








首先是一个简单的范围更新/点查询树。当您使用V将A更新到B时,在实践中,您将V添加到A位置,因此任何前缀查询X>=A都会受到影响。然后从B + 1中删除V,因此任何查询X >= B + 1都不会看到添加到A的V。这里没有什么意外。


T1.sum(X) 是对此第一个树在X处的点查询。我们乐观地假设X之前的每个元素都等于X处的值。这就是为什么我们执行T1.sum(X)* X的原因。显然,这不完全正确,所以我们:


在更新范围时,我们还会更新第二棵树,以告诉我们需要修复第一个T1.sum(X)* X查询的量。此更新包括从任何查询X>= A中删除(A-1)* V。然后我们为X>=B添加回B*V。我们之所以这样做,是因为对第一棵树的查询不会返回X>= B + 1的V(因为T1.add(B + 1,-V)),因此我们需要以某种方式告诉有一个面积为(B-A+1)* V 的矩形适用于任何查询X>= B + 1。我们已经从A中删除了(A-1)* V,我们只需要将B * V添加回B + 1。


update(A, B, V):
    T1.add(A, V)         # add V to any X>=A
    T1.add(B+1, -V)      # cancel previously added V from any X>=B+1

    T2.add(A, (A-1)*V)   # add a fix for (A-1)s V that didn't exist before A
    T2.add(B+1, -B*V)    # remove the fix, and add more (B-A+1)*V to any query 
                         # X>=B+1. This is really -(A-1)*V -(B-A+1)*V, but it 
                         # simplifies to -B*V

    return T1.sum(X)*X - T2.sum(X)

我见过的最好的解释。您能否解释一下这个陈述:“我们乐观地假设X之前的每个元素都等于X处的值。” 举个例子可能会更有帮助! - Wasim Thabraze

  1. Why do we need a second tree? I cannot answer this question. Strictly speaking, I cannot prove that it is impossible to solve this problem using only one binary index tree(and I have never seen such a proof anywhere).

  2. How can one come up with this method? Again, I don't know. I'm not the inventor of this algorithm. So I cannot tell why does it look exactly like this. The only thing I will try to explain is why and how this method works.

  3. To understand this algorithm better, the first we should do is to forget about how the binary index tree itself works. Let's treat it as just a black box that supports two operations: update one element and perform a range sum query in O(log n) time. We just want to use one or more such "black boxes" to build a data structure that can perform range updates and queries efficiently.

  4. We will maintain two binary index trees: T1 and T2. I will use the following notation: T.add(pos, delta) for performing a point update in a position pos by delta value and T.get(pos) for a sum [0 ... pos]. I claim that if an update function looks like this:

    void update(left, right, delta)
        T1.add(left, delta)
        T1.add(right + 1, -delta);
        T2.add(left, delta * (left - 1))
        T2.add(right + 1, -delta * right);

    and a range query is answered this way(for a prefix [0 ... pos]):

    int getSum(pos)
        return T1.sum(pos) * pos - T2.sum(pos)

    then the result is always correct.

  5. To prove its correctness, I will prove the following statement: each update changes the answer appropriately(it gives a proof by induction for all operations, because initially everything is filled with zeros and the correctness is obvious). Let's assume that we had a left, right, DELTA update and now we are performing pos query(that is, 0 ... pos sum). Let's consider 3 cases:
    i) pos < L. The update does not affect this query. The answer is correct(due to the induction hypothesis).
    ii) L <= pos <= R. This update will add DELTA * pos - (left - 1) * pos. It means that DELTA is added pos - L + 1 times. That's exactly how it should be. Thus, this case is also handled correctly.
    iii) pos > R. This update will add 0 + DELTA * right - DELTA * (left - 1). That is, DELTA is added exactly right - left + 1 times. It is correct, too.

    We have just shown the correctness of the induction step. Thus, this algorithm is correct.

  6. I have only shown how to answer [0, pos] sum queries. But answering [left, right] query is easy now: it is just getSum(right) - getSum(left - 1).


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Binary index tree.
struct BIT {
  vector<int> f;

  BIT(int n = 0) {
    f.assign(n, 0);

  int get(int at) {
    int res = 0;
    for (; at >= 0; at = (at & (at + 1)) - 1)
      res += f[at];
    return res;

  void upd(int at, int delta) {
    for (; at < f.size(); at = (at | (at + 1)))
      f[at] += delta;

// A tree for range updates and queries.
struct Tree {
  BIT f1;
  BIT f2;

  Tree(int n = 0): f1(n + 1), f2(n + 1) {}

  void upd(int low, int high, int delta) {
    f1.upd(low, delta);
    f1.upd(high + 1, -delta);
    f2.upd(low, delta * (low - 1));
    f2.upd(high + 1, -delta * high);

  int get(int pos) {
    return f1.get(pos) * pos - f2.get(pos);

  int get(int low, int high) {
    return get(high) - (low == 0 ? 0 : get(low - 1));

// A naive implementation.
struct DummyTree {
  vector<int> a;

  DummyTree(int n = 0): a(n) {}

  void upd(int low, int high, int delta) {
    for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
      a[i] += delta;

  int get(int low, int high) {
    int res = 0;
    for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
      res += a[i];
    return res;

int main() {
  int n = 100;
  Tree t1(n);
  DummyTree t2(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    int l = rand() % n;
    int r = rand() % n;
    int v = rand() % 10;
    if (l > r)
      swap(l, r);
    t1.upd(l, r, v);
    t2.upd(l, r, v);
    for (int low = 0; low < n; low++)
      for (int high = low; high < n; high++)
    assert(t1.get(low, high) == t2.get(low, high));
  return 0;

哦,是的。我忘记了时间复杂度分析。但在这里它很简单:我们对二叉索引树进行了恒定数量的查询,因此每个查询的时间复杂度为O(log n)

你能解释一下你是怎么得到这个 T2.add(left, delta * (left - 1)) T2.add(right + 1, -delta * right); 的吗? - user3739818
@user3739818 我是怎么得到它的呢?嗯,构建算法是一个创造性的过程,所以一个公正的答案是:你可以用前缀和画一些图来看出应该是这样的。在你弄清楚了这一点之后,你可以严谨地证明它。 - kraskevich


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