
给定一个三角形的边长的平方a,b,c> 0,我们如何准确计算内角?
float angle = acos( (b+a-c) / (2.*sqrt(b*a)) );

// Triangle (0,0) (1,1) (1+e,1)
float e = 1e-7;
float a = ((1+e)-1)*((1+e)-1);
float b = (1+e)*(1+e) + 1*1;
float c = 1*1 + 1*1;

4.9999997529193436e-08 2.3561944901923448 0.7853981133974508

0            3.14159  0

0            2.35619  0.785398

0            2.02856  1.11303

我的边长平方是否违反了某种三角不等式? 我的工作实现,上面的数字使用clang++ main.cpp -g && ./a.out在Mac OS上。

@dan04,我的目标是能够准确地表达,无论是使用float还是double,都不需要使用更高的精度(即与Kahan的目标相同)。我在示例中使用了float,但是对于double也会出现相同的问题。 - undefined
@AlecJacobson std::acos( (b+a-c) / (2.*std::sqrt(b*a)) ); 使用了double版本的除法和acos(),因为2.感染了float代码,导致了double代码。再试一次,使用std::acos( (b+a-c) / (2.0f*std::sqrt(b*a)) ); 来保持全部都是float - undefined
在我看来,为了改进边缘情况,有两点建议:1)b+a-c应该改为max(a,b)-c + min(a,b)。2)尽可能使用fma()函数。 - undefined
@chux-ReinstateMonica 最大/最小值是一个好主意,因为你可能会有一个取消操作(参见David Goldberg的《计算机科学家应该了解的浮点运算》文章)。它在大多数情况下可以避免取消操作,但并非所有情况都适用,并且请注意它可能会更糟。例如,如果p是精度,u = 2^(−p),c = 1 − u,a = b = (1 − 3u)/2,表达式a+b-c得到的结果是−2u,这是精确的,但max(a,b)-c得到的结果是−1/2,然后max(a,b)-c + min(a,b)得到的结果是−(3/2)u,误差很重要。 - undefined
这个例子是不正确的,因为代码中有很多错误(包括取消操作)。所以变量 abc 的值与三角形 "(0,0) (1,1) (1+e,1)" 不对应。为了避免歧义,你应该以十六进制表示法(使用 printf 中的 %a)给出 abc 的精确值,并且在浮点类型上要明确:你的例子混合了 floatdouble1e-7)。 - undefined

对于下面的C++11代码,我假设目标平台支持FMA,并且可以加速双精度浮点函数。我的测试框架基于一个非常古老的任意精度库,我已经使用了30年:R. P. Brent的1978年的MP库。我将其配置为250位精度。使用MP库的参考函数使用余弦定理计算角度,以提供稳健的单元测试。这部分代码需要替换为使用常用的现代库。我使用Intel C/C++编译器进行构建,进行了全面优化,并且符合IEEE-754浮点数要求(/fp:strict)。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>

// data structures and functions for double-float computation

typedef struct float2 {
    float x;
    float y;
} float2;

float2 make_float2 (float head, float tail);
float2 add_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b);
float2 sub_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b);
float2 mul_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b);
float2 div_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b);
float2 sqrt_dblflt (float2 a);

// Compute angle C of triangle with squared edges asq, bsq, csq
float angle_kahanf (float asq, float bsq, float csq)
    if (asq < bsq) { float t = bsq; bsq = asq; asq = t; } // ensure asq >= bsq
    float2 a = sqrt_dblflt (make_float2 (asq, 0));
    float2 b = sqrt_dblflt (make_float2 (bsq, 0));
    float2 c = sqrt_dblflt (make_float2 (csq, 0));
    if      ((bsq >= csq) && (csq >= 0)) mu = sub_dblflt (c, sub_dblflt (a, b));
    else if ((csq >    0) && (bsq >= 0)) mu = sub_dblflt (b, sub_dblflt (a, c));
    else    fprintf (stderr, "angle_kahanf: not a real triangle\n");
    float2 fact_0 = add_dblflt (sub_dblflt (a, b), c);
    float2 num = mul_dblflt (fact_0, mu);
    float2 fact_1 = add_dblflt (a, add_dblflt (b, c));
    float2 fact_2 = add_dblflt (b, sub_dblflt (a, c));
    float2 den = mul_dblflt (fact_1, fact_2);
    float2 ratio = div_dblflt (num, den);
    float2 root = sqrt_dblflt (ratio);
    float atan_val = atanf (root.y);
    float angle = 2.0f * atan_val;
    return angle;

