

这个问题有一些有趣的东西。显然,您可以使用MSXML对事物进行base64编码。## 如何使用Excel VBA高效地对字符串进行base64编码## - Mark Biek


我最初使用了Antonin Foller的一些VBScript代码:Base64 Encode VBS FunctionBase64 Decode VBS Function。通过搜索Antonin的网站,我发现他还有关于quoted printable编码,使用了CDO.Message对象的代码,于是我尝试了这个方法。



  • 本地VBScript (VBScript)
  • 使用CDO.Message的Quoted Printable编码 (QP)
  • 使用CDO.Message的Quoted Printable二进制编码 (QP Binary)


+-------------+-----------+ + Method | Time (ms) + +-------------+-----------+ | VBScript | 301,391 | +-------------+-----------+ | QP | 12,922 | +-------------+-----------+ | QP (Binary) | 13,953 | +-------------+-----------+ | MSXML | 3,312 | +-------------+-----------+

我还在测试运行时监控了内存利用(Windows任务管理器中cscript.exe进程的Mem Usage)。我没有原始数据,但quoted printable和MSXML解决方案的内存利用率均低于VBScript解决方案(前者为7,000K,后者约为16,000K)。


Function Base64Encode(sText)
    Dim oXML, oNode

    Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
    Set oNode = oXML.CreateElement("base64")
    oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
    oNode.nodeTypedValue =Stream_StringToBinary(sText)
    Base64Encode = oNode.text
    Set oNode = Nothing
    Set oXML = Nothing
End Function

Function Base64Decode(ByVal vCode)
    Dim oXML, oNode

    Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
    Set oNode = oXML.CreateElement("base64")
    oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
    oNode.text = vCode
    Base64Decode = Stream_BinaryToString(oNode.nodeTypedValue)
    Set oNode = Nothing
    Set oXML = Nothing
End Function

'Stream_StringToBinary Function
'2003 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
'Text - string parameter To convert To binary data
Function Stream_StringToBinary(Text)
  Const adTypeText = 2
  Const adTypeBinary = 1

  'Create Stream object
  Dim BinaryStream 'As New Stream
  Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

  'Specify stream type - we want To save text/string data.
  BinaryStream.Type = adTypeText

  'Specify charset For the source text (unicode) data.
  BinaryStream.CharSet = "us-ascii"

  'Open the stream And write text/string data To the object
  BinaryStream.WriteText Text

  'Change stream type To binary
  BinaryStream.Position = 0
  BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary

  'Ignore first two bytes - sign of
  BinaryStream.Position = 0

  'Open the stream And get binary data from the object
  Stream_StringToBinary = BinaryStream.Read

  Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function

'Stream_BinaryToString Function
'2003 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
'Binary - VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY data To convert To a string 
Function Stream_BinaryToString(Binary)
  Const adTypeText = 2
  Const adTypeBinary = 1

  'Create Stream object
  Dim BinaryStream 'As New Stream
  Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

  'Specify stream type - we want To save binary data.
  BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary

  'Open the stream And write binary data To the object
  BinaryStream.Write Binary

  'Change stream type To text/string
  BinaryStream.Position = 0
  BinaryStream.Type = adTypeText

  'Specify charset For the output text (unicode) data.
  BinaryStream.CharSet = "us-ascii"

  'Open the stream And get text/string data from the object
  Stream_BinaryToString = BinaryStream.ReadText
  Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function

有趣。我不确定为什么需要将BinaryStream.CharSet设置为 us-ascii。使用默认的Unicode字符集似乎完全可以正常工作。 - jeremysawesome
为什么要两次设置 BinaryStream.Position = 0 呢? - Marc
@Marc 换句话说,他们不知道。 - user692942
警告:Bitdefender终端安全工具检测到该脚本中的VB:Trojan.Valyria.399,原因是Stream_BinaryToString()函数中的"BinaryStream.Write Binary"行。 - MMJ
你好!这个代码无法处理韩文字符,有什么原因吗?Base64Encode("{""device"":""pc"",""user"":{""id"":10,""level"":1,""login_id"":""lorem29"",""login_name"":""회원가입신청"",""language"":""en""}}") 返回 {"device":"pc","user":{"id":10,"level":1,"login_id":"lorem29","login_name":"isOi>?e??iz.i< i2-","language":"en"}} - Karma Blackshaw


