JavaScript - 深度相等比较





var obj = {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2};
console.log(deepEqual(obj, obj));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: 1, object: 2}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2}));
// → true


var deepEqual = function (x, y) {
  if ((typeof x == "object" && x != null) && (typeof y == "object" && y != null)) {
    if (Object.keys(x).length != Object.keys(y).length)
      return false;
    for (var prop in x) {
      if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop))
        return deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]);
    /*This is most likely where my error is. The question states that all the values
    should be checked via recursion; however, with the current setup, only the first
    set of properties will be checked. It passes the test cases, but I would like
    to solve the problem correctly!*/
  else if (x !== y)
    return false;
    return true;








var deepEqual = function (x, y) {
  if (x === y) {
    return true;
  else if ((typeof x == "object" && x != null) && (typeof y == "object" && y != null)) {
    if (Object.keys(x).length != Object.keys(y).length)
      return false;

    for (var prop in x) {
      if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop))
        if (! deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]))
          return false;
        return false;
    return true;
    return false;

var deepEqual = function (x, y) {
  if (x === y) {
    return true;
  else if ((typeof x == "object" && x != null) && (typeof y == "object" && y != null)) {
    if (Object.keys(x).length != Object.keys(y).length)
      return false;

    for (var prop in x) {
      if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop))
        if (! deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]))
          return false;
        return false;

    return true;
    return false;

var obj = {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2};
console.log(deepEqual(obj, obj));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: 1, object: 2}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "2"}, object: 2}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2}));
// → true

最好对“x”的属性进行.hasOwnProperty()检查,或者更好的是使用已经通过调用Object.keys()获得的返回值来进行迭代,因为这些返回值已经被限制为“自有”属性。 - Pointy
非常感谢!我对递归还很陌生,但是你的修改为这个主题提供了很好的教训。我有一个想法,为什么我的代码不起作用,而你的解决方案很直接明了。再次感谢,并享受这个赞吧! - Gavin Feriancek
为什么不在函数顶部加上 if(x === y) 呢?这样,如果返回 true,就可以避免通过第一个大的 if 块。 - JamesWillett
绝对值得一试(并进行分析,以查看它是否真的有所不同)。在这种情况下,我试图尽可能接近问题的结构,以使差异清晰明了。 - Paul Roub
@kharish 对象比较处理了这个问题。将数组视为一个键为 0, 1, 2... 的对象。for... in 循环遍历这些“键”并比较值(在本例中是数组中的整数)。没有必要 - 也没有明智的方法 - 以不同的方式处理数组。示例: - Paul Roub



function deepEqual(obj1, obj2) {

    if(obj1 === obj2) // it's just the same object. No need to compare.
        return true;

    if(isPrimitive(obj1) && isPrimitive(obj2)) // compare primitives
        return obj1 === obj2;

    if(Object.keys(obj1).length !== Object.keys(obj2).length)
        return false;

    // compare objects with same number of keys
    for(let key in obj1)
        if(!(key in obj2)) return false; //other object doesn't have this prop
        if(!deepEqual(obj1[key], obj2[key])) return false;

    return true;

//check if value is primitive
function isPrimitive(obj)
    return (obj !== Object(obj));

顺便提一下,有一个欺骗版本的深度相等函数,它的效果非常好)) 然而,它大约慢了 1.6 倍。

正如 zero298 注意到的那样,这种方法对属性的顺序敏感,不应被认真对待。

function cheatDeepEqual(obj1, obj2)
    return JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2);