float2 make_float2 (float head, float tail)
    float2 r;
    r.x = tail;  // least signficant
    r.y = head;  // most signficant
    return r;

float2 add_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b)
    float2 z;
    float t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, e;
    t1 = a.y + b.y;
    t2 = t1 - a.y;
    t3 = (a.y + (t2 - t1)) + (b.y - t2);
    t4 = a.x + b.x;
    t2 = t4 - a.x;
    t5 = (a.x + (t2 - t4)) + (b.x - t2);
    t3 = t3 + t4;
    t4 = t1 + t3;
    t3 = (t1 - t4) + t3;
    t3 = t3 + t5;
    z.y = e = t4 + t3;
    z.x = (t4 - e) + t3;
    return z;

float2 sub_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b)
    float2 z;
    float t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, e;
    t1 = a.y - b.y;
    t2 = t1 - a.y;
    t3 = (a.y + (t2 - t1)) - (b.y + t2);
    t4 = a.x - b.x;
    t2 = t4 - a.x;
    t5 = (a.x + (t2 - t4)) - (b.x + t2);
    t3 = t3 + t4;
    t4 = t1 + t3;
    t3 = (t1 - t4) + t3;
    t3 = t3 + t5;
    z.y = e = t4 + t3;
    z.x = (t4 - e) + t3;
    return z;
float2 mul_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b)

    float2 t, z;
    float e;
    t.y = a.y * b.y;
    t.x = fmaf (a.y, b.y, -t.y);
    t.x = fmaf (a.x, b.x, t.x);
    t.x = fmaf (a.y, b.x, t.x);
    t.x = fmaf (a.x, b.y, t.x);
    z.y = e = t.y + t.x;
    z.x = (t.y - e) + t.x;
    return z;

float2 div_dblflt (float2 a, float2 b)
    float2 t, z;
    float e, r;
    r = 1.0f / b.y;
    t.y = a.y * r;
    e = fmaf (b.y, -t.y, a.y);
    t.y = fmaf (r, e, t.y);
    t.x = fmaf (b.y, -t.y, a.y);
    t.x = a.x + t.x;
    t.x = fmaf (b.x, -t.y, t.x);
    e = r * t.x;
    t.x = fmaf (b.y, -e, t.x);
    t.x = fmaf (r, t.x, e);
    z.y = e = t.y + t.x;
    z.x = (t.y - e) + t.x;
    return z;

float2 sqrt_dblflt (float2 a)
    float2 t, z;
    float e, y, s, r;
    r = 1.0f / sqrtf (a.y);
    if (a.y == 0.0f) r = 0.0f;
    y = a.y * r;
    s = fmaf (y, -y, a.y);
    r = 0.5f * r;
    z.y = e = s + a.x;
    z.x = (s - e) + a.x;
    t.y = r * z.y;
    t.x = fmaf (r, z.y, -t.y);
    t.x = fmaf (r, z.x, t.x);
    r = y + t.y;
    s = (y - r) + t.y;
    s = s + t.x;
    z.y = e = r + s;
    z.x = (r - e) + s;
    return z;

#include "mpglue.h"  // for MP library

// Compute angle C of triangle with squared edges asq, bsq, csq
double lawOfCosines_ref (double asq, double bsq, double csq)
    struct mpNum mpAsq, mpBsq, mpCsq, mpTmp0, mpTmp1;
    double angle;

    mpDoubleToMp (asq, &mpAsq);        // asq
    mpDoubleToMp (bsq, &mpBsq);        // bsq
    mpDoubleToMp (csq, &mpCsq);        // csq
    mpAdd (&mpAsq, &mpBsq, &mpTmp0);   // asq+bsq
    mpSub (&mpTmp0, &mpCsq, &mpTmp0);  // asq+bsq-csq
    mpMul (&mpAsq, &mpBsq, &mpTmp1);   // asq*bsq
    mpSqrt (&mpTmp1, &mpTmp1);         // sqrt(asq*bsq)
    mpMul (mpTwo(), &mpTmp1, &mpTmp1); // 2*sqrt(asq*bsq)
    mpDiv (&mpTmp0, &mpTmp1, &mpTmp0); // (asq+bsq-csq)/(2*sqrt(asq*bsq))
    mpAcos (&mpTmp0, &mpTmp0);         // acos((asq+bsq-csq)/(2*sqrt(asq*bsq)))
    mpMpToDouble (&mpTmp0, &angle);    //
    return angle;

