

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here



我的想法是使用photomerge将岩石图像拼接在一起。photomerge的输出是一个智能对象,其中每个图像都是一个图层。然后,我会使用脚本获取photomerged图像对象中每个7个图像的左上角坐标、宽度和高度。然后,我将把这些属性放置并分配给对应的7个元素地图中的每个图像,以生成要叠加在图像上的“合并”元素地图。我尝试过自己解决这个问题,但我不精通JavaScript,也无法理解Photoshop API。


嗨@Caitlin,我不太明白你需要什么样的结果?是一个包含所有图层的Photoshop文件吗?还是一组导出的图像(每个图像都位于正确的位置)? - mdomino
@Caitlin 已批准!! - Nosniw
好的,我明白了。你想问一下,是否有一种方法可以在不使用Photoshop的情况下实现这一点。但如果最终需要将所有文件放入Photoshop中,则必须在Photoshop中完成。过去我编写了很多ExtendScript脚本,我必须说,你所要求的可能太大了,在Stack Overflow上解决这个问题可能比较困难。基本上你正在要求一个完整的脚本,通常需要为此雇用某人。因为你需要按名称加载文件,将它们排列在正确的图层上,通过坐标定位它们等等。这相当复杂。 - mdomino
这是另一篇关于StackOverflow的博客文章,不幸的是,它将其与斯坦福监狱实验进行了比较。@Caitlin听起来你只是在寻找针对这个问题的Photoshop脚本解决方案? - Codebling
@Caitlin 我明白,但如果有人有另一种合并图层的替代方法,那么这是否可行? - Codebling


我不懂 Photoshop 或 R,所以用 JavaScript 完成了这个任务:

const names = { // map from directory names to patterns (where "#" stands for position index) of names of images therein
 "SEM_images" : "pos# image.tif",
 "Al" : "Al Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Ba" : "Ba Lα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "C"  : "C Kα1_2 pos# map data.tif",
 "Ca" : "Ca Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Fe" : "Fe Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Hg" : "Hg Lα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Ir" : "Ir Lα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "K"  : "K Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Mg" : "Mg Kα1_2 pos# map data.tif",
 "Mn" : "Mn Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Na" : "Na Kα1_2 pos# map data.tif",
 "O"  : "O Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Os" : "Os Lα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "P"  : "P Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "S"  : "S Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Si" : "Si Kα1 pos# map data.tif",
 "Ti" : "Ti Kα1 pos# map data.tif"

const SCALE = 1/10 // scale of output images

const OVERLAP = 1.0 // minimum *tested* (horizontal) overlap of images relative to their width
const H_BOX = 0.1 // height of comparison box relative to height of images
const W_BOX = 0.1 // width  of comparison box relative to width  of images
const ADJUSTMENT = 0 // (vertical) adjustment of comparison box [pixels]

/* Merge images given:
 * dataset - dataset address as String
 * directory - directory name for images as String
 * pattern - pattern (where "#" stands for position index) of names of images in directory
 * pos_min - minimum position index of images as Number
 * pos_max - maximum position index of images as Number
function Merge(dataset, directory, pos_min, pos_max) {
  if (dataset[dataset.length - 1] != "/") dataset += "/"
  const images = []
  for (let pos = pos_min; pos <= pos_max; ++pos) (images[pos - pos_min] = new Image).src = dataset + directory + "/" + names[directory].replace("#", pos)
  merge(images, dataset, pos_min, pos_max)

