



enter image description here



我可以问一下为什么要踩我吗?我想知道这个问题有什么问题。谢谢。 - Jesse Emond

是的,数学符号可能使它看起来比实际复杂得多。实际上,这是一个非常简单的想法。我已经实现了一个价值迭代演示应用程序,您可以使用它来更好地理解。(点击此处) 基本上,假设您有一个带有机器人的二维网格。机器人可以尝试向北、南、东、西移动(这些都是动作),但由于其左轮滑动,当它尝试向北移动时,只有 .9 的概率会停在它北面的方块上,而有 .1 的概率会停在它西边的方块上(其他 3 个动作类似)。这些概率由 T() 函数捕获。即,T(s,A,s') 将如下所示:
s    A      s'     T    //x=0,y=0 is at the top-left of the screen
x,y  North  x,y+1  .9   //we do move north
x,y  North  x-1,y  .1   //wheels slipped, so we move West
x,y  East   x+1,y  .9
x,y  East   x,y-1  .1
x,y  South  x,y+1  .9
x,y  South  x-1,y  .1 
x,y  West   x-1,y  .9
x,y  West   x,y+1  .1 

例如,假设您从R(5,5)= 100和R(.) = 0的所有其他状态开始。因此,目标是到达5,5。
R(5,6) = gamma * (.9 * 100) + gamma * (.1 * 100)
对于(5,4), (4,5), (6,5)同样如此。
第一次价值迭代后,所有其他状态仍保持U = 0。

我无法运行你的小程序,因为当前的NetLogo版本较新。你有更新的版本吗? - Adam_G








也许您可以将我写的文章作为灵感。这是一个带有Java源代码的 Q-learning演示。这个演示是一个有6个领域的地图,人工智能学习从每个状态到达奖励的最佳路径。

Q-learning is a technique for letting the AI learn by itself by giving it reward or punishment.

This example shows the Q-learning used for path finding. A robot learns where it should go from any state.

The robot starts at a random place, it keeps memory of the score while it explores the area, whenever it reaches the goal, we repeat with a new random start. After enough repetitions the score values will be stationary (convergence).

In this example the action outcome is deterministic (transition probability is 1) and the action selection is random. The score values are calculated by the Q-learning algorithm Q(s,a).
The image shows the states (A,B,C,D,E,F), possible actions from the states and the reward given.


Result Q*(s,a)

Policy Π*(s)


import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Random;

 * @author Kunuk Nykjaer
public class Qlearning {
    final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

    // path finding
    final double alpha = 0.1;
    final double gamma = 0.9;

// states A,B,C,D,E,F
// e.g. from A we can go to B or D
// from C we can only go to C
// C is goal state, reward 100 when B->C or F->C
// _______
// |A|B|C|
// |_____|
// |D|E|F|
// |_____|

    final int stateA = 0;
    final int stateB = 1;
    final int stateC = 2;
    final int stateD = 3;
    final int stateE = 4;
    final int stateF = 5;

    final int statesCount = 6;
    final int[] states = new int[]{stateA,stateB,stateC,stateD,stateE,stateF};

    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-learning
    // http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/ReinforcementLearning/Q-Learning.htm

    // Q(s,a)= Q(s,a) + alpha * (R(s,a) + gamma * Max(next state, all actions) - Q(s,a))

    int[][] R = new int[statesCount][statesCount]; // reward lookup
    double[][] Q = new double[statesCount][statesCount]; // Q learning

    int[] actionsFromA = new int[] { stateB, stateD };
    int[] actionsFromB = new int[] { stateA, stateC, stateE };
    int[] actionsFromC = new int[] { stateC };
    int[] actionsFromD = new int[] { stateA, stateE };
    int[] actionsFromE = new int[] { stateB, stateD, stateF };
    int[] actionsFromF = new int[] { stateC, stateE };
    int[][] actions = new int[][] { actionsFromA, actionsFromB, actionsFromC,
            actionsFromD, actionsFromE, actionsFromF };

