


example.list = list(" 1 North Carolina State University at Raleigh         15       9    12    13     22    15    32    19   14    20    12     17    19    20     19     25     283", 
    " 2 Iowa State University                                9      8     5    11     14     4    11    13   14      9   15     28    14      9    18     27     209", 
    " 3 University of Wisconsin-Madison                      5      6    14     9     20    13    15    12   13      9   13     10    13    24     15     17     208", 
    " 4 Stanford University*                               10      12    14     6      9    10     5     9   13      7   13     10     4      9    23       6    160", 
    " 5 Texas A & M University-College Station               6     12    18    10      7     4     5    11   16    18    10      7    15      4     8       8    159", 
    " 9 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor                     8      5     3     3      8     9    12    11    7    11    13      9     8    11     13       9    140", 
    "10 University of California-Los Angeles                 2      2     2     6      9     7     9     8    7    11    11      8     6    12     13     10     123", 
    "19 Rice University                                      3      3     5    11      4     7     7    11    2      6     4     6     3      8     7       7     94")


example.list %>%
    substring(3) %>% 
    str_replace_all("[^[:alnum:]]", " ") %>%
    str_squish() %>% 
    strsplit(split = "(?<=[a-zA-Z])\\s*(?=[0-9])", perl = TRUE) %>% 
    unlist() %>% 
    matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>% 
    data.frame() %>% 
    separate("X2",into = paste0("X",2:18),sep = " ") 



我只是想改善字符串处理,因为我没有多少经验! 在这里使用的用例类似于从pdf / html中提取表格数据到数据框中。




example2.list = list(" 2 Iowa State University                                9      8     5    11     14     4    11    13   14      9   15     28    14      9    18     27     209", 
    " 3 University of Wisconsin-Madison                      5      6    14     9     20    13    15    12   13      9   13     10    13    24     15     17     208", 
    " 4 Stanford University*                               10      12    14     6      9    10     5     9   13      7   13     10     4      9    23       6    160", 
    " 5 Texas A & M University-College Station               6     12    18    10      7     4     5    11   16    18    10      7    15      4     8       8    159", 
    " 9 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor                     8      5     3     3      8     9    12    11    7    11    13      9     8    11     13       9    140", 
    "10 University of California-Los Angeles                 2      2     2     6      9     7     9     8    7    11    11      8     6    12     13     10     123", 
    "19 Rice University                                      3      3     5    11      4     7     7    11    2      6     4     6     3      8     7       7     94", 
    "52 Bowling Green State University             0 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 2 2  4 7 3  4  4  3 37", 
    "55 University of New Mexico                   4 2 3 1 3 0 5 3 2 1  1 2 3  2  3  0 35")



data.loc = "https://ww2.amstat.org/misc/StatsPhD2003-MostRecent.pdf"
data.full =
    pdf_text(data.loc) %>%
    read_lines() %>%
    head(-2) %>%
    tail(-3) %>%
    lapply(function(ele) if(ele == "") NULL else ele) %>% 


  # Ignores column names
  data.full[-1] %>%
  # Removing excess whitepace
  str_squish() %>%
  # Removes index
  str_remove("^\\s*\\d*\\s*") %>%
  # Split on all whitespace occurring before digits
  str_split("\\s+(?=\\d)") %>%
  # Turn list into a matrix
  unlist() %>%
  matrix(ncol = 18, byrow = TRUE) %>%
  # Handling variables names
  set_colnames(value =
                 data.full[1] %>%
                 str_squish() %>%
                 str_split("\\s+(?=\\d)") %>%
                 unlist) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  # Transformating variables into  numeric

看起来你正在处理固定宽度的数据。请查找read.fwfread_fwf或相关函数。 - A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1




gsub("^...", "", example.list) %>% 
  tstrsplit(" {2,}", type.convert = TRUE, names = TRUE) %>% 

