Bootstrap 4 最大高度的 div





html,body {
  height: 100%;

#yellow {
  height: 100%;
  background: yellow;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div class="container-fluid h-100">
  <div class="row h-100">
    <div class="col-3 h-100" id="yellow">
    <div class="col-9 h-100">
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>

听起来你需要设置 min-height 而不是 height,这样第一列将至少达到100% - 最小值100%。 - zgood

自从Bootstrap 4使用flexbox后,列高度是相等的,但是您正在使用的h-100在内容高于视口时会限制高度。
<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-3 min-vh-100" id="yellow">
    <div class="col-9">
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>


无需为html、body或黄色div设置高度的额外CSS。 当内容较少(低于视口高度)时,这也可以使用:


.row {
  display: flex; /* equal height of the children */
  min-height: 100vh;

.col {
  flex: 1; /* additionally, equal width */
  padding: 1em;
  border: solid;
.bg-yellow {
  background: yellow;
<div class="row">
  <div class="col bg-yellow">
  <div class="col">
    Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>
      Content goes here<br>

Bootstrap的.rowdisplay:flex,但当内容很少时,它将无法填充视口高度。 - Carol Skelly
@Zim 在类上加上 .row min-height: 100vh; 但他已经有了这个? - EnzoTrompeneers
我没有看到他设置了最小高度。 - Carol Skelly

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的