

有没有绘制粗抗锯齿线条的“标准”算法?我发现了夏林·吴(Xiaolin Wu)用于绘制1像素宽线条的算法,但还没有找到任何用于粗线条的扩展。

我在这里找到了一个JavaScript实现:http://members.chello.at/easyfilter/bresenham.js我将其复制到GitHub Gist中以备后用:https://gist.github.com/randvoorhies/807ce6e20840ab5314eb7c547899de68#file-bresenham-js-L813 - rcv

如果你的线始终是直的,并且不需要抗锯齿曲线,那么可以采用三遍方法。我不确定在您的环境中这种方式是否高效,但是您可以使用厚度为 thickness - 2 的锯齿版本线条,然后使用Xiaolin Wu的方法两次进行抗锯齿处理。@Francisco P. 的方法也有效,并且可能更可取。总之,锯齿必须沿着外边缘平滑处理。如果您正在处理厚度大于1的线,请仅绘制两个边缘进行抗锯齿处理,然后填充中间部分即可。


哈哈,谢谢,但我想我应该在我的问题中用“高效、合理优雅”代替“标准”这个词。 - rcv
嗯,也许我低估了我的努力,但这是一个相当标准的方法来完成你所要求的。 - F. P.
我认为这归结于CPU和内存之间的权衡。进行多次遍历可能比缩小更具计算成本,但缩小可能需要更高分辨率的内存。除此之外,还有CPU处理来缩小行。最终,在桌面机上两种方法都可能表现相同,但如果我们谈论手机,这可能会有所不同。无论如何,我认为您的建议更加主流。 - Xenethyl

given line's thickness w and dx,dy of line, wx, wy are computed as:
n = hypot(dx, dy)
w2 = (w-1)/2
wx = dy*w2/n
wy = dx*w2/n

function wu_thick_line(set_pixel, xs, ys, xe, ye, dx, dy, wx, wy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    var t, sx, sy,
        wsx, wsy,
        xa, xb, xc, xd,
        ya, yb, yc, yd;

    if (xs > xe)
        t = xs;
        xs = xe;
        xe = t;
        t = ys;
        ys = ye;
        ye = t;

    sx = 1;
    sy = ys > ye ? -1 : 1;

    if (is_strictly_equal(dx, 0))
        return fill_rect(set_pixel, stdMath.round(xs - wx), stdMath.round(ys), stdMath.round(xs + wx), stdMath.round(ye), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    if (is_strictly_equal(dy, 0))
        return fill_rect(set_pixel, stdMath.round(xs), stdMath.round(ys - wy), stdMath.round(xe), stdMath.round(ys + wy), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

      wx      .b
    +-----.(s)  .
wy  |.a  |  .     . f
       . |    .     .
 dy      |.     .     .
         |  .g    .     . d
         |    .     .(e)
         +----- .----
             dx  c

a: ys + wsy - ys = -(x - xs)/m => x = xs - m*wsy: (xs-wsx, ys+wsy)
b: ys - wsy - ys = -(x - xs)/m => x = xs + m*wsy: (xs+wsx, ys-wsy)
c: ye + wsy - ye = -(x - xe)/m => x = xe - m*wsy: (xe-wsx, ye+wsy)
d: ye - wsy - ye = -(x - xe)/m => x = xe + m*wsy: (xe+wsx, ye-wsy)

    wsx = sx*wx;
    wsy = sy*wy;

    xa = xs - wsx;
    ya = ys + wsy;
    xb = xs + wsx;
    yb = ys - wsy;
    xc = xe - wsx;
    yc = ye + wsy;
    xd = xe + wsx;
    yd = ye - wsy;

    // outline
    wu_line(set_pixel, xa, ya, xb, yb, null, null, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    wu_line(set_pixel, xb, yb, xd, yd, null, null, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    wu_line(set_pixel, xd, yd, xc, yc, null, null, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    wu_line(set_pixel, xc, yc, xa, ya, null, null, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    // fill
    fill_triangle(set_pixel, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    fill_triangle(set_pixel, xb, yb, xc, yc, xd, yd, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
function wu_line(set_pixel, xs, ys, xe, ye, dx, dy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    var xm = stdMath.min(xs, xe), xM = stdMath.max(xs, xe),
        ym = stdMath.min(ys, ye), yM = stdMath.max(ys, ye);

