
请注意,我对CUDA是一个绝对的新手,下面的所有内容都是未经测试的伪代码。我来自JavaScript,我的C ++也很生疏,所以对我的无知表示歉意 :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
#include <thrust/device_new.h>

#define N 1000

typedef struct dataPoint {
} dataPoint;

class Strategy {
        __device__ __host__ Strategy(...) {

        __device__ __host__ void backtest(dataPoint data) {

int main() {
    dataPoint data[100000];
    thrust::device_ptr<Strategy> strategies[1000];
    int i;

    // Instantiate 5000 strategies.
    for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
        thrust::device_ptr<Strategy> strategies[i] = thrust::device_new<Strategy>(...);

    // Iterate over all 100000 data points.
    for (i=0; i<100000; i++) {
        // Somehow run .backtest(data[j]) on each strategy here.
        // i.e. Run backtest() in parallel for all 1000
        // strategy objects here.

// Iterate over all 100000 data points.
for (j=0; j<100000; j++) {
    // Iterate over all 1000 strategies.
    for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {




使用基本的Thrust转换操作,我们可以初始化您的数据以及策略,而不必使用for循环。我们将为每种对象(dataPointStrategy)构造一个适当长度的设备向量,然后使用thrust :: transform来初始化每个向量。


实际上,我们可以将一个矩阵看作是一个轴由 dataPoint 组成(在您的示例中为 100000 维),另一个轴由 Strategy 组成(在您的示例中为 1000 维)。对于此矩阵中的每个点,我们设想它保存了该 Strategy 对该 dataPoint 的应用结果。
在 thrust 中,我们通常更喜欢将这样的二维概念实现为一维。因此,我们的结果空间等于 dataPoint 数量乘以 Strategy 数量的积。我们将创建一个大小为此的 result device_vector(在您的示例中为 100000*1000)来保存结果。
  1. the result of applying a Strategy against a dataPoint is a float.
  2. the dataPoint is a struct consisting of an int (dtype - ignored for this example) and a float (dval). dval will contain, for dataPoint(i), 1.0f + i*10.0f.
  3. the Strategy consists of a multiplier and an adder, to be used as follows:

    Strategy(i) = multiplier(i) * dval + adder(i);
  4. applying a Strategy against a dataPoint consists of retrieving the dval associated with the dataPoint, and substituting it into the equation given by item 3 above. This equation is captured in the backtest method of the class Strategy. The backtest method takes an object of type dataPoint as its argument, from which it will retrieve the appropriate dval.


简单来说,从“内而外”开始,我们将使用一个转换迭代器,该迭代器采用索引映射函数和由thrust:: counting_iterator提供的线性序列,以便为每个索引(每个矩阵维度)创建一个映射。每个映射函数中的算术运算将把result的线性索引转换为适当的重复索引,以便于矩阵的行和列。给定这个转换迭代器来创建重复的行或列索引,我们将该索引传递给排列迭代器,该迭代器选择每个指示行/列的适当的dataPointStrategy。然后,这两个项目(dataPointStrategy)在zip_iterator中一起压缩。然后将zip_iterator传递给run_strat函数对象,该函数对象实际上计算应用于给定dataPoint的给定Strategy


#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/permutation_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <math.h>

#define TOL 0.00001f

// number of strategies
#define N 1000
// number of data points
#define DSIZE 100000

// could use int instead of size_t here, for these problem dimensions
typedef size_t idx_t;

struct dataPoint {

  int dtype;
  float dval;

class Strategy {

    float multiplier;
    float adder;
    idx_t id;


        __device__ __host__ Strategy(){
          id = 0;
          multiplier = 0.0f;
          adder = 0.0f;
        __device__ __host__ Strategy(idx_t _id) {
          id = _id;
          multiplier = 1.0f + ((float)id)/(float)N;
          adder = (float)id;

        __device__ __host__ float backtest(dataPoint data) {
          return multiplier*data.dval+adder;

// functor to initialize dataPoint
struct data_init
  __host__ __device__
  dataPoint operator()(idx_t id){
    dataPoint temp;
    temp.dtype = id;
    temp.dval = 1.0f + id * 10.0f;
    return temp;

