

我可能来晚了,但浏览器有其防止的原因。<br><br> 想象一下你一遍又一遍地试图关闭一个窗口,但它不会关闭,因为它正在执行你问题中的“如果没有”的部分,即“什么也不做”。<br><br> 这肯定会让人恼火! - Muhammad Osama
不可能的。请阅读此内容:https://dev59.com/2WIj5IYBdhLWcg3w6JHU#19768082 - iamandrewluca
对于任何试图以编程方式关闭选项卡的人,我有两件事要补充(TL:DR;) 1 您只能关闭使用JavaScript打开的选项卡(如Ryan Joy所提到的)。 2,这里没有提到:只有当window.top.opener(“父”窗口)不为null时,您才能关闭选项卡。 - Nico
windows.close()在Angular中无法正常工作。它会给我一个警告:脚本只能关闭由它们打开的窗口。 - Margi212
您想关闭的页面,请粘贴以下代码:<a href="JavaScript.windows.close()"> 关闭</a>。 - Omid Shagiwal

  function Exit() {
     var x=confirm('Are You sure want to exit:');
     if(x) window.close();

<button name='closeIt' onClick="Exit()" >Click to exit </Button>

As stated previously by RixTheTyrunt here, due to security, Modern browser behavior does not allow window.close to work unless is opened by window.open or under other strict circumstances(like opening a new tab with minimal interaction).
When a page attempts to post a form, once that form interacts; window.close does not work(at least for me in several browsers: ff, edge, chrome...).

I liked a lot the solution by Thailandian, but contains document.write which is  frown upon.

I tried several solutions from this page and from other, but is by design.
This is what I considered a workaround. The main idea is to let the User know.

Best regards,
Thanks for reading.  

  // below will attempt to close if possible 
  function closing() {
    window.close('', '_parent', '');
    window.close('', '_self', '');
    // after several attempts will let the User know
    // below, will display a Full Screen Div with a Message for the User
    document.getElementById("msgDiv").style.display = 'block';
    // below, will Hide your Current Page Div to allow only the Previous Message
    document.getElementById("currentPage").style.display = 'none';
    // Below a timer to reload 
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);

<!-- Below is the Message for the User -->
<div align="center" id="msgDiv" style="display:none;width:100%;height:100vh">
  <h1><br>Unable to close Tab/Window with Scripts.<br><br>Please Close Tab/Window Manually in the Browser.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><button style="cursor:pointer" onclick='document.location.reload(true);'>Reload</button></h1>
<!-- Below is the Current Page -->
<div id="currentPage" style="display:block;">
  <div style="position: absolute; right:1%; top: 2px; height: 22px; width: 30px; padding: 0em;" title="EXIT">
    <a href="#" onclick="closing()" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration: underline;font-weight:900; background: tomato; border: 4px outset red; border-radius: 4px;">&times;</a></div>

  Your Page Content Should be Here <br>
  <form method="post" action="#">
    <div align="center" style="padding:14%;">
      <input style="font-size:1.5em" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Favorite Word" autofocus="autofocus">
      <input style="font-size:1.5em;cursor:pointer" type="submit" value="Go"></div>
  <pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;">
As stated previously by RixTheTyrunt here, due to security, Modern browser behavior does not allow window.close to work unless is opened by window.open or under other strict circumstances(like opening a new tab with minimal interaction).
When a page attempts to post a form, once that form interacts; window.close does not work(at least for me in several browsers: ff, edge, chrome...).

I liked a lot the solution by Thailandian, but contains document.write which is  frown upon.

I tried several solutions from this page and from other, but is by design.
This is what I considered a workaround. The main idea is to let the User know.

Best regards,
Thanks for reading.  

很遗憾,对我来说这个方法不起作用,反而重新加载了页面 :c - undefined
刷新是在关闭尝试之后的一部分行为。 用户至少应该看到“无法使用脚本关闭标签/窗口...”现代浏览器的行为不允许使用window.close,除非是由window.open打开的或在其他严格的情况下(比如通过最小交互打开一个新标签页)。 当页面尝试提交表单时,一旦该表单进行交互,window.close将无法工作(至少对我来说,在几个浏览器中如此:ff,edge,chrome...)。这被认为是一种没有使用document.write的变通方法,这是不被赞同的。这个想法是让用户知道。最好的问候, - undefined

这是如何创建这样一个链接的方法: <a href="javascript:if(confirm('关闭窗口?'))window.close()">关闭</a>

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的