


这里有一个__m128iSIMD向量 - 每个16字节中包含以下值:

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15
1   0   1   1   0   1   0   1   1   1   0   1   0   1   0   1
    1           4       6               10      12     14   


1  4  6  10  12  14

什么逻辑可以获得这样的结果?应该使用什么 SIMD 指令?
PS:我刚开始学习 SIMD - 所以我不太了解,并且不理解。

可以。AVX512VBMI2 可用吗?那会使它变得非常容易。没有它也是可能的,但不如有它容易。 - harold
所以如果我理解正确的话,您想将整个向量清零,但在此之前,使用初始零的位置数字来形成一个新的向量,这些位置数字? - Arkoudinos
你有哪些SIMD指令集可用?x86-64带有AVX2吗?我猜应该是某种x86,而不是AArch64 ASIMD,因为你说了“__m128i”。 - Peter Cordes
你能在Intel Haswell或AMD Zen3上使用快速的BMI2 pdep / pext吗? 你可能希望使用BMI2 pext来进行每次8字节的左包装操作,类似于AVX2,基于掩码打包的最有效方法是什么? - 没有AVX512,您没有SIMD左包装,并且一个2^16个__m128i洗牌掩码表显然是可怕的。 (或者我想说就是常量传播后的最终结果的__m128i)。但无论如何,64K x 16字节将是一个巨大的查找表,几乎每次都会缺失缓存。 - Peter Cordes
将比较结果表示为 01 而不是通常的 0 / 0xff 有点奇怪。请注意,Soonts 的答案通过比较将您的 1 转换为 0xff。如果您的先前代码自然产生 0/1 而不是 0/-1,那么就没问题了,但如果您需要额外的工作来实现这一点,请不要这样做。 - Peter Cordes



__m128i compressZeroIndices_bmi2( __m128i v )
    const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
    // Replace zeros with 0xFF
    v = _mm_cmpeq_epi8( v, zero );

    // Extract low/high pieces into scalar registers for PEXT instruction
    uint64_t low = (uint64_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si64( v );
    uint64_t high = (uint64_t)_mm_extract_epi64( v, 1 );

    // Count payload bytes in the complete vector
    v = _mm_sub_epi8( zero, v );
    v = _mm_sad_epu8( v, zero );
    v = _mm_add_epi64( v, _mm_srli_si128( v, 8 ) );
    v = _mm_shuffle_epi8( v, zero );
    // Make a mask vector filled with 0 for payload bytes, 0xFF for padding
    const __m128i identity = _mm_setr_epi8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 );
    v = _mm_max_epu8( v, identity );
    __m128i mask = _mm_cmpeq_epi8( v, identity );

    // The following line requires C++/20
    // If you don't have it, use #ifdef _MSC_VER to switch between __popcnt64() and _popcnt64() intrinsics.
    uint64_t lowBits = std::popcount( low );
    // Use BMI2 to gather these indices
    low = _pext_u64( 0x0706050403020100ull, low );
    high = _pext_u64( 0x0F0E0D0C0B0A0908ull, high );

    // Merge payload into a vector
    v = _mm_cvtsi64_si128( low | ( high << lowBits ) );
    v = _mm_insert_epi64( v, high >> ( 64 - lowBits ), 1 );

    // Apply the mask to set unused elements to -1, enables pmovmskb + tzcnt to find the length
    return _mm_or_si128( v, mask );

inline __m128i sortStep( __m128i a, __m128i perm, __m128i blend )
    // The min/max are independent and their throughput is 0.33-0.5 cycles,
    // so this whole function only takes 3 (AMD) or 4 (Intel) cycles to complete
    __m128i b = _mm_shuffle_epi8( a, perm );
    __m128i i = _mm_min_epu8( a, b );
    __m128i ax = _mm_max_epu8( a, b );
    return _mm_blendv_epi8( i, ax, blend );

__m128i compressZeroIndices( __m128i v )
    // Replace zeros with 0-based indices, ones with 0xFF
    v = _mm_cmpgt_epi8( v, _mm_setzero_si128() );
    const __m128i identity = _mm_setr_epi8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 );
    v = _mm_or_si128( v, identity );

