
我有一个整数有限集合Ai的有限集合A = {A1,...,Ak},我想在Python中计算以下内容:
  1. 所有子集A的交集:F = {B的交集:B是A的子集}。这是上述问题的一个相当快速的解决方案。

  2. a. 所有对(X,Y)的组合,其中X,Y是F中的集合且X是Y的子集。

    b. 所有对(X,Y)的组合,其中X,Y是F中的集合且X是Y的子集,并且没有集合Z在F中满足X子集Z子集Y。换句话说,X和Y之间不存在包含顺序中的任何集合Z。这样的一对(X,Y)被称为覆盖

为什么我想这样做?-- 我想计算10^7个多面体的面格。在我的情景中,上述集合A包含600个集合。它确实是著名的600细胞,目前的计算需要大约6秒钟,如果可能的话,我希望将其降低10倍。


# this is John Coleman's function from above question's answer
def allIntersections(frozenSets):
    universalSet = frozenset.union(*frozenSets)
    intersections = set([universalSet])
    for s in frozenSets:
        moreIntersections = set(s & t for t in intersections)
    return intersections

def all_intersections(lists):
    sets = allIntersections([frozenset(s) for s in lists])
    return [list(s) for s in sets]

A = [[19, 40, 41, 48], [19, 44, 45, 49], [23, 42, 43, 50], [23, 46, 47, 51], [19, 40, 41, 52], [19, 44, 45, 53], [23, 42, 43, 54], [23, 46, 47, 55], [2, 25, 36, 56], [0, 24, 32, 56], [24, 25, 56, 57], [24, 32, 56, 57], [16, 32, 56, 57], [1, 24, 32, 57], [25, 36, 56, 57], [16, 36, 56, 57], [3, 25, 36, 57], [8, 28, 34, 58], [10, 29, 38, 58], [28, 29, 58, 59], [28, 34, 58, 59], [20, 34, 58, 59], [29, 38, 58, 59], [20, 38, 58, 59], [9, 28, 34, 59], [11, 29, 38, 59], [6, 27, 37, 60], [4, 26, 33, 60], [5, 26, 33, 61], [26, 27, 60, 61], [26, 33, 60, 61], [16, 33, 60, 61], [27, 37, 60, 61], [7, 27, 37, 61], [16, 37, 60, 61], [12, 30, 35, 62], [14, 31, 39, 62], [30, 35, 62, 63], [20, 39, 62, 63], [20, 35, 62, 63], [30, 31, 62, 63], [31, 39, 62, 63], [15, 31, 39, 63], [13, 30, 35, 63], [0, 24, 32, 64], [1, 24, 32, 64], [8, 28, 34, 65], [9, 28, 34, 65], [3, 25, 36, 66], [2, 25, 36, 66], [11, 29, 38, 67], [10, 29, 38, 67], [4, 26, 33, 68], [5, 26, 33, 68], [12, 30, 35, 69], [13, 30, 35, 69], [6, 27, 37, 70], [7, 27, 37, 70], [15, 31, 39, 71], [14, 31, 39, 71], [4, 33, 68, 72], [0, 32, 64, 72], [18, 64, 72, 73], [32, 64, 72, 73], [32, 33, 72, 73], [1, 32, 64, 73], [18, 68, 72, 73], [5, 33, 68, 73], [33, 68, 72, 73], [2, 36, 66, 74], [6, 37, 70, 74], [3, 36, 66, 75], [7, 37, 70, 75], [36, 66, 74, 75], [37, 70, 74, 75], [36, 37, 74, 75], [22, 66, 74, 75], [22, 70, 74, 75], [12, 35, 69, 76], [8, 34, 65, 76], [18, 65, 76, 77], [34, 65, 76, 77], [34, 35, 76, 77], [18, 69, 76, 77], [35, 69, 76, 77], [13, 35, 69, 77], [9, 34, 65, 77], [10, 38, 67, 78], [14, 39, 71, 78], [38, 67, 78, 79], [22, 71, 78, 79], [22, 67, 78, 79], [38, 39, 78, 79], [39, 71, 78, 79], [15, 39, 71, 79], [11, 38, 67, 79], [0, 40, 48, 80], [19, 40, 48, 80], [19, 48, 49, 80], [8, 44, 49, 80], [19, 44, 49, 80], [2, 40, 52, 81], [10, 44, 53, 81], [19, 52, 53, 81], [19, 40, 52, 81], [19, 44, 53, 81], [19, 40, 80, 81], [19, 44, 80, 81], [23, 42, 50, 82], [23, 50, 51, 82], [1, 42, 50, 82], [23, 46, 51, 82], [9, 46, 51, 82], [23, 54, 55, 83], [3, 42, 54, 83], [23, 42, 54, 83], [23, 42, 82, 83], [11, 46, 55, 83], [23, 46, 55, 83], [23, 46, 82, 83], [19, 45, 49, 84], [12, 45, 49, 84], [4, 41, 48, 84], [19, 41, 48, 84], [19, 48, 49, 84], [19, 45, 84, 85], [19, 41, 84, 85], [6, 