function Laplacian(imagedata) { // 5-point stencil approximation
  const data = imagedata.data
  const L = data.length/4
  const grayscale = new Float32Array(L)
  for (let i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
    const I = 4*i
    grayscale[i] = (data[I    ] + data[I + 1] + data[I + 2])/3
  const Laplacian = new Float32Array(L)
  //const H = imagedata.height
  const Hm1 = imagedata.height - 1
  const W = imagedata.width
  const Wm1 = W - 1
  for (let r = 1; r < Hm1; ++r) {
    const R = r*W
    for (let c = 1; c < Wm1; ++c) {
      const i = R + c
      Laplacian[i] = grayscale[i - W] + grayscale[i + W] + grayscale[i - 1] + grayscale[i + 1] - 4*grayscale[i]
  for (let c = 1; c < Wm1; ++c) {
    //const i = c
    Laplacian[c] = grayscale[c + W] + grayscale[c - 1] + grayscale[c + 1] - 4*grayscale[c]
  for (let c = 1; c < Wm1; ++c) {
    const i = Hm1*W + c
    Laplacian[i] = grayscale[i - W] + grayscale[i - 1] + grayscale[i + 1] - 4*grayscale[i]
  for (let r = 1; r < Hm1; ++r) {
    const i = r*W
    Laplacian[i] = grayscale[i - W] + grayscale[i + W] + grayscale[i + 1] - 4*grayscale[i]
  for (let r = 1; r < Hm1; ++r) {
    const i = r*W + Wm1
    Laplacian[i] = grayscale[i - W] + grayscale[i + W] + grayscale[i - 1] - 4*grayscale[i]
    const Lm1 = L - 1
    const LmW = L - W
    Laplacian[0  ] = grayscale[W      ] + grayscale[1      ] - 4*grayscale[0  ]
    Laplacian[W  ] = grayscale[2*W    ] + grayscale[Wm1    ] - 4*grayscale[W  ]
    Laplacian[LmW] = grayscale[LmW - W] + grayscale[LmW + 1] - 4*grayscale[LmW]
    Laplacian[Lm1] = grayscale[Lm1 - W] + grayscale[Lm1 - 1] - 4*grayscale[Lm1]
  return Laplacian

function merge(images, dataset, pos_min, pos_max) {
  for (const image of images) if (!image.complete) {
    setTimeout(merge, 1000, images, dataset, pos_min, pos_max) // wait 1000ms = 1s
  let Row, Col
  const Coords = [[Row = 0, Col = 0]]
  let index = 0
  let image = images[index]
  const H = image.naturalHeight
  const W = image.naturalWidth
  if (W*H == 0) return []
  const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
  canvas.height = H
  canvas.width  = W
  const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
  context.drawImage(image, 0, 0)
  let prev = Laplacian(context.getImageData(0, 0, W, H))
  const length = images.length
  const h = Math.round(H_BOX*H)
  const Hmh = H - h
  const w = Math.round(W_BOX*W)
  const o = Math.max(Math.round((1 - OVERLAP)*W), w)
  const Wmw = W - w
  const row_offset = Math.round(Hmh/2) + ADJUSTMENT
  const offset = row_offset*W
  for (++index; index < length; ++index) {
    image = images[index]
    if (image.naturalHeight != H || image.naturalWidth != W) alert("Dimension mismatch: " + image.src)
    context.drawImage(image, 0, 0)
    const curr = Laplacian(context.getImageData(0, 0, W, H))
    let max = -1
    let row, col
    for (let r = 0; r < Hmh; ++r) {
      const R = r*W
      for (let c = o; c < Wmw; ++c) {
        let m = 0
        for (let i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
          const I = i*W
          const K = R + I + c
          const k = offset + I
          for (let j = 0; j < w; ++j) if (prev[K + j]*curr[k + j] > 0) ++m
        if (m > max) {
          max = m
          row = r
          col = c
    Coords[index] = [(Row += row - row_offset)/H, (Col += col)/W]
    prev = curr
  Stitch(dataset, pos_min, pos_max, Coords)

function Stitch(dataset, pos_min, pos_max, Coords) {
  if (dataset[dataset.length - 1] != "/") dataset += "/"
  document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("h1")).innerText = `${dataset} :[${pos_min},${pos_max}] @${JSON.stringify(Coords)}`
  const tasks = []
  for (const directory in names) {
    document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("h2")).innerText = directory
    const images = []
    for (let pos = pos_min; pos <= pos_max; ++pos) (images[pos - pos_min] = new Image).src = dataset + directory + "/" + names[directory].replace("#", pos)
    const target = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("img"))
    target.height = 0
    target.width  = 0
    tasks.push([images, target])
  process(tasks, Coords)