这个答案在 Patrick Cuff's great answer 的基础上进行了改进,它增加了对 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE 编码(“Unicode”)的支持。(此外,代码也得到了简化)。


' Base64-encode: from UTF-8-encoded bytes.
Base64Encode("Motörhead", False) ' "TW90w7ZyaGVhZA=="

' Base64-encode: from UTF-16 LE-encoded bytes.
Base64Encode("Motörhead", True) ' "TQBvAHQA9gByAGgAZQBhAGQA"

' Base64-decode: back to a VBScript string via UTF-8.
Base64Decode("TW90w7ZyaGVhZA==", False) ' "Motörhead"

' Base64-decode: back to a VBScript string via UTF-16 LE.
Base64Decode("TQBvAHQA9gByAGgAZQBhAGQA", True) ' "Motörhead"


  • 如果您想在 .vbs 文件中将所有 的 Unicode 字符(例如 )表示为文字,请将其保存为 UTF-16LE(“Unicode”)格式。

  • 如果使用 cscript.exe 作为控制台应用程序运行脚本,则由于字体限制,并非所有 Unicode 字符都可以正确渲染到直接显示的输出中(但您可以复制和粘贴它们)。更重要的是,如果尝试捕获或重定向输出,则该控制台 OEM 代码页之外的任何非 ASCII 范围字符都会被丢失(替换为文字 ?)。

' Base64-encodes the specified string.
' Parameter fAsUtf16LE determines how the input text is encoded at the
' byte level before Base64 encoding is applied.
' * Pass False to use UTF-8 encoding.
' * Pass True to use UTF-16 LE encoding.
Function Base64Encode(ByVal sText, ByVal fAsUtf16LE)

    ' Use an aux. XML document with a Base64-encoded element.
    ' Assigning the byte stream (array) returned by StrToBytes() to .NodeTypedValue
    ' automatically performs Base64-encoding, whose result can then be accessed
    ' as the element's text.
    With CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument").CreateElement("aux")
        .DataType = "bin.base64"
        if fAsUtf16LE then
            .NodeTypedValue = StrToBytes(sText, "utf-16le", 2)
            .NodeTypedValue = StrToBytes(sText, "utf-8", 3)
        end if
        Base64Encode = .Text
    End With

End Function

' Decodes the specified Base64-encoded string. 
' If the decoded string's original encoding was:
' * UTF-8, pass False for fIsUtf16LE.
' * UTF-16 LE, pass True for fIsUtf16LE.
Function Base64Decode(ByVal sBase64EncodedText, ByVal fIsUtf16LE)

    Dim sTextEncoding
    if fIsUtf16LE Then sTextEncoding = "utf-16le" Else sTextEncoding = "utf-8"

    ' Use an aux. XML document with a Base64-encoded element.
    ' Assigning the encoded text to .Text makes the decoded byte array
    ' available via .nodeTypedValue, which we can pass to BytesToStr()
    With CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument").CreateElement("aux")
        .DataType = "bin.base64"
        .Text = sBase64EncodedText
        Base64Decode = BytesToStr(.NodeTypedValue, sTextEncoding)
    End With

End Function

' Returns a binary representation (byte array) of the specified string in
' the specified text encoding, such as "utf-8" or "utf-16le".
' Pass the number of bytes that the encoding's BOM uses as iBomByteCount;
' pass 0 to include the BOM in the output.
function StrToBytes(ByVal sText, ByVal sTextEncoding, ByVal iBomByteCount)