如果属性顺序不同,我认为“作弊者”版本可能会失败。考虑在node.js中测试的以下示例:JSON.stringify({foo:“bar”,fizz:“buzz”})=== JSON.stringify({fizz:“buzz”,foo:“bar”});是错误的;但是JSON.stringify({foo:“bar”,fizz:“buzz”})=== JSON.stringify({foo:“bar”,fizz:“buzz”});是正确的。 - zero298
@zero298,是的,我想你说得对。无论如何,这种方法不应该被过分认真对待 :) - Daniil Andreyevich Baunov
另外,当您使用JSON.stringify进行转换并使用parse进行转换时,如果存在任何日期对象,它将被转换为字符串类型。顺便提一下。 - Harish Krishnan
Object.keys 需要进行 null 检查 - Wildhammer
对于 deepEqual([],{}) 的测试失败。 - hannad rehman



function deepEqual(obj1, obj2) {
if (typeof obj1 === "object" && typeof obj2 === "object") {
    let isObjectMatch = false;
    for (let property1 in obj1) {
        let isPropertyMatch = false;
        for (let property2 in obj2) {
            if (property1 === property2) {
                isPropertyMatch = deepEqual(obj1[property1], obj2[property2])


        isObjectMatch  = isPropertyMatch;

        if (!isObjectMatch) {

    return isObjectMatch;
} else {
    return obj1 === obj2;


var obj = {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2};
console.log(deepEqual(obj, obj));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: 1, object: 2}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2}))
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {object: 2, here: {is: "an"}}));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {object: 1, here: {is: "an"}}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {objectt: 2, here: {is: "an"}}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(2, 2));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(2, 3));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(2, null));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(null, null));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, null));
// → false

var allPropertiesEqual = true;
for (var prop in x) {
    if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        allPropertiesEqual = deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]) && allPropertiesEqual;
    } else {
        allPropertiesEqual = false;
return allPropertiesEqual;


for (var prop in x) {
    if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        if (! deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]) )
            return false; //first inequality found, return false
    } else {
        return false; //different properties, so inequality, so return false
return true;

这将返回 true,因为对比 { c: 3, d: 4 }hasOwnProperty() 总是为 false,所有测试都将被跳过。 - Paul Roub
谢谢你的回答!我希望我能给你们两个都一个绿色的勾选,因为你们都有很好、详细的答案。:( 不过我还是给了你一个赞! - Gavin Feriancek


基于Paul Roub所接受的答案,我需要它也匹配函数值,并且我希望它更加简洁明了,因此我进行了重构。

function deepEqual(x, y, z) {
  return x === y || typeof x == "function" && y && x.toString() == y.toString()
    || x && y && typeof x == "object" && x.constructor == y.constructor
    && (z = Object.keys(y)) && z.length == Object.keys(x).length
    && !z.find(v => !deepEqual(x[v], y[v]));

var myFunc = (x) => { return x*2; }
var obj = {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2, andFunc: myFunc};
console.log(deepEqual(obj, obj));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: 1, object: 2, andFunc: myFunc}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an"}, object: 2, andFunc: myFunc}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "2"}, object: 2, andFunc: myFunc}));
// → false
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2, andFunc: myFunc}));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2, andFunc: (x) => { return x*2; }}));
// → true
console.log(deepEqual(obj, {here: {is: "an", other: "3"}, object: 2, andFunc: (x) => { return x*999; }}));
// → false


  • 你只需要传入2个参数:x和y(z是内部使用的)。
  • 如果其中一个变量为nullundefined,它将返回该值而不是false,但该结果仍然是“falsey”,所以我可以接受。要解决这个问题,你可以将所有出现y &&的地方改为(y || !1) &&,将x &&改为(x || !1) &&
  • 如果你确定对象中不会提供函数/回调,则删除|| typeof x == "function" && y && x.toString() == y.toString()

基于函数的输出结果进行比较是错误的。请尝试如下代码:const plus = x => y => x + y; deepEqual(plus(1), plus(2)) - Eli Barzilay



function deepEqual(elem1, elem2) {
    if(elem1 === elem2) {
        return true;
    if(typeof elem1 == 'object' && typeof elem2 == 'object' && elem1 != null && elem2 != null) {
      if(Object.keys(elem1).length == Object.keys(elem2).length) {
          for(let key of Object.keys(elem1)) {
              if(elem2.hasOwnProperty(key) != true) {
                  return false;
          for(let key of Object.keys(elem1)) {
              if(typeof elem1[key] == 'object' && typeof elem2[key] == 'object' && typeof elem1[key] != null && typeof elem2[key] != null) {
                  return deepEqual(elem1[key], elem2[key]);
              else {
                if(elem1[key] !== elem2[key]) {
                    return false;
          } else {
            return false;
    else {
        return false;
    return true;