const ROW = 0
const COL = 1
function stitch(images, Coords) {
  let image
  let index
  for (index in images) {
    image = images[index]
    if (image.naturalHeight != 0 && image.naturalWidth != 0) break
  const H = image.naturalHeight
  const W = image.naturalWidth
  const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
  let r_min = 0
  let r_max = 0
  let c_min = 0
  let c_max = 0
  for (coords of Coords) {
    const r = coords[ROW]
    const c = coords[COL]
    if (r < r_min) r_min = r
    if (r > r_max) r_max = r
    if (c < c_min) c_min = c
    if (c > c_max) c_max = c
  canvas.height = (r_max - r_min + 1)*H
  canvas.width  = (c_max - c_min + 1)*W
  const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
  if (context == null) {
    let list = ""
    for (const image of images) list += "\n- " + image.src
    alert("Too large: stitching area required for:" + list)
  let coords = Coords[index]
  let row = (coords[ROW] - r_min)*H
  let col = (coords[COL] - c_min)*W
  context.drawImage(image, col, row)
  const length = images.length
  for (++index; index < length; ++index) {
    image = images[index]
    if (image.naturalHeight == 0 || image.naturalWidth == 0) continue
    if (image.naturalHeight != H || image.naturalWidth != W) alert("Dimension mismatch: " + image.src)
    coords = Coords[index]
    row = coords[ROW]*H
    col = coords[COL]*W
    context.drawImage(image, col, row)
  return canvas.toDataURL()

function process(tasks, Coords) {
  const task = tasks.shift()
  const images = task[0]
  for (const image of images) if (!image.complete) {
    setTimeout(process, 1000, tasks, Coords) // wait 1000ms = 1s
  const target = task[1]
  target.src = stitch(images, Coords)
  target.onload = function () {
    this.height = SCALE*this.naturalHeight
    this.width  = SCALE*this.naturalWidth
    this.style = "border: solid black 1px"
  if (tasks.length > 0) process(tasks, Coords)


Merge("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CaitlinCasar/dataStitcher/master/example_dataset/", "SEM_images", -2, 4)

带有Fe覆盖层的SEM图像示例: 带有Fe覆盖层的SEM图像

您可能需要禁用跨域限制。 - greg-tumolo

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

#Caitlin Casar
#19 March 2020
#DataStitchR stitches panoramic images of SEM images coupled to x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy.

# usage: ./dataStitchR. -f "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/example_dataset" -b "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/example_dataset/SEM_images" -c "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|Os|SEM" -d "overview" -y "overview" -p TRUE -o "example" -n "example"
# usage Rscript dataStitchR.R -f "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/example_dataset" -b "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/example_dataset/SEM_images" -c "/Users/Caitlin/Desktop/dataStitcher/coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|Os|SEM" -d "overview" -y "overview" -p TRUE -o "example" -n "example"

                                        #####                                    ######  
        #####     ##    #####    ##    #     #  #####  #  #####   ####   #    #  #     # 
        #    #   #  #     #     #  #   #          #    #    #    #    #  #    #  #     # 
        #    #  #    #    #    #    #   #####     #    #    #    #       ######  ######  
        #    #  ######    #    ######        #    #    #    #    #       #    #  #   #   
        #    #  #    #    #    #    #  #     #    #    #    #    #    #  #    #  #    #  
        #####   #    #    #    #    #   #####     #    #    #     ####   #    #  #     # 


message("DataStitchR was created by Caitlin Casar and is maintained at github.com/CaitlinCasar/dataStitchR.
message("DataStitchR stitches panoramic images of SEM images coupled to x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy.
message("For help, run 'dataStitchR.R --help'.