41, 52, 85], [19, 41, 52, 85], [14, 45, 53, 85], [19, 45, 53, 85], [19, 52, 53, 85], [23, 43, 50, 86], [5, 43, 50, 86], [23, 50, 51, 86], [23, 47, 51, 86], [13, 47, 51, 86], [7, 43, 54, 87], [23, 43, 54, 87], [23, 43, 86, 87], [23, 54, 55, 87], [23, 47, 86, 87], [15, 47, 55, 87], [23, 47, 55, 87], [8, 28, 65, 88], [0, 24, 64, 88], [9, 28, 65, 89], [28, 65, 88, 89], [17, 28, 88, 89], [17, 24, 88, 89], [1, 24, 64, 89], [24, 64, 88, 89], [64, 65, 88, 89], [4, 26, 68, 90], [12, 30, 69, 90], [5, 26, 68, 91], [13, 30, 69, 91], [26, 68, 90, 91], [21, 26, 90, 91], [68, 69, 90, 91], [30, 69, 90, 91], [21, 30, 90, 91], [10, 29, 67, 92], [2, 25, 66, 92], [29, 67, 92, 93], [66, 67, 92, 93], [11, 29, 67, 93], [17, 29, 92, 93], [25, 66, 92, 93], [17, 25, 92, 93], [3, 25, 66, 93], [14, 31, 71, 94], [6, 27, 70, 94], [21, 31, 94, 95], [21, 27, 94, 95], [15, 31, 71, 95], [31, 71, 94, 95], [70, 71, 94, 95], [27, 70, 94, 95], [7, 27, 70, 95], [2, 25, 56, 96], [0, 80, 88, 96], [0, 40, 56, 96], [2, 40, 81, 96], [2, 40, 56, 96], [0, 40, 80, 96], [40, 80, 81, 96], [2, 81, 92, 96], [17, 25, 92, 96], [2, 25, 92, 96], [0, 24, 88, 96], [0, 24, 56, 96], [24, 25, 56, 96], [17, 24, 88, 96], [17, 24, 25, 96], [28, 29, 58, 97], [80, 88, 96, 97], [80, 81, 96, 97], [44, 80, 81, 97], [8, 28, 88, 97], [8, 28, 58, 97], [8, 44, 58, 97], [8, 80, 88, 97], [8, 44, 80, 97], [81, 92, 96, 97], [17, 29, 92, 97], [17, 92, 96, 97], [17, 28, 29, 97], [17, 28, 88, 97], [17, 88, 96, 97], [10, 29, 92, 97], [10, 29, 58, 97], [10, 44, 58, 97], [10, 44, 81, 97], [10, 81, 92, 97], [6, 41, 85, 98], [6, 41, 60, 98], [4, 41, 60, 98], [6, 85, 94, 98], [4, 41, 84, 98], [4, 84, 90, 98], [41, 84, 85, 98], [6, 27, 94, 98], [6, 27, 60, 98], [26, 27, 60, 98], [4, 26, 90, 98], [4, 26, 60, 98], [21, 27, 94, 98], [21, 26, 90, 98], [21, 26, 27, 98], [14, 45, 85, 99], [21, 30, 31, 99], [14, 31, 62, 99], [30, 31, 62, 99], [14, 45, 62, 99], [21, 90, 98, 99], [21, 30, 90, 99], [84, 90, 98, 99], [45, 84, 85, 99], [84, 85, 98, 99], [12, 30, 62, 99], [12, 45, 62, 99], [12, 45, 84, 99], [12, 30, 90, 99], [12, 84, 90, 99], [85, 94, 98, 99], [21, 94, 98, 99], [14, 85, 94, 99], [14, 31, 94, 99], [21, 31, 94, 99], [3, 83, 93, 100], [1, 42, 82, 100], [3, 42, 57, 100], [1, 42, 57, 100], [42, 82, 83, 100], [3, 42, 83, 100], [1, 82, 89, 100], [1, 24, 89, 100], [17, 24, 89, 100], [1, 24, 57, 100], [17, 25, 93, 100], [3, 25, 57, 100], [3, 25, 93, 100], [17, 24, 25, 100], [24, 25, 57, 100], [17, 93, 100, 101], [82, 83, 100, 101], [11, 83, 93, 101], [83, 93, 100, 101], [11, 29, 59, 101], [11, 29, 93, 101], [17, 29, 93, 101], [9, 82, 89, 101], [82, 89, 100, 101], [17, 89, 100, 101], [11, 46, 83, 101], [11, 46, 59, 101], [9, 46, 59, 101], [9, 46, 82, 101], [46, 82, 83, 101], [9, 28, 59, 101], [17, 28, 29, 101], [28, 29, 59, 101], [17, 28, 89, 101], [9, 28, 89, 101], [5, 43, 86, 102], [5, 86, 91, 102], [7, 43, 61, 102], [5, 43, 61, 102], [21, 27, 95, 102], [7, 27, 95, 102], [7, 27, 61, 102], [5, 26, 61, 102], [26, 27, 61, 102], [21, 26, 27, 102], [21, 