之前所有的回答都含有微小的错误,这些错误会导致在某些情况下失败。它们要么 1) 依赖于属性以相同的顺序排列,要么 2) 在某些情况下返回不对称的结果,因此 deepEqual(a, b) !== deepEqual(b, a)。以下是一个改进的答案,假设以下内容:

  • 我们对 相同值相等性 感兴趣;我们希望 deepEqual(NaN, NaN) 返回 true,但 deepEqual(0, -0) 返回 false
  • 我们只关心直接在对象上定义的可枚举的字符串键属性(即由 Object.keys() 返回的那些属性)。
  • 不需要完全支持循环引用。
 * Tests whether two values are deeply equal using same-value equality.
 * Two values are considered deeply equal iff 1) they are the same value, or
 * 2) they are both non-callable objects whose own, enumerable, string-keyed
 * properties are deeply equal.
 * Caution: This function does not fully support circular references. Use this
 * function only if you are sure that at least one of the arguments has no
 * circular references.
function deepEqual(x, y) {
    // If either x or y is not an object, then they are deeply equal iff they
    // are the same value. For our purposes, objects exclude functions,
    // primitive values, null, and undefined.
    if (typeof x !== "object" || x === null ||
        typeof y !== "object" || y === null) {
        // We use to check for same-value equality. To check for
        // strict equality, we would use x === y instead.
        return, y);

    // Shortcut, in case x and y are the same object. Every object is
    // deeply equal to itself.
    if (x === y)
        return true;

    // Obtain the own, enumerable, string-keyed properties of x. We ignore
    // properties defined along x's prototype chain, non-enumerable properties,
    // and properties whose keys are symbols.
    const keys = Object.keys(x);
    // If x and y have a different number of properties, then they are not
    // deeply equal.
    if (Object.keys(y).length !== keys.length)
        return false;

    // For each own, enumerable, string property key of x:
    for (const key of keys) {
        // If key is not also an own enumerable property of y, or if x[key] and
        // y[key] are not themselves deeply equal, then x and y are not deeply
        // equal. Note that we don't just call y.propertyIsEnumerable(),
        // because y might not have such a method (for example, if it was
        // created using Object.create(null)), or it might not be the same
        // method that exists on Object.prototype.
        if (!, key) ||
            !deepEqual(x[key], y[key])) {
            return false;

    // x and y have the same properties, and all of those properties are deeply
    // equal, so x and y are deeply equal.
    return true;

对于 deepEqual([],{}) 的测试失败。 - hannad rehman
@hannadrehman 它对 deepEqual([], {}) 返回 true,这是根据文档注释正确的:它们都是没有可调用属性、零个自有、可枚举、字符串键的对象。但对于许多应用程序(例如比较 JSON 结构),您可能希望区分空对象和空数组,在这种情况下,您需要确保两个参数都是数组或非数组对象。但是,并没有适用于所有应用程序的 deepEqual() 函数,因为如何定义深度相等取决于用例。 - McMath
我并不确定那是否正确。扩展到我的问题,deepEqual({x:[]},{x:{}}) 不应该相等。但根据这个函数,它是相等的。@McMath - hannad rehman
@hannadrehman deepEqual({x:[]},{x:{}}) 根据文档注释中的定义,正确返回true,该定义根本不区分数组和普通对象。甚至有更奇怪的例子:deepEqual([10], {0: 10}) 返回truedeepEqual(new Set(), new Date())也是如此。问题在于,这种深度相等的定义在您的用例(以及大多数用例)中都没有意义。没有一种深度相等的定义适用于每个应用程序。我会在我的答案中添加这个警告。 - McMath
这很有趣。我们需要遵循一些标准,否则可能会导致不必要的错误。我检查了节点assert模块如何处理此情况。它在那里被正确处理。使用`assert.deepEqual()`时,所有情况都给出了预期结果。 - hannad rehman
@hannadrehman 是的,Node的实现具有严格的类型检查并完全支持循环引用;它还超过500行代码。如果你只需要区分数组和普通对象,这里是一个修改版的函数,可能适合你。 - McMath

