如何在 Windows 批处理文件中使用多种颜色?

echo hi world


set color1= color 2
set color9= color A


echo hi world






@echo off 
echo [38;2;255;255;0mHi[m [38;2;128;128;255mWorld[m 
pause > nul

请勿忘记输入ESC键ESC0x1B (十六进制), \033 (八进制), 27(十进制) 虚拟键代码VK_ESCAPE。建议您将上述内容复制(以防缺少ESC键),然后将其粘贴到notepad++或其他您喜欢的IDE中。输出如下图所示。根据ANSI_escape_code.SGR_parameters,您可以了解更多信息。
编号 名称 注释 示例
0 重置或正常显示 所有属性都关闭 ESC[0mESC[m
1 B加粗或增强亮度 ESC[1m
3 I斜体 ESC[3m
4 U下划线 ESC[4m
8 隐藏 不被广泛支持。 ESC[8m
30–37 设置前景色 30:黑色,31:红色,32:绿色,33:黄色,34:蓝色,35:紫色,36:水绿色,37:白色 红色:ESC[31m
38 设置前景色 下一个参数是5;n或2;r;g;b 红色:ESC[38m;2;255;0;0m
40–47 设置背景色 红色:ESC[41m
48 设置背景色 下一个参数是5;n或2;r;g;b 红色:ESC[48m;2;255;0;0m



虚拟代码 代码(复制此代码以自行尝试) 演示
ESC[31mESC[4m前景色:红色,样式:下划线ESC[0m echo [31m[4m前景色:红色,样式:下划线[0m 红色前景色和下划线
ESC[31mESC[4mfore color: red and style:underlineESC[0m
  |       |                 |                   ------  Reset, such that the next one will not apply.
  |       |  -----------------------------------
  |       |   input message      
  |       |
  |    ------ 
  |     Underline
 Set foreground color 31 is red

在这里,ESC = 0x1B(因为在此处键入ESC,用户无法看到它)。


@echo off

:: demo: foreground color
for /l %%x in (30, 1, 37) do (
   call :demoDefaultColor "COLOR" %%x

:: demo: background color
for /l %%x in (40, 1, 47) do (
   call :demoDefaultColor "COLOR" %%x

call :echoWithColor "Hello world!" 255 0 0
echo Hello world!
call :echoWithColor "Hello world!" 255 0 255  255 255 0

pause > nul

:demoDefaultColor <msg> <colorFlag>
    echo [%2m%~1[0m
    EXIT /B

:echoWithColor <msg> <fr> <fg> <fb> <br> <bg> <bb>
    SET msg=%~1
    SET fr=%2
    SET fg=%3
    SET fb=%4
    SET br=%5
    SET bg=%6
    SET bb=%7

    echo [48;2;%br%;%bg%;%bb%m[38;2;%fr%;%fg%;%fb%m%msg%[0m
    EXIT /B



请参见:https://dev59.com/xGgu5IYBdhLWcg3w5K9a#62771672 - Carson


你应该从以下链接下载chgcolor.zip: http://www.mailsend-online.com/blog/setting-text-color-in-a-batch-file.html 还要从以下链接下载echoj.zip: www.mailsend-online.com/blog/?p=41 它们都在页面底部。 将这两个文件夹解压到桌面上, 并将解压后的文件夹中的可执行文件(.exe文件)复制到C:\Windows目录下。这样可以在命令行中执行它们。 打开记事本,将以下内容复制到其中:

@echo off

chgcolor 03

echoj "hi "

chgcolor 0d

echoj "world"

