

这是一个类似问题和答案的链接:https://dev59.com/_EbRa4cB1Zd3GeqP1YkR#11427699。 - devnullicus


这个解决方案本质上是Alex Martelli的解决方案,但我添加了一个Point和LineSegment类以使阅读更容易。我还调整了格式并添加了一些测试。


#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Calculate the distance between line segments."""

import math

class Point(object):
    """A two dimensional point."""
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = float(x)
        self.y = float(y)

class LineSegment(object):
    """A line segment in a two dimensional space."""
    def __init__(self, p1, p2):
        assert isinstance(p1, Point), \
            "p1 is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(p1)
        assert isinstance(p2, Point), \
            "p2 is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(p2)
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2

def segments_distance(segment1, segment2):
    """Calculate the distance between two line segments in the plane.

    >>> a = LineSegment(Point(1,0), Point(2,0))
    >>> b = LineSegment(Point(0,1), Point(0,2))
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(a, b)
    >>> c = LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(5,5))
    >>> d = LineSegment(Point(2,2), Point(4,4))
    >>> e = LineSegment(Point(2,2), Point(7,7))
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(c, d)
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(c, e)
    if segments_intersect(segment1, segment2):
        return 0
    # try each of the 4 vertices w/the other segment
    distances = []
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment1.p1, segment2))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment1.p2, segment2))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment2.p1, segment1))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment2.p2, segment1))
    return min(distances)

def segments_intersect(segment1, segment2):
    """Check if two line segments in the plane intersect.
    >>> segments_intersect(LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(1,0)), \
                           LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(1,0)))
    dx1 = segment1.p2.x - segment1.p1.x
    dy1 = segment1.p2.y - segment1.p2.y
    dx2 = segment2.p2.x - segment2.p1.x
    dy2 = segment2.p2.y - segment2.p1.y
    delta = dx2 * dy1 - dy2 * dx1
    if delta == 0:  # parallel segments
        # TODO: Could be (partially) identical!
        return False
    s = (dx1 * (segment2.p1.y - segment1.p1.y) +
         dy1 * (segment1.p1.x - segment2.p1.x)) / delta
    t = (dx2 * (segment1.p1.y - segment2.p1.y) +
         dy2 * (segment2.p1.x - segment1.p1.x)) / (-delta)
    return (0 <= s <= 1) and (0 <= t <= 1)

def point_segment_distance(point, segment):
    >>> a = LineSegment(Point(1,0), Point(2,0))
    >>> b = LineSegment(Point(2,0), Point(0,2))
    >>> point_segment_distance(Point(0,0), a)
    >>> "%0.2f" % point_segment_distance(Point(0,0), b)
    assert isinstance(point, Point), \
        "point is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(point)
    dx = segment.p2.x - segment.p1.x
    dy = segment.p2.y - segment.p1.y
    if dx == dy == 0:  # the segment's just a point
        return math.hypot(point.x - segment.p1.x, point.y - segment.p1.y)

    if dx == 0:
        if (point.y <= segment.p1.y or point.y <= segment.p2.y) and \
           (point.y >= segment.p2.y or point.y >= segment.p2.y):
            return abs(point.x - segment.p1.x)

    if dy == 0:
        if (point.x <= segment.p1.x or point.x <= segment.p2.x) and \
           (point.x >= segment.p2.x or point.x >= segment.p2.x):
            return abs(point.y - segment.p1.y)

    # Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
    t = ((point.x - segment.p1.x) * dx + (point.y - segment.p1.y) * dy) / \
        (dx * dx + dy * dy)

    # See if this represents one of the segment's
    # end points or a point in the middle.
    if t < 0:
        dx = point.x - segment.p1.x
        dy = point.y - segment.p1.y
    elif t > 1:
        dx = point.x - segment.p2.x
        dy = point.y - segment.p2.y
        near_x = segment.p1.x + t * dx
        near_y = segment.p1.y + t * dy
        dx = point.x - near_x
        dy = point.y - near_y

    return math.hypot(dx, dy)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest



public static double getDistanceBetweenLineSegments(
        PointDouble line1Start, PointDouble line1End,
        PointDouble line2Start, PointDouble line2End) {
    double result = 0;

