
public class CustomBinaryReader : BinaryReader {

    private readonly List<Block> _blocks;

    public CustomBinaryReader([NotNull] Stream input) : this(input, Encoding.Default) { }

    public CustomBinaryReader(Stream input, Encoding encoding, bool leaveOpen = true) : base(input, encoding, leaveOpen) {
        _blocks = new List<Block>();

    public override byte[] ReadBytes(int count) {
        return base.ReadBytes(count);

    private void Log(int count) {
        _blocks.Add(new Block(BaseStream.Position, count));

    private IEnumerable<Block> GetUnreadBlocks() {
        // how to get unread blocks in the stream, from read blocks ?
        throw new NotImplementedException();


public class Block {
    public Block(long position, long length) {
        Position = position;
        Length = length;

    public long Position { get; }
    public long Length { get; }



基于图像还是原始数据? - stelioslogothetis
它将基于一个具有两个成员的结构体:positionlength - aybe
我看不出这里有什么难度。你有原始数据,对吧?你将已使用的块列表排序,合并相邻块,然后使用剩余边界作为空区域的边界。 - Prune
如果您有答案,最好将其发布为答案,而不是将其编辑到问题中,即使它基于已发布的答案。 - Bernhard Barker
是的,完成了,谢谢! - aybe


按位置顺序对已使用区域进行排序。 查找每个区域的上限为position+length。 从那里开始,每个开放区域都从一个区域的上限开始,直到下一个区域的下限(不包括它)。



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace Whatever
    public sealed class LoggedBinaryReader : BinaryReader
        public LoggedBinaryReader([NotNull] Stream input) : this(input, Encoding.Default)

        public LoggedBinaryReader(Stream input, Encoding encoding, bool leaveOpen = true) : base(input, encoding, leaveOpen)
            Journal = new LoggedBinaryReaderJournal(this);

        private LoggedBinaryReaderJournal Journal { get; }

        public override int Read()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read();

        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read(buffer, index, count);

        public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read(buffer, index, count);

        public override char ReadChar()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadChar();

        public override char[] ReadChars(int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadChars(count);

        public override string ReadString()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadString();

        public override bool ReadBoolean()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadBoolean();

        public override byte ReadByte()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadByte();

        public override sbyte ReadSByte()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadSByte();

        public override short ReadInt16()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt16();

        public override int ReadInt32()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt32();

        public override long ReadInt64()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt64();

        public override ushort ReadUInt16()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt16();

        public override uint ReadUInt32()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt32();

        public override ulong ReadUInt64()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt64();

        public override byte[] ReadBytes(int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadBytes(count);

        public override float ReadSingle()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadSingle();

        public override double ReadDouble()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadDouble();

        public override decimal ReadDecimal()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadDecimal();

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegionsRead()
            return Journal.GetRegions();

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegionsUnread()
            var blocks = new LinkedList<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion>(Journal.GetRegions());

            var curr = blocks.First;

            // nothing explored
            if (curr == null)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(0, BaseStream.Length);
                yield break;

            // account for beginning of file
            if (curr.Value.Position > 0)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(0, curr.Value.Position);

            // in-between
            while (true)
                var next = curr.Next;
                if (next == null)

                var position = curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length;
                var length = next.Value.Position - position;

                if (length > 0)
                    yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(position, length);

                curr = next;

            // account for end of file
            if (curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length < BaseStream.Length)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(
                    curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length,
                    BaseStream.Length - (curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length));

    public struct LoggedBinaryReaderRegion
        internal LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(long position, long length)
            Position = position;
            Length = length;

        public long Position { get; }

        public long Length { get; }

        public override string ToString()
            return $"{nameof(Position)}: {Position}, {nameof(Length)}: {Length}";

    internal class LoggedBinaryReaderJournal
        internal LoggedBinaryReaderJournal([NotNull] LoggedBinaryReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader));

            Reader = reader;
            Regions = new List<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion>();

        private long Position { get; set; }

        private LoggedBinaryReader Reader { get; }

        private List<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> Regions { get; }

        internal void StartLogging()
            Position = Reader.BaseStream.Position;

        internal void StopLogging()
            var length = Reader.BaseStream.Position - Position;
            var region = new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(Position, length);

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegions()
            return Regions.OrderBy(s => s.Position);

    internal struct LoggedBinaryReaderScope : IDisposable
        private LoggedBinaryReaderJournal Journal { get; }

        internal LoggedBinaryReaderScope(LoggedBinaryReaderJournal journal)
            Journal = journal;

        public void Dispose()



实际上,我需要它来解析一个古老的视频游戏格式,我编写了一个解析器,在十六进制编辑器中浏览了300Kb的数据并使用奇怪的结构体来确保我已经读取了整个文件,这太过繁琐,而LoggedBinaryReader立即告诉我我最终错过了什么 :)

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