

我正在使用Windows 7中的RStudio,但在释放内存到操作系统时遇到了问题。下面是我的代码,在一个for循环中:

  • 我通过Census.gov网站的API调用读取数据,并使用acs包将它们保存在.csv文件中,通过临时对象table
  • 我删除table(通常几MB),并使用pryr包检查内存使用情况。

根据函数mem_used(),在删除table后,R总是返回到一个恒定的内存使用量;而根据Windows任务管理器,rsession.exe(而不是Rstudio)的内存分配在每次迭代时增加,最终导致rsession崩溃。使用gc()没有帮助。我已经阅读了很多类似的问题,但似乎唯一的释放内存的解决方案是重新启动R会话,这似乎很愚蠢。 有什么建议吗?

   # for loop to extract tables from API and save them on API
   for (i in 128:length(tablecodes)) {
           tryCatch({table <- acs.fetch(table.number = tablecodes[i],endyear = 2014, span=5, 
                 geography = geo.make(state = "NY", county = "*", tract = "*"), 
                 key = "e24539dfe0e8a5c5bf99d78a2bb8138abaa3b851",col.names="pretty")},
             error = function(e){print("Table skipped") })

    # if the table is actually fetched then we save it 
    if (exists("table", mode="S4")) {         
         if (!{
                   write.csv(estimate(table),paste("./CENSUS_tables/NY/",tablecodes[i],".csv",sep = ""))       

循环结束后尝试调用gc()。 - JKJ
可能是由于内存泄漏引起的:一个包直接从操作系统分配内存(而非使用R的分配器)可能不会在 mem_used 中显示,但会在系统监视器中显示。据我所知,acs 没有任何 C/C++ 代码,但它使用了 XML 包。可能是 acs 没有释放由 XML 分配的内存,或者 XML 包存在内存泄漏问题(在 Windows 下据说存在此问题:。 - Jan van der Laan
我建议使用 httr 直接调用 API。如果您直接构造 API 调用,则不应该有任何内存泄漏问题。我在 acs 包中也遇到了同样的问题。 - troh
你尝试过用gc(T)替换gc()吗? - Zeinab Ghaffarnasab
可能会有所帮助: - Zeinab Ghaffarnasab

我可以确认在Windows 7上存在内存问题(通过MacOSX上的VMware Fusion运行)。虽然内存使用似乎相当逐渐(未经证实但表明存在内存泄漏),但它似乎也存在于MacOSX上。由于操作系统在看到高使用率时会压缩内存,因此在MacOSX上稍微有些棘手。
注意:以下内容应在Windows 7上的cgiwin下运行。

# Params: Primary Table Year Span

for CensusTableCode in $(seq -w 1 27)
  R --no-save -q --slave < ./PullCensus.R --args B"$CensusTableCode"001 2014 5


if (!require(acs)) install.packages("acs")
if (!require(pryr)) install.packages("pryr")

# You can obtain a US Census key from the developer site
# "e24539dfe0e8a5c5bf99d78a2bb8138abaa3b851"
api.key.install(key = "** Secret**")

# Extract Table Structure
# B = Detailed Column Breakdown
# 19 = Income (Households and Families)
# 001 =
# A - I = Race

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) # trailingOnly=TRUE means that only your arguments are returned

if ( length(args) != 0 ) {
    tableCodes <- args[1]
    defEndYear = args[2]
    defSpan = args[3]
  } else {
  tableCodes <- c("B02001")
  defEndYear = 2014
  defSpan = 5

# for loop to extract tables from API and save them on API
for (i in 1:length(tableCodes))
    table <- acs.fetch(table.number = tableCodes[i],
                       endyear = defEndYear,
                       span = defSpan,
                       geography = geo.make(state = "NY",
                                            county = "*",
                                            tract = "*"),
                       col.names = "pretty"),
    error = function(e) { print("Table skipped")} )

  # if the table is actually fetched then we save it
  if (exists("table", mode = "S4"))
    print(paste("Table", i, "fetched"))
    if (!
      write.csv(estimate(table), paste(defEndYear,"_",tableCodes[i], ".csv", sep = ""))
    gc(reset = TRUE)

背景 / 工作示例:
library(stringr)  # to pad fips codes

# You can obtain a US Census key from the developer site
# "e24539dfe0e8a5c5bf99d78a2bb8138abaa3b851"
api.key.install(key = "<INSERT KEY HERE>")