    String[] stateNames = new String[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" };

    public Qlearning() {

    public void init() {       
        R[stateB][stateC] = 100; // from b to c
        R[stateF][stateC] = 100; // from f to c    

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long BEGIN = System.currentTimeMillis();

        Qlearning obj = new Qlearning();


        long END = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Time: " + (END - BEGIN) / 1000.0 + " sec.");

    void run() {
         1. Set parameter , and environment reward matrix R
         2. Initialize matrix Q as zero matrix
         3. For each episode: Select random initial state
            Do while not reach goal state o
                Select one among all possible actions for the current state o
                Using this possible action, consider to go to the next state o
                Get maximum Q value of this next state based on all possible actions o
                Compute o Set the next state as the current state

        // For each episode
        Random rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // train episodes
            // Select random initial state
            int state = rand.nextInt(statesCount);
            while (state != stateC) // goal state
                // Select one among all possible actions for the current state
                int[] actionsFromState = actions[state];

                // Selection strategy is random in this example
                int index = rand.nextInt(actionsFromState.length);
                int action = actionsFromState[index];

                // Action outcome is set to deterministic in this example
                // Transition probability is 1
                int nextState = action; // data structure

                // Using this possible action, consider to go to the next state
                double q = Q(state, action);
                double maxQ = maxQ(nextState);
                int r = R(state, action);

                double value = q + alpha * (r + gamma * maxQ - q);
                setQ(state, action, value);

                // Set the next state as the current state
                state = nextState;

    double maxQ(int s) {
        int[] actionsFromState = actions[s];
        double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < actionsFromState.length; i++) {
            int nextState = actionsFromState[i];
            double value = Q[s][nextState];

            if (value > maxValue)
                maxValue = value;
        return maxValue;

    // get policy from state
    int policy(int state) {
        int[] actionsFromState = actions[state];
        double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        int policyGotoState = state; // default goto self if not found
        for (int i = 0; i < actionsFromState.length; i++) {
            int nextState = actionsFromState[i];
            double value = Q[state][nextState];

            if (value > maxValue) {
                maxValue = value;
                policyGotoState = nextState;
        return policyGotoState;

    double Q(int s, int a) {
        return Q[s][a];

    void setQ(int s, int a, double value) {
        Q[s][a] = value;

    int R(int s, int a) {
        return R[s][a];

    void printResult() {
        System.out.println("Print result");
        for (int i = 0; i < Q.length; i++) {
            System.out.print("out from " + stateNames[i] + ":  ");
            for (int j = 0; j < Q[i].length; j++) {
                System.out.print(df.format(Q[i][j]) + " ");

    // policy is maxQ(states)
    void showPolicy() {
        for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {
            int from = states[i];
            int to =  policy(from);
            System.out.println("from "+stateNames[from]+" goto "+stateNames[to]);

Print result

out from A:  0 90 0 72,9 0 0
out from B:  81 0 100 0 81 0
out from C:  0 0 0 0 0 0
out from D:  81 0 0 0 81 0
out from E:  0 90 0 72,9 0 90
out from F:  0 0 100 0 81 0

from a goto B
from b goto C
from c goto C
from d goto A
from e goto B
from f goto C
Time: 0.025 sec.




然而,对于s,它实际上是网格中的位置,s'是您可以去的位置。 这意味着您选择一个状态,然后选择一个特定的s'并通过所有可以将您带到该sprime的操作来计算出这些值。 (从中选择最大值)。最后,您继续下一个s'并做同样的事情,当您耗尽所有s'值时,然后找到您刚完成搜索的最大值。

假设您选择了角落中的网格单元格,您只能移动到2个状态(假设在左下角),具体取决于您如何选择“命名”您的状态,在这种情况下,我们可以假设状态是x,y坐标,因此您当前的状态s是1,1,您的s'(或s prime)列表是x+1,y和x,y+1(在此示例中没有对角线)(涵盖所有s'的总和部分)



x,y+1 left = 10 
x,y+1 right = 5 

x+1,y left = 3
x+1,y right 2


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