chgcolor 07

echoj $0a



针对 Windows 10 用户的虚拟终端代码使用的宏解决方案

对于 Windows 10 用户而言,这是除了直接使用 VT 序列之外最快速的方法,同时更易读。

::: Author T3RRY : Created 09/04/2021 : Version 1.0.7
::: Version changes:
::: - ADDED /A switch to allow absolute Y;X value to be supplied as a single switch subarg
::: - ADDED /@ switch to allow saving of cursor position. Subarg allows custom return var to store multiple positions.
::: - ADDED random subarg for /C color switch.
::: - ADDED optional companion switch to /C - '/B'
:::  - When /C random subarg is used, /B may be used with any ONE of the following: R G B C M Y
:::    to bias the output color towards Red Green Blue Cyan Magenta or Yellow
::: - ADDED support for switches with common prefix.
::: - ADDED /T timeout switch for subsecond delays
::: - CORRECTED Switch validation method to handle Switches at EOL with no subargs
::: - ADDED /E Switch to allow /C value to be preserved or Color to be changed at EOL with an integer subarg.
::: - Support REMOVED for switch usage pattern /Switch:value
::: Purpose      : Color and cursor position macro for windows 10 batch files
::: - Allows rapid display of colored output at specified screen position.
:::   For more information, read the usage.
::: Uses macro parameter and switch handling template.
:::  - See :  https://pastebin.com/gzL7AYpC

@Echo off

:# Windows Version control. Assigns flag true if system is windows 10.
 Set "Win10="
 Ver | Findstr /LIC:" 10." > nul && Set "Win10=true"

:# Test if virtual terminal codes enabled ; enable if false
:# removes win10 flag definition if version does not support Virtual Terminal sequences
 If defined Win10 (
  Reg Query HKCU\Console | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /LIC:"VirtualTerminalLevel    REG_DWORD    0x1" > nul || (
    Reg Add HKCU\Console /f /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  ) > Nul || Set "Win10="
 If not defined Win10 (
  Echo(Virtual terminal sequences not supported on your system
  Exit /B 1

 If "%~1" == "" (
  Mode 200,150

:# /@ Switch requires clean working driectory to execute in.
 RD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run" 2> nul && Timeout 1 > nul
 MD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"

(Set \n=^^^

%= \n macro newline variable. Do not modify =%)

:# assign virtual terminal control character 0x27 'escape' variable \E
 For /F %%a in ( 'Echo prompt $E ^| cmd' )Do Set "\E=%%a"

::# usage: %$Cout% [/?] | [/Alt | /Main] [/H [-|+]] [/T Int] [/X Int | /L Int | /R Int]
::#                [/Y Int | /U Int | /D Int] [/K |/Del Int | /I Int] [/N] [/@ {Optional:ReturnVar}]
::#                [/C Int | /C Int,Int | /C Int;Int | /C random] [/S "String"] [/E {Optional:0|Int}]
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::# Available Switches     : Description:
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::# /?                     : This help screen
::# /S String              : String to be output. Tested for strings of 500 characters.
::# /S String{Substituion} : The following characters must be substituted for output:
::# /S ^!Variable:/={FS}^! : {AS}:* {DQ}:" {FS}:/ {EQ}:=
::# /C Integer             : Declare output color using VT sequence
::# /C Integer,Integer     : Chain   mulitple VT color sequences
::# /C Integer;Integer     : Combine multiple VT values into the one sequence
::# /C random              : Random RGB foreground color
::# /B R|G|B|C|M|Y         : Bias /C random color toward Red Green Blue
::#                        : Cyan Magenta or Yellow. /C random must be used.
::# /E                     : Preserves /C Color value until /E 0 is used. /C must be used.
::# /E 0                   : Restores color to Black BG White FG after string output.
::# /E Integer             : Change color after string output to supplied value.
::# /A Integer;Integer     : Move cursor to Line;Column    [ absolute   ]
::# /Y Integer             : Move cursor to Line Integer   [ absolute Y ]
::# /X Integer             : Move cursor to Column Integer [ absolute X ]
::# /U Integer             : Move cursor Up by Integer
::# /D Integer             : Move cursor Down by Integer
::# /R Integer             : Move cursor Right by Integer
::# /L Integer             : Move cursor Left by Integer
::# /H -                   : Hide the cursor  : Note - If Cursor state is changed during a code block
::#                          redirected to a file, it cannot be changed again except within a code block.
::# /H +                   : Show the cursor
::# /Alt                   : Switch to alternate   buffer [ main buffer is preserved ]
::# /Main                  : Return to main screen buffer [ alternate buffer is cleared ]
::# /K                     : Clears text to right of current cursor position
::# /Del Integer           : Deletes Integer columns right of the cursor, shifting existing text left
::# /I Integer             : Inserts whitespace into Integer columns right of Cursor, shifting text right
::# /N                     : Output a newline after other switches are executed.
::# /T Integer             : Subsecond Delay after output. 25000 = ~1 Second [ Depending on clockspeed ]
::# /@                     : Stores cursor position after execution in variables: $Cout{Y} , $Cout{X}
::#                        : and $Cout{pos} ( VT format 'IntY;IntX' )
::# /@ String-ReturnVar    : Return values to ReturnVar{pos} ReturnVar{Y} ReturnVar{X}
::#                    *!* : This switch MUST NOT be used during codeblocks that redirect output
::#                        : Slow execution time. ~ 17x slower than typical $Cout expansion
::#                        : 12/100th's vs 0.7/100th's of a second [with a clockspeed of 2904]
::#                                               Notes:
::# - $Cout Macro does not support Concatenation of Expansions.
::# - No error validation is performed on switch Integer subargs. Invalid Virtual Terminal sequences
::#   will be disregarded and output as a string.
::# Virtual Terminal sequence resource:
::# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Set $Cout_Switches="A" "Y" "X" "U" "D" "R" "L" "H" "Alt" "Main" "K" "Del" "I" "N" "T" "B" "C" "E" "S" "@"

