


线程[<3> main](暂停(异常NegativeArraySizeException)) ViewRoot.handleMessage(消息)行:1704 ViewRoot(处理程序)。dispatchMessage(消息)行:99 Looper.loop()行:123 ActivityThread.main(String[]) 行:4203 Method.invokeNative(Object,Object[],Class,Class[],Class,int,boolean)行:不可用[原生方法] Method.invoke(Object,Object ...)line: 521 ZygoteInit $ MethodAndArgsCaller.run() line:791 ZygoteInit.main(String[]) 行:549 NativeStart.main(String[]) 行:不可用[本地方法]

  public void convertAudio () throws IOException {
   Log.d("FILE", "Converting Audio");
   java.io.File fileExist = new java.io.File("/sdcard/" , "test1.3gp");
   java.io.File fileNew = new java.io.File("/sdcard/" , "test2.3gp");
   if (fileNew.exists()) {
    FileInputStream fExist = new FileInputStream(fileExist); 
       FileInputStream fNew = new FileInputStream(fileNew);

       long lengthExist = fileExist.length();
       if (lengthExist > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
             // File is too large
       byte[] bytesExist = new byte[(int)lengthExist];

       int offset = 0;
       int numRead = 0;
       try {
        while (offset < bytesExist.length && (numRead=fExist.read(bytesExist, offset, bytesExist.length-offset)) >= 0) {
             offset += numRead;
       } finally {


       // Ensure all the bytes have been read in
       if (offset < bytesExist.length) {
             throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+fileExist.getName());

       byte[] cleanExist = convert3gpDataToAmr(bytesExist);

       long lengthNew = fileNew.length();
       if (lengthNew > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
             // File is too large
       byte[] bytesNew = new byte[(int)lengthNew];

       int offsetNew = 0;
       int numReadNew = 0;
       try {
        while (offset < bytesNew.length && (numRead=fNew.read(bytesNew, offsetNew, bytesNew.length-offsetNew)) >= 0) {
         offsetNew += numReadNew;
        } finally {


       // Ensure all the bytes have been read in
       if (offset < bytesNew.length) {
             throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+fileExist.getName());

       byte[] cleanNew = convert3gpDataToAmr(bytesNew);       



// #!AMR\n

 private static byte[] AMR_MAGIC_HEADER = {0x23, 0x21, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x52, 0x0a};

  public byte[] convert3gpDataToAmr(byte[] data) {
     if (data == null) {
         return null;

     ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
         // read FileTypeHeader
     FileTypeBox ftypHeader = new FileTypeBox(bis);
     // You can check if it is correct here
     // read MediaDataHeader
     MediaDataBox mdatHeader = new MediaDataBox(bis);
     // You can check if it is correct here
     int rawAmrDataLength = mdatHeader.getDataLength();
     int fullAmrDataLength = AMR_MAGIC_HEADER.length + rawAmrDataLength;
     byte[] amrData = new byte[fullAmrDataLength];
     System.arraycopy(AMR_MAGIC_HEADER, 0, amrData, 0, AMR_MAGIC_HEADER.length);
         bis.read(amrData, AMR_MAGIC_HEADER.length, rawAmrDataLength);
     return amrData;


byte[] amrData = new byte[fullAmrDataLength];


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