

这是一个类似问题和答案的链接:https://dev59.com/_EbRa4cB1Zd3GeqP1YkR#11427699。 - devnullicus

import numpy as np

def closestDistanceBetweenLines(a0,a1,b0,b1,clampAll=False,clampA0=False,clampA1=False,clampB0=False,clampB1=False):

    ''' Given two lines defined by numpy.array pairs (a0,a1,b0,b1)
        Return the closest points on each segment and their distance

    # If clampAll=True, set all clamps to True
    if clampAll:

    # Calculate denomitator
    A = a1 - a0
    B = b1 - b0
    magA = np.linalg.norm(A)
    magB = np.linalg.norm(B)
    _A = A / magA
    _B = B / magB
    cross = np.cross(_A, _B);
    denom = np.linalg.norm(cross)**2
    # If lines are parallel (denom=0) test if lines overlap.
    # If they don't overlap then there is a closest point solution.
    # If they do overlap, there are infinite closest positions, but there is a closest distance
    if not denom:
        d0 = np.dot(_A,(b0-a0))
        # Overlap only possible with clamping
        if clampA0 or clampA1 or clampB0 or clampB1:
            d1 = np.dot(_A,(b1-a0))
            # Is segment B before A?
            if d0 <= 0 >= d1:
                if clampA0 and clampB1:
                    if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1):
                        return a0,b0,np.linalg.norm(a0-b0)
                    return a0,b1,np.linalg.norm(a0-b1)
            # Is segment B after A?
            elif d0 >= magA <= d1:
                if clampA1 and clampB0:
                    if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1):
                        return a1,b0,np.linalg.norm(a1-b0)
                    return a1,b1,np.linalg.norm(a1-b1)
        # Segments overlap, return distance between parallel segments
        return None,None,np.linalg.norm(((d0*_A)+a0)-b0)
    # Lines criss-cross: Calculate the projected closest points
    t = (b0 - a0);
    detA = np.linalg.det([t, _B, cross])
    detB = np.linalg.det([t, _A, cross])

    t0 = detA/denom;
    t1 = detB/denom;

    pA = a0 + (_A * t0) # Projected closest point on segment A
    pB = b0 + (_B * t1) # Projected closest point on segment B

    # Clamp projections
    if clampA0 or clampA1 or clampB0 or clampB1:
        if clampA0 and t0 < 0:
            pA = a0
        elif clampA1 and t0 > magA:
            pA = a1
        if clampB0 and t1 < 0:
            pB = b0
        elif clampB1 and t1 > magB:
            pB = b1
        # Clamp projection A
        if (clampA0 and t0 < 0) or (clampA1 and t0 > magA):
            dot = np.dot(_B,(pA-b0))
            if clampB0 and dot < 0:
                dot = 0
            elif clampB1 and dot > magB:
                dot = magB
            pB = b0 + (_B * dot)
        # Clamp projection B
        if (clampB0 and t1 < 0) or (clampB1 and t1 > magB):
            dot = np.dot(_A,(pB-a0))
            if clampA0 and dot < 0:
                dot = 0
            elif clampA1 and dot > magA:
                dot = magA
            pA = a0 + (_A * dot)

    return pA,pB,np.linalg.norm(pA-pB)


a1=np.array([13.43, 21.77, 46.81])
a0=np.array([27.83, 31.74, -26.60])
b0=np.array([77.54, 7.53, 6.22])
b1=np.array([26.99, 12.39, 11.18])

# Result: (array([ 20.29994362,  26.5264818 ,  11.78759994]), array([ 26.99,  12.39,  11.18]), 15.651394495590445) # 
# Result: (array([ 19.85163563,  26.21609078,  14.07303667]), array([ 18.40058604,  13.21580716,  12.02279907]), 13.240709703623198) # 

Closest point between two lines Closest point between two lines segments

@user989762,感谢您指出这个问题,我已经做了适当的更正。请参见上面的编辑。 - Fnord
你好。在clampAll=True的情况下,我认为这个程序无法正常工作。请查看此图表https://imagebin.ca/v/37Q59DkrvSkb,该图表是使用此GNUPlot脚本http://pastebin.com/9fUPernA生成的。在我看来,最小距离线不应该从紫色线的末端开始(如果可以,请在GNUPlot中旋转它以自行查看)。 - jhutar
如果有人需要,我已将代码转换为C#:https://pastebin.com/CAPBDCFZ。它假定存在一个类似于Unity3D中定义的Vector3类。 - Jacob Jensen
@A.Sommerh 这是在Autodesk Maya中构建的3D场景。我使用mpynode(www.mpynode.com)实时运行Python代码。这些图像是屏幕截图。 - Fnord
你可能需要通过一个小的值来调整比较操作,以处理浮点数误差(当我将它移植到Perl时就这样做了)。例如,if t0 < 0 可能会变成 if t0 < 1e-6 - KJ7LNW