 Set $Cout=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
  For %%G in ( %$Cout_Switches% )Do Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]="%\n%
  Set "$Cout_leading.args=!$Cout_args:*/=!"%\n%
  For /F "Delims=" %%G in ("!$Cout_leading.args!")Do Set "$Cout_leading.args=!$Cout_args:/%%G=!"%\n%
  Set ^"$Cout_args=!$Cout_args:"=!"%\n%
  Set "$Cout_i.arg=0"%\n%
  For %%G in (!$Cout_leading.args!)Do (%\n%
   Set /A "$Cout_i.arg+=1"%\n%
   Set "$Cout_arg[!$Cout_i.arg!]=%%~G"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Args:~-2,1!" == "/" (%\n%
   Set "$Cout_Switch[!$Cout_Args:~-1!]=true"%\n%
   If not "!$Cout_Args:/?=!." == "!$Cout_Args!." Set "$Cout_Switch[help]=true"%\n%
   Set "$Cout_Args=!$Cout_Args:~0,-2!"%\n%
  For %%G in ( %$Cout_Switches% )Do If not "!$Cout_args:/%%~G =!" == "!$Cout_args!" (%\n%
   Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Args:*/%%~G =!"%\n%
   If not "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:*/=!" == "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]!" (%\n%
    Set "$Cout_Trail[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:*/=!"%\n%
    For %%v in ("!$Cout_Trail[%%~G]!")Do (%\n%
     Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]: /%%~v=!"%\n%
     Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:/%%~v=!"%\n%
    Set "$Cout_Trail[%%~G]="%\n%
    If "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:~-1!" == " " Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:~0,-1!"%\n%
    If "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]!" == "" Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=true"%\n%
  If /I "!$Cout_Switch[C]!" == "random" (%\n%
   If not "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == ""   (Set "$Cout_MOD=100")Else Set "$Cout_MOD=200"%\n%
   Set /A "$Cout_RR=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50,$Cout_GG=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50,$Cout_BB=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "R" Set "$Cout_RR=250"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "G" Set "$Cout_GG=250"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "B" Set "$Cout_BB=250"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "M" Set /A "$Cout_RR=!Random! %% 50 + 200,Cout_GG=0,$Cout_BB=!Random! %% 50 + 200"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "Y" Set /A "$Cout_RR=!Random! %% 90 + 100,Cout_GG=!Random! %% 90 + 90,$Cout_BB=0"%\n%
   If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "C" Set /A "$Cout_RR=0,Cout_GG=!Random! %% 120 + 30,$Cout_BB=175"%\n%
   Set "$Cout_Switch[C]=38;2;!$Cout_RR!;!$Cout_GG!;!$Cout_BB!"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[help]!" == "true" ((For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=#" %%Y in ('findstr /BLIC:"::#" "%~f0"')Do @Echo(%%Z)^| @More)%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[C]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Color=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[C]:,=m%\E%[!m")Else Set "$Cout_Color="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[Y]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Ypos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[Y]!d")Else Set "$Cout_Ypos="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[X]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Xpos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[X]!G")Else Set "$Cout_Xpos="%\n%
