(x) propto exp(-x^2).

Once configs  = {x^a} generated, the apporximation, Q_N, of the integral, I, will be given by 
Q_N = 1/N sum_(configs) x^2
lim (N-> inf) Q_N -> I

Implementing metropolis-hasting algorithm

#Setting up the initial config for our chain, generating first 2 to generate numpy array
x_0 = np.random.uniform(-20,-10,2)

#Defining function that generates the next N steps in the chain, given a starting config x
#Works by iteratively taking the last element in the chain, generating a new candidate configuration from it and accepting/rejecting according to the algorithm
#Success and failures implemented to see roughly the success rate of each step
def next_steps(x,N):
    i = 0
    Success = 0
    Failures = 0
    Data = np.array(x)
    d = 1.5                       #Spread of (normal) transition function
    while i < N:
        r = np.random.uniform(0,1)
        delta = np.random.normal(0,d)
        x_old = Data[-1]
        x_new = x_old + delta
        hasting_ratio = np.exp(-(x_new**2-x_old**2) )
        if hasting_ratio > r:
            i = i+1
            Data = np.append(Data,x_new)
            Success = Success +1
            Failures = Failures + 1
    return Data

#Number of steps in the chain
N_iteration   = 50000

#Generating the data
Data = next_steps(x_0,N_iteration)

#Plotting data to see convergence of chain to gaussian distribution

#Obtaining tail end data and obtaining the standard deviation of resulting gaussian distribution
Data = Data[-40000:]
(mu, sigma) = norm.fit(Data)

#Plotting a histogram to visually see if guassian
plt.hist(Data, bins = 300)

正如David Eisenstat所建议的那样,您始终保存x_{t+1},它将包含x_t或x_proposed(x_new)的值。另一个基准实现可以在这里找到。 - Tim



import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

We want to get an exponential decay integral approx using importance sampling.
We will try to integrate x^2exp(-x^2) over the real line.
Metropolis-hasting alg will generate configuartions (in this case, single numbers) such that 
the probablity of a given configuration x^a ~ p(x^a) for p(x) propto exp(-x^2).

Once configs  = {x^a} generated, the apporximation, Q_N, of the integral, I, will be given by 
Q_N = 1/N sum_(configs) x^2
lim (N-> inf) Q_N -> I

Implementing metropolis-hasting algorithm

# Setting up the initial config for our chain
x_0 = np.random.uniform(-20, -10)

# Defining function that generates the next N steps in the chain, given a starting config x
# Works by iteratively taking the last element in the chain, generating a new candidate configuration from it and accepting/rejecting according to the algorithm
# Success and failures implemented to see roughly the success rate of each step
def next_steps(x, N):
    Success = 0
    Failures = 0
    Data = np.empty((N,))
    d = 1.5  # Spread of (normal) transition function
    for i in range(N):
        r = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        delta = np.random.normal(0, d)
        x_new = x + delta
        hasting_ratio = np.exp(-(x_new ** 2 - x ** 2))
        if hasting_ratio > r:
            x = x_new
            Success = Success + 1
            Failures = Failures + 1
        Data[i] = x
    return Data

# Number of steps in the chain
N_iteration = 50000

# Generating the data
Data = next_steps(x_0, N_iteration)

# Obtaining tail end data and obtaining the standard deviation of resulting gaussian distribution
Data = Data[-40000:]
(mu, sigma) = norm.fit(Data)

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