    // If they don't intersect, then work out the distance
    if (!isLineIntersectingLine(line1Start, line1End, line2Start, line2End)) {
        double p1 = getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(line1Start, line2Start, line2End);
        double p2 = getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(line1End, line2Start, line2End);
        double p3 = getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(line2Start, line1Start, line1End);
        double p4 = getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(line2End, line1Start, line1End);
        result = MathSafe.min(p1, MathSafe.min(p2, MathSafe.min(p3, p4)));
    return result;


public class PointDouble {
    private double x;
    private double y;

    public PointDouble(double x, double y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public double getX() {
        return x;
    public double getY() {
        return y;

private static int relativeCCW(
        double x1, double y1,
        double x2, double y2,
        double px, double py) {
    x2 -= x1;
    y2 -= y1;
    px -= x1;
    py -= y1;
    double ccw = px * y2 - py * x2;

    if (ccw == 0.0) {
        ccw = px * x2 + py * y2;

        if (ccw > 0.0) {
            px -= x2;
            py -= y2;
            ccw = px * x2 + py * y2;

            if (ccw < 0.0) {
                ccw = 0.0;
    return (ccw < 0.0) ? -1 : ((ccw > 0.0) ? 1 : 0);

public static boolean isLineIntersectingLine(
        PointDouble line1Start, PointDouble line1End,
        PointDouble line2Start, PointDouble line2End) {
    return (
            (relativeCCW(line1Start.getX(), line1Start.getY(), line1End.getX(), line1End.getY(), line2Start.getX(), line2Start.getY()) *
                    relativeCCW(line1Start.getX(), line1Start.getY(), line1End.getX(), line1End.getY(), line2End.getX(), line2End.getY()) <= 0)
            (relativeCCW(line2Start.getX(), line2Start.getY(), line2End.getX(), line2End.getY(), line1Start.getX(), line1Start.getY()) *
                    relativeCCW(line2Start.getX(), line2Start.getY(), line2End.getX(), line2End.getY(), line1End.getX(), line1End.getY()) <= 0));

public static double getDistanceBetweenPointAndLine(PointDouble pt, PointDouble linePt1, PointDouble linePt2) {
    double lineX = linePt2.getX() - linePt1.getX();
    double lineY = linePt2.getY() - linePt1.getY();
    double dot = (pt.getX() - linePt1.getX()) * lineX + (pt.getY() - linePt1.getY()) * lineY;
    double len_sq = lineX * lineX + lineY * lineY;
    double param = -1;
    double xx;
    double yy;
    if (len_sq != 0) {
        param = dot / len_sq;

    if (param < 0) {
        xx = linePt1.getX();
        yy = linePt1.getY();
    else if (param > 1) {
        xx = linePt2.getX();
        yy = linePt2.getY();
    else {
        xx = linePt1.getX() + param * lineX;
        yy = linePt1.getY() + param * lineY;

    return MathSafe.hypot(pt.getX() - xx, pt.getY() - yy);



  • 它总是夹紧(如果您希望添加非夹紧行为标志,请遵循Fnord的示例)。
  • 它捕获长度为零的线段,否则会导致除以零。
  • 下面的1e-6值用于处理可能的浮点误差。如果您需要不同的公差,请调整或删除这些值:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Vector::Real;
use Math::Matrix;

# True if $a >= $b within $tolerance
sub approx_greater
    my ($a, $b, $tolerance) = @_;

    $tolerance //= 1e-6;

    return ($a-$b) > -$tolerance;

# True if $a <= $b within $tolerance
sub approx_lesser
    my ($a, $b, $tolerance) = @_;

    $tolerance //= 1e-6;

    return ($b-$a) > -$tolerance;

# True if $a == $b within $tolerance
sub approx_equal
    my ($a, $b, $tolerance) = @_;

    $tolerance //= 1e-6;

    return abs($a-$b) < $tolerance;

# Returns shortest line: [ [x1,y1,z1], [x2,y2,z2], distance ].  
# If askew lines cross (or nearly-intersect) then xyz1 and xyz2 are undefined
# and only distance is returned.
# Thank you to @Fnord: https://dev59.com/WXE85IYBdhLWcg3wViA4#18994296
sub line_intersect
    # Map @_ as vectors:
    my ($a0, $a1, $b0, $b1) = map { V(@{ $_ }) } @_;

    my $A = ($a1-$a0);
    my $B = ($b1-$b0);

    my $magA = abs($A);
    my $magB = abs($B);

    # If length line segment:
    if ($magA == 0 || $magB == 0)
        return V(undef, undef, 0);

    my $_A = $A / $magA;
    my $_B = $B / $magB;

    my $cross = $_A x $_B;
    my $denom = $cross->norm2;