这段内容摘自这个例子,它提供了一个简单的解释和 VB 代码(功能比你需要的要多,所以我在翻译成 Python 时进行了简化 -- 注意:虽然我已经翻译了,但没有测试过,可能会有笔误...):

def segments_distance(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22):
  """ distance between two segments in the plane:
      one segment is (x11, y11) to (x12, y12)
      the other is   (x21, y21) to (x22, y22)
  if segments_intersect(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22): return 0
  # try each of the 4 vertices w/the other segment
  distances = []
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x11, y11, x21, y21, x22, y22))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x21, y21, x11, y11, x12, y12))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x22, y22, x11, y11, x12, y12))
  return min(distances)

def segments_intersect(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22):
  """ whether two segments in the plane intersect:
      one segment is (x11, y11) to (x12, y12)
      the other is   (x21, y21) to (x22, y22)
  dx1 = x12 - x11
  dy1 = y12 - y11
  dx2 = x22 - x21
  dy2 = y22 - y21
  delta = dx2 * dy1 - dy2 * dx1
  if delta == 0: return False  # parallel segments
  s = (dx1 * (y21 - y11) + dy1 * (x11 - x21)) / delta
  t = (dx2 * (y11 - y21) + dy2 * (x21 - x11)) / (-delta)
  return (0 <= s <= 1) and (0 <= t <= 1)

import math
def point_segment_distance(px, py, x1, y1, x2, y2):
  dx = x2 - x1
  dy = y2 - y1
  if dx == dy == 0:  # the segment's just a point
    return math.hypot(px - x1, py - y1)

  # Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
  t = ((px - x1) * dx + (py - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)

  # See if this represents one of the segment's
  # end points or a point in the middle.
  if t < 0:
    dx = px - x1
    dy = py - y1
  elif t > 1:
    dx = px - x2
    dy = py - y2
    near_x = x1 + t * dx
    near_y = y1 + t * dy
    dx = px - near_x
    dy = py - near_y

  return math.hypot(dx, dy)

第6行的初始“if segments_intersect”条件中有一个拼写错误。 应该是“...x22,y22):return 0”,而不是“...y22,y22); return 0”。 此外,请注意整数运算与浮点运算之间的区别。 感谢您提供的代码片段,除了错误之外,对我很有用! - user445786
谢谢,这很有用且富有教育性。我以为这更高级,但后来我意识到至少一条线段的端点必须始终是最接近另一条线段的点,使它只是多个point2line计算问题。不过,可能需要特殊处理平行线之间的距离。我在我的 Python Shapy几何包 中使用了一个修改版本的代码,它还返回了沿着线的最近点。 - Karim Bahgat





但如果线段相交,每个端点与其对立线段之间的最小距离仍然可能不为零...或者我误解了这个问题? - Jim Lewis
@DeanHarding 应该在回答中添加更多信息,而不是在评论中,以获得我的赞同。也许可以解释一下如何约束这些端点,这并不是非常困难,但也不是微不足道的。 - D. A.
@DeanHarding,你上面的链接已经失效了。 - D Left Adjoint to U
这很不错,Dean Harding博士,但是没有代码就没有分数;) 开个玩笑,我已经点赞了。我将发布一些Python代码,用于PyQt5 QVector2D的此算法实现。 - D Left Adjoint to U
这行代码不起作用。因为两条线之间的垂直距离可能很近,但目标线的端点却很远。 - Siddharth Agrawal

local eta = 1e-6
local function nearestPointsOnLineSegments(a0, a1, b0, b1)
    local r = b0 - a0
    local u = a1 - a0
    local v = b1 - b0

    local ru = r:Dot(u)
    local rv = r:Dot(v)
    local uu = u:Dot(u)
    local uv = u:Dot(v)
    local vv = v:Dot(v)

    local det = uu*vv - uv*uv
    local s, t

    if det < eta*uu*vv then
        s = math.clamp(ru/uu, 0, 1)
        t = 0
        s = math.clamp((ru*vv - rv*uv)/det, 0, 1)
        t = math.clamp((ru*uv - rv*uu)/det, 0, 1)

    local S = math.clamp((t*uv + ru)/uu, 0, 1)
    local T = math.clamp((s*uv - rv)/vv, 0, 1)

    local A = a0 + S*u
    local B = b0 + T*v
    return A, B, (B - A):Length()