// functor to initialize Strategy
struct strat_init
  __host__ __device__
  Strategy operator()(idx_t id){
    Strategy temp(id);
    return temp;

// functor to "test" a Strategy against a dataPoint, using backtest method
struct run_strat
  template <typename T>
  __host__ __device__
  float operator()(idx_t id, T t){
    return (thrust::get<0>(t)).backtest(thrust::get<1>(t));

// mapping functor to generate "row" (Strategy) index from linear index
struct strat_mapper : public thrust::unary_function<idx_t, idx_t>
  __host__ __device__
  idx_t operator()(idx_t id){
    return id/DSIZE;

// mapping functor to generate "column" (dataPoint) index from linear index
struct data_mapper : public thrust::unary_function<idx_t, idx_t>
  __host__ __device__
  idx_t operator()(idx_t id){
    return id%DSIZE;

int main() {
    // initialize data
    thrust::device_vector<dataPoint> data(DSIZE);
    thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(0), thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(DSIZE), data.begin(), data_init());

    // initialize strategies
    thrust::device_vector<Strategy> strategies(N);
    thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(0), thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(N), strategies.begin(), strat_init());

    // test each data point against each strategy

        // Somehow run .backtest(data[j]) on each strategy here.
        // i.e. Run backtest() in parallel for all 1000
        // strategy objects here.

    // allocate space for results for each datapoint against each strategy
    thrust::device_vector<float> result(DSIZE*N);
    thrust::transform(thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(0), thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(DSIZE*N), thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(thrust::make_permutation_iterator(strategies.begin(), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(0), strat_mapper())), thrust::make_permutation_iterator(data.begin(), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<idx_t>(0), data_mapper())))), result.begin(), run_strat());

    // validation
    // this would have to be changed if you change initialization of dataPoint
    // or Strategy
    thrust::host_vector<float> h_result = result;
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++){
      float m =  1.0f + (float)j/(float)N;
      float a = j;
      for (int i = 0; i < DSIZE; i++){
        float d =  1.0f + i*10.0f;
        if (fabsf(h_result[j*DSIZE+i] - (m*d+a))/(m*d+a) > TOL) {std::cout << "mismatch at: " << i << "," << j << " was: " << h_result[j*DSIZE+i] << " should be: " << m*d+a << std::endl; return 1;}}}
    return 0;


  1. 如上所述,这是一种可能的实现。我认为它应该是“相当”高效的,但在Thrust中可能会有更高效的实现。在尝试优化之前,可能需要对您实际的策略和回测方法进行更全面的分析。

  2. 最终的transform操作使用counting_iterator作为第一个参数(以及第二个参数),但这实际上被忽略了,并且是“虚拟”的用法,只是为了适当地调整问题的规模。它可以通过更简单的实现来消除,但在我看来,最简单的方法(而不会进一步混淆代码)是使用C++11的auto来定义zip_iterator,然后仅传递它本身以及它的偏移版本给thrust::transform,使用只接受一个输入向量的版本。我认为这不应该对性能产生太大影响,而且我觉得这样稍微容易理解一些,但也许不是。

谢谢您详细的回答!我今晚会读完它。只想补充一下——我循环遍历数据的原因是,由于处理的数据量和我的内存限制,我从数据库中流式/游标数据。每个dataPoint将包含约100个浮点值,我无法一次性将整个数据集加载到内存中,因此我逐个处理dataPoint。虽然我可以重构以按块处理dataPoints。 - Chad Johnson
如果您可以分块处理数据,我认为上述实现仍然是明智的。您可以在最后一个转换调用周围添加一个for循环,并在每次迭代中处理一个新的“dataPoint”块。我对每次迭代仅循环单个“dataPoint”的担忧是,如果您只有1000个策略,则每次迭代仅产生约1000的“并行化级别”。Thrust可能会将此转换为每次迭代的1000个线程的内核,这太小了,无法从GPU中获得最佳性能。 - Robert Crovella
实际上,我将拥有大约250,000个策略。我有一张Titan Z显卡--你认为我可以并行运行多少个策略? - Chad Johnson
轻松达到250,000。 我仍然会使用上述方法每次迭代将目标设置为10或100个dataPoint - Robert Crovella

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