26, 91, 102], [5, 26, 91, 102], [43, 86, 87, 102], [7, 43, 87, 102], [7, 87, 95, 102], [86, 91, 102, 103], [86, 87, 102, 103], [15, 31, 63, 103], [30, 31, 63, 103], [15, 31, 95, 103], [87, 95, 102, 103], [15, 87, 95, 103], [15, 47, 63, 103], [15, 47, 87, 103], [47, 86, 87, 103], [13, 30, 63, 103], [13, 30, 91, 103], [13, 86, 91, 103], [13, 47, 63, 103], [13, 47, 86, 103], [21, 91, 102, 103], [21, 30, 91, 103], [21, 30, 31, 103], [21, 95, 102, 103], [21, 31, 95, 103], [0, 48, 72, 104], [4, 33, 72, 104], [4, 33, 60, 104], [4, 41, 60, 104], [4, 48, 72, 104], [4, 41, 48, 104], [32, 33, 72, 104], [0, 32, 72, 104], [0, 32, 56, 104], [0, 40, 56, 104], [40, 41, 48, 104], [0, 40, 48, 104], [16, 32, 56, 104], [16, 32, 33, 104], [16, 33, 60, 104], [40, 41, 104, 105], [40, 41, 52, 105], [41, 60, 104, 105], [16, 60, 104, 105], [40, 56, 104, 105], [16, 56, 104, 105], [2, 40, 56, 105], [2, 40, 52, 105], [2, 36, 56, 105], [16, 36, 56, 105], [16, 37, 60, 105], [16, 36, 37, 105], [2, 52, 74, 105], [36, 37, 74, 105], [2, 36, 74, 105], [6, 52, 74, 105], [6, 41, 52, 105], [6, 41, 60, 105], [6, 37, 60, 105], [6, 37, 74, 105], [12, 35, 76, 106], [12, 45, 62, 106], [12, 35, 62, 106], [8, 44, 49, 106], [8, 49, 76, 106], [12, 49, 76, 106], [44, 45, 49, 106], [12, 45, 49, 106], [20, 35, 62, 106], [8, 44, 58, 106], [20, 34, 58, 106], [8, 34, 58, 106], [20, 34, 35, 106], [8, 34, 76, 106], [34, 35, 76, 106], [20, 62, 106, 107], [20, 38, 39, 107], [20, 39, 62, 107], [10, 38, 78, 107], [38, 39, 78, 107], [10, 53, 78, 107], [20, 58, 106, 107], [20, 38, 58, 107], [10, 38, 58, 107], [44, 58, 106, 107], [10, 44, 58, 107], [10, 44, 53, 107], [14, 39, 62, 107], [14, 39, 78, 107], [14, 53, 78, 107], [14, 45, 53, 107], [44, 45, 106, 107], [44, 45, 53, 107], [14, 45, 62, 107], [45, 62, 106, 107], [16, 32, 57, 108], [1, 32, 57, 108], [16, 32, 33, 108], [16, 33, 61, 108], [5, 33, 61, 108], [1, 32, 73, 108], [32, 33, 73, 108], [1, 50, 73, 108], [5, 33, 73, 108], [5, 50, 73, 108], [1, 42, 50, 108], [1, 42, 57, 108], [5, 43, 61, 108], [5, 43, 50, 108], [42, 43, 50, 108], [7, 37, 61, 109], [3, 36, 57, 109], [3, 42, 57, 109], [7, 43, 61, 109], [42, 43, 108, 109], [43, 61, 108, 109], [42, 57, 108, 109], [16, 36, 57, 109], [16, 36, 37, 109], [16, 57, 108, 109], [16, 61, 108, 109], [16, 37, 61, 109], [36, 37, 75, 109], [7, 37, 75, 109], [3, 36, 75, 109], [3, 42, 54, 109], [42, 43, 54, 109], [7, 43, 54, 109], [3, 54, 75, 109], [7, 54, 75, 109], [34, 35, 77, 110], [13, 35, 63, 110], [13, 35, 77, 110], [13, 47, 63, 110], [9, 34, 77, 110], [9, 51, 77, 110], [13, 51, 77, 110], [9, 46, 51, 110], [13, 47, 51, 110], [46, 47, 51, 110], [20, 35, 63, 110], [20, 34, 35, 110], [9, 34, 59, 110], [20, 34, 59, 110], [9, 46, 59, 110], [11, 38, 59, 111], [11, 38, 79, 111], [15, 47, 63, 111], [11, 55, 79, 111], [15, 47, 55, 111], [15, 55, 79, 111], [11, 46, 59, 111], [46, 47, 55, 111], [11, 46, 55, 111], [38, 39, 79, 111], [15, 39, 79, 111], [15, 39, 63, 111], [20, 38, 39, 111], [20, 39, 63, 111], [20, 38, 59, 111], [47, 63, 110, 