option_list = list(
  make_option(c("-f", "--file"), action="store", default=getwd(), type='character',
              help="Input parent directory with subdirectories of element xray data to be stitched. The element names should be abbreviated, i.e. 'Ca' for calcium."),
  make_option(c("-o", "--out"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Output file directory. This is where your x-ray raster brick and output figures will be saved."),
  make_option(c("-n", "--name"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Optional name for output files."),
  make_option(c("-b", "--base-images"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="SEM image file directory."),
  make_option(c("-c", "--coords"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Tab-delimited file of xy coordinates for each image. A third column should denote stitching positions that correspond to the file names for each image."),
  make_option(c("-u", "--use-positions"), action="store", default="-?(?<![Kα1||Kα1_2])\\d+", type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern to extract position IDs from each file name that corresponds to positions in the xy file. The default searches for numbers that appear after 'Kα1' or 'Kα2'. Numbers can include signs, i.e. -1 is acceptable."),
  make_option(c("-z", "--z-format"), action="store", default="*", type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern of x-ray image formats to select for stitching, i.e. '.tif'."),
  make_option(c("-m", "--make"), action="store", default="*", type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern of SEM image formats to select for stitching, i.e. '.tif'. You do not need to specify this unless you are generating a PDF output."),
  make_option(c("-a", "--all-exclude"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern of x-ray file directories to exclude from stitiching, i.e. the element your sample was coated with."),
  make_option(c("-d", "--drop"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern of files to exclude from x-ray data stitching."),
  make_option(c("-y", "--y-exclude"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
              help="Optional regex pattern of files to exclude from SEM image stitiching. You do not need to specify this unless you are generating a PDF output."),
  make_option(c("-v", "--verbose"), action="store_true", default=TRUE,
              help="Print updates to console [default %default]."),
  make_option(c("-q", "--quiet"), action="store_false", dest="verbose",
              help="Do not print anything to the console."),
  make_option(c("-p", "--pdf"), action="store", default=FALSE,
              help="Generate PDF of x-ray brick colored by element superimposed on the SEM image, default is TRUE [default %default].")  
opt = parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))

#load dependencies 
pacman::p_load(raster, magick, tidyverse, rasterVis, ggnewscale, Hmisc, cowplot)

#create list all sub-directories within main directory
directories <- list.dirs(opt$f, full.names = T , recursive =F)
  directories <- directories[!str_detect(directories, opt$a)]

#set image coordinates
xy <- read_delim(opt$c, delim = "\t", col_types = cols())
positions <- xy %>%
  select(-x, -y)

# stitch xray images ------------------------------------------------------

#stitch xray images into panoramas and store in raster brick 
xray_brick_list <- list()
xray_data <- list()
for(j in 1:length(directories)){
  path = directories[j]
  files <- list.files(path, full.names = T, pattern = opt$z)
    files <- files[!str_detect(files, opt$d)]
  if(length(files) >0){
    xray_data[[j]] <- str_extract(path, "([^/]+$)")
    message(paste0("Stitching ", str_extract(xray_data[[j]], "([^/]+$)"), " data (element ", j, " of ", length(directories), ")..."))
    xy_id <- which(positions[[1]] %in% str_extract(files, opt$u))
    panorama <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(files)){
      message(paste0("Processing image ", i, " of ", length(files), "..."))
      image <- files[i] %>% image_read() %>% 
        image_quantize(colorspace = 'gray') %>% 
      temp_file <- tempfile()
      image_write(image, path = temp_file, format = 'tiff')
      image <- raster(temp_file) %>%
        cut(breaks = c(-Inf, 150, Inf)) - 1
      image <- aggregate(image, fact=4)
      image_extent <- extent(matrix(c(xy$x[xy_id[i]], xy$x[xy_id[i]] + 1024, xy$y[xy_id[i]], xy$y[xy_id[i]]+704), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = T))
      image_raster <- setExtent(raster(nrows = 704, ncols = 1024), image_extent, keepres = F)
      values(image_raster) <- values(image)
      panorama[[xy_id[i]]] <- image_raster
      empty_xy_id <- which(!positions[[1]] %in% str_extract(files, opt$u))
      if(length(empty_xy_id) > 0){
        for(k in 1:length(empty_xy_id)){
          empty_raster_extent <- extent(matrix(c(xy$x[empty_xy_id[k]], xy$x[empty_xy_id[k]] + 1024, xy$y[empty_xy_id[k]], xy$y[empty_xy_id[k]]+704), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = T))
          empty_raster <- setExtent(raster(nrows = 704, ncols = 1024), empty_raster_extent, keepres = F)
          values(empty_raster) <- 0
          panorama[[empty_xy_id[k]]] <- empty_raster
      panorama_merged <- do.call(merge, panorama)
      xray_brick_list[[j]] <- panorama_merged

