



/// <summary>
/// Create a 1 dimensional Gaussian kernel using the Gaussian G(x) function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="horizontal">Whether to calculate a horizontal kernel.</param>
/// <returns>The <see cref="T:float[,]"/></returns>
private float[,] CreateGaussianKernel(bool horizontal)
    int size = this.kernelSize;
    float[,] kernel = horizontal ? new float[1, size] : new float[size, 1];
    float sum = 0.0f;

    float midpoint = (size - 1) / 2f;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        float x = i - midpoint;
        float gx = this.Gaussian(x);
        sum += gx;
        if (horizontal)
            kernel[0, i] = gx;
            kernel[i, 0] = gx;

    // Normalise kernel so that the sum of all weights equals 1
    if (horizontal)
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            kernel[0, i] = kernel[0, i] / sum;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            kernel[i, 0] = kernel[i, 0] / sum;

    return kernel;

/// <summary>
/// Implementation of 1D Gaussian G(x) function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x provided to G(x)</param>
/// <returns>The Gaussian G(x)</returns>
private float Gaussian(float x)
    const float Numerator = 1.0f;
    float deviation = this.sigma;
    float denominator = (float)(Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * deviation);

    float exponentNumerator = -x * x;
    float exponentDenominator = (float)(2 * Math.Pow(deviation, 2));

    float left = Numerator / denominator;
    float right = (float)Math.Exp(exponentNumerator / exponentDenominator);

    return left * right;

核大小是根据 sigma 计算的,具体如下。
this.kernelSize = ((int)Math.Ceiling(sigma) * 2) + 1;
this.sigma = sigma;






protected override void Apply(ImageBase target, 
ImageBase source, 
Rectangle targetRectangle, 
Rectangle sourceRectangle, 
int startY, 
int endY)
    float[,] kernelX = this.KernelX;
    float[,] kernelY = this.KernelY;
    int kernelYHeight = kernelY.GetLength(0);
    int kernelYWidth = kernelY.GetLength(1);
    int kernelXHeight = kernelX.GetLength(0);
    int kernelXWidth = kernelX.GetLength(1);
    int radiusY = kernelYHeight >> 1;
    int radiusX = kernelXWidth >> 1;

    int sourceY = sourceRectangle.Y;
    int sourceBottom = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
    int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
    int endX = sourceRectangle.Right;
    int maxY = sourceBottom - 1;
    int maxX = endX - 1;

        y =>
            if (y >= sourceY && y < sourceBottom)
                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    float rX = 0;
                    float gX = 0;
                    float bX = 0;
                    float rY = 0;
                    float gY = 0;
                    float bY = 0;

                    // Apply each matrix multiplier to the
                    // color components for each pixel.
                    for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelYHeight; fy++)
                        int fyr = fy - radiusY;
                        int offsetY = y + fyr;

                        offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);

                        for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelXWidth; fx++)
                            int fxr = fx - radiusX;
                            int offsetX = x + fxr;

                            offsetX = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                            Color currentColor = source[offsetX, offsetY];
                            float r = currentColor.R;
                            float g = currentColor.G;
                            float b = currentColor.B;

                            if (fy < kernelXHeight)
                                rX += kernelX[fy, fx] * r;
                                gX += kernelX[fy, fx] * g;
                                bX += kernelX[fy, fx] * b;

                            if (fx < kernelYWidth)
                                rY += kernelY[fy, fx] * r;
                                gY += kernelY[fy, fx] * g;
                                bY += kernelY[fy, fx] * b;

                    float red = (float)Math.Sqrt((rX * rX) + (rY * rY));
                    float green = (float)Math.Sqrt((gX * gX) + (gY * gY));
                    float blue = (float)Math.Sqrt((bX * bX) + (bY * bY));

                    Color targetColor = target[x, y];
                    target[x, y] = new Color(red, 
                                             green, blue, targetColor.A);


input image


Fail blurred image




根据Nico Schertler的建议,我将算法拆分为两个步骤,如下:

protected override void Apply(
    ImageBase target,
    ImageBase source,
    Rectangle targetRectangle,
    Rectangle sourceRectangle,
    int startY,
    int endY)
    float[,] kernelX = this.KernelX;
    float[,] kernelY = this.KernelY;
    int kernelXHeight = kernelX.GetLength(0);
    int kernelXWidth = kernelX.GetLength(1);
    int kernelYHeight = kernelY.GetLength(0);
    int kernelYWidth = kernelY.GetLength(1);
    int radiusXy = kernelXHeight >> 1;
    int radiusXx = kernelXWidth >> 1;
    int radiusYy = kernelYHeight >> 1;
    int radiusYx = kernelYWidth >> 1;

    int sourceY = sourceRectangle.Y;
    int sourceBottom = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
    int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
    int endX = sourceRectangle.Right;
    int maxY = sourceBottom - 1;
    int maxX = endX - 1;

    // Horizontal blur
        y =>
            if (y >= sourceY && y < sourceBottom)
                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    float rX = 0;
                    float gX = 0;
                    float bX = 0;

