
Posts_by_type.boxplot(column='Likes', by='Type', grid=True)


enter image description here



两个相关的问题展示了解决这个问题的方法。这里这里。你需要说明为什么它们在你的情况下不适用。 - ImportanceOfBeingErnest



import random
import string
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def get_x_tick_labels(df, grouped_by):
    tmp = df.groupby([grouped_by]).size()
    return ["{0}: {1}".format(k,v) for k, v in tmp.to_dict().items()]

def series_values_as_dict(series_object):
    tmp = series_object.to_dict().values()
    return [y for y in tmp][0]

def generate_dataframe():
    # Create a pandas dataframe...
    _likes = [random.randint(0,300) for _ in range(100)]
    _type = [random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase[:5]) for _ in range(100)]
    _shares = [random.randint(0,100) for _ in range(100)]
    return pd.DataFrame(
        {'Likes': _likes,
         'Type': _type,
         'shares': _shares

def add_values(bp, ax):
    """ This actually adds the numbers to the various points of the boxplots"""
    for element in ['whiskers', 'medians', 'caps']:
        for line in bp[element]:
            # Get the position of the element. y is the label you want
            (x_l, y),(x_r, _) = line.get_xydata()
            # Make sure datapoints exist 
            # (I've been working with intervals, should not be problem for this case)
            if not np.isnan(y): 
                x_line_center = x_l + (x_r - x_l)/2
                y_line_center = y  # Since it's a line and it's horisontal
                # overlay the value:  on the line, from center to right
                ax.text(x_line_center, y_line_center, # Position
                        '%.3f' % y, # Value (3f = 3 decimal float)
                        verticalalignment='center', # Centered vertically with line 
                        fontsize=16, backgroundcolor="white")

posts_by_type = generate_dataframe()

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 10))

bp_series = posts_by_type.boxplot(column='Likes', by='Type', 
                                  grid=True, figsize=(25, 10), 
                                  ax=axes, return_type='dict', labels=labels)
# This should return a dict, but gives me a Series object, soo...
bp_dict = series_values_as_dict(bp_series)
#Now add the values
add_values(bp_dict, axes)
# Set a label on X-axis for each boxplot
labels = get_x_tick_labels(posts_by_type, 'Type')
plt.xticks(range(1, len(labels) + 1), labels)
# Change some other texts on the graphs?
plt.title('Likes per type of post', fontsize=22)
plt.xlabel('Type', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Likes', fontsize=18)
plt.suptitle('This is a pretty graph')


在使用labels变量之前应该先定义它。 - Al Guy

查看days_total_bill.min()可以看到所有低须线只绘制到列中的最小值({'Thur': 7.51, 'Fri': 5.75, 'Sat': 3.07, 'Sun': 7.25})。 如何获取matplotlib箱线图的数据展示了如何使用matplotlib.cbook.boxplot_stats提取matplotlib使用的所有箱线图统计数据。 boxplot_stats适用于不包含NaN的值数组。在样本数据的情况下,每天(注释1.)的值数量不相同,因此不能使用boxplot_stats(days_total_bill.values),而是使用列表推导式(注释2.)来获取每列的统计数据。 tips是一个整洁的数据框,因此相关数据('day''total_bill')被转换为宽数据框,使用pandas.DataFrame.pivot,因为boxplot_stats需要数据以这种形式提供。
数据使用sns.boxplot绘制,但也可以使用pandas.DataFrame.plotbox_plot = days_total_bill.plot(kind='box', figsize=(12, 8), positions=range(len(days_total_bill.columns))),其中range指定从0开始索引,因为默认情况下箱线图从1开始索引。 python 3.11.4pandas 2.0.3matplotlib 3.7.1seaborn 0.12.2中测试通过
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.cbook import boxplot_stats

# load sample data
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

# 1. pivot tips so there's a column for each day for total_bill
days_total_bill = tips.pivot(columns='day', values='total_bill')
# 2. extract the boxplot stats for each day
days_total_bill_stats = [boxplot_stats(days_total_bill[col].dropna().values)[0] for col in days_total_bill.columns]
# 3. create a dataframe for the stats for each day
stats = pd.DataFrame(days_total_bill_stats, index=days_total_bill.columns).iloc[:, [4, 5, 7, 8, 9]].round(2)

# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
# directly plot the wide dataframe with only the total_bill data
box_plot = sns.boxplot(data=days_total_bill, ax=ax)

# same plot is created with the primary tips dataframe
# box_plot = sns.boxplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips, ax=ax)

# annotate
for xtick in box_plot.get_xticks():
    for col in stats.columns:
        box_plot.text(xtick, stats[col][xtick], stats[col][xtick], horizontalalignment='left', size='medium', color='k', weight='semibold', bbox=dict(facecolor='lightgray'))

enter image description here



   total_bill   tip     sex smoker  day    time  size
0       16.99  1.01  Female     No  Sun  Dinner     2
1       10.34  1.66    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
2       21.01  3.50    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
3       23.68  3.31    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     2
4       24.59  3.61  Female     No  Sun  Dinner     4


  • 不是所有的指标都有数据
day  Thur  Fri  Sat    Sun
0     NaN  NaN  NaN  16.99
1     NaN  NaN  NaN  10.34
2     NaN  NaN  NaN  21.01
3     NaN  NaN  NaN  23.68
4     NaN  NaN  NaN  24.59
239    NaN  NaN  29.03  NaN
240    NaN  NaN  27.18  NaN
241    NaN  NaN  22.67  NaN
242    NaN  NaN  17.82  NaN
243  18.78  NaN    NaN  NaN


[{'mean': 17.682741935483868,
  'iqr': 7.712500000000002,
  'cilo': 14.662203087202318,
  'cihi': 17.73779691279768,
  'whishi': 29.8,
  'whislo': 7.51,
  'fliers': array([32.68, 34.83, 34.3 , 41.19, 43.11]),
  'q1': 12.442499999999999,
  'med': 16.2,
  'q3': 20.155},
 {'mean': 17.15157894736842,
  'iqr': 9.655000000000001,
  'cilo': 11.902436010483171,
  'cihi': 18.85756398951683,
  'whishi': 28.97,
  'whislo': 5.75,
  'fliers': array([40.17]),
  'q1': 12.094999999999999,
  'med': 15.38,
  'q3': 21.75},
 {'mean': 20.441379310344825,
  'iqr': 10.835,
  'cilo': 16.4162347275501,
  'cihi': 20.063765272449896,
  'whishi': 39.42,
  'whislo': 3.07,
  'fliers': array([48.27, 44.3 , 50.81, 48.33]),
  'q1': 13.905000000000001,
  'med': 18.24,
  'q3': 24.740000000000002},
 {'mean': 21.41,
  'iqr': 10.610000000000001,
  'cilo': 17.719230764952172,
  'cihi': 21.540769235047826,
  'whishi': 40.55,
  'whislo': 7.25,
  'fliers': array([48.17, 45.35]),
  'q1': 14.987499999999999,
  'med': 19.63,
  'q3': 25.5975}]


      whishi  whislo     q1    med     q3
Thur   29.80    7.51  12.44  16.20  20.16
Fri    28.97    5.75  12.10  15.38  21.75
Sat    39.42    3.07  13.90  18.24  24.74
Sun    40.55    7.25  14.99  19.63  25.60

stats = tips.groupby(['day'])['total_bill'].quantile([0.25, 0.75]).unstack(level=1).rename({0.25: 'q1', 0.75: 'q3'}, axis=1)
stats.insert(0, 'iqr', stats['q3'].sub(stats['q1']))
stats['w_low'] = stats['q1'].sub(stats['iqr'].mul(1.5))
stats['w_hi'] = stats['q3'].add(stats['iqr'].mul(1.5))
stats = stats.round(2)

        iqr     q1     q3  w_low   w_hi
Thur   7.71  12.44  20.16   0.87  31.72
Fri    9.66  12.10  21.75  -2.39  36.23
Sat   10.84  13.90  24.74  -2.35  40.99
Sun   10.61  14.99  25.60  -0.93  41.51

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