  For %%d in (U D L R)Do if not "!$Cout_Switch[%%d]!" == "" (Set /A "$Cout_Switch[%%d]=!$Cout_Switch[%%d]!")%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[U]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Yoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[U]!A")Else Set "$Cout_Yoffset="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[D]!" == ""    Set "$Cout_Yoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[D]!B"%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[R]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Xoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[R]!C")Else Set "$Cout_Xoffset="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[L]!" == ""    Set "$Cout_Xoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[L]!D"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[H]!" == "-"       Set "$Cout_Cursor=%\E%[?25l"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[H]!" == "+"       Set "$Cout_Cursor=%\E%[?25h"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[Main]!" == "true" (Set "$Cout_Buffer=%\E%[?1049l")Else Set "$Cout_Buffer="%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[Alt]!" == "true"  Set "$Cout_Buffer=%\E%[?1049h"%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[A]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Absolutepos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[A]!H")Else Set "$Cout_Absolutepos="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[K]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_LineClear=%\E%[K")Else Set "$Cout_LineClear="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[Del]!" == ""  (Set "$Cout_Delete=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[Del]!P")Else Set "$Cout_Delete="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[I]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_Insert=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[I]!@")Else Set "$Cout_Insert="%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[S]!" == ""    (%\n%
   Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_Switch[S]:{FS}=/!"%\n%
   Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{EQ}==!"%\n%
   Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{AS}=*!"%\n%
   Set ^"$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{DQ}="!"%\n%
  )Else (Set "$Cout_String=")%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[E]!" == "true"    (Set "$Cout_EOLC=!$Cout_Color!")%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[E]!" == ""    (Set "$Cout_EOLC=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[E]!m")%\n%
  If "!$Cout_EOLC!" == ""             (Set "$Cout_EOLC=%\E%[0m")%\n%
  ^< nul set /P "=!$Cout_Buffer!!$Cout_Cursor!!$Cout_Absolutepos!!$Cout_Ypos!!$Cout_YOffset!!$Cout_Xpos!!$Cout_XOffset!!$Cout_Delete!!$Cout_Insert!!$Cout_Color!!$Cout_LineClear!!$Cout_String!!$COUT_EOLC!"%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[N]!" == "true"    Echo(%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[T]!" == ""    (For /L %%T in (1 1 !$Cout_Switch[T]!)Do (Call )%= Delay resetting Errorlevel to 0 =%)%\n%
  If "!$Cout_Switch[help]!" == "true" Pause%\n%
  If not "!$Cout_Switch[@]!" == "" (%\n%
   PUSHD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"%\n%
   Set "$Cout{pos}=" ^&Set "$Cout[Char]="%\n%
   For /L %%l in (2 1 12)Do (%\n%
    If not "!$Cout[Char]!" == "R" (%\n%
     ^<nul set /p "=%\E%[6n" %\n%
     FOR /L %%z in (1 1 %%l) DO pause ^< CON ^> NUL%\n%
     Set "$Cout[Char]=;"%\n%
     for /F "tokens=1 skip=1 delims=*" %%C in ('"REPLACE /W ? . < con"') DO (Set "$Cout[Char]=%%C")%\n%
     If "!$Cout{pos}!" == "" (Set "$Cout{pos}=!$Cout[Char]!")Else (set "$Cout{pos}=!$Cout{pos}!!$Cout[Char]:R=!")%\n%
   For /F "tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%X in ("!$Cout{pos}!")Do Set "$Cout{Y}=%%X" ^& Set "$Cout{X}=%%Y" %\n%
   If not "!$Cout_Switch[@]!" == "true" (%\n%
    Set "{Pos}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=!$Cout{pos}!"%\n%
    Set /A "{Y}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=$Cout{Y},{X}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=$Cout{X}"%\n%
   POPD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"%\n%
 ) Else Set $Cout_args=