                    // Apply each matrix multiplier to the color 
                    // components for each pixel.
                    for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelXHeight; fy++)
                        int fyr = fy - radiusXy;
                        int offsetY = y + fyr;

                        offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);

                        for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelXWidth; fx++)
                            int fxr = fx - radiusXx;
                            int offsetX = x + fxr;

                            offsetX = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                            Color currentColor = source[offsetX, offsetY];
                            float r = currentColor.R;
                            float g = currentColor.G;
                            float b = currentColor.B;

                            rX += kernelX[fy, fx] * r;
                            gX += kernelX[fy, fx] * g;
                            bX += kernelX[fy, fx] * b;

                    float red = rX;
                    float green = gX;
                    float blue = bX;

                    Color targetColor = target[x, y];
                    target[x, y] = new Color(red, green, blue, targetColor.A);

    // Vertical blur
        y =>
            if (y >= sourceY && y < sourceBottom)
                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    float rY = 0;
                    float gY = 0;
                    float bY = 0;

                    // Apply each matrix multiplier to the 
                    // color components for each pixel.
                    for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelYHeight; fy++)
                        int fyr = fy - radiusYy;
                        int offsetY = y + fyr;

                        offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);

                        for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelYWidth; fx++)
                            int fxr = fx - radiusYx;
                            int offsetX = x + fxr;

                            offsetX = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                            Color currentColor = source[offsetX, offsetY];
                            float r = currentColor.R;
                            float g = currentColor.G;
                            float b = currentColor.B;

                            rY += kernelY[fy, fx] * r;
                            gY += kernelY[fy, fx] * g;
                            bY += kernelY[fy, fx] * b;

                    float red = rY;
                    float green = gY;
                    float blue = bY;

                    Color targetColor = target[x, y];
                    target[x, y] = new Color(red, green, blue, targetColor.A);


Incorrect blur


original image

Double banded blur


你不能这样分离卷积。你必须运行两个单独的传递。第二个卷积应该使用第一个卷积的结果。 - Nico Schertler
你能否提供一个代码示例来进一步说明吗? - James South
基本上,调用你的方法两次。在第一次调用中,省略垂直卷积。在第二次调用中,省略水平卷积。 - Nico Schertler
您也会想要保留这个艺术性的交叉阴影滤镜;-) - TaW
@TaW 一旦我把框架的核心部分运行起来,我肯定会尝试着玩一下那种东西。 - James South




/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void Apply(
    ImageBase target,
    ImageBase source,
    Rectangle targetRectangle,
    Rectangle sourceRectangle,
    int startY,
    int endY)
    float[,] kernelX = this.KernelX;
    float[,] kernelY = this.KernelY;

    ImageBase firstPass = new Image(source.Width, source.Height);
    this.ApplyConvolution(firstPass, source, sourceRectangle, startY, endY, kernelX);
    this.ApplyConvolution(target, firstPass, sourceRectangle, startY, endY, kernelY);

/// <summary>
/// Applies the process to the specified portion of the specified <see cref="ImageBase"/> at the specified location
/// and with the specified size.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">Target image to apply the process to.</param>
/// <param name="source">The source image. Cannot be null.</param>
/// <param name="sourceRectangle">
/// The <see cref="Rectangle"/> structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw.
/// </param>
/// <param name="startY">The index of the row within the source image to start processing.</param>
/// <param name="endY">The index of the row within the source image to end processing.</param>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel operator.</param>
private void ApplyConvolution(
    ImageBase target,
    ImageBase source,
    Rectangle sourceRectangle,
    int startY,
    int endY,
    float[,] kernel)
    int kernelHeight = kernel.GetLength(0);
    int kernelWidth = kernel.GetLength(1);
    int radiusY = kernelHeight >> 1;
    int radiusX = kernelWidth >> 1;

    int sourceY = sourceRectangle.Y;
    int sourceBottom = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
    int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
    int endX = sourceRectangle.Right;
    int maxY = sourceBottom - 1;
    int maxX = endX - 1;

        y =>
            if (y >= sourceY && y < sourceBottom)
                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    float red = 0;
                    float green = 0;
                    float blue = 0;
                    float alpha = 0;

                    // Apply each matrix multiplier to the color components for each pixel.
                    for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelHeight; fy++)
                        int fyr = fy - radiusY;
                        int offsetY = y + fyr;

                        offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);

                        for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelWidth; fx++)
                            int fxr = fx - radiusX;
                            int offsetX = x + fxr;

                            offsetX = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                            Color currentColor = source[offsetX, offsetY];

                            red += kernel[fy, fx] * currentColor.R;
                            green += kernel[fy, fx] * currentColor.G;
                            blue += kernel[fy, fx] * currentColor.B;
                            alpha += kernel[fy, fx] * currentColor.A;

                    target[x, y] = new Color(red, green, blue, alpha);

这是10 sigma的代码输出。

blurred china image

blurred balls

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的