



  1. 对于构成多边形的每一对相邻坐标,绘制它们之间的大圆弧段。
  2. 选择一个不在多边形区域内的参考点。
  3. 绘制一个从参考点开始并在车辆点结束的大圆弧段。计算此段交叉多少次您的多边形的一个段。如果总次数为奇数,则车辆在多边形内。如果为偶数,则车辆在多边形外。



class Vector{
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;

class GreatCircle{
    Vector normal;

//arbitrarily defining the north pole as (0,1,0) and (0'N, 0'E) as (1,0,0)
//lattidues should be in [-90, 90] and longitudes in [-180, 180]
//You'll have to convert South lattitudes and East longitudes into their negative North and West counterparts.
Vector lineFromCoordinate(Coordinate c){
    Vector ret = new Vector();
    //tan(lat) == y/x
    //tan(long) == z/x
    //the Vector has magnitude 1, so sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) == 1
    //rearrange some symbols, solving for x first...
    ret.x = 1.0 / math.sqrt(tan(c.lattitude)^2 + tan(c.longitude)^2 + 1);
    //then for y and z
    ret.y = ret.x * tan(c.lattitude);
    ret.z = ret.x * tan(c.longitude);
    return ret;

Vector Vector::CrossProduct(Vector other){
    Vector ret = new Vector();
    ret.x = this.y * other.z - this.z * other.y;
    ret.y = this.z * other.x - this.x * other.z;
    ret.z = this.x * other.y - this.y * other.x;
    return ret;

GreatCircle circleFromCoordinates(Coordinate a, Coordinate b){
    Vector a = lineFromCoordinate(a);
    Vector b = lineFromCoordinate(b);
    GreatCircle ret = new GreatCircle();
    ret.normal = a.CrossProdct(b);
    return ret;


Vector intersection(GreatCircle a, GreatCircle b){
    return a.normal.CrossProduct(b.normal);

Vector antipode(Vector v){
    Vector ret = new Vector();
    ret.x = -v.x;
    ret.y = -v.y;
    ret.z = -v.z;
    return ret;

class GreatCircleSegment{
    Vector start;
    Vector end;
    Vector getNormal(){return start.CrossProduct(end);}
    GreatCircle getWhole(){return new GreatCircle(this.getNormal());}

GreatCircleSegment segmentFromCoordinates(Coordinate a, Coordinate b){
    GreatCircleSegment ret = new GreatCircleSegment();
    ret.start = lineFromCoordinate(a);
    ret.end = lineFromCoordinate(b);
    return ret;

double Vector::DotProduct(Vector other){
    return this.x*other.x + this.y*other.y + this.z*other.z;

double Vector::Magnitude(){
    return math.sqrt(pow(this.x, 2) + pow(this.y, 2) + pow(this.z, 2));

//for any two vectors `a` and `b`, 
//a.DotProduct(b) = a.magnitude() * b.magnitude() * cos(theta)
//where theta is the angle between them.
double angleBetween(Vector a, Vector b){
    return math.arccos(a.DotProduct(b) / (a.Magnitude() * b.Magnitude()));

您可以通过以下方式测试一个大圆段 a 是否与一个大圆 b 相交:
  • 找到向量 c,即 a 的整个大圆与 b 的交点。
  • 找到向量 d,即 c 的反点。
  • 如果 c 位于 a.starta.end 之间或者 d 位于 a.starta.end 之间,则 ab 相交。


//returns true if Vector x lies between Vectors a and b.
//note that this function only gives sensical results if the three vectors are coplanar.
boolean liesBetween(Vector x, Vector a, Vector b){
    return angleBetween(a,x) + angleBetween(x,b) == angleBetween(a,b);

bool GreatCircleSegment::Intersects(GreatCircle b){
    Vector c = intersection(this.getWhole(), b);
    Vector d = antipode(c);
    return liesBetween(c, this.start, this.end) or liesBetween(d, this.start, this.end);


  • ab的整个大圆相交
  • ba的整个大圆相交


bool GreatCircleSegment::Intersects(GreatCircleSegment b){
    return this.Intersects(b.getWhole()) and b.Intersects(this.getWhole());

bool liesWithin(Array<Coordinate> polygon, Coordinate pointNotLyingInsidePolygon, Coordinate vehiclePosition){
    GreatCircleSegment referenceLine = segmentFromCoordinates(pointNotLyingInsidePolygon, vehiclePosition);
    int intersections = 0;
    //iterate through all adjacent polygon vertex pairs
    //we iterate i one farther than the size of the array, because we need to test the segment formed by the first and last coordinates in the array
    for(int i = 0; i < polygon.size + 1; i++){
        int j = (i+1) % polygon.size;
        GreatCircleSegment polygonEdge = segmentFromCoordinates(polygon[i], polygon[j]);
        if (referenceLine.Intersects(polygonEdge)){
    return intersections % 2 == 1;

有没有想法如何选择位于多边形外部的点?在球面上并不像在平面上那么明显。 - MateuszPrzybyla
@LisuBB 我认为在球体几何上,“内部”和“外部”的定义很模糊。例如,假设您有一个沿赤道直线绕行的多边形。北半球在多边形内部还是南半球?当我最初撰写这个答案时,我认为OP会知道某个确定不在多边形内部的参考点,由于一些外部约束条件。例如,如果您正在为汽车编写导航系统,则您的参考点可以是不可达极点 - Kevin

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