111], [20, 59, 110, 111], [20, 63, 110, 111], [46, 59, 110, 111], [46, 47, 110, 111], [8, 65, 88, 112], [18, 65, 76, 112], [8, 65, 76, 112], [8, 49, 76, 112], [0, 64, 88, 112], [64, 65, 88, 112], [18, 64, 65, 112], [18, 64, 72, 112], [0, 64, 72, 112], [0, 48, 72, 112], [8, 49, 80, 112], [8, 80, 88, 112], [48, 49, 80, 112], [0, 48, 80, 112], [0, 80, 88, 112], [4, 68, 90, 113], [4, 84, 90, 113], [12, 84, 90, 113], [18, 68, 69, 113], [68, 69, 90, 113], [12, 69, 90, 113], [4, 68, 72, 113], [18, 68, 72, 113], [18, 69, 76, 113], [12, 69, 76, 113], [4, 48, 84, 113], [4, 48, 72, 113], [12, 49, 76, 113], [48, 49, 84, 113], [12, 49, 84, 113], [18, 76, 112, 113], [49, 76, 112, 113], [18, 72, 112, 113], [48, 49, 112, 113], [48, 72, 112, 113], [2, 66, 92, 114], [66, 67, 92, 114], [52, 53, 81, 114], [2, 52, 81, 114], [2, 81, 92, 114], [22, 66, 67, 114], [22, 67, 78, 114], [2, 66, 74, 114], [2, 52, 74, 114], [22, 66, 74, 114], [10, 53, 81, 114], [10, 53, 78, 114], [10, 67, 78, 114], [10, 81, 92, 114], [10, 67, 92, 114], [6, 85, 94, 115], [6, 52, 85, 115], [52, 53, 85, 115], [14, 85, 94, 115], [14, 53, 85, 115], [52, 53, 114, 115], [6, 52, 74, 115], [52, 74, 114, 115], [14, 71, 94, 115], [70, 71, 94, 115], [6, 70, 94, 115], [6, 70, 74, 115], [22, 74, 114, 115], [22, 70, 74, 115], [22, 70, 71, 115], [14, 71, 78, 115], [53, 78, 114, 115], [14, 53, 78, 115], [22, 78, 114, 115], [22, 71, 78, 115], [18, 64, 65, 116], [18, 65, 77, 116], [50, 51, 82, 116], [1, 50, 82, 116], [9, 51, 82, 116], [9, 51, 77, 116], [9, 65, 77, 116], [18, 64, 73, 116], [1, 64, 73, 116], [1, 50, 73, 116], [64, 65, 89, 116], [1, 64, 89, 116], [9, 65, 89, 116], [1, 82, 89, 116], [9, 82, 89, 116], [18, 73, 116, 117], [18, 77, 116, 117], [51, 77, 116, 117], [18, 69, 77, 117], [13, 51, 86, 117], [13, 51, 77, 117], [13, 69, 77, 117], [18, 68, 69, 117], [18, 68, 73, 117], [13, 69, 91, 117], [13, 86, 91, 117], [68, 69, 91, 117], [5, 86, 91, 117], [5, 68, 73, 117], [5, 68, 91, 117], [50, 51, 116, 117], [5, 50, 86, 117], [50, 51, 86, 117], [5, 50, 73, 117], [50, 73, 116, 117], [11, 55, 83, 118], [3, 66, 75, 118], [3, 54, 75, 118], [3, 54, 83, 118], [54, 55, 83, 118], [11, 55, 79, 118], [11, 67, 79, 118], [66, 67, 93, 118], [3, 83, 93, 118], [3, 66, 93, 118], [11, 67, 93, 118], [11, 83, 93, 118], [22, 66, 67, 118], [22, 67, 79, 118], [22, 66, 75, 118], [54, 55, 87, 119], [54, 55, 118, 119], [55, 79, 118, 119], [54, 75, 118, 119], [22, 75, 118, 119], [22, 79, 118, 119], [22, 71, 79, 119], [22, 70, 71, 119], [70, 71, 95, 119], [22, 70, 75, 119], [7, 54, 75, 119], [7, 54, 87, 119], [7, 70, 75, 119], [7, 87, 95, 119], [7, 70, 95, 119], [15, 71, 79, 119], [15, 55, 79, 119], [15, 55, 87, 119], [15, 71, 95, 119], [15, 87, 95, 119]]
from itertools import combinations
F = all_intersections(A) # all intersections: function from other question
                         # takes 415 ms
F = sorted(F,lambda x,y: cmp(len(x),len(y)))
pairs = [ (x,y) for x,y in combinations(F,2) if set(y).issuperset(x) ]
                         # takes ~6 sec


