
关于几何中的数值稳定性,这是我在Stack Exchange上的第一个问题。我编写了下面这个函数来计算从一个向量到另一个向量的有符号角度,灵感来自于这里提出的想法,我对此深感感激。
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray, sign
from math import pi

Vec3D = ndarray

def directed_angle(
        from_vec: Vec3D,
        to_vec: Vec3D,
        normal: Vec3D,

    """ returns the [0, 2) directed angle opening up from the first to the second vector,
    given a 3rd vector linearly independent of the first two vectors, which is used to provide
    the directionality of the acute (regular, i.e. undirected) angle firstly computed """

    assert np.any(from_vec) and np.any(to_vec), \
           f'from_vec, to_vec, and normal must not be zero vectors, but from_vec: {from_vec}, to_vec: {to_vec}'

    magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(from_vec) * np.linalg.norm(to_vec)
    dot_product = np.matmul(from_vec, to_vec)
    angle = np.arccos(np.clip(dot_product / magnitudes, -1, 1))

    # the triplet product reflects the sign of the angle opening up from the first vector to the second,
    # based on the input normal value providing the directionality which is otherwise totally abscent
    triple_product = np.linalg.det(np.array([from_vec, to_vec, normal]))

    if triple_product < 0:
        result_angle = angle
        result_angle = 2*pi - angle

    # flip the output range from (0, 2] to [0, 2) which is the prefernce for our semantics
    if result_angle == 2*pi:
        result_angle = 0

    if debug:
        print(f'\nfrom_vec: {from_vec}, '
              f'\nto_vec: {to_vec}'
              f'\nnormal: {normal}, '
              f'\nundirected angle: {angle},'
              f'\nundirected angle/pi: {angle/pi}, '
              f'\ntriple product: {triple_product}'
              f'\ntriple product sign: {sign(triple_product)}'
              f'\nresult_angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}')

    return result_angle

def test():

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    vecs = dict(
        same_direction = np.array([1, 0, 0]),
        opposite_direction = np.array([-1, 0, 0]),
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_1 = np.array([1, 0.00000001, 0]),
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_2 = np.array([1, -0.00000001, 0]))

    for desc, v in vecs.items():
        directed_angle(v0, v, normal, debug=True)

def test_monotonicity(debug=False, interpolation_interval=1e-4):

    """ test that the function is monotonic (up to the used interpolation interval),
    and correct, across the interval of its domain ([0, 2)) """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    # range from 0 to 2 at 0.1 intervals
    angles = np.arange(0, 2*pi, step=interpolation_interval)
    prev_angle = None
    for angle in angles:

        # make a vector representing the current angle away from v0, such that it goes clockwise
        # away from v0 as `angle` increases (clockwise assuming you look at the two vectors from
        # the perspective of the normal vector, otherwise directionality is void)
        vec = np.array([np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0])
        result_angle = directed_angle(v0, vec, normal)

        if debug:  print(f'angle/pi: {angle/pi}, computed angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}')

        if prev_angle is None:
            assert angle == 0
            assert angle > prev_angle
            drift = result_angle - angle
            if angle == result_angle:
                print(f'angle/pi: {angle/pi}, result_angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}, drift/pi: {drift/pi}')
                assert isclose(result_angle, angle, rel_tol=1e-6)

        prev_angle = angle

def test_demonstrating_the_concern():

    """ demonstration of sufficiently small angles from both sides of the reference vector (v0)
    collapsing to zero, which is a problem only when the angle should be close to 2 pi """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    vecs = dict(
        same_direction = np.array([1, 0, 0]),
        opposite_direction = np.array([-1, 0, 0]),
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_1 = np.array([1, +0.00000001, 0]),
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_2 = np.array([1, -0.00000001, 0]))

    expected_results = [0, 1*pi, None, None]

    for (desc, v), expected_result in zip(vecs.items(), expected_results):
        v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
        result = directed_angle(v0, v, normal, debug=True)
        if expected_result is not None:
            assert(result == expected_result)

def test_angle_approaching_2pi(epsilon=1e-7, interpolation_interval=1e-10, verbose=True):

    """ stress test the angle values approaching 2pi where the result flips to zero """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    # range from 2-epsilon to close to 2
    angles = np.arange(2*pi-epsilon, 2*pi, step=interpolation_interval)
    prev_angle = None
    for angle in angles:

        # vector representing the current angle away from v0, clockwise
        vec = np.array([np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0])
        result_angle = directed_angle(v0, vec, normal)

        if prev_angle is None:
            assert angle > prev_angle
            drift = result_angle - angle
            if angle == result_angle:
                if verbose: print(f'angle/pi: {angle / pi}, result_angle/pi: {result_angle / pi}, drift/pi: {drift / pi}')
                if result_angle == 0:
                    print(f'function angle output hit 0 at angle: {angle};'
                          f'\nangle/pi: {angle / pi}'
                          f'\nangle distance from 2: {2*pi - angle}')
                    assert isclose(result_angle, angle, rel_tol=1e-6)

        prev_angle = angle


我认为数值瓶颈始于使用np.linalg.norm进行归一化步骤:np.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 1e-8, 0],)) == np.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 0, 0])) 结果为True。如果是1e-7或者"更小",则结果为False - cards
我认为数字瓶颈始于归一化步骤,使用 np.linalg.normnp.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 1e-8, 0],)) == np.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 0, 0])) 结果为 True。如果是 1e-7 或 "更小" 则结果为 False - cards
我认为数值瓶颈始于归一化步骤中的np.linalg.normnp.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 1e-8, 0],)) == np.linalg.norm(np.array([1, 0, 0])) 结果为True。如果是1e-7或者更小,则结果为False - undefined

angle = 2 * np.arctan2(
                norm(from_vec / norm(from_vec) - to_vec / norm(to_vec)),
                norm(from_vec / norm(from_vec) + to_vec / norm(to_vec)))

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray, sign
from math import pi, isclose
from numpy.linalg import norm

Vec3D = ndarray

def directed_angle_base(
        from_vec: Vec3D,
        to_vec: Vec3D,
        normal: Vec3D,

    """ returns the [0, 2) directed angle opening up from the first to the second vector,
    given a 3rd vector linearly independent of the first two vectors, which is used to provide
    the directionality of the acute (regular, i.e. undirected) angle firstly computed. """

    assert np.any(from_vec) and np.any(to_vec), \
           f'from_vec, to_vec, and normal must not be zero vectors, but from_vec: {from_vec}, to_vec: {to_vec}'

    angle = 2 * np.arctan2(
        norm(from_vec / norm(from_vec) - to_vec /norm(to_vec)),
        norm(from_vec / norm(from_vec) + to_vec / norm(to_vec)))

    # the triplet product reflects the sign of the angle opening up from the first vector to the second,
    # based on the input normal value providing the directionality which is otherwise totally abscent
    triple_product = np.linalg.det(np.array([from_vec, to_vec, normal]))

    if triple_product < 0:
        result_angle = angle
        result_angle = 2*pi - angle

    # flip the output range from (0, 2] to [0, 2) which is the prefernce for our semantics
    if result_angle == 2*pi:
        if debug: print(f'angle output flipped from 2 to zero')
        result_angle = 0

    if debug:
        print(f'\nfrom_vec: {from_vec}, '
              f'\nto_vec: {to_vec}'
              f'\nnormal: {normal}, '
              f'\nundirected angle: {angle},'
              f'\nundirected angle/pi: {angle/pi}, '
              f'\ntriple product: {triple_product}'
              f'\ntriple product sign: {sign(triple_product)}'
              f'\nresult_angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}')

    return result_angle

def test_monotonicity(debug=False, interpolation_interval=1e-4):

    """ tests that the function is monotonic (up to the used interpolation interval),
    and correct, across the interval of its domain from 0 up to only 2-ɛ, ɛ being
    implied by the interpolation interval (so it doesn't hit the value flipping from
    2-ɛ to zero but only checks we are correct and monotonic up to a certain ɛ
    away from that value """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    # range from 0 to 2 at 0.1 intervals
    angles = np.arange(0, 2*pi, step=interpolation_interval)
    prev_angle = None
    for angle in angles:

        # make a vector representing the current angle away from v0, such that it goes clockwise
        # away from v0 as `angle` increases (clockwise assuming you look at the two vectors from
        # the perspective of the normal vector, otherwise directionality is void)
        vec = np.array([np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0])
        result_angle = directed_angle_base(v0, vec, normal)

        if debug:  print(f'angle/pi: {angle/pi}, computed angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}')

        if prev_angle is None:
            assert angle == 0
            assert angle > prev_angle
            drift = result_angle - angle
            if angle == result_angle:
                print(f'angle/pi: {angle/pi}, result_angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}, drift/pi: {drift/pi}')
                assert isclose(result_angle, angle, rel_tol=1e-6)

        prev_angle = angle

def test_near_2pi_concern():