非常优雅的解决方案。我点了赞。谢谢你的发布。 - MonkeyFace
我让ChatGPT将这个转换成Python,并且第一次尝试就成功了!做得很棒。 - drsimonz
我让ChatGPT将这个转换成Python,并且第一次尝试就成功了!做得很棒。 - undefined




var closestDistanceBetweenLines = function(a0, a1, b0, b1, clampAll, clampA0, clampA1, clampB0, clampB1){
    //Given two lines defined by numpy.array pairs (a0,a1,b0,b1)
    //Return distance, the two closest points, and their average

    clampA0 = clampA0 || false;
    clampA1 = clampA1 || false;
    clampB0 = clampB0 || false;
    clampB1 = clampB1 || false;
    clampAll = clampAll || false;

        clampA0 = true;
        clampA1 = true;
        clampB0 = true;
        clampB1 = true;

    //Calculate denomitator
    var A = math.subtract(a1, a0);
    var B = math.subtract(b1, b0);
    var _A = math.divide(A, math.norm(A))
    var _B = math.divide(B, math.norm(B))
    var cross = math.cross(_A, _B);
    var denom = math.pow(math.norm(cross), 2);

    //If denominator is 0, lines are parallel: Calculate distance with a projection and evaluate clamp edge cases
    if (denom == 0){
        var d0 = math.dot(_A, math.subtract(b0, a0));
        var d = math.norm(math.subtract(math.add(math.multiply(d0, _A), a0), b0));

        //If clamping: the only time we'll get closest points will be when lines don't overlap at all. Find if segments overlap using dot products.
        if(clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            var d1 = math.dot(_A, math.subtract(b1, a0));

            //Is segment B before A?
            if(d0 <= 0 && 0 >= d1){
                if(clampA0 == true && clampB1 == true){
                    if(math.absolute(d0) < math.absolute(d1)){
                        return [b0, a0, math.norm(math.subtract(b0, a0))];                       
                    return [b1, a0, math.norm(math.subtract(b1, a0))];
            //Is segment B after A?
            else if(d0 >= math.norm(A) && math.norm(A) <= d1){
                if(clampA1 == true && clampB0 == true){
                    if(math.absolute(d0) < math.absolute(d1)){
                        return [b0, a1, math.norm(math.subtract(b0, a1))];
                    return [b1, a1, math.norm(math.subtract(b1,a1))];


        //If clamping is off, or segments overlapped, we have infinite results, just return position.
        return [null, null, d];

    //Lines criss-cross: Calculate the dereminent and return points
    var t = math.subtract(b0, a0);
    var det0 = math.det([t, _B, cross]);
    var det1 = math.det([t, _A, cross]);

    var t0 = math.divide(det0, denom);
    var t1 = math.divide(det1, denom);

    var pA = math.add(a0, math.multiply(_A, t0));
    var pB = math.add(b0, math.multiply(_B, t1));

    //Clamp results to line segments if needed
    if(clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){

        if(t0 < 0 && clampA0)
            pA = a0;
        else if(t0 > math.norm(A) && clampA1)
            pA = a1;

        if(t1 < 0 && clampB0)
            pB = b0;
        else if(t1 > math.norm(B) && clampB1)
            pB = b1;


    var d = math.norm(math.subtract(pA, pB))

    return [pA, pB, d];
var a1=[13.43, 21.77, 46.81];
var a0=[27.83, 31.74, -26.60];
var b0=[77.54, 7.53, 6.22];
var b1=[26.99, 12.39, 11.18];

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double determinante3(double* a, double* v1, double* v2){
    return a[0] * (v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]) + a[1] * (v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]) + a[2] * (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]);

double* cross3(double* v1, double* v2){
    double* v = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    v[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
    v[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
    v[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
    return v;

double dot3(double* v1, double* v2){
    return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2];

double norma3(double* v1){
    double soma = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        soma += pow(v1[i], 2);
    return sqrt(soma);

double* multiplica3(double* v1, double v){
    double* v2 = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        v2[i] = v1[i] * v;
    return v2;

double* soma3(double* v1, double* v2, int sinal){
    double* v = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        v[i] = v1[i] + sinal * v2[i];
    return v;