    // Sort bytes in the vector with a network
    // https://demonstrations.wolfram.com/SortingNetworks/
    // Click the "transposition" algorithm on that demo
    const __m128i perm1 = _mm_setr_epi8( 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14 );
    const __m128i blend1 = _mm_set1_epi16( (short)0xFF00 );
    const __m128i perm2 = _mm_setr_epi8( 0, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 10, 9, 12, 11, 14, 13, 15 );
    const __m128i blend2 = _mm_setr_epi8( 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0 );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        v = sortStep( v, perm1, blend1 );
        v = sortStep( v, perm2, blend2 );
    return v;


uint32_t vectorLength( __m128i v )
    uint32_t mask = (uint32_t)_mm_movemask_epi8( v );
    mask |= 0x10000;
    return _tzcnt_u32( mask );

8x 2x pshufb+pmin/maxub + pblendvb 看起来非常昂贵,甚至比我的答案中的标量LUT还要糟糕,即使有存储转发延迟。 (我有点惊讶这个答案被接受了,因为它基本上只是展示了一种可能的方法,但平均而言甚至可能不比朴素的逐个标量更快。也许不会那么糟糕,但仍然如此。) - Peter Cordes
有没有类似于15x psrldqpminub的东西,这样低元素就是所有16个元素的hmin。这对更高的元素有效吗?元素#1是高15个元素的hmin,可能为0xFF。元素#2永远不能低于2,但它是这些元素中最低的还是第二低取决于最低的2个元素是否都为0。(例如0 1 2 5 7 -1 -1 ...情况与2 5 7 9 -1 -1 ...情况)我们能否通过qword元素的psubqpaddq的进位传播来影响更高的元素,使低零影响更高的元素? - Peter Cordes
@PeterCordes 关于排序,这确实是对16字节进行排序的完全通用情况。计算该向量上的前缀或后缀和相对较快,但它并不能真正帮助将这些字节移到较低的位置。 - Soonts
@PeterCordes 这里有一个相当高效的前缀和 https://godbolt.org/z/v5vvWTY4j 可以计算这些字节的目标位置:翻转0/1,计算前缀和,对于每个0,总和包含目标索引。问题在于缺少“反向”vpshufb指令,该指令将采用目标索引而不是源索引。 - Soonts
@Noah 谢谢,但我认为对于这个特定的用例,Peter说BMI2比排序网络更快是正确的。 - Soonts



如果您拥有AVX512VBMI2(Ice Lake)处理器,vpcompressb指令可以在常量上执行此操作。(好吧,算两个,包括输入的test-into-mask。)

16个单独元素意味着单个表查找不可行;2^16 x __m128i将是64K x 16字节=1 MiB,大多数访问会错过缓存。(代码很简单;只需对零或_mm_slli_epi32(v,7) / _mm_movemask_epi8执行_mm_cmpeq_epi8,并使用该16位掩码作为数组索引)。

可能每次使用4个掩码位的4字节块进行4次查找可以起作用。 (使用SWAR添加0x04040404 / 0x08080808 / 0x0c0c0c0c来偏移结果)。您的表还可以存储偏移值,或者您可以_lzcnt_u32或其他方法来确定指针需要增加多少,直到下一个存储,或者_popcnt_u32(zpos&0xf)

#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <string.h>

// untested but compiles ok
char *zidx_SSE2(char *outbuf, __m128i v)
   alignas(64) static struct __attribute__((packed)) {
       uint32_t idx;
       uint8_t count;  // or make this also uint32_t, but still won't allow a memory-source add unless it's uintptr_t.  Indexing could be cheaper in a PIE though, *8 instead of *5 which needs both base and idx
   }lut[] = { // 16x 5-byte entries
      /*[0b0000]=*/ {0, 0}, /* [0b0001]= */ {0x00000000, 1}, /* [0b0010]= */ {0x00000001, 1 },
      //...  left-packed indices, count of non-zero bits
              /* [0b1111]=*/ {0x03020100, 4}
    // Maybe pack the length into the high 4 bits, and mask?  Maybe not, it's a small LUT

   unsigned zpos = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()));
   for (int i=0 ; i<16 ; i+=4){
       uint32_t idx = lut[zpos & 0xf].idx;
       idx += (0x01010101 * i);  // this strength-reduces or is a constant after fully unrolling.  GCC -O2 even realizes it can use add reg, 0x04040404 *as* the loop counter; clang -fno-unroll-loops doesn't
       // idxs from bits 0..3, bits 4..7, bits 8..11, or bits 12..15
       memcpy(outbuf, &idx, sizeof(idx));   // x86 is little-endian.  Aliasing safe unaligned store.
       outbuf += lut[zpos & 0xf].count;  // or popcount(zpos&0xf)
       zpos >>= 4;
   return outbuf;  // pointer to next byte after the last valid idx

https://godbolt.org/z/59Ev1Tz37展示了没有使用循环展开的GCC和clang。gcc -O3完全展开它,而默认情况下-O2的clang也是如此。