# Table Codes
# While Census Reporter hopes to save you from the details, you may be
# interested to understand some of the rationale behind American Community
# Survey table identifiers.
# Detailed Tables
# The bulk of the American Community Survey is the over 1400 detailed data
# tables. These tables have reference codes, and knowing how the codes are
# structured can be helpful in knowing which table to use.
# Codes start with either the letter B or C, followed by two digits for the
# table subject, then 3 digits that uniquely identify the table. (For a small
# number of technical tables the unique identifier is 4 digits.) In some cases
# additional letters for racial iterations and Puerto Rico-specific tables.
# Full and Collapsed Tables
# Tables beginning with B have the most detailed column breakdown, while a
# C table for the same numbers will have fewer columns. For example, the
# B02003 table ("Detailed Race") has 71 columns, while the "collapsed
# version," C02003 has only 19 columns. While your instinct may be to want
# as much data as possible, sometimes choosing the C table can simplify
# your analysis.
# Table subjects
# The first two digits after B/C indicate the broad subject of a table.
# Note that many tables have more than one subject, but this reflects the
# main subject.
# 01 Age and Sex
# 02 Race
# 03 Hispanic Origin
# 04 Ancestry
# 05 Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year or Entry; Nativity
# 06 Place of Birth07Residence 1 Year Ago; Migration
# 08 Journey to Work; Workers' Characteristics; Commuting
# 09 Children; Household Relationship
# 10 Grandparents; Grandchildren
# 11 Household Type; Family Type; Subfamilies
# 12 Marital Status and History13Fertility
# 14 School Enrollment
# 15 Educational Attainment
# 16 Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
# 17 Poverty
# 18 Disability
# 19 Income (Households and Families)
# 20 Earnings (Individuals)
# 21 Veteran Status
# 22 Transfer Programs (Public Assistance)
# 23 Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force
# 24 Industry; Occupation; Class of Worker
# 25 Housing Characteristics
# 26 Group Quarters
# 27 Health Insurance
# Three groups of tables reflect technical details about how the Census is
# administered. In general, you probably don't need to look at these too
# closely, but if you need to check for possible weaknesses in your data
# analysis, they may come into play.
# 00 Unweighted Count
# 98 Quality Measures
# 99 Imputations
# Race and Latino Origin
# Many tables are provided in multiple racial tabulations. If a table code
# ends in a letter from A-I, that code indicates that the table universe is
# restricted to a subset based on responses to the race or
# Hispanic/Latino-origin questions.
# Here is a guide to those codes:
#   A White alone
#   B Black or African American Alone
#   C American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
#   D Asian Alone
#   E Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
#   F Some Other Race Alone
#   G Two or More Races
#   H White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino
#   I Hispanic or Latino


# Extract Table Structure
# B = Detailed Column Breakdown
# 19 = Income (Households and Families)
# 001 =
# A - I = Race
tablecodes <- c("B19001", "B19001A", "B19001B", "B19001C", "B19001D",
                "B19001E", "B19001F", "B19001G", "B19001H", "B19001I" )

# for loop to extract tables from API and save them on API
for (i in 1:length(tablecodes))
    table <- acs.fetch(table.number = tablecodes[i],
                       endyear = 2014,
                       span = 5,
                       geography = geo.make(state = "NY",
                                            county = "*",
                                            tract = "*"),
                       col.names = "pretty"),
    error = function(e) { print("Table skipped")} )

  # if the table is actually fetched then we save it
  if (exists("table", mode="S4"))
    print(paste("Table", i, "fetched"))
    if (!
      write.csv(estimate(table), paste("T",tablecodes[i], ".csv", sep = ""))


> library(acs)
> library(pryr)
> library(tigris)
> library(stringr)  # to pad fips codes
> library(maptools)
> # You can obtain a US Census key from the developer site
> # "e24539dfe0e8a5c5bf99d78a2bb8138abaa3b851"
> api.key.install(key = "...secret...")
> setwd("~/dev/stackoverflow/37264919")
> # Extract Table Structure
> #
> # B = Detailed Column Breakdown
> # 19 = Income (Households and Families)
> # 001 =
> # A - I = Race
> #
> tablecodes <- c("B19001", "B19001A", "B19001B", "B19001C", "B19001D",
+                 "B19001E", "B19001F", "B19001G", "B19001H", "B19001I" )
> # for loop to extract tables from API and save them on API
> for (i in 1:length(tablecodes))
+ {
+   print(tablecodes[i])
+   tryCatch(
+     table <- acs.fetch(table.number = tablecodes[i],
+                        endyear = 2014,
+                        span = 5,
+                        geography = geo.make(state = "NY",
+                                             county = "*",
+                                             tract = "*"),
+                        col.names = "pretty"),
+     error = function(e) { print("Table skipped")} )
+   # if the table is actually fetched then we save it
+   if (exists("table", mode="S4"))
+   {
+     print(paste("Table", i, "fetched"))
+     if (!
+     {
+       write.csv(estimate(table), paste("T",tablecodes[i], ".csv", sep = ""))
+     }
+     print(mem_used())
+     print(mem_change(rm(table)))
+     gc()
+     print(mem_used())
+   }
+ }
[1] "B19001"
[1] "Table 1 fetched"
95.4 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001A"
[1] "Table 2 fetched"
95.4 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001B"
[1] "Table 3 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001C"
[1] "Table 4 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001D"
[1] "Table 5 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001E"
[1] "Table 6 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001F"
[1] "Table 7 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001G"
[1] "Table 8 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001H"
[1] "Table 9 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB
[1] "B19001I"
[1] "Table 10 fetched"
95.5 MB
-1.88 MB
93.6 MB


total 8520
drwxr-xr-x@ 13 hidden  staff   442B Oct 17 20:41 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 40 hidden  staff   1.3K Oct 17 23:17 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   4.4K Oct 17 23:43 37264919.R
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   492K Oct 17 23:50 TB19001.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   472K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001A.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   414K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001B.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   387K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001C.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   403K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001D.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   386K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001E.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   402K Oct 17 23:51 TB19001F.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   393K Oct 17 23:52 TB19001G.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   465K Oct 17 23:44 TB19001H.csv
-rw-r--r--@  1 hidden  staff   417K Oct 17 23:44 TB19001I.csv

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