复制带有Alpha通道的Java SWT图像部分

我正在使用Java SWT Images,包含完整的32位颜色和alpha通道(org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image)。我需要提取图像的矩形区域作为新图像,包括完整的alpha通道信息。
 * Returns a sub-rectangle from the image, preserving alpha transparency.
 * @param source The image from which to copy a portion
 * @param sourceData The ImageData of the source image
 * @param xInSource The x-coordinate in the source image from which to start copying
 * @param yInSource The y-coordinate in the source image from which to start copying
 * @param widthInSource The width (in pixels) of the copied image portion
 * @param heightInSource The height (in pixels) of the copied image portion
 * @param disp The display to use for the new image, or null for the current display
 * @return New image copied from a portion of the source.
private static Image getRectHelper(final Image source, final ImageData sourceData,
        final int xInSource, final int yInSource, final int widthInSource, final int heightInSource, final Display disp)
    // In cases like extracting multiple frames at once, we need both the Image and its ImageData without
    // having to extract the ImageData over and over. That’s why this helper takes both parameters.

    // New up an image of the appropriate size
    final Display d = disp==null ? Display.getDefault() : disp;
    final Image dest = new Image(d, widthInSource, heightInSource);

    // This draws the colors from the original image, but does not set the destination alphas
    // (For the  Image class, alpha transparency doesn’t work well – it seems to have been tacked on as an afterthought.)
    final GC g = new GC(dest);
    g.drawImage(source, xInSource, yInSource, widthInSource, heightInSource, 0, 0, widthInSource, heightInSource);

    // Get a copy of the dest image data, then sets the destination alphas from the source image
    final ImageData destData = dest.getImageData();
    copyAlpha(sourceData, destData, xInSource, yInSource, widthInSource, heightInSource, 0, 0);

    // Construct a new image with the modified image data
    final Image ret = new Image(d, destData);

    return ret;

 * Copies a block of alpha channel information from the sourceData to the destaData. 
 * @param sourceData The source image data from which to copy alpha information
 * @param destData The destination image data to modify with new alpha information
 * @param xInSource The x-coordinate from which the alpha information should be copied
 * @param yInSource The y-coordinate from which the alpha information should be copied
 * @param width The width (in pixels) of the alpha information to copy
 * @param height The height (in pixels) of the alpha information to copy
 * @param xInDest The x-coordinate to which the alpha information should be copied 
 * @param yInDest The y-coordinate to which the alpha information should be copied
private static void copyAlpha(final ImageData sourceData, final ImageData destData,
        final int xInSource, final int yInSource, final int width, final int height,
        final int xInDest, final int yInDest)
    final byte[] alphas = new byte[width];
    for (int ySrc = yInSource, yDst = yInDest; ySrc < yInSource+height; ++ySrc, ++yDst) {
        sourceData.getAlphas(xInSource, ySrc, width, alphas, 0);
        destData.setAlphas(xInDest, yDst, width, alphas, 0);

我是否遗漏了什么?我是Java的新手,可能做错了什么。alpha通道对于swt Image类来说真的只是一个附带的考虑吗?肯定有一种更简单和更快速的方法来完成这个任务。我很想直接使用ImageData对象,并完全绕过GC的使用。




在我们用于 SWT 图像的调整大小代码中,我们首先创建一个新的 Image 并获取其 ImageData。然后根据原始图像的 ImageData 的透明度类型,我们执行以下操作之一:

  • 如果 SWT.TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA,则像你的示例一样应用 alpha 即可。
  • 如果 SWT.TRANSPARENCY_PIXEL,则将 ImageData 的 transparentPixel 属性设置为与原始图像的 ImageData 匹配。
  • 如果 SWT.TRANSPARENCY_MASK,则将新 ImageData 的 maskData 和 maskPad 属性设置为与原始图像的 ImageData 匹配。

然后,我们使用 ImageData 创建一个新的 Image(丢弃第一个),并使用 GC 在其上绘制。


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