Result_distance* closestDistanceBetweenLines(double* a0, double* a1, double* b0, double* b1, int clampAll, int clampA0, int clampA1, int clampB0, int clampB1){
    double denom, det0, det1, t0, t1, d;
    double *A, *B, *_A, *_B, *cross, *t, *pA, *pB;
    Result_distance *rd = (Result_distance *)malloc(sizeof(Result_distance));

    if (clampAll){
        clampA0 = 1;
        clampA1 = 1;
        clampB0 = 1;
        clampB1 = 1;

    A = soma3(a1, a0, -1);
    B = soma3(b1, b0, -1);
    _A = multiplica3(A, 1 / norma3(A));
    _B = multiplica3(B, 1 / norma3(B));
    cross = cross3(_A, _B);
    denom = pow(norma3(cross), 2);

    if (denom == 0){
        double d0 = dot3(_A, soma3(b0, a0, -1));
        d = norma3(soma3(soma3(multiplica3(_A, d0), a0, 1), b0, -1));
        if (clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            double d1 = dot3(_A, soma3(b1, a0, -1));
            if (d0 <= 0 && 0 >= d1){
                if (clampA0 && clampB1){
                    if (abs(d0) < abs(d1)){
                        rd->pA = b0;
                        rd->pB = a0;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b0, a0, -1));
                        rd->pA = b1;
                        rd->pB = a0;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b1, a0, -1));
            else if (d0 >= norma3(A) && norma3(A) <= d1){
                if (clampA1 && clampB0){
                    if (abs(d0) <abs(d1)){
                        rd->pA = b0;
                        rd->pB = a1;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b0, a1, -1));
                        rd->pA = b1;
                        rd->pB = a1;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b1, a1, -1));
            rd->pA = NULL;
            rd->pB = NULL;
            rd->d = d;
        t = soma3(b0, a0, -1);
        det0 = determinante3(t, _B, cross);
        det1 = determinante3(t, _A, cross);
        t0 = det0 / denom;
        t1 = det1 / denom;
        pA = soma3(a0, multiplica3(_A, t0), 1);
        pB = soma3(b0, multiplica3(_B, t1), 1);

        if (clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            if (t0 < 0 && clampA0)
                pA = a0;
            else if (t0 > norma3(A) && clampA1)
                pA = a1;
            if (t1 < 0 && clampB0)
                pB = b0;
            else if (t1 > norma3(B) && clampB1)
                pB = b1;

        d = norma3(soma3(pA, pB, -1));

        rd->pA = pA;
        rd->pB = pB;
        rd->d = d;

    return rd;

int main(void){
    double a1[] = { 13.43, 21.77, 46.81 };
    double a0[] = { 27.83, 31.74, -26.60 };
    double b0[] = { 77.54, 7.53, 6.22 };
    double b1[] = { 26.99, 12.39, 11.18 };

    Result_distance* rd = closestDistanceBetweenLines(a0, a1, b0, b1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    printf("pA = [%f, %f, %f]\n", rd->pA[0], rd->pA[1], rd->pA[2]);
    printf("pB = [%f, %f, %f]\n", rd->pB[0], rd->pB[1], rd->pB[2]);
    printf("d = %f\n", rd->d);
    return 0;

def dot(c1,c2):
        return c1[0]* c2[0] + c1[1] * c2[1] + c1[2] * c2[2]

def norm(c1):
    return math.sqrt(dot(c1, c1))

def getShortestDistance(x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4,z1,z2,z3,z4):
    EPS = 0.00000001
    delta21 = [1,2,3]
    delta21[0] = x2 - x1
    delta21[1] = y2 - y1
    delta21[2] = z2 - z1
    delta41 = [1,2,3]
    delta41[0] = x4 - x3
    delta41[1] = y4 - y3
    delta41[2] = z4 - z3
    delta13 = [1,2,3]
    delta13[0] = x1 - x3
    delta13[1] = y1 - y3
    delta13[2] = z1 - z3
    a = dot(delta21, delta21)
    b = dot(delta21, delta41)
    c = dot(delta41, delta41)
    d = dot(delta21, delta13)
    e = dot(delta41, delta13)
    D = a * c - b * b
    sc = D
    sN = D
    sD = D
    tc = D 
    tN = D  
    tD = D
    if D < EPS:
        sN = 0.0
        sD = 1.0
        tN = e
        tD = c
        sN = (b * e - c * d)
        tN = (a * e - b * d)
        if sN < 0.0:
            sN = 0.0
            tN = e
            tD = c
        elif sN > sD:
            sN = sD
            tN = e + b
            tD = c
    if tN < 0.0:
        tN = 0.0
        if -d < 0.0:
            sN = 0.0
        elif -d > a:
            sN = sD
            sN = -d
            sD = a