message("Stitching complete. Creating x-ray brick...")
xray_brick <- do.call(brick, xray_brick_list)
names(xray_brick) <- unlist(xray_data)

#write the brick 
message("Writing brick...")

    out_brick <- writeRaster(xray_brick, paste0(opt$o, "/", opt$n,"_brick.grd"), overwrite=TRUE, format="raster")
    x <- writeRaster(xray_brick, paste0(opt$o, "/", opt$n,"_brick.tif"), overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff",options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=LZW"))
    out_brick <- writeRaster(xray_brick, path = opt$o, "brick.grd", overwrite=TRUE, format="raster")
    x <- writeRaster(xray_brick, path = opt$o, "brick.tif", overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff",options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=LZW"))
    out_brick <- writeRaster(xray_brick, paste0(opt$n,"_brick.grd"), overwrite=TRUE, format="raster")
    x <- writeRaster(xray_brick, paste0(opt$n,"_brick.tif"), overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff",options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=LZW"))
    out_brick <- writeRaster(xray_brick, "brick.grd", overwrite=TRUE, format="raster")
    x <- writeRaster(xray_brick, "brick.tif", overwrite=TRUE, format="GTiff",options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=LZW"))


#flush everything we don't need from memory
remove(list = c("x", "xray_brick_list", "xray_data", "empty_raster", "empty_raster_extent",
                "i", "j", "k", "path", "positions", "xy_id", 
                "panorama_merged", "panorama", "empty_xy_id", "files", "directories"))

# create base SEM image ---------------------------------------------------
  SEM_images <- list.files(opt$b, full.names = T, pattern = opt$m)
  message("Please provide a file path for your SEM images to stitch. For help, see 'dataStitchR.R --help.'")

  SEM_images  <- SEM_images[!str_detect(SEM_images , opt$y)]
SEM_panorama <- list()

message("Stitching SEM images into panorama...")
for(i in 1:length(SEM_images)){
  image <- SEM_images[i] %>% image_read() %>%
    image_quantize(colorspace = 'gray') %>%
  temp_file <- tempfile()
  image_write(image, path = temp_file, format = 'tiff')
  image <- raster(temp_file)
  image_extent <- extent(matrix(c(xy$x[i], xy$x[i] + 1024, xy$y[i], xy$y[i]+704), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = T))
  image_raster <- setExtent(raster(nrows = 704, ncols = 1024), image_extent, keepres = F)
  values(image_raster) <- values(image)
  SEM_panorama[[i]] <- image_raster
SEM_panorama_merged <- do.call(merge, SEM_panorama)

#flush everything we don't need from memory
remove(list = c("SEM_panorama", "SEM_images", "image", "image_extent", "image_raster"))

#optinal plot to check if SEM image merge looks correct 
#plot(SEM_panorama_merged, col = gray.colors(10, start = 0.3, end = 0.9, gamma = 2.2, alpha = NULL))