    # If lines are parallel (denom=0) test if lines overlap.
    # If they don't overlap then there is a closest point solution.
    # If they do overlap, there are infinite closest positions, but there is a closest distance
    #if ($denom == 0)
    if (approx_equal($denom, 0))
        my $d0 = $_A * ($b0-$a0);
        my $d1 = $_A * ($b1-$a0);

        # Is segment B before A?
        #if ($d0 <= 0 && 0 >= $d1)
        if (approx_lesser($d0, 0) && approx_greater(0, $d1))
            if (abs($d0) < abs($d1))
                return V($a0, $b0, abs($a0-$b0));
                return V($a0, $b1, abs($a0-$b1));
        # Is segment B after A?
        #elsif ($d0 >= $magA && $magA <= $d1)
        elsif (approx_greater($d0, $magA) && approx_lesser($magA, $d1))
            if (abs($d0) < abs($d1))
                return V($a1, $b0, abs($a1-$b0));
                return V($a1, $b1, abs($a1-$b1));
            # Segments overlap, return distance between parallel segments
            return V(V(), V(), abs((($d0*$_A)+$a0)-$b0));

        # Lines criss-cross: Calculate the projected closest points
        my $t = ($b0 - $a0);

        # Math::Matrix won't wirth with Math::Vector::Real
        # even though they are blessed arrays, 
        # so convert them to arrays and back to refs:
        my $detA = Math::Matrix->new([ [ @$t ], [ @$_B ], [ @$cross] ])->det;
        my $detB = Math::Matrix->new([ [ @$t ], [ @$_A ], [ @$cross] ])->det;

        my $t0 = $detA / $denom;
        my $t1 = $detB / $denom;

        my $pA = $a0 + ($_A * $t0); # Projected closest point on segment A
        my $pB = $b0 + ($_B * $t1); # Projected closest point on segment A

        if ($t0 < 0)
            $pA = $a0;
        elsif ($t0 > $magA)
            $pA = $a1;

        if ($t1 < 0)
            $pB = $b0;
        elsif ($t1 > $magB)
            $pB = $b1;

        # Clamp projection A
        if ($t0 < 0 || $t0 > $magA)
            my $dot = $_B * ($pA-$b0);
            if ($dot < 0)
                $dot = 0;
            elsif ($dot > $magB)
                $dot = $magB;

            $pB = $b0 + ($_B * $dot)
        # Clamp projection B
        if ($t1 < 0 || $t1 > $magB)
            my $dot = $_A * ($pB-$a0);
            if ($dot < 0)
                $dot = 0;
            elsif ($dot > $magA)
                $dot = $magA;

            $pA = $a0 + ($_A * $dot)

        return V($pA, $pB, abs($pA-$pB));

print "example: " . line_intersect(
    [13.43,  21.77,  46.81  ],  [27.83,  31.74,  -26.60  ],
    [77.54,  7.53,   6.22   ],  [26.99,  12.39,  11.18   ])  .  "\n"  ;

print "contiguous: " . line_intersect(
    [0, 0, 0  ],  [ 0, 0, 1  ],
    [0, 0, 1  ],  [ 0, 0, 2  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "contiguous 90: " . line_intersect(
    [0, 0, 0  ],  [ 0, 0, 1  ],
    [0, 0, 1  ],  [ 0, 1, 1  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "colinear separate: " . line_intersect(
    [0, 0, 0  ],  [ 0, 0, 1  ],
    [0, 0, 2  ],  [ 0, 0, 3  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "cross: " . line_intersect(
    [1, 1, 0  ],  [ -1, -1, 0  ],
    [-1, 1, 0  ],  [ 1, -1, 0  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "cross+z: " . line_intersect(
    [1, 1, 0  ],  [ -1, -1, 0  ],
    [-1, 1, 1  ],  [ 1, -1, 1  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "full overlap1: " . line_intersect(
    [2, 0, 0  ],  [ 5, 0, 0  ],
    [3, 0, 0  ],  [ 4, 0, 0  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "full overlap2: " . line_intersect(
    [3, 0, 0  ],  [ 4, 0, 0  ],
    [2, 0, 0  ],  [ 5, 0, 0  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "partial overlap1: " . line_intersect(
    [2, 0, 0  ],  [ 5, 0, 0  ],
    [3, 0, 0  ],  [ 6, 0, 0  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "partial overlap2: " . line_intersect(
    [3, 0, 0  ],  [ 6, 0, 0  ],
    [2, 0, 0  ],  [ 5, 0, 0  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;

print "parallel: " . line_intersect(
    [3, 0, 0  ],  [ 6, 0, 0  ],
    [3, 0, 1  ],  [ 6, 0, 1  ],
    )  .  "\n"  ;