:# enable macro
Setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

:# facilitate testing of the macro using parameters from the command line; or Call %~n0.bat /? to see help.

 if not "%~1" == ""  (
  %$Cout% %*
  Exit /B !Errorlevel!

:# usage example Ascii art ; Bird with animation

:# ensures Y;X axis at screen home
%$Cout% /A 1;1

%$Cout% /H - /C 1,33 /S "                ,      .-;" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "             ,  |\    {FS} {FS}  __," /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "             |\ '.`-.|  |.'.-'" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "              \`'-:  `; : {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "               `-._'.  \'|" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "              ,_.-` ` `  ~,_" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "               '--,.    "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ".-. "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S ",{EQ}{DQ}{EQ}." /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "                 {FS}     "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{ "
%$Cout% /C 1,36 /S "} "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ")"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "`"
%$Cout% /C 33 /S ";-."
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "}" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "                 |      "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "'-' "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "{FS}__ |" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "                 {FS}          "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\_,\|" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "                 |          (" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "             "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "__ "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "{FS} '          \" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     {FS}\_    "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{FS},'`"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "|     '   "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ".-~^~~-." /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     |`.\_ "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|   "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "{FS}  ' ,    "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{FS}        \" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   _{FS}  `, \"
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|  "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "; ,     . "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|  ,  '  . |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   \   `,  "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|  "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "|  ,  ,   "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|  :  ;  : |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   _\  `,  "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\  "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "|.     ,  "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "|  |  |  | |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   \`  `.   "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\ "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "|   '     "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "|"
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\_|-'|_,'\|" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   _\   `,   "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "`"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "\  '  . ' "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "| |  | |  |           "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   \     `,   "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "| ,  '    "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "|_{FS}'-|_\_{FS}     "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__ ,-;` {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "    \    `,    "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\ .  , ' .| | | | |   "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "_{FS}' ` _-`|" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     `\    `,   "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\     ,  | | | | |"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "_{FS}'   .{EQ}{DQ}  {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     \`     `,   "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "`\      \{FS}|,| ;"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}'   .{EQ}{DQ}    |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "      \      `,    "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "`\' ,  | ; "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}'    {EQ}{DQ}    _{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "       `\     `,  "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "': "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}'     {EQ}{DQ}    .{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "    jgs _`\    ;"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "_{  '   ; "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}'    {EQ}{DQ}      {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "       _\`-{FS}__"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".~  `."
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;130;100;0 /S "8"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{EQ}{DQ}     _,{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "    __\      "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "{   '-."
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;150;130;0 /S "|"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     _{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "    \    .{EQ}{DQ}` "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;170;150;0 /S "@"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..'  "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   _{FS}  .{DQ}    "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "{  -'.~('-._,.'"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "\_,{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "  {FS}  .{DQ}    _{FS}'"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "`--; ;  `.  ;" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "   .{EQ}{DQ}   _{FS}'      "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "     __{FS}'" /N
) > "%~dp0parrot.brd"
TYPE "%~dp0parrot.brd"
DEL "%~dp0parrot.brd"

:# Just a bit of animation
For /L %%i in (0 1 25)Do (
 %$Cout% /Y 25 /X 19 /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 17 /C random /B M /S "_{  '   ; "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S ".~  `."
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{   '-."
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..'  "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{  -'.~('-._,.'"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "`--; ;  `.  ;"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 19 /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'"
 %$Cout% /T 15 /Y 8 /X 26 /C random /B C /S }
 %$Cout% /D 2 /R 5 /I 2
 %$Cout% /U 1 /R 1 /C 33 /S \
 %$Cout% /Y 25 /X 19 /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 17 /C random /B M /S "_{  '   ; "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S ".~  `."
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{   '-."
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
 %$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..'  "
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{  -'.~('-._,.'"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "`--; ;  `.  ;"
 %$Cout% /D 1 /X 19 /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'"
 %$Cout% /T 15 /Y 8 /X 26 /C random /B B /S {EQ}
 %$Cout% /D 2 /R 5 /Del 2
 %$Cout% /U 1 /R 1 /C 33 /S "|"
 If %%i EQU 25 %$Cout% /H + /Y 34 /X 1 /C 33 /S example 2 done /N

Goto :Eof


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