
问题在于,我正在尝试使用setInterval函数循环page_ids, 然后在其中循环内容数组以正确地填充html。我认为我已经正确地将 setInterval 循环应用到了页面,但不确定如何循环内部的内容。
对于下面的示例,它应该在页面加载时在左侧div中显示"left 93",在右侧div中显示 "right 93",然后在时间间隔之后会切换到页面 ID 94 并在 div 中显示 "Page 94"。
如何在 setInterval 中修改循环结构?

const original_json = [{
  "pageID": "93",
  "page_type_id": "2",
  "display_id": "2",
  "slide_order": null,
  "duration": "74",
  "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
  "panel_id": "86",
  "panel_type_id": "2",
  "cont_id": "138",
  "contID": "138",
  "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nLeft 93<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
  "pageID": "93",
  "page_type_id": "2",
  "display_id": "2",
  "slide_order": null,
  "duration": "74",
  "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
  "panel_id": "87",
  "panel_type_id": "3",
  "cont_id": "139",
  "contID": "139",
  "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nRight 93<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
  "pageID": "94",
  "page_type_id": "2",
  "display_id": "2",
  "slide_order": null,
  "duration": "74",
  "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
  "panel_id": "87",
  "panel_type_id": "3",
  "cont_id": "139",
  "contID": "139",
  "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nPage 94<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
  "pageID": "95",
  "page_type_id": "2",
  "display_id": "2",
  "slide_order": null,
  "duration": "74",
  "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
  "panel_id": "87",
  "panel_type_id": "3",
  "cont_id": "139",
  "contID": "139",
  "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nPage 95<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"

let counter = 0;

    var fullContent = document.getElementById('fullContent');
    var leftContent = document.getElementById('leftContent');
    var rightContent = document.getElementById('rightContent');
    var fullColumn = document.getElementById('fullColumn');
    var leftColumn = document.getElementById('leftColumn');
    var rightColumn = document.getElementById('rightColumn');

// loop through original json
// for each item, get page ID and see if we've already created a new Page object for it
// if we have, add the object from the original json to the "content" array of the new page object
// otherwise, create a new Page object to put in our new array
const pages_array = original_json.reduce(function(pages_array, item, index, original_json){
 const current_pageID = item.pageID; 
  const exisiting_page = pages_array.find(page => page.pageID === current_pageID); 
  if (exisiting_page === undefined){
   const new_Page = {
     pageID: current_pageID,
      content: [item]
  } else {
  return pages_array; 
}, []);

// Open console to see data
console.log(pages_array);//this prints correct array

setInterval(()=>{//here I loop through pages, but i need to loop within here over content to render html
    const currentJSONobject = pages_array[counter]; 
 if(currentJSONobject.page_type_id == 2){
        fullColumn.style.display = "none";

        if(currentJSONobject.panel_type_id == 2){

            leftContent.innerHTML = currentJSONobject.content;

        }else if(currentJSONobject.panel_type_id == 3){

            rightContent.innerHTML = currentJSONobject.content;



    counter += 1; 
    if (counter === pages_array.length){
        counter = 0; 

}, 1500)
<div class="row middle" id="middle" style="background-image: url();">

            <!-- Half Page Divs -->
            <div class="col-lg-6 leftColumn">
                <div class="leftContent" id="leftContent" style=" height: 100%; ">        


            <div class="col-lg-6 rightColumn">
              <div class="rightContent" id="rightContent" style=" height: 100%; ">


            <!-- End Half Page Divs -->

        <!-- End Row Middle -->





const original_json = [{
    "pageID": "93",
    "page_type_id": "2",
    "display_id": "2",
    "slide_order": null,
    "duration": "74",
    "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
    "panel_id": "86",
    "panel_type_id": "2",
    "cont_id": "138",
    "contID": "138",
    "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nLeft 93<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
    "pageID": "93",
    "page_type_id": "2",
    "display_id": "2",
    "slide_order": null,
    "duration": "74",
    "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
    "panel_id": "87",
    "panel_type_id": "3",
    "cont_id": "139",
    "contID": "139",
    "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nRight 93<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
    "pageID": "94",
    "page_type_id": "2",
    "display_id": "2",
    "slide_order": null,
    "duration": "74",
    "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
    "panel_id": "87",
    "panel_type_id": "3",
    "cont_id": "139",
    "contID": "139",
    "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nPage 94<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"
    "pageID": "95",
    "page_type_id": "2",
    "display_id": "2",
    "slide_order": null,
    "duration": "74",
    "background_img": "images\/bg_rainbow.svg",
    "panel_id": "87",
    "panel_type_id": "3",
    "cont_id": "139",
    "contID": "139",
    "content": "\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/head>\r\n\r\nPage 95<\/p>\r\n<\/body>\r\n<\/html>"

let counter = 0;

var fullContent = document.getElementById('fullContent');
var leftContent = document.getElementById('leftContent');
var rightContent = document.getElementById('rightContent');

var fullColumn = document.getElementById('fullColumn');
var leftColumn = document.getElementById('leftColumn');
var rightColumn = document.getElementById('rightColumn');

// loop through original json
// for each item, get page ID and see if we've already created a new Page object for it
// if we have, add the object from the original json to the "content" array of the new page object
// otherwise, create a new Page object to put in our new array
const pages_array = original_json.reduce(function(pages_array, item, index, original_json) {
  const current_pageID = item.pageID;
  const exisiting_page = pages_array.find(page => page.pageID === current_pageID);

  if (exisiting_page === undefined) {
    const new_Page = {
      pageID: current_pageID,
      content: [item]
  } else {

  return pages_array;
}, []);

// Open console to see data
console.log(pages_array); //this prints correct array

setInterval(() => { //here I loop through pages, but i need to loop within here over content to render html
  const currentJSONobject = pages_array[counter];
  if (currentJSONobject.page_type_id == 2) {

    fullColumn.style.display = "none";

    if (currentJSONobject.panel_type_id == 2) {

      leftContent.innerHTML = currentJSONobject.content;

    } else if (currentJSONobject.panel_type_id == 3) {

      rightContent.innerHTML = currentJSONobject.content;



  counter += 1;
  if (counter === pages_array.length) {
    counter = 0;

}, 1500)
<div class="row middle" id="middle" style="background-image: url();">

  <!-- Half Page Divs -->
  <div class="col-lg-6 leftColumn">

    <div class="leftContent" id="leftContent" style=" height: 100%; ">


  <div class="col-lg-6 rightColumn">

    <div class="rightContent" id="rightContent" style=" height: 100%; ">


  <!-- End Half Page Divs -->

<!-- End Row Middle -->

我正在尝试将每个内容转储到控制台,而不太担心HTML,但似乎在某个点上由于额外的计数器而失败了。 - Whisou138
不要为我输出控制台错误。我在控制台中获取了对象。 - Steven Spungin
你能给我提供可用的fiddle链接吗?我无法清除错误。当我访问我给你的链接时,它无法工作。 - Whisou138
忘了吧,那是我的问题。 - Steven Spungin
它在我的端上完全正常运行。我在循环中放置了一个console.log。运行我的代码片段。 - Steven Spungin

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的