# plot the data -----------------------------------------------------------

message("Generating plot...")
# Set color palette

#palette source: https://sciencenotes.org/molecule-atom-colors-cpk-colors/

element_colors <- c("#FFFFFF", "#D9FFFF", "#CC80FF", "#C2FF00", "#FFB5B5", "#909090", "#3050F8",
                    "#FF0D0D", "#90E050", "#B3E3F5", "#AB5CF2", "#8AFF00", "#BFA6A6", "#F0C8A0",
                    "#FF8000", "#FFFF30", "#1FF01F", "#80D1E3", "#8F40D4", "#3DFF00", "#E6E6E6",
                    "#BFC2C7", "#A6A6AB", "#8A99C7", "#9C7AC7", "#E06633", "#F090A0", "#50D050",
                    "#C88033", "#7D80B0", "#C28F8F", "#668F8F", "#BD80E3", "#FFA100", "#A62929",
                    "#5CB8D1", "#702EB0", "#00FF00", "#94FFFF", "#94E0E0", "#73C2C9", "#54B5B5",
                    "#3B9E9E", "#248F8F", "#0A7D8C", "#006985", "#C0C0C0", "#FFD98F", "#A67573",
                    "#668080", "#9E63B5", "#D47A00", "#940094", "#429EB0", "#57178F", "#00C900",
                    "#70D4FF", "#FFFFC7", "#D9FFC7", "#C7FFC7", "#A3FFC7", "#8FFFC7", "#61FFC7",
                    "#45FFC7", "#30FFC7", "#1FFFC7", "#00FF9C", "#00E675", "#00D452", "#00BF38",
                    "#00AB24", "#4DC2FF", "#4DA6FF", "#2194D6", "#267DAB", "#266696", "#175487",
                    "#D0D0E0", "#FFD123", "#B8B8D0", "#A6544D", "#575961", "#9E4FB5", "#AB5C00",
                    "#754F45", "#428296", "#420066", "#007D00", "#70ABFA", "#00BAFF", "#00A1FF",
                    "#008FFF", "#0080FF", "#006BFF", "#545CF2", "#785CE3", "#8A4FE3", "#A136D4",
                    "#B31FD4", "#B31FBA", "#B30DA6", "#BD0D87", "#C70066", "#CC0059", "#D1004F",
                    "#D90045", "#E00038", "#E6002E", "#EB0026")
names(element_colors) <- c("H",  "He", "Li", "Be", "B",  "C",  "N",  "O",  "F",  "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si",
                           "P",  "S",  "Cl", "Ar", "K",  "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V",  "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni",
                           "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y",  "Zr", "Nb", "Mo",
                           "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I",  "Xe", "Cs", "Ba",
                           "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb",
                           "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W",  "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po",
                           "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th", "Pa", "U",  "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf",
                           "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt")

xray_frame <- as.data.frame(xray_brick, xy=TRUE) 
xray_frame <- gather(xray_frame, element, value, colnames(xray_frame)[3]:colnames(xray_frame)[ncol(xray_frame)])

element_plotter<-function(coord_frame, brick, SEM_image, colors){
  p <-rasterVis::gplot(SEM_image) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = 'black', high = 'white') +
  for(i in names(brick)){ 
    message(paste0("Adding ", names(brick[[i]]), " to plot..."))
    element_coords <- coord_frame %>%
      filter(element == names(brick[[i]]) & value!=0)
    p <- p+geom_raster(element_coords, mapping = aes(x, y, fill = element, alpha = value)) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
  message("Writing plot...")
  suppressWarnings(print(p + 
                           coord_fixed() +
                           theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
                                 axis.text = element_blank(),
                                 legend.position = "none")))

element_plot <- element_plotter(xray_frame, xray_brick, SEM_panorama_merged, element_colors)

element_plot_legend <- data.frame(element = unique(xray_frame$element)) %>%
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(element, rowname, fill=element)) + 
  geom_bar(stat= "identity") + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = element_colors) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(nrow=2)) +
  theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
        legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8))

element_plot_with_legend <- plot_grid(
            ncol = 1), 
  nrow = 2, 
  rel_heights = c(8,2)

# generate PDF ------------------------------------------------------------

    pdf(paste0(opt$o, "/", opt$n, "_element_plot.pdf"),
        width = 13.33, 
        height = 7.5)
    pdf(paste0(opt$n, "_element_plot.pdf"),
        width = 13.33, 
        height = 7.5)
    pdf(paste0(opt$o, "/", "element_plot.pdf"),
        width = 13.33, 
        height = 7.5)
        width = 13.33, 
        height = 7.5) 




remove(list = ls())


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