


const vertex_shader = `

attribute vec4 vertex;
attribute vec2 textureCoordinates;
attribute vec4 normal;

uniform mat4 model_transform;
uniform mat4 vp_transform;
uniform mat4 normal_transform;

varying vec2 vTexCoords;
varying vec4 obj_loc;
varying vec4 transformed_normal;
varying vec4 vColor;
uniform vec4 light_position;
uniform vec4 light_ambient;
uniform vec4 light_diffuse;

uniform vec4 mat_ambient;
uniform vec4 mat_diffuse;
uniform vec4 mat_specular;
uniform float mat_shininess;

uniform vec4 light_specular;

uniform vec4 camera_position;

uniform int flags;

void main()
    obj_loc = model_transform * vertex; // vertex in model coordinates
    gl_Position = vp_transform * obj_loc; // vertex in device independent coordinates
    transformed_normal = normal_transform * normal;  // normal in model coordinates
    vTexCoords = textureCoordinates;

    vec4 l_vec = normalize(light_position - obj_loc);
    vec4 n_vec = normalize(normal_transform * normal);
    float lndot = dot(l_vec, n_vec);
    float diffuse_scale = max(0.0, lndot);
    vec4 diffuse_color = diffuse_scale * light_diffuse * mat_diffuse;
    if( (flags - 2*(flags/2)) == 0)
        diffuse_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    vec4 h_vec = normalize(l_vec + normalize(camera_position - obj_loc));
    float spec_scale = pow(max(0.0, dot(h_vec, n_vec)), mat_shininess);
    vec4 specular_color;
    if(lndot < 0.0) {
        specular_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    } else {
        specular_color = spec_scale * mat_specular * light_specular;
    if( (flags - 4*(flags/4)) < 2 ) {
        specular_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    vec4 ambient_color = mat_ambient * light_ambient; 
    if(flags < 4) {
        ambient_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

const fragment_shader = `
precision mediump float;

uniform vec4 light_position;
uniform vec4 light_ambient;
uniform vec4 light_diffuse;

varying vec2 vTexCoords;
varying vec4 obj_loc;
varying vec4 transformed_normal;
uniform sampler2D sampler;

    vec4 texture_sample = texture2D(sampler, vTexCoords);

    vec4 l_vec = normalize(light_position - obj_loc);
    vec4 n_vec = normalize(transformed_normal);
    float lndot = dot(l_vec, n_vec);
    float diffuse_scale = max(0.0, lndot);
    vec4 diffuse_color = diffuse_scale * light_diffuse * texture_sample;
    vec4 ambient_color = light_ambient * texture_sample;
    gl_FragColor = diffuse_color + ambient_color;
    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;


链接错误是由顶点着色器和片段着色器中不同的精度引起的。请参见“4.5 精度和精度限定符”(链接)和“OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.00规范-4.5.3 默认精度限定符”(链接)。

The vertex language has the following predeclared globally scoped default precision statements:

precision highp float;


precision mediump float;

因此,片元着色器和顶点着色器中的浮点统一变量精度不同。可以在顶点着色器中为浮点数设置明确的 mediump 精度:
const vertex_shader = `
precision mediump float;



uniform mediump vec4 light_position;

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的