    // if line is outside viewport return
    if (xM < xmin || xm > xmax || yM < ymin || ym > ymax) return;

    if (null == dx)
        dx = stdMath.abs(xe - xs);
        dy = stdMath.abs(ye - ys);

    // clip it to viewport if needed
    if (xm < xmin || xM > xmax || ym < ymin || yM > ymax)
        var clipped = clip(xs, ys, xe, ye, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
        if (!clipped) return;
        xs = clipped[0];
        ys = clipped[1];
        xe = clipped[2];
        ye = clipped[3];

    if (is_strictly_equal(dx, 0) || is_strictly_equal(dy, 0))
        return fill_rect(set_pixel, stdMath.round(xs), stdMath.round(ys), stdMath.round(xe), stdMath.round(ye));

    // Wu's line algorithm
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu%27s_line_algorithm
    var x, y,
        x1, x2,
        y1, y2,
        xend, yend,
        gradient = 0,
        intersect = 0,
        fpart = 0,
        rfpart = 0,
        gap = 0,
        e = 0.5,
        steep = dy > dx;

    if (steep)
        x = xs;
        xs = ys;
        ys = x;
        x = xe;
        xe = ye;
        ye = x;
        x = dx;
        dx = dy;
        dy = x;
    if (xs > xe)
        x = xs;
        xs = xe;
        xe = x;
        y = ys;
        ys = ye;
        ye = y;

    gradient = (ys > ye ? -1 : 1)*dy/dx;

    // handle first endpoint
    xend = stdMath.round(xs);
    yend = ys + gradient * (xend - xs);
    gap = 1 - (xs + e - stdMath.floor(xs + e));
    x1 = xend;
    y1 = stdMath.floor(yend);
    fpart = yend - y1;
    rfpart = 1 - fpart;
    if (steep)
        set_pixel(y1, x1, rfpart*gap);
        set_pixel(y1 + 1, x1, fpart*gap);
        set_pixel(x1, y1, rfpart*gap);
        set_pixel(x1, y1 + 1, fpart*gap);

    intersect = yend + gradient;

    // handle second endpoint
    xend = stdMath.round(xe);
    yend = ye + gradient * (xend - xe);
    gap = xe + e - stdMath.floor(xe + e);
    x2 = xend;
    y2 = stdMath.floor(yend);
    fpart = yend - y2;
    rfpart = 1 - fpart;
    if (steep)
        set_pixel(y2, x2, rfpart*gap);
        set_pixel(y2 + 1, x2, fpart*gap);
        set_pixel(x2, y2, rfpart*gap);
        set_pixel(x2, y2 + 1, fpart*gap);

    // main loop
    if (steep)
        for (x=x1+1; x<x2; ++x)
            y = stdMath.floor(intersect);
            fpart = intersect - y;
            rfpart = 1 - fpart;
            if (0 < rfpart) set_pixel(y, x, rfpart);
            if (0 < fpart) set_pixel(y + 1, x, fpart);
            intersect += gradient;
        for (x=x1+1; x<x2; ++x)
            y = stdMath.floor(intersect);
            fpart = intersect - y;
            rfpart = 1 - fpart;
            if (0 < rfpart) set_pixel(x, y, rfpart);
            if (0 < fpart) set_pixel(x, y + 1, fpart);
            intersect += gradient;
function clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    // clip points to viewport
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liang%E2%80%93Barsky_algorithm
    var p1 = -(x2 - x1),
        p2 = -p1,
        p3 = -(y2 - y1),
        p4 = -p3,
        q1 = x1 - xmin,
        q2 = xmax - x1,
        q3 = y1 - ymin,
        q4 = ymax - y1,
        rn2 = 1, rn1 = 0,
        r1, r2, r3, r4;

    if ((p1 === 0 && q1 < 0) || (p2 === 0 && q2 < 0) || (p3 === 0 && q3 < 0) || (p4 === 0 && q4 < 0))
        // parallel to edge and outside of viewport
    if (p1 !== 0)
        r1 = q1/p1;
        r2 = q2/p2;
        if (p1 < 0)
            if (r1 > rn1) rn1 = r1;
            if (r2 < rn2) rn2 = r2;
            if (r2 > rn1) rn1 = r2;
            if (r1 < rn2) rn2 = r1;
    if (p3 !== 0)
        r3 = q3/p3;
        r4 = q4/p4;
        if (p3 < 0)
            if (r3 > rn1) rn1 = r3;
            if (r4 < rn2) rn2 = r4;
            if (r4 > rn1) rn1 = r4;
            if (r3 < rn2) rn2 = r3;