    ' Create a text string with the specified encoding and then
    ' get its binary (byte array) representation.
    With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        ' Create a stream with the specified text encoding...
        .Type = 2  ' adTypeText
        .Charset = sTextEncoding
        .WriteText sText
        ' ... and convert it to a binary stream to get a byte-array 
        ' representation.
        .Position = 0 
        .Type = 1  ' adTypeBinary
        .Position = iBomByteCount ' skip the BOM
        StrToBytes = .Read
    End With 

end function

' Returns a string that corresponds to the specified byte array, interpreted
' with the specified text encoding, such as "utf-8" or "utf-16le".
function BytesToStr(ByVal byteArray, ByVal sTextEncoding)

    If LCase(sTextEncoding) = "utf-16le" then
        ' UTF-16 LE happens to be VBScript's internal encoding, so we can
        ' take a shortcut and use CStr() to directly convert the byte array
        ' to a string.
        BytesToStr = CStr(byteArray)
    Else ' Convert the specified text encoding to a VBScript string.
        ' Create a binary stream and copy the input byte array to it.
        With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            .Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
            .Write byteArray
            ' Now change the type to text, set the encoding, and output the 
            ' result as text.
            .Position = 0
            .Type = 2 ' adTypeText
            .CharSet = sTextEncoding
            BytesToStr = .ReadText
        End With
    End If

end function

这个回答在性能方面应该被标记为最佳答案。谢谢你们俩。 - Matija
你好!这个代码无法处理韩文字符,有什么原因吗?Base64Encode("{""device"":""pc"",""user"":{""id"":10,""level"":1,""login_id"":""lorem29"",""login_name"":""회원가입신청"",""language"":""en""}}") 返回 {"device":"pc","user":{"id":10,"level":1,"login_id":"lorem29","login_name":"isOi>?e??iz.i< i2-","language":"en"}} - Karma Blackshaw
@KarmaBlackshaw:假设您的源代码保存为UTF-16LE(“Unicode”),WScript.Echo Base64Decode(Base64Encode("{""deviceü€"":""pc"",""user"":{""id"":10,""level"":1,""login_id"":""lorem29"",""login_name"":""회원가입신청"",""language"":""en""}}", false), false)应该正确地往返,对我来说确实如此。(使用wscript.exe执行以避免控制台中的渲染问题;请还参见我的有关字符编码的更新)。 - mklement0
谢谢@mklement0,但问题在于JavaScript。由于某种原因,它需要解码两次。目前它可以工作。 - Karma Blackshaw
const fromBase64 = (str) => decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(str)))) - Karma Blackshaw


在没有ADODB.Stream 和 MSXml2.DOMDocument的情况下,纯vbscript也可以实现对base64编码。


Function btoa(sourceStr)
    Dim i, j, n, carr, rarr(), a, b, c
    carr = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", _
            "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O" ,"P", _
            "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", _
            "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", _
            "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", _
            "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", _
            "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", _
            "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/")
    n = Len(sourceStr)-1
    ReDim rarr(n\3)
    For i=0 To n Step 3
        a = AscW(Mid(sourceStr,i+1,1))
        If i < n Then
            b = AscW(Mid(sourceStr,i+2,1))
            b = 0
        End If
        If i < n-1 Then
            c = AscW(Mid(sourceStr,i+3,1))
            c = 0
        End If
        rarr(i\3) = carr(a\4) & carr((a And 3) * 16 + b\16) & carr((b And 15) * 4 + c\64) & carr(c And 63)
    i = UBound(rarr)
    If n Mod 3 = 0 Then
        rarr(i) = Left(rarr(i),2) & "=="
    ElseIf n Mod 3 = 1 Then
        rarr(i) = Left(rarr(i),3) & "="
    End If
    btoa = Join(rarr,"")
End Function

