根据文本大小改变UITextView的高度 - ios7





坏处:在得到理想的高度后,似乎UITextView不允许设置高度。下面的代码显示了我尝试过的几种不同方法。目前第三种尝试方法似乎最接近,但仍然留下了一个固定高度的UITextViewenter image description here


2013-10-11 08:27:03.374 textexpand[25273:a0b] The bounds height 872.000000
2013-10-11 08:27:03.377 textexpand[25273:a0b] The frame height 872.000000
2013-10-11 08:27:03.378 textexpand[25273:a0b] The frame height 872.000000
2013-10-11 08:27:03.380 textexpand[25273:a0b] The frame height 785.000000
2013-10-11 08:27:03.381 textexpand[25273:a0b] The bounds height 785.000000


- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];

[self thirdtry];



- (void) firsttry
NSString *theText = @"Here is the text I am going to load into the textview.   The text view should automatically expand the height based on the size of the content, but leave the width static.   Also, I would ideally add my own padding to the bottom and top of the uitext view. More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text";

_theTextView.text = theText;

_theTextView.scrollEnabled = NO;
[_theTextView sizeToFit];
[_theTextView layoutIfNeeded];

CGRect frame = _theTextView.frame;
frame.size.height = _theTextView.contentSize.height;
_theTextView.frame = frame;



- (void) secondtry
NSString *theText = @"Here is the text I am going to load into the textview.   The text view should automatically expand the height based on the size of the content, but leave the width static.   Also, I would ideally add my own padding to the bottom and top of the uitext view. More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text";

NSAttributedString *attText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:theText attributes:nil];
CGRect frame = _theTextView.frame;
CGFloat myfloat = [self textViewHeightForAttributedText:attText andWidth:100];
NSLog(@"The float is %f", myfloat);
frame.size.height = [self textViewHeightForAttributedText:attText andWidth:100];
_theTextView.frame = frame;



- (void) thirdtry

_theTextView.scrollEnabled = NO;

NSString *theText = @"Here is the text I am going to load into the textview.   The text view should automatically expand the height based on the size of the content, but leave the width static.   Also, I would ideally add my own padding to the bottom and top of the uitext view. More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text More text";

NSAttributedString *attText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:theText attributes:nil];

//Attempt to adjust the bounds
CGRect bounds = _theTextView.bounds;
bounds.size.height = [self textViewHeightForAttributedText:attText andWidth:100];
NSLog(@"The bounds height %f", bounds.size.height);
_theTextView.bounds = bounds;

//Attempt to adjust the frame
CGRect frame = _theTextView.frame;
frame.size.height = [self textViewHeightForAttributedText:attText andWidth:100];
_theTextView.frame = frame;
NSLog(@"The frame height %f", frame.size.height);

NSLog(@"The frame height %f", _theTextView.frame.size.height);
[_theTextView sizeToFit];
NSLog(@"The frame height %f", _theTextView.frame.size.height);


- (CGFloat)textViewHeightForAttributedText: (NSAttributedString*)text andWidth: (CGFloat)width
UITextView *calculationView = [[UITextView alloc] init];
[calculationView setAttributedText:text];
CGSize size = [calculationView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(width, FLT_MAX)];
return size.height;




CGFloat myfloat= [self textViewHeightForAttributedText:attText andWidth:300];
_theTextView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(350, 100, 300, myfloat)];
_theTextView.text = theText;
[_theview addSubview:_theTextView];



网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的