A simple one:
const isObject = (obj) => {
  return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;

let isEqual = true;
const deepEqual = (objA, objB) => {
  if (!isEqual) {
  const keysA = Object.keys(objA);
  const keysB = Object.keys(objB);

  if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {
    isEqual = false;

  for (let i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {
    const valA = objA[keysA[i]];
    const valB = objB[keysA[i]];

    if (isObject(valA) && isObject(valB)) {
      deepEqual(valA, valB);
    } else if (valA !== valB) {
      isEqual = false;

  return isEqual;

虽然这段代码可能回答了问题,但是提供关于为什么和/或如何回答问题的额外上下文可以提高其长期价值。 - blazej


var cmp = function(element, target){

   if(typeof element !== typeof target)
      return false;
   else if(typeof element === "object" && (!target || !element))
      return target === element;
   else if(typeof element === "object")
       var keys_element = Object.keys(element);
       var keys_target  = Object.keys(target);
       if(keys_element.length !== keys_target.length)
           return false;
           for(var i = 0; i < keys_element.length; i++)
                if(keys_element[i] !== keys_target[i])
                    return false;
                if(!cmp(element[keys_element[i]], target[keys_target[i]]))
                    return false;
     return true;
       return element === target;


    key1: 3,
    key2: "string",
    key3: [4, "45", {key4: [5, "6", false, null, {v:1}]}]
}, {
    key1: 3,
    key2: "string",
    key3: [4, "45", {key4: [5, "6", false, null, {v:1}]}]
})); // true

    key1: 3,
    key2: "string",
    key3: [4, "45", {key4: [5, "6", false, null, {v:1}]}]
}, {
    key1: 3,
    key2: "string",
    key3: [4, "45", {key4: [5, "6", undefined, null, {v:1}]}]
})); // false

- 除了第一行检查Object.is相等性之外,在结尾之前的每个返回语句都是“一致的方向”,即return false。 - 可以通过将其keyCheckLayersLeft参数设置为1来轻松派生出一个shallowEquals
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

export function deepEquals(x, y, keyCheckLayersLeft = -1) {
    // fast route: if values are identical, return true
    if (, y)) return true;

    // values are non-identical; so if one is a primitive or null/undefined, they can't be equal, thus return false
    if (typeof x !== "object" || x == null || typeof y !== "object" || y == null) return false;

    // special case (since it's the one "json relevant" object-type): if only one value is an array, consider them non-equal, thus return false
    if (Array.isArray(x) != Array.isArray(y)) return false;

    // values are non-identical objects; so if we've reached the key-check layer-limit, return false
    if (keyCheckLayersLeft == 0) return false;

    // check for differences in the objects' field-names and field-values; if any such difference is found, return false
    // NOTE: Objects.keys() excludes non-enumerable properties; to include them, use Object.getOwnPropertyNames() instead
    const xKeys = Object.keys(x), yKeys = Object.keys(y);
    if (xKeys.length != yKeys.length) return false;
    for (const key of xKeys) {
        if (!, key)) return false;
        if (!deepEquals(x[key], y[key], keyCheckLayersLeft - 1)) return false;

    // none of the checks found a difference, so the objects must be equal
    return true;

// because of the keyCheckLayersLeft parameter, we can easily create a shallowEquals function
export function shallowEquals(objA, objB) {
    return deepEquals(objA, objB, 1);

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