四元数转欧拉角算法-如何转换为“Y = Up”并在左右手之间转换?



    public static Vector3 ToEulerAngles(this Quaternion q)
        // Store the Euler angles in radians
        Vector3 pitchYawRoll = new Vector3();

        double sqw = q.W * q.W;
        double sqx = q.X * q.X;
        double sqy = q.Y * q.Y;
        double sqz = q.Z * q.Z;

        // If quaternion is normalised the unit is one, otherwise it is the correction factor
        double unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw;
        double test = q.X * q.Y + q.Z * q.W;

        if (test > 0.4999f * unit)                              // 0.4999f OR 0.5f - EPSILON
            // Singularity at north pole
            pitchYawRoll.Y = 2f * (float)Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W);  // Yaw
            pitchYawRoll.X = PI * 0.5f;                         // Pitch
            pitchYawRoll.Z = 0f;                                // Roll
            return pitchYawRoll;
        else if (test < -0.4999f * unit)                        // -0.4999f OR -0.5f + EPSILON
            // Singularity at south pole
            pitchYawRoll.Y = -2f * (float)Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W); // Yaw
            pitchYawRoll.X = -PI * 0.5f;                        // Pitch
            pitchYawRoll.Z = 0f;                                // Roll
            return pitchYawRoll;
            pitchYawRoll.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.Y * q.W - 2f * q.X * q.Z, sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);       // Yaw
            pitchYawRoll.X = (float)Math.Asin(2f * test / unit);                                             // Pitch
            pitchYawRoll.Z = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.X * q.W - 2f * q.Y * q.Z, -sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw);      // Roll

        return pitchYawRoll;





public static Quaternion CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
float num = roll * 0.5f;
float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)num);
float num3 = (float)Math.Cos((double)num);
float num4 = pitch * 0.5f;
float num5 = (float)Math.Sin((double)num4);
float num6 = (float)Math.Cos((double)num4);
float num7 = yaw * 0.5f;
float num8 = (float)Math.Sin((double)num7);
float num9 = (float)Math.Cos((double)num7);
Quaternion result;
result.X = num9 * num5 * num3 + num8 * num6 * num2;
result.Y = num8 * num6 * num3 - num9 * num5 * num2;
result.Z = num9 * num6 * num2 - num8 * num5 * num3;
result.W = num9 * num6 * num3 + num8 * num5 * num2;
return result;

四元数和欧拉角与坐标系的对齐和方向无关。偏航、俯仰和翻滚分别定义了绕z、y和x轴的旋转。轴的方向如何定位并不重要。 - Nico Schertler
如果我将其与XNA的Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll结合使用,那么我将无法获得原始的四元数。http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.xna.framework.quaternion.createfromyawpitchroll.aspx - user1423893
那么这些函数可能使用不同的偏航/俯仰/翻滚与轴之间的关联。交换欧拉角,使定义匹配。 - Nico Schertler
请您能否提供一个基于我所做的修改的示例,其中现在包括Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll? - user1423893



public static Quaternion CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
    float rollOver2 = roll * 0.5f;
    float sinRollOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)rollOver2);
    float cosRollOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)rollOver2);
    float pitchOver2 = pitch * 0.5f;
    float sinPitchOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)pitchOver2);
    float cosPitchOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)pitchOver2);
    float yawOver2 = yaw * 0.5f;
    float sinYawOver2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)yawOver2);
    float cosYawOver2 = (float)Math.Cos((double)yawOver2);
    Quaternion result;
    result.X = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
    result.Y = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2 - sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2;
    result.Z = cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
    result.W = sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 - cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
    return result;

对于 ToEulerAngles(省略奇点):

pitchYawRoll.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.X * q.W + 2f * q.Y * q.Z, 1 - 2f * (sqz  + sqw));     // Yaw 
pitchYawRoll.X = (float)Math.Asin(2f * ( q.X * q.Z - q.W * q.Y ) );                             // Pitch 
pitchYawRoll.Z = (float)Math.Atan2(2f * q.X * q.Y + 2f * q.Z * q.W, 1 - 2f * (sqy + sqz));      // Roll 


var q = CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.7f);
var e = ToEulerAngles(q);
var q2 = CreateFromYawPitchRoll(e.Y, e.X, e.Z);


e = (0.3, 0.2, 0.7) //pitch, yaw, roll
q2 = q


非常好的答案,谢谢。奇点是否按照原来的写法正确? - user1423893
if (test > 0.4999f * unit) // 0.4999f OR 0.5f - EPSILON { // Singularity at north pole pitchYawRoll.Y = 2f * (float)Math.Atan2(q.Y, q.W); // Yaw pitchYawRoll.X = PI * 0.5f; // Pitch pitchYawRoll.Z = 0f; // Roll return pitchYawRoll; } - user1423893
刚刚检查了一下,PI并不能产生正确的结果。例如 FromYawPitchRoll((float)Math.PI, 0f, 0f) - user1423893
问题在于测试方程式不能产生奇点的0.5或-0.5结果,因此我无法进行测试。它对奇点和恒等式都产生0的答案。 - user1423893
Necro,但问题在于测试方法逐渐变慢地接近unit/2。这不是一个好的测试指标。它也保证永远不会超过unit/2。我们真正关心的是atan2函数的输入。像if kSinY*kSinY + kCosY*kCosY < 0.00000001这样的测试更适合解决这个问题。 - Trey Reynolds

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