    elif tN > tD:
        tN = tD
        if ((-d + b) < 0.0):
            sN = 0
        elif ((-d + b) > a):
            sN = sD
            sN = (-d + b)
            sD = a
    if (abs(sN) < EPS):
        sc = 0.0
        sc = sN / sD
    if (abs(tN) < EPS):
        tc = 0.0
        tc = tN / tD
    dP = [1,2,3]
    dP[0] = delta13[0] + (sc * delta21[0]) - (tc * delta41[0])
    dP[1] = delta13[1] + (sc * delta21[1]) - (tc * delta41[1])
    dP[2] = delta13[2] + (sc * delta21[2]) - (tc * delta41[2])
    return math.sqrt(dot(dP, dP))

请注意,上述解决方案是在线段不相交的假设下正确的!如果线段相交,则它们之间的距离应为0。因此,需要进行一次最终检查:假设点A和CD之间的距离d(A,CD)是Dean提到的4个检查中最小的。然后从点A沿线段AB向前迈出一小步。将此点标记为E。如果d(E,CD)< d(A,CD),则线段必须相交!请注意,这永远不是Stephen所讨论的情况。




这是Fnord关于在C#中处理射线和交点的解决方案(无限直线,而非线段) 需要使用System.Numerics.Vector3库。
     public static (Vector3 pointRayA, Vector3 pointRayB) ClosestPointRayRay((Vector3 point, Vector3 dir) rayA,
        (Vector3 point, Vector3 dir) rayB)
        var a = Normalize(rayA.dir);
        var b = Normalize(rayB.dir);
        var cross = Vector3.Cross(a, b);
        var crossMag = cross.Length();
        var denominator = crossMag * crossMag; 

        var t = rayB.point - rayA.point;
        var detA = new Matrix3X3(t, b, cross).Det;
        var detB = new Matrix3X3(t, a, cross).Det;

        var t0 = detA / denominator;
        var t1 = detB / denominator;

        var pa = rayA.point + (a * t0);
        var pb = rayB.point + (b * t1);
        return (pa, pb);

public struct Matrix3X3
        private float a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33;

        public Matrix3X3(Vector3 col1, Vector3 col2, Vector3 col3)
            a11 = col1.X;
            a21 = col1.Y;
            a31 = col1.Z;

            a12 = col2.X;
            a22 = col2.Y;
            a32 = col2.Z;

            a13 = col3.X;
            a23 = col3.Y;
            a33 = col3.Z;

        public float Det =>
            a11 * a22 * a33 + a12 * a23 * a31 + a13 * a21 * a32 -
            (a31 * a22 * a13 + a32 * a23 * a11 + a33 * a21 * a12);

它返回RayA上最接近RayB的点,称为pointRayA,反之亦然。 一个简短的测试:

    public void RayRayIntersection()
        var lineABase = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        var lineADir = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        var lineBBase = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
        var lineBDir = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

        var res = ClosestPointRayRay((lineABase, lineADir), (lineBBase, lineBDir));


返回 (<0, 0, 0>, <1, 0, 0>)


我基于Pratik Deoghare上面的答案制作了一个Swift端口。 Pratik引用了Dan Sunday在此处找到的优秀撰写和代码示例:http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html

