

如果您能想到其他人可能搜索的流行词,请随意编辑第一段内容。 - Daniel F
根据我的经验,你应该真正使用skimage.util.view_as_windows()。自己编写并不值得。 - Nils Werner
@NilsWerner 对于二维图像?当然可以。但对于更高维度的数据,你想要在任意轴上使用窗口吗?不太行。我从事机械和机电学的机器学习,我的状态空间可能有超过10个维度,而我可能只想在一个小选择范围内使用窗口函数。 - Daniel F
为什么不呢?它适用于任意维度... - Nils Werner
啊,看起来skimage.util.view_as_windows()已经被升级到nD版本了,自从我写这个东西之后。无论如何,对于商业API来说,numpyskimage更常见(当我最初编写时,因需处理非可扩展的abaqus API而陷入困境),因此它仍然对某些人有用。 - Daniel F
是的,你的解决方案并不无用(我也一直在创建和提出自己的解决方案)。但我也学到了,在大多数情况下,我可以避免所有这些痛苦,只需回退到 skimage 即可。 - Nils Werner





def window_nd(a, window, steps = None, axis = None, gen_data = False):
        Create a windowed view over `n`-dimensional input that uses an 
        `m`-dimensional window, with `m <= n`
        a : Array-like
            The array to create the view on
        window : tuple or int
            If int, the size of the window in `axis`, or in all dimensions if 
            `axis == None`
            If tuple, the shape of the desired window.  `window.size` must be:
                equal to `len(axis)` if `axis != None`, else 
                equal to `len(a.shape)`, or 
        steps : tuple, int or None
            The offset between consecutive windows in desired dimension
            If None, offset is one in all dimensions
            If int, the offset for all windows over `axis`
            If tuple, the steps along each `axis`.  
                `len(steps)` must me equal to `len(axis)`
        axis : tuple, int or None
            The axes over which to apply the window
            If None, apply over all dimensions
            if tuple or int, the dimensions over which to apply the window

        gen_data : boolean
            returns data needed for a generator
        a_view : ndarray
            A windowed view on the input array `a`, or `a, wshp`, where `whsp` is the window shape needed for creating the generator
        ashp = np.array(a.shape)
        if axis != None:
            axs = np.array(axis, ndmin = 1)
            assert np.all(np.in1d(axs, np.arange(ashp.size))), "Axes out of range"
            axs = np.arange(ashp.size)
        window = np.array(window, ndmin = 1)
        assert (window.size == axs.size) | (window.size == 1), "Window dims and axes don't match"
        wshp = ashp.copy()
        wshp[axs] = window
        assert np.all(wshp <= ashp), "Window is bigger than input array in axes"
        stp = np.ones_like(ashp)
        if steps:
            steps = np.array(steps, ndmin = 1)
            assert np.all(steps > 0), "Only positive steps allowed"
            assert (steps.size == axs.size) | (steps.size == 1), "Steps and axes don't match"
            stp[axs] = steps
        astr = np.array(a.strides)
        shape = tuple((ashp - wshp) // stp + 1) + tuple(wshp)
        strides = tuple(astr * stp) + tuple(astr)
        as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
        a_view = np.squeeze(as_strided(a, 
                                     shape = shape, 
                                     strides = strides))
        if gen_data :
            return a_view, shape[:-wshp.size]
            return a_view

def window_gen(a, window, **kwargs):
    #Same docstring as above, returns a generator
    _ = kwargs.pop(gen_data, False)
    a_view, shp = window_nd(a, window, gen_data  = True, **kwargs)
    for idx in np.ndindex(shp):
        yield a_view[idx]

a = np.arange(1000).reshape(10,10,10)

window_nd(a, 4).shape # sliding (4x4x4) window
Out: (7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4)

window_nd(a, 2, 2).shape # (2x2x2) blocks
Out: (5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2)

window_nd(a, 2, 1, 0).shape # sliding window of width 2 over axis 0
Out: (9, 2, 10, 10)

window_nd(a, 2, 2, (0,1)).shape # tiled (2x2) windows over first and second axes
Out: (5, 5, 2, 2, 10)

window_nd(a,(4,3,2)).shape  # arbitrary sliding window
Out: (7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 2)

window_nd(a,(4,3,2),(1,5,2),(0,2,1)).shape #arbitrary windows, steps and axis
Out: (7, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3) # note shape[-3:] != window as axes are out of order

碰巧我正在处理一个非常相似的东西(如果我理解它应该接受的轴/窗口是什么的话,可能是完全一样的)。有一个问题 - 你能展示一个在m < n情况下的形状的样本运行吗? - Divakar
添加了一些测试用例。 - Daniel F
这很有道理!谢谢。之前我尝试过:window_nd(a, window=(3,2), axis=(0,1)),但是出现了错误。而且这正是我一直在处理的任务 :) - Divakar
我认为在Python 3.7.7(以及可能更早的版本)中,“generator”关键字存在问题。似乎只要代码中有一个“yield”,它就会返回生成器,即使if语句没有被触发(例如,generator=False也会返回一个迭代器)。 - skjerns
@skjerns,抱歉我花了太长时间来修复。 - Daniel F

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