#                                           V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18
# 1 North Carolina State University at Raleigh 15  9 12 13 22 15 32 19  14  20  12  17  19  20  19  25 283
# 2                      Iowa State University  9  8  5 11 14  4 11 13  14   9  15  28  14   9  18  27 209
# 3            University of Wisconsin-Madison  5  6 14  9 20 13 15 12  13   9  13  10  13  24  15  17 208
# 4                       Stanford University* 10 12 14  6  9 10  5  9  13   7  13  10   4   9  23   6 160
# 5     Texas A & M University-College Station  6 12 18 10  7  4  5 11  16  18  10   7  15   4   8   8 159
# 6           University of Michigan-Ann Arbor  8  5  3  3  8  9 12 11   7  11  13   9   8  11  13   9 140
# 7       University of California-Los Angeles  2  2  2  6  9  7  9  8   7  11  11   8   6  12  13  10 123
# 8                            Rice University  3  3  5 11  4  7  7 11   2   6   4   6   3   8   7   7  94

example.list %>% 
  str_split(.,"^( |[0-9])+| {2,}") %>%
  do.call(rbind,.) %>%
  as.data.frame %>%
#                                          V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19
#1 North Carolina State University at Raleigh 15  9 12 13 22 15 32  19  14  20  12  17  19  20  19  25 283
#2                      Iowa State University  9  8  5 11 14  4 11  13  14   9  15  28  14   9  18  27 209
#3            University of Wisconsin-Madison  5  6 14  9 20 13 15  12  13   9  13  10  13  24  15  17 208
#4                       Stanford University* 10 12 14  6  9 10  5   9  13   7  13  10   4   9  23   6 160
#5     Texas A & M University-College Station  6 12 18 10  7  4  5  11  16  18  10   7  15   4   8   8 159
#6           University of Michigan-Ann Arbor  8  5  3  3  8  9 12  11   7  11  13   9   8  11  13   9 140
#7       University of California-Los Angeles  2  2  2  6  9  7  9   8   7  11  11   8   6  12  13  10 123
#8                            Rice University  3  3  5 11  4  7  7  11   2   6   4   6   3   8   7   7  94



do.call(rbind, lapply(strsplit(substring(example.list, 3), "\\s{2,}"), 
                      function(x) as.data.frame(t(x))))

#                                           V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18
#1  North Carolina State University at Raleigh 15  9 12 13 22 15 32 19  14  20  12  17  19  20  19  25 283
#2                       Iowa State University  9  8  5 11 14  4 11 13  14   9  15  28  14   9  18  27 209
#3             University of Wisconsin-Madison  5  6 14  9 20 13 15 12  13   9  13  10  13  24  15  17 208
#4                        Stanford University* 10 12 14  6  9 10  5  9  13   7  13  10   4   9  23   6 160
#5      Texas A & M University-College Station  6 12 18 10  7  4  5 11  16  18  10   7  15   4   8   8 159
#6            University of Michigan-Ann Arbor  8  5  3  3  8  9 12 11   7  11  13   9   8  11  13   9 140
#7        University of California-Los Angeles  2  2  2  6  9  7  9  8   7  11  11   8   6  12  13  10 123
#8                             Rice University  3  3  5 11  4  7  7 11   2   6   4   6   3   8   7   7  94





data.loc = "https://ww2.amstat.org/misc/StatsPhD2003-MostRecent.pdf"
data.full =
  pdf_text(data.loc) %>%
  read_lines() %>%
  head(-2) %>%

data.full <- data.full[nzchar(data.full)]
# Split the file according to the number of characters per line
l <- split(data.full, nchar(data.full))

out = 
  bind_rows(lapply(l, function(x) {
    temp <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(x, ""))
    y <- which(colSums(temp == " ") == nrow(temp))
    temp[, y[cumsum(seqle(y)$lengths)]] <- ","
    read_csv(apply(temp, 1, paste, collapse = ""), col_names = FALSE)
  })) %>%

