R ggplot2: 根据数值给步进图上色

我如何配置ggplot2阶跃图,以使绘制的值超过某个水平时显示一种颜色,低于该水平时显示另一种颜色?(最终我想指定使用的颜色。)我的第一个想法是这只需要我向现有数据框中添加一列,并将该列映射到geom_step()的aes()上即可解决问题。这在某种程度上起作用:我得到了两种颜色,但它们重叠在一起,如下图所示:geom_step() plot with overlapping colours 我已经在SO上搜索了几个小时,找到了许多类似但不完全相同的问题。然而,尽管在不同层中尝试了很多组合,我仍然无法解决问题。代码如下。非常感谢任何帮助。

tmp <- structure(list(date = structure(c(1325635200, 1325635800, 1325636400, 
1325637000, 1325637600, 1325638200, 1325638800, 1325639400, 1325640000, 
1325640600, 1325641200, 1325641800, 1325642400, 1325643000, 1325643600, 
1325644200, 1325647800, 1325648400, 1325649000, 1325649600, 1325650200, 
1325650800, 1325651400, 1325652000, 1325652600, 1325653200, 1325653800, 
1325654400, 1325655000, 1325655600, 1325656200, 1325656800), tzone = "", tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), Close = c(739.07, 
739.86, 740.41, 741.21, 740.99, 741.69, 742.64, 741.34, 741.28, 
741.69, 741.6, 741.32, 741.95, 741.86, 741.02, 741.08, 742.08, 
742.88, 743.19, 743.18, 743.78, 743.65, 743.66, 742.78, 743.34, 
742.81, 743.31, 743.81, 742.91, 743.09, 742.47, 742.99)), .Names = c("date", 
"Close"), row.names = c(NA, -32L), class = "data.frame")
prevclose <- 743
tmp$status <- as.factor(ifelse (tmp$Close> prevclose, "Above", "Below"))

ggplot() +
    geom_step(data = tmp,aes(date, Close, colour = status))

您需要在 aes 中添加 group = 1 :
# top panel
ggplot(tmp, aes(date, Close, colour = status, group = 1)) + 
  geom_step() + scale_colour_manual(values = c("pink", "green"))

# make sure that data is sorted by date
tmp2 <- arrange(tmp, date)

# add intermittent column between below/above
tmp3 <- tmp2[1, ]
for (i in seq(nrow(tmp2))[-1]) {
    if (tmp2[i-1, ]$status != tmp2[i, ]$status) {
        tmp3 <- rbind(tmp3,
                      transform(tmp2[i, ], Close = prevclose, status = tmp2[i-1, ]$status),
                      transform(tmp2[i, ], Close = prevclose))
    tmp3 <- rbind(tmp3, tmp2[i, ])

# bottom panel
ggplot(tmp3, aes(date, Close, colour = status, group = 1)) + geom_step() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("pink", "green"))

enter image description here

感谢kohske(和hadley),非常感谢您详细的回答。我知道我漏掉了一件事,并且认为它与设置与映射有关,但“group”正是它... - SlowLearner
顺便提一下,我注意到使用您的解决方案,如果当天的值都低于前一天(即状态列全部为“Below”),则它会将步骤线颜色设置为“Above”而不是“Below”。这很奇怪,因为状态列的值是正确的-它们确实都是“Below”。可能与ggplot处理值/断点/标签的方式有关的某些怪癖? - SlowLearner

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