    example: {{20.29994361624, 26.5264817954106, 11.7875999397098}, {26.99, 12.39, 11.18}, 15.6513944955904}
    contiguous: {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, 0}
    contiguous 90: {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, 0}
    colinear separate: {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 2}, 1}
    cross: {{-2.22044604925031e-16, -2.22044604925031e-16, 0}, {2.22044604925031e-16, -2.22044604925031e-16, 0}, 4.44089209850063e-16}
    cross+z: {{-2.22044604925031e-16, -2.22044604925031e-16, 0}, {2.22044604925031e-16, -2.22044604925031e-16, 1}, 1}
    full overlap1: {{}, {}, 0}
    full overlap2: {{}, {}, 0}
    partial overlap1: {{}, {}, 0}
    partial overlap2: {{}, {}, 0}
    parallel: {{}, {}, 1}



  • 计算每个端点在另一个分段上的投影点。
  • 如果投影点属于另一个分段,则计算点与其投影之间的距离。否则将该距离视为无穷大。
  • 如果四个投影中最小的距离不是无穷大,则停止。
  • 否则,两个分段之间的距离等于端点之间的最短距离(第一个分段的第一个点和第二个分段的第二个点)。

请参见this python implementation



import numpy as np
import time

def closest_distance_between_lines(a0, a1, b0, b1):
    # equation for a line
    number_of_lines = a0.shape[0]

    A = a1 - a0
    B = b1 - b0

    # get the magnitude of each line
    magA = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(A, axis=1), axis=1), (number_of_lines, 3))
    magB = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(B, axis=1), axis=1), (number_of_lines, 3))

    # get the unit-normalized lines
    _A = A / magA
    _B = B / magB

    # get the perpendicular line
    cross = np.cross(_A, _B, axis=1)

    # normalize the perpendicular line
    denom = np.linalg.norm(cross, axis=1)**2

    # get the line between the start of the previous two lines 
    t = (b0 - a0)

    stacked_matrices_A = np.stack([t, _B, cross], axis=1)
    detA = np.linalg.det(stacked_matrices_A)

    stacked_matrices_B = np.stack([t, _A, cross], axis=1)
    detB = np.linalg.det(stacked_matrices_B)

    t0 = detA/denom
    t1 = detB/denom

    t0 = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(t0, axis=1), (number_of_lines, 3))
    t1 = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(t1, axis=1), (number_of_lines, 3))

    # get the points that represent the closest projected distance between the two lines
    pA = a0 + (_A * t0)
    pB = b0 + (_B * t1)

    return pA, pB, np.linalg.norm(pA-pB, axis=1)

number_of_samples = 10000000
a0 = np.random.rand(number_of_samples,3)
a1 = np.random.rand(number_of_samples,3)
b0 = np.random.rand(number_of_samples,3)
b1 = np.random.rand(number_of_samples,3)

start_time = time.time()
point_line_a, point_line_b, distance = closest_distance_between_lines(a0, a1, b0, b1)
end_time = time.time()

print("\nPoints pA on line A that are closest to line B with shape {}:\n{}".format(point_line_a.shape, point_line_a))
print("\nPoints pB on line B that are closest to line A with shape {}:\n{}".format(point_line_b.shape, point_line_b))
print("\nDistances between pA and pB with shape {}:\n{}".format(distance.shape, distance))
print("\n{:.2} seconds to compute closest distances between {:,} lines\n".format(end_time - start_time, number_of_samples))


Points pA on line A that are closest to line B with shape (10000000, 3):
[[0.51075268 0.63261352 0.41417815]
 [0.88225225 0.41163515 0.06090485]
 [0.27712801 0.99045177 0.58932854]
 [0.25982217 0.11225041 0.79015618]
 [0.58653313 0.47864821 0.11680724]
 [0.38297058 0.2251661  1.11088736]]

Points pB on line B that are closest to line A with shape (10000000, 3):
[[0.5084189  0.42417817 0.5847618 ]
 [0.83041058 0.38914519 0.02384158]
 [0.26068716 0.98567827 0.5010647 ]
 [0.34356827 0.42162445 0.75820875]
 [0.44523571 0.40278146 0.0014156 ]
 [0.28498604 0.23670301 1.00712087]]

Distances between pA and pB with shape (10000000,):
[0.26935018 0.0675799  0.08990881 ... 0.32209679 0.19757518 0.14318364]