## # A tibble: 78 x 19
##       X1 X2         X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9   X10   X11   X12   X13   X14   X15
##    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     1 North …    15     9    12    13    22    15    32    19    14    20    12    17    19
##  2     2 Iowa S…     9     8     5    11    14     4    11    13    14     9    15    28    14
##  3     3 Univer…     5     6    14     9    20    13    15    12    13     9    13    10    13
##  4     4 Stanfo…    10    12    14     6     9    10     5     9    13     7    13    10     4
##  5     5 Texas …     6    12    18    10     7     4     5    11    16    18    10     7    15
##  6     6 Pennsy…     6     9     8     1     8     9    10    10    14     9    12     9    17
##  7     7 Ohio S…     3     5     3    12    12     7    11    11     6    11     8    13    14
##  8     8 Purdue…     6     5    12     8     8     7    10    12     9     9     5    10    14
##  9     9 Univer…     8     5     3     3     8     9    12    11     7    11    13     9     8
## 10    10 Univer…     2     2     2     6     9     7     9     8     7    11    11     8     6
## # … with 68 more rows, and 4 more variables: X16 <dbl>, X17 <dbl>, X18 <dbl>, X19 <dbl>


data.full <- data.full[nzchar(data.full)]

out = tibble(data.full) %>%
  extract(data.full, into = c("ind", "uni", "nums"), regex = "([0-9]+)([^0-9]+)(.*)") %>%
  mutate(uni = trimws(uni))%>%
  cSplit("nums", "\\s+", fixed = FALSE)



read_fwf(unlist(example.list), fwf_empty(unlist(example.list)))
## # A tibble: 8 x 19
##      X1 X2          X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9   X10   X11   X12   X13   X14
##   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     1 North C…    15     9    12    13    22    15    32    19    14    20    12    17
## 2     2 Iowa St…     9     8     5    11    14     4    11    13    14     9    15    28
## 3     3 Univers…     5     6    14     9    20    13    15    12    13     9    13    10
## 4     4 Stanfor…    10    12    14     6     9    10     5     9    13     7    13    10
## 5     5 Texas A…     6    12    18    10     7     4     5    11    16    18    10     7
## 6     9 Univers…     8     5     3     3     8     9    12    11     7    11    13     9
## 7    10 Univers…     2     2     2     6     9     7     9     8     7    11    11     8
## 8    19 Rice Un…     3     3     5    11     4     7     7    11     2     6     4     6
## # … with 5 more variables: X15 <dbl>, X16 <dbl>, X17 <dbl>, X18 <dbl>, X19 <dbl>

这可能是我发布的原始示例最简明的解决方案。 - BPipher


data.full %>% 
    str_trim %>% 
    str_replace_all("\\s+(?=\\d)", ";") %>% 
    paste(collapse = "\n") %>% 


# A tibble: 78 x 18
   `Statistics PhD… `2003` `2004` `2005` `2006` `2007` `2008` `2009` `2010` `2011` `2012`
   <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 1 North Carolin…     15      9     12     13     22     15     32     19     14     20
 2 2 Iowa State Un…      9      8      5     11     14      4     11     13     14      9
 3 3 University of5      6     14      9     20     13     15     12     13      9
 4 4 Stanford Univ…     10     12     14      6      9     10      5      9     13      7
 5 5 Texas A & M U…      6     12     18     10      7      4      5     11     16     18
 6 6 Pennsylvania …      6      9      8      1      8      9     10     10     14      9
 7 7 Ohio State Un…      3      5      3     12     12      7     11     11      6     11
 8 8 Purdue Univer…      6      5     12      8      8      7     10     12      9      9
 9 9 University of8      5      3      3      8      9     12     11      7     11
10 10 University o…      2      2      2      6      9      7      9      8      7     11
# … with 68 more rows, and 7 more variables: `2013` <dbl>, `2014` <dbl>, `2015` <dbl>,
#   `2016` <dbl>, `2017` <dbl>, `2018` <dbl>, `20032018` <dbl>

利用数字前出现的空格是我最终采用的方法,但将其转换为分隔符则更加聪明! - BPipher

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