

有没有办法删除屏幕提示中突出显示的“Tell me more”部分,如下所示的示例?

enter image description here


        <customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
        <tab id="customMANTIS" label="MANTIS" insertAfterMso="Developer">

            <group id="mantisSheetFunctions" label="Sheet Functions">
                <button id="customButton3" label="Insert Rows" screentip="Insert Rows" supertip="Insert rows at the current cursor position. Max 1000 rows at any one time." size="large" onAction="IRInsertNewRows" imageMso="CellsInsertDialog" />
                <button id="customButton4" label="Delete Rows" screentip="Delete Rows" supertip="Delete rows from the current cursor position down. Max 1000 rows at any one time." size="large" onAction="IRDeleteRows" imageMso="CellsDelete" />
                <button id="customButton5" label="PDF Sheet" screentip="Save Sheet as PDF" supertip="Saves the current sheet as a PDF document." size="large" onAction="IRPDFSheet" imageMso="FileSaveAsPdf" />

            <group id="mantisWorkbookNavigation" label="Workbook Functions">
                <button id="customButton6" label="Insert Logo" screentip="Insert Logo" supertip="Apply your own company logo to the header portion of each sheet." size="large" onAction="IRInsertHeaderGraphic" imageMso="PicturePositionGallery" />
                <button id="customButton7" label="Save Workbook" screentip="Save Workbook As..." supertip="Creates and renames a copy of the Workbook." size="large" onAction="IRSaveAs" imageMso="FileSaveAs" />
                <button id="customButton8" label="PDF Workbook" screentip=" Save Workbook as PDF" supertip="Creates a PDF file of the entire Workbook." size="large" onAction="IRLockWorkbook" imageMso="FileSaveAsPdfOrXps" />

            <group id="mantisNavigation" label="Navigation">
                <button id="customButton1" label="Previous Sheet" screentip="Previous Sheet" supertip="Navigates back one sheet at a time." size="large" onAction="IRPrevPg" imageMso="PreviousResource" />
                <button id="customButton2" label="Next Sheet" screentip="Next Sheet" supertip="Navigates forward one sheet at a time." size="large" onAction="IRNextPg" imageMso="NextResource" />

            <group id="mantisHelp" label="Help">
                <button id="customButton9" label="View Versions" screentip="View Versions Sheet" supertip="Displays the Version Control sheet. Contains a detailed record of each version change." size="large" onAction="IRVersions" imageMso="Info" />
                <button id="customButton10" label="Help" screentip="Instructions File" supertip="Allows for the online reading or downloading of the instructions file for the calculator. An active internet connection is required." size="large" onAction="IRInstructionFile" imageMso="Help" />


正如exelguru在此处的评论所说:“我们无法更改工作簿名称、齿轮甚至删除帮助行的F1。相当令人恼火。”(后面跟着一个难过的表情符号)。 此外,正如这个MS论坛所显示的那样:“不,没有任何人可以对此进行任何操作-它是硬编码到Ribbon行为中的。”。 - Parfait
感谢反馈。昨天晚些时候,我通过其他途径找到了这个事实的参考资料。 - Mike Eburne



getScreentip = "ScreentipMacroName"


网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的