

CSS 样式未正确应用于我的 HTML 页面,如果我在 HTML 中添加特定版本,如 HTML5、HTML4.1 strict 等,则样式无法正常应用。如果我删除所有 DOCTYPE 声明,它就可以正常工作。

我的 HTML 代码(没有 DOCTYPE 声明仍能正常显示):

<body style="background-color:green;height:100%;width:100%;">
<div>My Test page</div>
<div style="background-color:red;height:100%;width:10%;"></div>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="background-color:green;height:100%;width:100%;">
<div>My Test page</div>
<div style="background-color:red;height:100%;width:10%;"></div>

另外,我尝试了 XHTML 1.0 strict 替代 HTML5。

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 


  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


2)目前哪个版本最好?HTML5、html4.01还是带有XHTML的HTML 4.01?


没有文档类型会触发怪异模式, 它只是用于向后兼容"传统代码",即在人们开始使用文档类型之前创建的代码。它几乎永远不应该被使用; 你应该始终声明一个文档类型。



<!DOCTYPE html>


Choosing a Doctype


In a nutshell: Here are simple guidelines for choosing a doctype for a new text/html document:

Standards mode, cutting edge validation

<!DOCTYPE html>

This is the right thing to do unless you have a specific reason to avoid it. With this doctype, you can validate new features such as <video>, <canvas> and ARIA. Please be sure to test your page in the latest versions of the top browsers. Standards mode, legacy validation target

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

This doctype also triggers the standards mode, but lets you stick to legacy validation in case you want to avoid new features or more precise validation of old features. You’d like to use the Standards mode, but you use sliced images in table layouts and don’t want to fix them

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

This gives you the Almost Standards mode. Please note that your layouts based on sliced images in tables are likely to break if you later move to HTML5 (and, hence, the full Standards mode). You willfully want the Quirks mode

No doctype.

Please don’t do this. Willfully designing for the Quirks mode will come and haunt you, your coworkers or your successors in the future—when no one even cares about Windows IE 6 anymore (already no one cares about Netscape 4.x and IE 5). Designing for the Quirks mode is a bad idea. Trust me.

If you still want to support Windows IE 6, it is better to apply specific hacks for it using conditional comments than to regress other browsers into the Quirks mode.

I am not recommending any of the XHTML doctypes, because serving XHTML as text/html is considered harmful. If you choose to use an XHTML doctype anyway, please note that the XML declaration makes IE 6 (but not IE 7!) trigger the Quirks mode.

关于“就CSS而言,不同的文档类型没有任何区别[...]”:https://dev59.com/3lnUa4cB1Zd3GeqPc7G1。HTML5标题是新的东西,我之前不知道。 - thirtydot
<section>/heading thing 可以被解释为使用了错误的HTML元素来进行文档类型定义。另一篇文章spacer.gif和“基于表格的布局”方面让我感到困惑,而且篇幅很长,所以我没有阅读它,但我明白这些都是边缘情况。不过,我并不确定,并且半期望因为发布这个问题而被踩。 - Wesley Murch
是的,我同意重写CSS部分,这种情况也发生在我身上。在一个div中,我创建了一个类名为.l600 { left: 600 },它在没有<!DOCTYPE html>的情况下可以在浏览器上正常渲染。但是一旦我在HTML中添加了<!DOCTYPE html>,浏览器就会简单地忽略.l600类,因为没有提到“px”单位。因此,我怀疑一旦我们添加了<!DOCTYPE html>,单位就是必需的。 - Yash Vekaria



<!DOCTYPE html>

<body style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;background-color:green;">
<div>My Test page</div>
<div style="background-color:red;height:100%;width:10%;"></div>

另外,你也可以将<html>元素的高度设置为100%。但可能上述方法更好。 - Sunday Ironfoot

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的