// George Marsaglia's KISS PRNG, period 2**123. Newsgroup sci.math, 21 Jan 1999
// Bug fix: Greg Rose, "KISS: A Bit Too Simple" http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/007
static uint32_t kiss_z=362436069, kiss_w=521288629;
static uint32_t kiss_jsr=123456789, kiss_jcong=380116160;
#define znew (kiss_z=36969*(kiss_z&65535)+(kiss_z>>16))
#define wnew (kiss_w=18000*(kiss_w&65535)+(kiss_w>>16))
#define MWC  ((znew<<16)+wnew )
#define SHR3 (kiss_jsr^=(kiss_jsr<<13),kiss_jsr^=(kiss_jsr>>17), \
#define CONG (kiss_jcong=69069*kiss_jcong+1234567)
#define KISS ((MWC^CONG)+SHR3)

int randint (int a)
    return KISS % a;

#define MIN(x,y)     (fmin(x,y))
#define MAX(x,y)     (fmax(x,y))
#define MIN3(x,y,z)  MIN(x,MIN(y,z))
#define MAX3(x,y,z)  MAX(x,MAX(y,z))
#define MED3(x,y,z)  MIN(MAX(MIN(y,z),x),MAX(y,z))

#define ERR_LIMIT (0x1.0p-23)
#define SCALE     (0.00001357)

int main (void)
    mpInit();  // initialize MP library

    unsigned long long int count = 0;
    double A_ref = 0, B_ref = 0, C_ref = 0;
    double relerrA, relerrB, relerrC;
    float A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;

    do {
        double a, b, c, aa, bb, cc;
        float asq, bsq, csq;

        if ((count & 0xfff) == 0) printf ("\rcount=%llu", count);
        do {
            a = (randint (1 << 23) + 1) * SCALE;
            b = (randint (1 << 23) + 1) * SCALE;
            c = (randint (1 << 23) + 1) * SCALE;
            // sort edges by length, ascending
            aa = MIN3 (a, b, c);
            bb = MED3 (a, b, c);
            cc = MAX3 (a, b, c);
        } while ((aa + bb) <= (1.000001 * cc)); // ensure valid triangle

        asq = (float)(a * a);
        bsq = (float)(b * b);
        csq = (float)(c * c);

        // function under test
        A = angle_kahanf (bsq, csq, asq);
        B = angle_kahanf (csq, asq, bsq);
        C = angle_kahanf (asq, bsq, csq);

        // reference
        A_ref = lawOfCosines_ref ((double)bsq, (double)csq, (double)asq);
        B_ref = lawOfCosines_ref ((double)csq, (double)asq, (double)bsq);
        C_ref = lawOfCosines_ref ((double)asq, (double)bsq, (double)csq);

        // compute relative error compaored to reference
        relerrA = fabs ((A - A_ref) / A_ref);
        relerrB = fabs ((B - B_ref) / B_ref);
        relerrC = fabs ((C - C_ref) / C_ref);

        if (relerrA > ERR_LIMIT) {
            printf ("!!!! asq=%15.8e bsq=%15.8e csq=%15.8e A=%15.8e A_ref=%15.8e relerr=%15.8e\n", 
                    asq, bsq, csq, A, A_ref, relerrA);
        if (relerrB > ERR_LIMIT) {
            printf ("!!!! asq=%15.8e bsq=%15.8e csq=%15.8e B=%15.8e B_ref=%15.8e relerr=%15.8e\n", 
                    asq, bsq, csq, B, B_ref, relerrB);
        if (relerrC > ERR_LIMIT) {
            printf ("!!!! asq=%15.8e bsq=%15.8e csq=%15.8e C=%15.8e C_ref=%15.8e relerr=%15.8e\n", 
                    asq, bsq, csq, C, C_ref, relerrC);
    } while (count < 1000000);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

哇,我理解得对吗?这基本上是使用两个浮点数来实现双精度吗? - undefined
@Alec Jacobson:有点类似。指数范围受限,比double精度稍低,没有适当的舍入。这是众所周知且广泛应用的技术。在1970年代,Dekker和其他作者率先提出。T. J. Dekker,《一种扩展可用精度的浮点技术》。阿姆斯特丹大学,数学中心,计算部,报告编号MR 118/70,1970年7月。 - undefined

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