Function char_to_utf8(sChar)
    Dim c, b1, b2, b3
    c = AscW(sChar)
    If c < 0 Then
        c = c + &H10000
    End If
    If c < &H80 Then
        char_to_utf8 = sChar
    ElseIf c < &H800 Then
        b1 = c Mod 64
        b2 = (c - b1) / 64
        char_to_utf8 = ChrW(&HC0 + b2) & ChrW(&H80 + b1)
    ElseIf c < &H10000 Then
        b1 = c Mod 64
        b2 = ((c - b1) / 64) Mod 64
        b3 = (c - b1 - (64 * b2)) / 4096
        char_to_utf8 = ChrW(&HE0 + b3) & ChrW(&H80 + b2) & ChrW(&H80 + b1)
    End If
End Function

Function str_to_utf8(sSource)
    Dim i, n, rarr()
    n = Len(sSource)
    ReDim rarr(n - 1)
    For i=0 To n-1
        rarr(i) = char_to_utf8(Mid(sSource,i+1,1))
    str_to_utf8 = Join(rarr,"")
End Function

Function str_to_base64(sSource)
    str_to_base64 = btoa(str_to_utf8(sSource))
End Function


msgbox btoa("Hello")   'SGVsbG8=
msgbox btoa("Hell")    'SGVsbA==

msgbox str_to_base64("中文한국어")  '5Lit5paH7ZWc6rWt7Ja0

如果您的字符串中有宽字符(AscW(c) > 255 or < 0),在调用btoa之前,您可以将其转换为utf-8格式。 utf-8转换也可以纯粹使用vbscript编写。

为什么要重复造轮子? - Wernfried Domscheit
不倚赖任何ActiveX的纯VBScript很有用。我认为这并不是重复造轮子,因为这里没有其他不使用ActiveX的解决方案。 - cuixiping

' This script reads jpg picture named SuperPicture.jpg, converts it to base64
' code using encoding abilities of MSXml2.DOMDocument object and saves
' the resulting data to encoded.txt file

Option Explicit

Const fsDoOverwrite     = true  ' Overwrite file with base64 code
Const fsAsASCII         = false ' Create base64 code file as ASCII file
Const adTypeBinary      = 1     ' Binary file is encoded

' Variables for writing base64 code to file
Dim objFSO
Dim objFileOut

' Variables for encoding
Dim objXML
Dim objDocElem

' Variable for reading binary picture
Dim objStream

' Open data stream from picture
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary

' Create XML Document object and root node
' that will contain the data
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXml2.DOMDocument")
Set objDocElem = objXML.createElement("Base64Data")
objDocElem.dataType = "bin.base64"

' Set binary value
objDocElem.nodeTypedValue = objStream.Read()

' Open data stream to base64 code file
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFileOut = objFSO.CreateTextFile("encoded.txt", fsDoOverwrite, fsAsASCII)

' Get base64 value and write to file
objFileOut.Write objDocElem.text

' Clean all
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objFileOut = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing
Set objDocElem = Nothing
Set objStream = Nothing

' This script reads base64 encoded picture from file named encoded.txt,
' converts it in to back to binary reprisentation using encoding abilities
' of MSXml2.DOMDocument object and saves data to SuperPicture.jpg file

Option Explicit

Const foForReading          = 1 ' Open base 64 code file for reading
Const foAsASCII             = 0 ' Open base 64 code file as ASCII file
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 ' Mode for ADODB.Stream
Const adTypeBinary          = 1 ' Binary file is encoded

' Variables for reading base64 code from file
Dim objFSO
Dim objFileIn
Dim objStreamIn

' Variables for decoding
Dim objXML
Dim objDocElem

' Variable for write binary picture
Dim objStream

' Open data stream from base64 code filr
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFileIn   = objFSO.GetFile("encoded.txt")
Set objStreamIn = objFileIn.OpenAsTextStream(foForReading, foAsASCII)

' Create XML Document object and root node
' that will contain the data
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXml2.DOMDocument")
Set objDocElem = objXML.createElement("Base64Data")
objDocElem.DataType = "bin.base64"

' Set text value
objDocElem.text = objStreamIn.ReadAll()

