在pandas DataFrame中根据另一列的值对数值进行替换




data = { year: [2000, 2001, 2000, 2001],
         observation: ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B'],
         height: [1, 2, 3, 4],
         height_code: ['S', 'BF', 'BF', 'S'] }

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

现在,我需要确定哪些人在穿鞋时测量他们的身高,并且: (1) - 将他们的身高转换为np.nan,以便它们不会在稍后的年度平均身高计算中包含。 或者 (2) - 生成一个新的数据框,其中穿鞋时测量的人从该数据框中删除。然后,我需要按年份计算平均身高,并将其添加到另一个数据框中。
我尝试过的方法: 我编写了这两个函数版本。第二个函数必须传递给DataFrame的.apply()方法。但是,它至少要应用4次(每个目标变量/代码变量对一次,我在这里将编码变量称为test_col)...
# sub_val / sub_value -
# This function goes through each row in a pandas DataFrame and each time/iteration the 
# function will [1] check one of the columns (the "test_col") against a specific value 
# (maybe passed in as an argument, maybe default null value). [2] If the check returns 
# True, then the function will replace the value of another column (the "target_col") 
# in the same row for np.nan . [3] If the check returns False, the fuction will skip to
# the next row.

# - This version is inefficient because it creates one Series object for every
#   row in the DataFrame when iterating through it.
def sub_val(df, target_col, test_col, test_val) :

    # iterate through DataFrame's rows - returns lab (row index) and row (row values as Series obj)
    for lab, row in df.iterrows() : 

        # if observation contains combined data code, ignore variable value
        if row[test_col] == test_val :
            df.loc[lab, target_col] = np.nan # Sub current variable value by NaN (NaN won't count in yearly agg value)

    return df

# - This version is more efficient.
#   Parameters:
#   [1] obs - DataFrame's row (observation) as Series object
#   [2] col - Two strings representing the target and test columns' names
#   [3] test_val - The value to be compared to the value in test_col
def sub_value(obs, target_col, test_col, test_val) :

    # Check value in the column being tested.
    if obs[test_col] == test_val :
        # If condition holds, it means target_col contains a so-called "combined" value
        # and should be ignored in the calculation of the variable by year.
        obs[target_col] = np.nan # Substitute value in target column for NaN
    else :
        # If condition does not hold, we can assign NaN value to the column being tested
        # (i.e. the combined data code column) in order to make sure its value isn't 
        # some undiserable value.
        obs[test_col] = np.nan

    return obs # Returns the modified row


或者(2)- 生成一个替代的DataFrame,在这个新的DF中删除穿鞋测量的人。然后,我需要按年计算平均身高,并将其添加到另一个DF中。


import pandas as pd

data = dict(
    year = [2000, 2001, 2000, 2001, 2001],
    observation = ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C'],
    height = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1],
    height_code = ['S', 'BF', 'BF', 'S', 'BF'],

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df_barefoot = df[df['height_code'] == 'BF']

mean_barefoot_height_by_year = df_barefoot.groupby('year').mean()

在Python Tutor中的示例


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
    year = [2000, 2001, 2000, 2001, 2001],
    observation = ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C'],
    height = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1],
    height_code = ['S', 'BF', 'BF', 'S', 'BF'],

mean_height_by_year_and_code = df.groupby(['year','height_code']).mean()

Python Tutor中的示例2

好答案。我有点慢,但想到了使用groupby的相同方法。你的==等于运算符可能比我的!=运算符更准确。 - JvdV
谢谢 @JvdV!你在 .groupby 方法中使用多列 by 参数让我想到了另一种可能的解决方案,现在我已经进行了编辑。 - Phillyclause89

import pandas as pd
data = {'year': [2000, 2001, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2001],
        'observation': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'],
        'height': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7],
        'height_code': ['S', 'BF', 'BF', 'S', 'BF', 'BF'] }
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
after = df[df.height_code != 'S'].groupby(['year', 'observation']).mean()

year observation        
2000 B                 3
2001 A                 2
     C                 6

如果观测值不相关,你想要每年的平均数作为所有观测数据的总和,那么只需使用以下代码:after = df[df.height_code != 'S'].groupby('year').mean()



# Separating the data
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_bare_foot = df[df["height_code"] == "BF"]
df_shoe = df[df["height_code"] == "S"]

# Calculating Mean separately for 2 different group
mean_df_bf = (
    .agg({"height": "mean"})
    # that a new way to add a new column when doing other operation
    # equivalant to df["height_code"] = "BF"
    .rename(columns={"height": "mean_height"})

# The mean for shoes category
# we can keep the height_code in group by as
# it is not going to affect the group by
mean_df_sh = (
    .groupby(["year", "height_code"])
    .agg({"height": "mean"})
    .rename(columns={"height": "mean_height"})

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