根据下面David K的解决方案,给定why,还有两个可以使用的假设:
1. 结果排序是分级的,具有唯一的最小值和唯一的最大值。也就是说,每个最大链F0 < F1 < ... < Fm的覆盖关系都具有相同的长度,其中F0是空集,Fm是输入集A的并集。我们称Fi集合为i级,这是一个明确定义的概念,由于其分级性质。 2. 每个M级集合都是恰好2个M+1级集合的交集。

“all_intersections(A)” 在输入上需要多长时间?我假设“all_intersections”是一个 NP 问题,最坏情况相对于输入大小呈指数级增长,对吗? - beoliver
想法#1:首先按大小和字典顺序对F的成员进行排序。 大小排序意味着您只需要测试i <j的情况下X_i是否是X_j的子集,这大约是测试的一半;每个恒定大小块内的lex排序意味着相邻的集合具有相等的前缀,因此通过预计算告诉您集合X_i和X_{i-1}的最长公共前缀的表lcp[i],每个失败的子集测试都可以潜在地排除连续的后续超集候选块。 - j_random_hacker
想法#2(仅在对于每个集合X通常存在一个适当的超集Y,使得| Y | = | X | + 1时才有效):要为给定的集合X找到“最小超集”Y(同时回答2a),您可以取X并尝试将每个可能的其他整数插入其中,并查看是否存在这个更大的集合(例如通过维护包含F中所有集合的哈希表(在Python中可能称为字典)):如果是,则必须是最小超集。(如果不是,则需要尝试添加每个可能的一对其他整数等,或者退回到当前方法。) - j_random_hacker
想法#3:将这个小代码片段重写为C++或其他编译语言。如果你只是想要一个小的常数因子改进,通常这是可行的方法。 - j_random_hacker
我的观点是,在“为什么我想要这样做”之前的问题陈述中,只说明了A是一个由整数有限集合组成的有限集合,因此解决该问题的算法必须适用于_任何_由整数有限集合组成的有限集合。并非所有这样的集合(我相信)都会导致欧拉偏序。如果您限制只接受答案为欧拉偏序的输入,则可以利用欧拉偏序的属性进行较少的计算。例如,您只需要检查一级差异的集合包含关系。 - David K