它永远不会将超过16个字节存储到outbuf中,但对于少于16个零字节的输入,则存储的字节数更少。(但是即使在这个块中实际索引为零,每次对outbuf的存储也是4个字节宽的。)如果所有输入向量字节都是 0 ,则4个存储不会有任何重叠,否则它们将(部分或完全)重叠。这没关系;缓存和存储缓冲区可以轻松吸收这些。


BMI2 pext是一种水平打包操作

这也意味着您拥有快速的BMI2 pext / pdep (Intel自Haswell以来,AMD自Zen3以来)。较早的AMD支持这些指令,但速度不够快。它们在整数寄存器中对uint64_t执行与vpcompressb / vpexpandb等效的位运算。

这可以允许类似于AVX2 what is the most efficient way to pack left based on a mask?的技巧
将向量转换为0 / 0xf半字节掩码后,我们可以使用一个pext指令将相应的值为0..15的半字节提取到整数寄存器的底部。


您的pext操作数将是从_mm_cmpeq_epi8(v,_mm_setzero_si128())提取的0/0xff字节,分别用lo = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cmp)hi = _mm_extract_epi64(cmp,1) 两个uint64_t半部分。


该 SSSE3 策略处理 64 位字,然后将结果重新组合成 128 位字。在 xmm 寄存器中合并 64 位的两半比使用重叠写入进行压缩存储到内存更加昂贵。
/// `v` input bytes are either a 1 or 0
/// `v` output bytes are the "compressed" indices of zeros locations in the input
///     unused leading bytes in the output are filled with garbage.
/// returns the number of used bytes in `v`
static inline
size_t zidx_SSSE3 (__m128i &v) {

    static const uint64_t table[27] = { /* 216 bytes */
        0x0000000000000706, 0x0000000000070600, 0x0000000007060100, 0x0000000000070602,
        0x0000000007060200, 0x0000000706020100, 0x0000000007060302, 0x0000000706030200,
        0x0000070603020100, 0x0000000000070604, 0x0000000007060400, 0x0000000706040100,
        0x0000000007060402, 0x0000000706040200, 0x0000070604020100, 0x0000000706040302,
        0x0000070604030200, 0x0007060403020100, 0x0000000007060504, 0x0000000706050400,
        0x0000070605040100, 0x0000000706050402, 0x0000070605040200, 0x0007060504020100,
        0x0000070605040302, 0x0007060504030200, 0x0706050403020100

    const __m128i id = _mm_set_epi8(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0);

    // adding 8 to each shuffle index is cheaper than extracting the high qword
    const __m128i offset = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(0x0808080808080808);

    // bits[4:0] = index -> ((trit_d * 0) + (trit_c * 9) + (trit_b * 3) + (trit_a * 1))
    // bits[15:7] = popcnt
    const __m128i sadmask = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x8080898983838181);

    // detect 1's (spaces)
    __m128i mask = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), v);
    // manually process 16-bit lanes to reduce possible combinations
    v = _mm_add_epi8(v, id);

    // extract bitfields describing each qword: index, popcnt
    __m128i desc = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(mask, sadmask), sadmask);
    size_t lo_desc = (size_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(desc);
    size_t hi_desc = (size_t)_mm_extract_epi16(desc, 4);

    // load shuffle control indices from pre-computed table
    __m128i lo_shuf = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&table[lo_desc & 0x1F]);
    __m128i hi_shuf = _mm_or_si128(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&table[hi_desc & 0x1F]), offset);

    //// recombine shuffle control qwords ////
    // emulates a variable `_mm_bslli_si128(hi_shuf, lo_popcnt)` operation
    desc = _mm_srli_epi16(desc, 7); // isolate popcnts
    __m128i shift = _mm_shuffle_epi8(desc, _mm_setzero_si128()); // broadcast popcnt of low qword
    hi_shuf = _mm_shuffle_epi8(hi_shuf, _mm_sub_epi8(id, shift)); // byte shift left
    __m128i shuf = _mm_max_epu8(lo_shuf, hi_shuf); // merge

    v = _mm_shuffle_epi8(v, shuf);
    return (hi_desc + lo_desc) >> 7; // popcnt

如果我们只是为了未来的标量处理而提取这些索引,那么我们可能需要考虑使用 pmovmskb 然后根据需要逐个剥离每个索引。
x = (unsigned)_mm_movemask_epi8(compare_mask);
while (x) {
    idx = count_trailing_zeros(x);
    x &= x - 1; // clear lowest set bit

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