
我在网上调查了一下,显然直接使用 DirectSound 或 WaveIn* API 函数是正确的方法。现在,根据我的阅读,WaveIn API 可以让我填充一定大小的缓冲区,这对于录制和后期处理来说很好,但是我想知道...如何进行实时处理?
另外,DirectSound 如何处理?它是否比常规 Win32 API 提供更强大的功能?

Both DirectSound and the Wave API will provide you with audio data buffers that can be processed. The size of these buffers can be adjusted, but it's best to keep latency under 10 milliseconds for real-time processing. This means processing the data within 10 milliseconds of it arriving at the buffer, minus the time it takes to arrive at the audio hardware and get to the buffer, which depends on the driver. For this reason, it's recommended to process no more than 5 milliseconds of data at a time.
The main difference between the two is that with DirectSound, you allocate a circular buffer that is filled by the DirectSound audio driver, while the Wave API takes a queue of pre-allocated WAVEHDR buffers that are filled, returned to the app, and then recycled. Both APIs have various notification methods, such as window messages or events. However, for low-latency processing, it's best to maintain a dedicated streaming thread and wait for new data to arrive.
For various reasons, DirectSound is recommended over the Wave API for new development - achieving lower latency will certainly be easier.
无论您选择哪种捕获方法,一旦获得数据,只需将其传递到处理算法中并等待下一个缓冲区准备好即可。 只要您能够比数据到达的速度更快地处理数据,那么您就可以进行(伪)实时分析。
还有其他可能更合适的替代API。 请查看ASIO,内核流(仅适用于XP-我不会麻烦),以及在Vista中推出的Core Audio APIs

很好的解释,但我不确定为什么您认为DirectSound在延迟方面比waveIn更好。使用这两种方法,延迟纯粹取决于在处理之前将录制多长时间的缓冲区。然而,考虑到它是一种更现代的API,我也建议使用DirectSound。我简直无法相信waveIn和waveOut*仍然存在(甚至在Windows Mobile中也可以使用,当我发现时感到非常震惊)。 - MusiGenesis
据我理解,DirectSound具有潜在的更低延迟的原因是它能够直接将数据进行DMA复制到用户缓冲区 - Wave API不会这样做,并需要另一个复制步骤。此外,在使用Wave API时,您无法控制硬件的独占性,这可能意味着kmixer开始进行采样率转换或位深度转换。所有这些额外的处理都会累加,但是可以肯定的是,与固有缓冲延迟相比,它可能并不重要。这些因素也可能随着操作系统版本而改变。 - Stu Mackellar

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