这是一个函数,利用输入列表是抽象多面体的面的假设。该函数不是采用集合交集的所有组合,而是假定输入是M维面(秩为M的多面体)在秩为M + 1的多面体中的完整列表。然后,它执行一个循环,每次迭代都会获取一个完整的M维面列表,并生成一个完整的(M-1)维面列表,同时累积这两个面列表的所有包含关系对。
from collections import defaultdict
import sys

def generatePairs(A):
    # It is assumed that A consists exactly of all the facets of an abstract
    # polytope of rank N; that is, the abstract polytope is a graded poset
    # in which the minimal element is the empty set and has rank -1, the
    # maximal element is the polytope's body, which has rank N, and A
    # contains all facets of the polytope, which have rank N - 1.
    # Then within the graded poset,
    # each element of rank 0 is a point and has cardinality 1;
    # each element of rank 1 is an edge and has cardiality 2;
    # each element of rank M (where M > 1) is a rank-M polytope and has
    # cardinality at least M + 1, but may have greater cardinality.

    # We start with the facets (rank N-1).
    rank_to_intersect = [frozenset(s) for s in A]

    # Construct the body (rank N).
    polytope_body = list(frozenset.union(*rank_to_intersect))
    body_size = len(polytope_body)

    # covering_pairs will be all the pairs of polytopes (s,t) such that
    # rank(s) + 1 == rank(t) and s is a subset of t. Initially we populate
    # it with just the pairs whose ranks are respectively N-1 and N.
    covering_pairs = [(s, polytope_body) for s in A]

    while (len(rank_to_intersect) > 0) and (len(rank_to_intersect[0]) > 2):
        # For some integer M such that M > 1, rank_to_intersect contains all
        # the polytopes of rank M. At the end of each iteration of the loop,
        # rank_to_intersect will contain all the polytopes of rank M - 1.
        # Also, all the pairs (x,y) where rank(x) = M - 1 and rank(y) = M
        # will have been added to covering_pairs.