8.3 seconds to compute closest distances between 10,000,000 lines

import torch
import time

device = torch.device('cuda:0') 

def closest_distance_between_lines(a0, a1, b0, b1):
    number_of_lines = a0.shape[0]

    # equation for a line
    A = a1 - a0
    B = b1 - b0

    # get the magnitude of each line
    magA = torch.broadcast_to(torch.unsqueeze(torch.linalg.norm(A, dim=1), dim=1), (number_of_lines, 3))
    magB = torch.broadcast_to(torch.unsqueeze(torch.linalg.norm(B, dim=1), dim=1), (number_of_lines, 3))

    # get the unit-normalized lines
    _A = A / magA
    _B = B / magB

    # get the perpendicular line
    cross = torch.cross(_A, _B, dim=1)

    # normalize the perpendicular line
    denom = torch.linalg.norm(cross, dim=1)**2
    # get the line between the start of the previous two lines 
    t = (b0 - a0)

    stacked_matrices_A = torch.stack([t, _B, cross], dim=1)
    detA = torch.linalg.det(stacked_matrices_A)

    stacked_matrices_B = torch.stack([t, _A, cross], dim=1)
    detB = torch.linalg.det(stacked_matrices_B)

    t0 = detA / denom
    t1 = detB / denom

    t0 = torch.broadcast_to(torch.unsqueeze(t0, dim=1), (number_of_lines, 3))
    t1 = torch.broadcast_to(torch.unsqueeze(t1, dim=1), (number_of_lines, 3))

    # get the points that represent the closest projected distance between the two lines
    pA = a0 + (_A * t0)
    pB = b0 + (_B * t1)

    return pA, pB, torch.linalg.norm(pA-pB, dim=1)

number_of_samples = 10000000

a0 = torch.rand(number_of_samples,3).to(device=device)
a1 = torch.rand(number_of_samples,3).to(device=device)
b0 = torch.rand(number_of_samples,3).to(device=device)
b1 = torch.rand(number_of_samples,3).to(device=device)

start_time = time.time()
point_line_a, point_line_b, distance = closest_distance_between_lines(a0, a1, b0, b1)
end_time = time.time()

print("\nPoints pA on line A that are closest to line B with shape {}:\n{}".format(point_line_a.shape, point_line_a))
print("\nPoints pB on line B that are closest to line A with shape {}:\n{}".format(point_line_b.shape, point_line_b))
print("\nDistances between pA and pB with shape {}:\n{}".format(distance.shape, distance))
print("\n{:.2} seconds to compute closest distances between {:,} lines\n".format(end_time - start_time, number_of_samples))





private static Line ShortestBridge(Line a, Line b, bool clamp = true) 
  if (a.Length == 0 || b.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("The supplied lines must not have a length of zero!");

  var eta = 1e-6;
  var r = b.From - a.From;
  var u = a.To - a.From;
  var v = b.To - b.From;
  var ru = Vector3.Dot(r, u);
  var rv = Vector3.Dot(r, v);
  var uu = Vector3.Dot(u, u);
  var uv = Vector3.Dot(u, v);
  var vv = Vector3.Dot(v, v);
  var det = uu * vv - uv * uv;

  float s, t;
  if (det < eta * uu * vv) {
    s = OptionalClamp01(ru / uu, clamp);
    t = 0;
  } else {
    s = OptionalClamp01((ru * vv - rv * uv) / det, clamp);
    t = OptionalClamp01((ru * uv - rv * uu) / det, clamp);

  var S = OptionalClamp01((t * uv + ru) / uu, clamp);
  var T = OptionalClamp01((s * uv - rv) / vv, clamp);

  var A = a.From + S * u;
  var B = b.From + T * v;
  return new Line(A, B);

private static float OptionalClamp01(float value, bool clamp)
    if (!clamp) return value;
    if (value >1) return 1;
    if (value <0) return 0;
    return value;


  using System.Numerics;
  public class Line
        public Line(Vector3 _From, Vector3 _To)
        public Vector3 From {get;}
        public Vector3 To {get;}
        public float Length => (To-From).Length();


    public static void Main()
        // define line 1
        var a = new Vector3(-10,-10, 10);
        var b = new Vector3(10,10,10);
        var l1 = new Line(a,b);     
        // define line 2
        var c = new Vector3(5,0,3);
        var d = new Vector3(6,3,-1);
        var l2 = new Line(c,d); 
        // get shortest bridging line between them
        var result = ShortestBridge(l1,l2);             
        Console.WriteLine($"bridge is from {result.From}, to {result.To}.");

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的