    // completely outside viewport
    if (rn1 > rn2) return;

    return [
    x1 + p2*rn1, y1 + p4*rn1,
    x1 + p2*rn2, y1 + p4*rn2
function fill_rect(set_pixel, x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    // fill a rectangular area between (x1,y1), (x2,y2) integer coords
    var x, y;
    if (x1 > x2)
        x = x1;
        x1 = x2;
        x2 = x;
    if (y1 > y2)
        y = y1;
        y1 = y2;
        y2 = y;
    if (null != xmin)
        if (x2 < xmin || x1 > xmax || y2 < ymin || y1 > ymax) return;
        x1 = stdMath.max(x1, xmin);
        y1 = stdMath.max(y1, ymin);
        x2 = stdMath.min(x2, xmax);
        y2 = stdMath.min(y2, ymax);
    if (y1 === y2)
        for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) set_pixel(x, y1, 1);
    else if (x1 === x2)
        for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) set_pixel(x1, y, 1);
        for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y)
            for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) set_pixel(x, y, 1);
function fill_triangle(set_pixel, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    // fill the triangle defined by a, b, c points
    var x, xx, t,
        y, yb, yc,
        xac, xab, xbc,
        yac, yab, ybc,
        zab, zbc,
        clip = null != xmin, e = 0.5;
    if (clip)
        if (stdMath.max(ax,bx,cx) < xmin || stdMath.min(ax,bx,cx) > xmax || stdMath.max(ay,by,cy) < ymin || stdMath.min(ay,by,cy) > ymax) return;
    if (by < ay) {t = ay; ay = by; by = t; t = ax; ax = bx; bx = t;}
    if (cy < ay) {t = ay; ay = cy; cy = t; t = ax; ax = cx; cx = t;}
    if (cy < by) {t = by; by = cy; cy = t; t = bx; bx = cx; cx = t;}
    yac = cy - ay;
    if (is_strictly_equal(yac, 0))
        // line or single point
        y = stdMath.round(ay);
        x = stdMath.round(stdMath.min(ax, bx, cx));
        xx = stdMath.round(stdMath.max(ax, bx, cx));
        return fill_rect(set_pixel, x, y, xx, y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    yab = by - ay;
    ybc = cy - by;
    xac = cx - ax;
    xab = bx - ax;
    xbc = cx - bx;
    zab = is_strictly_equal(yab, 0);
    zbc = is_strictly_equal(ybc, 0);
    y = stdMath.round(ay + e);
    yb = by;
    yc = stdMath.round(cy - e);
    if (clip) {y = stdMath.max(ymin, y); yc = stdMath.min(ymax, yc);}
    for (; y<=yc; ++y)
        if (y < yb)
            if (zab)
                x = ax;
                xx = bx;
                x = xac*(y - ay)/yac + ax;
                xx = xab*(y - ay)/yab + ax;
            if (zbc)
                x = bx;
                xx = cx;
                x = xac*(y - ay)/yac + ax;
                xx = xbc*(y - by)/ybc + bx;
        if (stdMath.abs(xx - x) < 1)
            if (!clip || (x >= xmin && x <= xmax)) set_pixel(stdMath.round(x), y, 1);
        if (xx < x)
            t = x;
            x = xx;
            xx = t;
        x = stdMath.round(x + e);
        xx = stdMath.round(xx - e);
        if (clip) {x = stdMath.max(xmin, x); xx = stdMath.min(xmax, xx);}
        for (; x<=xx; ++x) set_pixel(x, y, 1);

结果(画布线 vs 光栅化器线):

enter image description here

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