        container_map = defaultdict(list)
        while rank_to_intersect:
            s = rank_to_intersect.pop()
            for t in rank_to_intersect:
                x = s & t
                if len(x) > 1:
                    container_map[x].extend([s, t])
                    # Note that the list container_map[x]
                    # may contain duplicates

        # The keys of container_map, consisting of all pairwise
        # intersections of polytopes of rank M, include all polytopes
        # of rank M - 1 but also some polytopes of lower ranks.
        # Any polytope of a lower rank, however, is a subset of
        # a polytope of rank M - 1 that is also in the list.

        min_size   = min([len(s) for s in container_map.keys()])
        max_size   = max([len(s) for s in container_map.keys()])
        size_range = range(min_size, max_size + 1)
        candidates = dict([(i, []) for i in size_range])
        for s in container_map.keys():

        # Repopulate rank_to_intersect with the polytopes of rank M - 1.
        for set_size in size_range:
            larger_sizes = range(set_size + 1, max_size + 1)
            for s in candidates[set_size]:
                if not any(any(t >= s for t in candidates[i])
                           for i in larger_sizes):
                    # We now know that s has rank M - 1, not a lower rank.

        # Add all the (rank-(M - 1), rank-M) pairs to covering_pairs.
        for s in rank_to_intersect:
            # container_map[s] may contain duplicates; avoid them.
            containers = frozenset(container_map[s])
            covering_pairs.extend([(list(s), list(t)) for t in containers])

    # At the end of the loop, rank_to_intersect contains the rank-1
    # polytopes, that is, the edges.
    # Each edge contains each of its two endpoints.
    points_with_duplicates = []
    for e in rank_to_intersect:
        covering_pairs.extend([([p], list(e)) for p in e])

    # List the containment pairs of the empty set without duplicating points.
    points = frozenset(points_with_duplicates)
    covering_pairs.extend([([], [p]) for p in points])

    return covering_pairs

太棒了,感谢你解决了这个问题!它确实产生了正确的输出(在600个单元格上与我今天实现的另一个算法进行了比较)。我实现的算法使用了来自sagemath.org的Graph类(因此在这里并不是很合适),而且比你的慢了大约2.5倍。明天我会仔细阅读你的代码,并在需要时发表评论。 - Christian
你所做的假设有一个注释:你只假设输出是一个排名的格子,并且每个排名为M的面是两个排名为M+1的面的交集。这适用于比多面体更广泛的结构类别。例如,(不一定是你关心的)兼容定向拟阵的面格类也满足这个假设,以及非多面体三角化球体的面格类也满足这个假设。 - Christian
你所使用的而我忽略了的重大改进是,你只需要相交所有N+1级面的每一对(实际上你昨天已经写过了,但我没有意识到这是一个巨大的优势),就可以得到所有N级面。 - Christian
棘手的部分是要区分所需等级的面孔和低等级的交叉点。在尝试之前,我并不完全确定这一步骤对运行时间的影响,具体取决于如何执行该步骤(这将极大地影响运行时间)。此外,感谢您对算法可能适用的问题类别的评论 - 知道算法适用性的更精确界限从来没有坏处。 - David K
我发布了另一种相当不同的算法,如果您想看看的话--欢迎反馈和改进! - Christian



def all_intersections(lists):
    sets = allIntersections([frozenset(s) for s in lists])
    return list(sets)

A = ...
F = all_intersections(A) 
pairs = [(x,y) for x,y in combinations(F,2) if y.issuperset(x)]

