OpenCV 3D Mat 转换为向量。



你能否发布通过访问所有元素来完成的代码?这会提示你想要拥有的向量的格式和顺序。 - Micka

const int ROWS=2, COLS=3, PLANES=4;
int dims[3] = {ROWS, COLS, PLANES};
cv::Mat m = cv::Mat(3, dims, CV_32SC1);   // works with other types (e.g. float, double,...)

这仅适用于连续的mat对象(即m.isContinuous() == true)。


  1. Using the overloaded STL vector constructor:

    Declaring and initializing a vector of same type as the matrix and copying all mat elements:

    const int* p3 = m3.ptr<int>(0);
    std::vector<int> flat0(p3,;
  2. Using OpenCV's reshape:

    This differs from the first solution in how the elements are laid out in the end. Originally from this post: How to divide 3D matrix into bunches of 2D matrix with opencv C++ I second his suggestion on defining your dimensions as channels if possible. OpenCV handles channels better than dimensions. Of course, that might not be applicable if you intended to have more than 4 dimensions.

    cv::Mat m2(ROWS, COLS*PLANES, CV_32SC1,; // no copying happening here
    cv::Mat m2xPlanes = m2.reshape(PLANES); // not sure if this involves a copy
    std::vector<Mat> planes;
    cv::split(m2xPlanes, planes); // usually used for splitting multi-channel matrices
    std::vector<int> flat;
    for(size_t i=0; i<planes.size(); i++) {
        cv::Mat plane_i = planes[i];
        const int* plane_i_ptr = plane_i.ptr<int>(0);
        flat.insert(flat.end(), plane_i_ptr,;

使用这两种解决方案,所有元素都被考虑在内,只是它们的顺序不同,因此访问方式也不同。 在第一种解决方案中,您可以通过row、col和plane来访问元素。

int index = row * COLS * PLANES + col * PLANES + p



请注意, = mat.rows * mat.cols。Total 意味着一个平面的总数。OpenCV 文档没有提到这一点,但您可以通过任何 RGB 图像进行检查。 - sziraqui

int nRows = 3;
int nCols = 4;
int nPlanes = 2;
int aslicesizes[3] = {nRows,nCols,1};
int a3DMsizes[3] = {nRows,nCols,nPlanes};
Mat OneM = Mat::ones(nRows,nCols,CV_8UC1);  
Mat MAs3DPlane; // will be generic slice that will hava a 3d slice (plane) view of the 2d matrices (OneM, TwoM) before they are copied into OneTwo3D
//      Mat OneM = Mat::ones(3,aslicesizes,CV_8UC1);  
Mat TwoM = Mat::ones(nRows,nCols,CV_8UC1)+1;  
//      Mat TwoM = Mat::ones(3,aslicesizes,CV_8UC1)+1;  
Mat OneTwo3D = Mat::zeros(3,a3DMsizes,CV_8UC1); // target 3d array
Mat OneTwo3DPlaneM; // slice of the 3d target array
Range OneTwo3DRanges[] = {Range::all(),Range::all(),Range(0,1)}; // first slice range
OneTwo3DPlaneM = OneTwo3D(OneTwo3DRanges); // first target slice of OneTwo3D
MAs3DPlane = Mat::Mat(3,aslicesizes,CV_8UC1,; // source slice of OneM.
MAs3DPlane.copyTo(OneTwo3DPlaneM); // copying OneM slice to first slice
OneTwo3DRanges[2] = Range(1,2); // reset ranges appropriate OneTwo3D's second slice (plane)
OneTwo3DPlaneM = OneTwo3D(OneTwo3DRanges); // set to second slice of OneTwo3d
MAs3DPlane = Mat::Mat(3,aslicesizes,CV_8UC1,;// source slice of TwoM.
MAs3DPlane.copyTo(OneTwo3DPlaneM);// copying TwoM slice to first slice

//make sample 3d mat
Mat img = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 9);

//reshape  - creates a new mat header of 1 row without copying data
Mat result = img.reshape ( 0, 1 );

// declare vector and alloc size
std::vector<double> outVector;
outVector.reserve( result.cols );

//copy data
result.copyTo( outVector );

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