RaphaelJS如何让内联SVG在Firefox 3.6中工作?

我在玩RaphaelJS时意识到它可以在Firefox 3.6.22中使用内联SVG(至少看起来是这样,或者我被Firebug愚弄了...)。
由于我的SVG没有显示出来,我想知道当Firefox 3.6不支持SVG的钝化内联时,RaphaelJS是如何实现此功能的。我(简要地)查看了源代码,并找到了另一个答案,说明旧版Firefox浏览器中如何使用内联SVG。尽管如此,我仍然无法让它为我工作(即通过AJAX加载SVG并将其放置到DOM中)。



  1. Raphaël is not really doing anything special (in this case).

  2. Thanks to the answers to my post on the Raphaël Google Group I was pointed in the right direction. "Inline SVG" means "inline with common HTML" (also explained in a Mozilla blog post), so without using XHTML and proper namespacing. My prior understanding was that I could use SVG only via <object> or <embed> in some browsers (like Safari 4 or Firefox 3.6)... which is wrong.

    I was adding SVG by passing it as an XML string to jQuery's .html() method. This works fine in the current versions of most modern browsers but the method name gives a hint that this might not be the right way if you want to add SVG in a browser that does not support SVG in html. So I changed my code and used document.createElementNS to add my SVG directly to the DOM. There is another way to bulk-inject my SVG-XML (as mentioned in the Google groups thread), but I did not have the time to look into it yet.

    So now I got my SVG working in all targeted browsers but the older IEs, which is nice. Sample code:

    var svgContainer = document.getElementById("svg-container"),
        svgElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"),
        g = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
    svgElement.setAttribute("version", "1.1");
    // Add stuff to the group

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