感谢您的使用!与set(y).issuperset(x)相比,y.issuperset(x)提供了2倍的因子(约为3秒),所以这确实值得做。但我更希望有一种聪明的方法来构建集合F,以便在计算过程中提供这些“pairs”,从而使我可以在总共不到1秒的时间内完成整个计算。 - Christian
我知道,抱歉,我非常忙,没有太多时间去深思熟虑! - beoliver



  1. 除了 A 的联合部分,每个交点都有一个可快速计算的覆盖

  2. 这将产生一个从顶部元素开始的顺序生成树,由 A 的联合给出

  3. 然后按顺序计算排名,并仅比较相差1的排名元素

    from collections import defaultdict
    # 这是John Coleman从https://dev59.com/TZffa4cB1Zd3GeqP_rRg中提取出的函数
    # 计算包括空交集(对应于`A`中所有集合的联合)在内的所有交集。
    def all_intersections(A):
        # 使用frozensets进行交集运算
        A = map(frozenset,A)
        # `A`的联合作为基础集合
        universalSet = frozenset.union(*A)
        # 逐个计算交集
        intersections = set([universalSet])
        for s in A:
            moreIntersections = set(s & t for t in intersections)
        return intersections
    def ranked_pieces(intersections):
        # 这是为了避免下面长度测试的检查
        lens = { s:len(s) for s in intersections }
        V = sorted(intersections, lambda x,y:cmp(lens[x],lens[y]))
        m = len(V)
        lower_covs = defaultdict(set)
        # 我们首先计算生成树…
        for i,x in enumerate(V):
            for j in range(i+1,m):
                y = V[j]
                if lens[x] < lens[y] and y.issuperset(x):
                    # 由于V是根据大小排序的,
                    # 我们肯定已经找到了一个覆盖并停止了。
        # …然后计算级别集合
        level = set([V[-1]])
        level_sets = [level]
        while level:
            level = set.union(*[lower_covs[v] for v in level])
        # 级别集合现在是倒序排序的
        # 即level_sets [0]是最大的集合,
        # 而level_sets [-1]是空集
        return level_sets
    def ranked_pieces_to_covers(ranked_pieces):
        # 这是因为我们希望使用元组而不是集合
        # 并且我们只想计算一次
        back_ref = {f:tuple(sorted(f)) for i in range(len(ranked_pieces)) for f in ranked_pieces[i]}
        covs = []
        for i in range(len(ranked_pieces)-1):
            high = ranked_pieces[i]
            low  = ranked_pieces[i+1]
            for x in low:
                for y in high:
                    if y.issuperset(x):
                        covs.append((back_ref[x], back_ref[y]))
        return covs
    def generate_covers(A):
        return ranked_pieces_to_covers(ranked_pieces(all_intersections(A)))

对于600维数据的测试,David K的算法速度要快得多:

    sage: %time X = generatePairs(A)
    CPU times: user 363 ms, sys: 28.2 ms, total: 392 ms
    Wall time: 373 ms
    sage: %time Y = generate_covers(A)
    CPU times: user 1.09 s, sys: 25.3 ms, total: 1.12 s
    Wall time: 1.08 s
    sage: set(X) == set(Y)



    sage: m = 10; A = [ [i for i in range(m) if i != j] for j in range(m) ]
    sage: %time X = generatePairs(A)
    CPU times: user 151 ms, sys: 4.33 ms, total: 156 ms
    Wall time: 144 ms
    sage: %time Y = generate_covers(A)
    CPU times: user 118 ms, sys: 17.3 ms, total: 136 ms
    Wall time: 106 ms
    sage: set(X) == set(Y)


    sage: m = 14; A = [ [i for i in range(m) if i != j] for j in range(m) ]
    sage: %time X = generatePairs(A)
    CPU times: user 56.3 s, sys: 136 ms, total: 56.5 s
    Wall time: 56.6 s
    sage: %time Y = generate_covers(A)
    CPU times: user 31 s, sys: 65.4 ms, total: 31 s
    Wall time: 31 s


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