以下函数计算两条直线或两条线段之间的最小距离,并且是Dan Sunday C++示例的直接端口。


// This is a Swift port of the C++ code here 
// http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html
// Copyright 2001 softSurfer, 2012 Dan Sunday
// This code may be freely used, distributed and modified for any purpose
// providing that this copyright notice is included with it.
// SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held
// liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use.
// Users of this code must verify correctness for their application.
// LASwift is a "Linear Algebra library for Swift language" by Alexander Taraymovich
// https://github.com/AlexanderTar/LASwift
// LASwift is available under the BSD-3-Clause license.
// I've modified the lineToLineDistance and segmentToSegmentDistance functions
// to also return the points on each line/segment where the distance is shortest.
import LASwift
import Foundation

func norm(_ v: Vector) -> Double {
    return sqrt(dot(v,v))  // norm = length of  vector

func d(_ u: Vector, _ v: Vector) -> Double {
    return norm(u-v)        // distance = norm of difference

let SMALL_NUM = 0.000000000000000001  // anything that avoids division overflow

typealias Point = Vector

struct Line {
    let P0: Point
    let P1: Point

struct Segment {
    let P0: Point
    let P1: Point

// lineToLineDistance(): get the 3D minimum distance between 2 lines
//    Input:  two 3D lines L1 and L2
//    Return: the shortest distance between L1 and L2
func lineToLineDistance(L1: Line, L2: Line) -> (P1: Point, P2: Point, D: Double) {
    let u = L1.P1 - L1.P0
    let v = L2.P1 - L2.P0
    let w = L1.P0 - L2.P0
    let a = dot(u,u)         // always >= 0
    let b = dot(u,v)
    let c = dot(v,v)         // always >= 0
    let d = dot(u,w)
    let e = dot(v,w)
    let D = a*c - b*b        // always >= 0
    var sc, tc: Double

    // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
    if D < SMALL_NUM {  // the lines are almost parallel
        sc = 0.0
        tc = b>c ? d/b : e/c    // use the largest denominator
    else {
        sc = (b*e - c*d) / D
        tc = (a*e - b*d) / D

    // get the difference of the two closest points
    let dP = w + (sc .* u) - (tc .* v)  // =  L1(sc) - L2(tc)

    let Psc = L1.P0 + sc .* u
    let Qtc = L2.P0 + tc .* v
    let dP2 = Psc - Qtc
    assert(dP == dP2)

    return (P1: Psc, P2: Qtc, D: norm(dP))   // return the closest distance

// segmentToSegmentDistance(): get the 3D minimum distance between 2 segments
//    Input:  two 3D line segments S1 and S2
//    Return: the shortest distance between S1 and S2
func segmentToSegmentDistance(S1: Segment, S2: Segment) -> (P1: Point, P2: Point, D: Double) {
    let u = S1.P1 - S1.P0
    let v = S2.P1 - S2.P0
    let w = S1.P0 - S2.P0
    let a = dot(u,u)         // always >= 0
    let b = dot(u,v)
    let c = dot(v,v)         // always >= 0
    let d = dot(u,w)
    let e = dot(v,w)
    let D = a*c - b*b        // always >= 0
    let sc: Double
    var sN: Double
    var sD = D               // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0
    let tc: Double
    var tN: Double
    var tD = D               // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0

    // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
    if (D < SMALL_NUM) { // the lines are almost parallel
        sN = 0.0         // force using point P0 on segment S1
        sD = 1.0         // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
        tN = e
        tD = c
    else {                 // get the closest points on the infinite lines
        sN = (b*e - c*d)
        tN = (a*e - b*d)
        if (sN < 0.0) {        // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
            sN = 0.0
            tN = e
            tD = c
        else if (sN > sD) {  // sc > 1  => the s=1 edge is visible
            sN = sD
            tN = e + b
            tD = c

    if (tN < 0.0) {            // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
        tN = 0.0
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if (-d < 0.0) {
            sN = 0.0
        else if (-d > a) {
            sN = sD
        else {
            sN = -d
            sD = a
    else if (tN > tD) {      // tc > 1  => the t=1 edge is visible
        tN = tD;
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if ((-d + b) < 0.0) {
            sN = 0
        else if ((-d + b) > a) {
            sN = sD
        else {
            sN = (-d +  b)
            sD = a
    // finally do the division to get sc and tc
    sc = (abs(sN) < SMALL_NUM ? 0.0 : sN / sD)
    tc = (abs(tN) < SMALL_NUM ? 0.0 : tN / tD)

    // get the difference of the two closest points
    let dP = w + (sc .* u) - (tc .* v)  // =  S1(sc) - S2(tc)

    let Psc = S1.P0 + sc .* u
    let Qtc = S2.P0 + tc .* v
    let dP2 = Psc - Qtc
    assert(dP == dP2)

    return (P1: Psc, P2: Qtc, D: norm(dP))   // return the closest distance

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的