



我的第一种方法是使用逆乘法解决系统Ax = b,其中A由三角形的三个角组成,b表示当前点,x表示该点的重心坐标(alpha、beta和gamma)。我每个三角形只找到一次矩阵A的逆矩阵,然后对于该三角形内的每个点,通过找到A^-1和点b的点积来计算重心坐标。我发现这非常慢(函数需要36秒才能完成)。




# Iterate through each triangle (and get corresponding warp triangle)
for triangle in triangulation:

    # Extract corners of the unwarped triangle
    a = firstCornerUW
    b = secondCornerUW
    c = thirdCornerUW

    # Extract corners of the warp triangle
    a_prime = firstCornerW
    b_prime = secondCornerW
    c_prime = thirdCornerW

    # This matrix will be the same for all points within the triangle
    triMatrix = matrix of a, b, and c

    # Bounding box of the triangle
    xleft = min(ax, bx, cx)
    xright = max(ax, bx, cx)
    ytop = min(ay, by, cy)
    ybottom = max(ay, by, cy)

    for x in range(xleft, xright):

        for y in range(ytop, ybottom):

            # Store the current point as a matrix
            p = np.array([[x], [y], [1]])

            # Solve for least squares solution to get barycentric coordinates
            barycoor = np.linalg.lstsq(triMatrix, p)

            # Pull individual coordinates from the array
            alpha = barycoor[0]
            beta = barycoor[1]
            gamma = barycoor[2]

            # If any of these conditions are not met, the point is not inside the triangle
            if alpha, beta, gamma > 0 and alpha + beta + gamma <= 1:

                # Now calculate the warped point by multiplying by alpha, beta, and gamma
                # Warp the point from image to warped image

提高效率的关键是消除循环并利用矢量化可能性。除此之外,我认为你可以让scipy.spatial为你承担更多的重负。你能否添加一个更高级别的预期输入输出类型描述来解释你的问题? - Eelco Hoogendoorn
一个简单的优化方法是首先对x和y的循环进行向量化。只需使用np.mgrid创建一个点列表,将所有这些点转换为重心空间,并过滤掉所有没有完全正坐标的点。这应该可以轻松地提高一个数量级的性能。但是,如果我们从更高层次的角度看问题,我认为这个解决方案仍然不是最优的。 - Eelco Hoogendoorn
顺便提一下,lstsq本身不计算重心坐标。考虑一个以原点为中心的三角形。使用lstsq计算[0,0]的“重心坐标”将得到[0,0,0],它们并不等于1。找到转换到重心坐标的方法应该基本上包括满足总和为1的约束条件。 - Eelco Hoogendoorn
barytransform = np.linalg.inv([[ax,bx,cx], [ay,by,cy], [1,1,1]])这将给你一个转换到重心空间的矩阵;然后获取重心坐标:barycoord = np.dot(barytransform, [x,y,1]) - Eelco Hoogendoorn



# Iterate through each triangle (and get corresponding warp triangle)
for triangle in triangulation:

    # Extract corners of the unwarped triangle
    a = firstCornerUW
    b = secondCornerUW
    c = thirdCornerUW

    # Bounding box of the triangle
    xleft = min(ax, bx, cx)
    xright = max(ax, bx, cx)
    ytop = min(ay, by, cy)
    ybottom = max(ay, by, cy)

    barytransform = np.linalg.inv([[ax,bx,cx], [ay,by,cy], [1,1,1]])     

    grid = np.mgrid[xleft:xright, ytop:ybottom].reshape(2,-1)
    grid = np.vstack((grid, np.ones((1, grid.shape[1]))))

    barycoords = np.dot(barytransform, grid)
    barycoords = barycoords[:,np.all(barycoords>=0, axis=0)]

在计算三角形的重心坐标后,如何在不使用循环的情况下执行实际变换是最有效的方法? - keygrip_chris
我不太明白你试图解决的更高级别问题,无法具体回答那个问题。就我个人而言,我会猜测你的问题最好使用现有的更高级别功能来解决,比如scipy.spatial.Delaunay.find_simplex。 - Eelco Hoogendoorn



from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import numpy as np
from time import time

t = time()

a, b, c = [250, 100], [100, 400], [400, 400]

tri = Delaunay(np.array([a, b, c]))

# bounding box of the triangle
xleft, xright = min(a[0], b[0], c[0]), max(a[0], b[0], c[0])
ytop, ybottom = min(a[1], b[1], c[1]), max(a[1], b[1], c[1])

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(range(xleft, xright), range(ytop, ybottom))
xv, yv = xv.flatten(), yv.flatten()

pp = np.vstack((xv, yv)).T
ss = tri.find_simplex(pp)
ndim = tri.transform.shape[2]
# 2

out = np.zeros((450,450,3), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in np.unique(ss): # for all simplices (triangles)
    p = pp[ss == i] # all points in the simplex
    # compute the barycentric coordinates of the points
    b = tri.transform[i, :ndim].dot(np.transpose(p) - tri.transform[i, ndim].reshape(-1,1))
    αβγ = np.c_[np.transpose(b), 1 - b.sum(axis=0)] 
    indices = np.where(np.all(αβγ>=0, axis=1))
    out[p[indices,0], p[indices,1]] = αβγ[indices]@np.array([[0,0,255], [0,255,0], [255,0,0]])

print(f'time: {time() - t} sec')
# time: 0.03899240493774414 sec


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