Elm 中 type 和 type alias 有什么区别?

在 Elm 中,我无法确定何时适用于 type 关键字,以及何时适用于 type alias。文档似乎没有解释这一点,版本发布说明中也找不到相关信息。这个问题有没有被记录在某处?



type 用于定义新的联合类型:

type Thing = Something | SomethingElse


type alias用于为已经存在的某些其他类型命名:

type alias Location = { lat:Int, long:Int }

{ lat = 5, long = 10 } 的类型为 { lat:Int, long:Int },这已经是一个有效的类型。但现在我们也可以说它的类型是 Location,因为它是同一类型的别名。


import Graphics.Element exposing (show)

type alias AliasedString = String

aliasedStringIdentity: AliasedString -> AliasedString
aliasedStringIdentity s = s

thing : String
thing = "thing"

main =
  show <| aliasedStringIdentity thing

不确定你最后一段的意思。你是想说无论如何别名,它们仍然是相同类型的吗? - ZHANG Cheng
是的,只是指出编译器认为别名类型与原始类型相同。 - robertjlooby
当您使用{}记录语法时,您正在定义一个新类型? - user9903
{ lat:Int, long:Int }并不定义一个新的类型,而是一个已经存在的有效类型。type alias Location = { lat:Int, long:Int } 也不会定义新的类型,只是为现有类型提供另一个(或许更加具有描述性的)名称。type Location = Geo { lat:Int, long:Int } 则会定义一个新类型 (Location)。 - robertjlooby
何时应该使用类型(type)而不是类型别名(type alias)?总是使用类型(type)的缺点在哪里? - Richard Haven

{ x = 5, y = 4 }  

{ name = "Billy Bob", grade = 10, classof = 1998 }


add : { x:Int, y:Int } -> { x:Int, y:Int } -> { x:Int, y:Int }
add a b =
  { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y }

type alias Point = { x:Int, y:Int }
add : Point -> Point -> Point
add a b =
  { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y }

因此,别名是某个东西的简称。在这里,它是记录类型的简称。您可以将其视为给经常使用的记录类型命名。这就是为什么它被称为别名——它是表示由{ x:Int, y:Int }代表的裸记录类型的另一个名称。
type MessageHome = NeedBeerMoney | NeedUnderpants


case message of
  NeedBeerMoney ->
  NeedUnderpants ->



type alias 的用法

  1. Create an alias and a constructor function for a record
    This the most common use-case: you can define an alternate name and constructor function for a particular kind of record format.

    type alias Person =
        { name : String
        , age : Int

    Defining the type alias automatically implies the following constructor function (pseudo code):
    Person : String -> Int -> { name : String, age : Int }
    This can come handy, for instance when you want to write a Json decoder.

    personDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Person
    personDecoder =
        Json.Decode.map2 Person
            (Json.Decode.field "name" Json.Decode.String)
            (Json.Decode.field "age" Int)

  2. Specify required fields
    They sometimes call it "extensible records", which can be misleading. This syntax can be used to specify that you are expecting some record with particular fields present. Such as:

    type alias NamedThing x =
        { x
            | name : String
    showName : NamedThing x -> Html msg
    showName thing =
        Html.text thing.name

    Then you can use the above function like this (for example in your view):

        joe = { name = "Joe", age = 34 }
        showName joe

    Richard Feldman's talk on ElmEurope 2017 may provide some further insight into when this style is worth using.

  3. Renaming stuff
    You might do this, because the new names could provide extra meaning later on in your code, like in this example

    type alias Id = String
    type alias ElapsedTime = Time
    type SessionStatus
        = NotStarted
        | Active Id ElapsedTime
        | Finished Id

    Perhaps a better example of this kind of usage in core is Time.

  4. Re-exposing a type from a different module
    If you are writing a package (not an application), you may need to implement a type in one module, perhaps in an internal (not exposed) module, but you want to expose the type from a different (public) module. Or, alternatively, you want to expose your type from multiple modules.
    Task in core and Http.Request in Http are examples for the first, while the Json.Encode.Value and Json.Decode.Value pair is an example of the later.

    You can only do this when you otherwise want to keep the type opaque: you don't expose the constructor functions. For details see usages of type below.

值得注意的是在上面的例子中,只有#1提供了构造函数。如果你像这样在#1中暴露你的类型别名module Data exposing (Person),那么将会同时暴露类型名称和构造函数。


  1. Define a tagged union type
    This is the most common use-case, a good example of it is the Maybe type in core:

    type Maybe a
        = Just a
        | Nothing

    When you define a type, you also define its constructor functions. In case of Maybe these are (pseudo-code):

    Just : a -> Maybe a
    Nothing : Maybe a

    Which means that if you declare this value:

    mayHaveANumber : Maybe Int

    You can create it by either

    mayHaveANumber = Nothing


    mayHaveANumber = Just 5

    The Just and Nothing tags not only serve as constructor functions, they also serve as destructors or patterns in a case expression. Which means that using these patterns you can see inside a Maybe:

    showValue : Maybe Int -> Html msg
    showValue mayHaveANumber =
        case mayHaveANumber of
            Nothing ->
                Html.text "N/A"
            Just number ->
                Html.text (toString number)

    You can do this, because the Maybe module is defined like

    module Maybe exposing 
        ( Maybe(Just,Nothing)

    It could also say

    module Maybe exposing 
        ( Maybe(..)

    The two are equivalent in this case, but being explicit is considered a virtue in Elm, especially when you are writing a package.

  1. Hiding implementation details
    As pointed out above it is a deliberate choice that the constructor functions of Maybe are visible for other modules.

    There are other cases, however, when the author decides to hide them. One example of this in core is Dict. As the consumer of the package, you should not be able to see the implementation details of the Red/Black tree algorithm behind Dict and mess with the nodes directly. Hiding the constructor functions forces the consumer of your module/package to only create values of your type (and then transform those values) through the functions you expose.

    This is the reason why sometimes stuff like this appears in code

    type Person =
        Person { name : String, age : Int }

    Unlike the type alias definition at the top of this post, this syntax creates a new "union" type with only one constructor function, but that constructor function can be hidden from other modules/packages.

    If the type is exposed like this:

    module Data exposing (Person)

    Only code in the Data module can create a Person value and only that code can pattern match on it.

-- Boilerplate code

module Main exposing (main)

import Html exposing (..)

main =
      model = identity,
      view = view,
      update = identity

-- Our type system

type alias IntRecordAlias = {x : Int}
type IntRecordType =
  IntRecordType {x : Int}

inc : {x : Int} -> {x : Int}
inc r = {r | x = .x r + 1}

view model =
    -- 1. This will work
    r : IntRecordAlias
    r = {x = 1}

    -- 2. However, this won't work
    -- r : IntRecordType
    -- r = IntRecordType {x = 1}
    Html.text <| toString <| inc r

The argument to function `inc` is causing a mismatch.

34|                              inc r
Function `inc` is expecting the argument to be:

    { x : Int }

But it is:




type alias Point =
  { x : Int
  , y : Int

type AppState = 
  Loading          --loading state
  |Loaded          --load successful
  |Error String    --Loading error

这样你就可以在 view 中轻松处理它了:

case appState of
    Loading -> showSpinner
    Loaded -> showSuccessData
    Error error -> showError


我想你知道typetype alias之间的区别。

但是为什么以及如何在elm应用程序中使用typetype alias非常重要,你们可以参考Josh Clayton的文章

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