' Open data stream to picture file
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary

' Get binary value and write to file
objStream.Write objDocElem.NodeTypedValue
objStream.SaveToFile "SuperPicture.jpg", adSaveCreateOverWrite

' Clean all
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objFileIn = Nothing
Set objStreamIn = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing
Set objDocElem = Nothing
Set objStream = Nothing


因此,您可以使用此对象对Base64进行编码或解码 = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")





Function Base64Encode(sText)
 Set oNode = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0").CreateElement("base64")
 oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
 oNode.nodeTypedValue =Stream_StringToBinary(sText)
 Base64Encode = oNode.text
 Set oNode = Nothing
End Function

Function Base64Decode(ByVal vCode)
 Set oNode = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0").CreateElement("base64")
 oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
 oNode.text = vCode
 Base64Decode = Stream_BinaryToString(oNode.nodeTypedValue)
 Set oNode = Nothing
End Function

Function Stream_StringToBinary(Text)
 Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
 BinaryStream.Type = 2
' All Format =>  utf-16le - utf-8 - utf-16le
 BinaryStream.CharSet = "us-ascii"
 BinaryStream.WriteText Text
 BinaryStream.Position = 0
 BinaryStream.Type = 1
 BinaryStream.Position = 0
 Stream_StringToBinary = BinaryStream.Read
 Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function

Function Stream_BinaryToString(Binary)
 Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
 BinaryStream.Type = 1
 BinaryStream.Write Binary
 BinaryStream.Position = 0
 BinaryStream.Type = 2
 ' All Format =>  utf-16le - utf-8 - utf-16le
 BinaryStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
 Stream_BinaryToString = BinaryStream.ReadText
 Set BinaryStream = Nothing
End Function


arr=array("Hello","&Welcome","To My Program")
For Each Endcode In arr
 WSH.Echo Base64Encode(Endcode)

For Each Decode In arr
 WSH.Echo Base64Decode(Decode)

你好!这个代码无法处理韩文字符,有什么原因吗?Base64Encode("{""device"":""pc"",""user"":{""id"":10,""level"":1,""login_id"":""lorem29"",""login_name"":""회원가입신청"",""language"":""en""}}") 返回 {"device":"pc","user":{"id":10,"level":1,"login_id":"lorem29","login_name":"isOi>?e??iz.i< i2-","language":"en"}} - Karma Blackshaw
看一下这段代码的部分 All Format => utf-16le - utf-8 - utf-16le BinaryStream.CharSet = "utf-8" - Michał Lipok



option explicit
dim inobj,outobj,infile,myname,state,rec,outfile,content,table(256),bits,c,x,outword
state = 0
const r64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
myname = wscript.scriptfullname
set inobj = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set outobj = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set infile = inobj.opentextfile(myname,1)
set outfile = outobj.createtextfile("q.png")
for x = 1 to 256 step 1
    table(x) = -1
for x = 1 to 64 step 1
    table(1+asc(mid(r64,x,1))) = x - 1
bits = 0
do until(infile.atendofstream)
    dim size
    rec = infile.readline
    if (state = 1) then 
        content = mid(rec,2)
        size = len(content)
        for x = 1 to size step 1
            c = table(1+asc(mid(content,x,1)))
            if (c <> -1) then
                if (bits = 0) then
                    outword = c*4
                    bits = 6
                elseif (bits = 2) then
                    outword = c+outword
                    outfile.write(chr(clng("&H" & hex(outword mod 256))))
                    bits = 0
                elseif (bits = 4) then
                    outword = outword + int(c/4)
                    outfile.write(chr(clng("&H" & hex(outword mod 256))))
                    outword = c*64
                    bits = 2
                    outword = outword + int(c/16)
                    outfile.write(chr(clng("&H" & hex(outword mod 256))))
                    outword = c*16
                    bits = 4
                end if
            end if
    end if
    if (rec = "'PAYLOAD") then
        state = 1
    end if
wscript.echo "q.png created"

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