    """ demonstration of sufficiently small angles from both sides of the reference vector (v0)
    collapsing to zero, which was a problem only when the angle was infinitesimally close to 2
    with the naive acos/atan formula, before switching to Velvel Kahan's formula like we have now
    (https://dev59.com/SmwUookBPGXWitrZoiDr#76722358) """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    vecs = dict(
        same_direction = np.array([1, 0, 0]),
        opposite_direction = np.array([-1, 0, 0]),
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_1 = np.array([1, +0.00000001, 0]),  # should be 2-ɛ
        close_to_same_direction_from_side_2 = np.array([1, -0.00000001, 0]))  # should be +ɛ

    expected_results = [0, 1*pi, None, None]

    for (desc, v), expected_result in zip(vecs.items(), expected_results):
        v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
        result = directed_angle_base(v0, v, normal, debug=True)
        if expected_result is not None:
            assert(result == expected_result)

def test_angle_approaching_2pi(epsilon=1e-11, interpolation_interval=1e-15, verbose=True):

    """ stress test the angle values approaching 2pi where the result flips to zero """

    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    # range from 2-epsilon to close to 2
    angles = np.arange(2*pi-epsilon, 2*pi, step=interpolation_interval)
    prev_angle = None
    for angle in angles:
        if angle > 2*pi:
            print(f'arange output value larger than 2: {angle}, ignoring')

        # vector representing the current angle away from v0, clockwise
        vec = np.array([np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0])
        result_angle = directed_angle_base(v0, vec, normal)

        if prev_angle is None:
            assert angle > prev_angle
            drift = result_angle - angle
            if verbose: print(f'angle/pi: {angle / pi}, result_angle/pi: {result_angle / pi}, drift/pi: {drift / pi}')
            if angle == result_angle:
                if result_angle == 0:
                    print(f'function angle output hit 0 at angle: {angle};'
                          f'\nangle/pi: {angle / pi}'
                          f'\nangle distance from 2: {2*pi - angle}')
                    return angle, vec
                    assert isclose(result_angle, angle, rel_tol=1e-6)

        prev_angle = angle

def test_smallest_angle():
    v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    angle = 1.999999999999999*pi
    vec = np.array([np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0])
    normal = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    result_angle = directed_angle_base(v0, vec, normal, debug=True)
    print(f'angle/pi: {angle/pi}, result_angle/pi: {result_angle/pi}')
    assert result_angle == angle


def directed_angle(
    from_vec: Vec3D,
    to_vec: Vec3D,
    normal: Vec3D,

    """ returns the directed angle while overriding for the case where the base 
calculation returns 0, in which case we return 2-ε instead if checking shows 
that the two vectors do not point in the same direction """

    base_angle_calculation = directed_angle_base(from_vec, to_vec, normal, debug=debug)

    if base_angle_calculation == 0:
        # same direction vectors?
        divided = from_vec / to_vec
        if isclose(divided[0], divided[1]) and isclose(divided[1], divided[2]):
            return 0
            # bounce back to an arbitrary, caller chosen, angle value of 2-ε; this maintains
            # the desired semantics whereby we want to avoid flipping from 2-ε to zero; but
            # it does mean that if epsilon is set too large, we give away the monotonicity of
            # the function in the case that some other angle that does cause our function to
            # flip to 0 is smaller than 2-ε (even though the latter is larger than the former,
            # our function result for it will be smaller than the other angle's result)
            return 2*pi - epsilon

1. 它需要事先确定触发从2-ε到零值翻转的阈值角度(对于浮点数标准实现的无知,我不知道在不同处理器或numpy设置上是否保证该阈值角度相同,因此这意味着在启动时需要进行校准步骤,以找到该阈值角度)。
2. 很难判断检查两个向量是否具有相同方向的各种方法(正如这种方法在代码中所依赖的那样)在与该函数使用它们的上下文中是否非常数值稳定。

请注意,您正在使用 math.isclose 而不是 np.isclose - cards
请注意,您正在使用math.isclose而不是np.isclose - cards
在这种情况下,我看不出来这有什么问题或者影响。 - matanster
无法看到这在这种情况下是错误的或重要的。 - matanster
无论你尝试运行代码并得到错误,都不要放弃。 - cards
无论你尝试运行代码并出现错误,只要你努力就好。 - cards

"承认限制并将其减少到最低" ―
  1. 对于给定的输入,将基础角度计算函数使用两次 - 一次使用原始向量 (v1),第二次使用一个大幅旋转的版本的 v1(比如说,v1 顺时针旋转 /4)。对于第二次调用的基础函数输出,将结果逆时针旋转回 /4。

  2. 现在我们有了两个结果。只有其中一个结果可能接近从 2-ε 到零的“翻转区域”。

  3. 因此,我们可以通过检查这两个结果是否相差大约 2-ε 来完成。


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