
[ << ] [ < ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [ > ] [ >> ]
[ << ] [ < ] ... 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 ... [ > ] [ >> ]
[ << ] [ < ] 1 2 3 ... 667 668 669 670 671 ... 845 846 847 [ > ] [ >> ]

谁会想要直接跳转到第494页呢,除非他很聪明而且知道哪一页有什么内容? - webjunkie
网站迷,你本来不会这么做。但是你可能猜到你要寻找的内容可能出现在400多页(比如说),并且想要一两次点击就能跳转到那个区域(而不是点击数百次)。然后当你到达第500页时,你可能会发现你有点过高了,所以你会尝试p.490、495,最后你会在第494页找到你需要的东西。这种搜索方式需要你能够在小范围和大范围之间移动,快速到达任何页面。这正是我的对数分页方法所允许的。 - Doin
我喜欢你的想法。然而,Stackoverflow是一个问答网站,不建议发布“如何”类型的文章。你应该将你的帖子分成问题和答案两部分。回答自己的问题是可以的,这也给了其他人提供他们自己答案的机会。 - kristianp
kristianp:已完成。对于其他阅读此内容的人来说,上面的前两条评论更适用于我下面的回答,而不是问题本身(最初我将答案作为“问题”的一部分发布)。 - Doin




1 2 3 4 5 6 . 10 . 20 . 30 . 40 . 50 .. 100 .. 200 . 210 . 220 . 230 . 240 . 250 . 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 . 270 . 280 . 290 . 300 . 310 .. 400 .. 500 .. 600 .. 700 .. 800 .. 900 .. 950 . 960 . 970 . 980 . 990 . 995 996 997 998 999 1000

注意,编号在间隙中从1,变为10,最后变成100等。 (我使用10的幂次,但原则上您可以使用不同的方案 - 比如使用2的幂次)。






// Used by paginationHTML below...
function paginationLink($p, $page, $URL)
  if ($p==$page) return '<b style="color:#C0C0C0">' . $p . '</b>';
  return '<a href="' . $URL . $p . '">' . $p . '</a>';

// Used by paginationHTML below...
function paginationGap($p1, $p2)
  $x = $p2-$p1;
  if ($x==0) return '';
  if ($x==1) return ' ';
  if ($x<=10) return ' . ';
  if ($x<=100) return ' .. ';
  return ' ... ';

// URL requires the $page number be appended to it.
// e.g. it should end in '&page=' or something similar.
function paginationHTML($page, $lastPage, $URL)

  // Nav buttons

  if ($page>1)
    $result = '<form action="' . $URL . '1" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value="&nbsp;|&lt;&nbsp;"></form>&nbsp;' .
              '<form action="' . $URL . ($page-1) . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value="&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;"></form>';
  else $result = '<input type="button" value="&nbsp;|&lt;&nbsp;" disabled>&nbsp;<input type="button" value="&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;" disabled>';

  $result .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $page . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
  if ($page<$lastPage)
    $result .= '<form action="' . $URL . ($page+1) . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value="&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;"></form>&nbsp;' .
               '<form action="' . $URL . $lastPage . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value="&nbsp;&gt;|&nbsp;"></form>';
  else $result .= '<input type="button" value="&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;" disabled>&nbsp;<input type="button" value="&nbsp;&gt;|&nbsp;" disabled>';
  $result .= "<br>";

  // Now calculate page links...

  $lastp1 = 1;
  $lastp2 = $page;
  $p1 = 1;
  $p2 = $page;
  $c1 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
  $c2 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
  $s1 = '';
  $s2 = '';
  $step = 1;
  while (true)
    if ($c1>=$c2)
      $s1 .= paginationGap($lastp1,$p1) . paginationLink($p1,$page,$URL);
      $lastp1 = $p1;
      $p1 += $step;
      $s2 = paginationLink($p2,$page,$URL) . paginationGap($p2,$lastp2) . $s2;
      $lastp2 = $p2;
      $p2 -= $step;
    if ($c2==0)
      $step *= 10;
      $p1 += $step-1;         // Round UP to nearest multiple of $step
      $p1 -= ($p1 % $step);
      $p2 -= ($p2 % $step);   // Round DOWN to nearest multiple of $step
      $c1 = $LINKS_PER_STEP;
      $c2 = $LINKS_PER_STEP;
    if ($p1>$p2)
      $result .= $s1 . paginationGap($lastp1,$lastp2) . $s2;
      if (($lastp2>$page)||($page>=$lastPage)) return $result;
      $lastp1 = $page;
      $lastp2 = $lastPage;
      $p1 = $page+1;
      $p2 = $lastPage;
      $c1 = $LINKS_PER_STEP;
      $c2 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
      $s1 = '';
      $s2 = '';
      $step = 1;












' Used by paginationHTML below...
Function paginationLink(p, page, URL)
  if p=page then
    paginationLink = "<b style=""color:#C0C0C0"">" & p & "</b>"
    paginationLink = "<a href=""" & URL & p & """>" & p & "</a>"
  end if
End Function

' Used by paginationHTML below...
Function paginationGap(p1, p2)
  Dim x
  x = p2-p1
  if x=0 then
    paginationGap = ""
  elseif x=1 then
    paginationGap = " "
  elseif x<=10 then
    paginationGap = " . "
  elseif x<=100 then
    paginationGap = " .. "
    paginationGap = " ... "
  end if
End Function

' URL requires the page number be appended to it.
' e.g. it should end in "&page=" or something similar.
Function paginationHTML(page, lastPage, URL)
  const LINKS_PER_STEP = 5
  Dim p1, p2, c1, c2, s1, s2, lastp1, lastp2, step

  ' Nav buttons
  if page>1 then
    paginationHTML = "<form action=""" & URL & "1"" method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value=""&nbsp;|&lt;&nbsp;""></form>&nbsp;" & _
                    "<form action=""" & URL & (page-1) & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value=""&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;""></form>"
    paginationHTML = "<input type=""button"" value=""&nbsp;|&lt;&nbsp;"" disabled>&nbsp;<input type=""button"" value=""&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;"" disabled>"
  end if
  paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "&nbsp;&nbsp;" & page & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  if page<lastPage then
    paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<form action=""" & URL & (page+1) & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value=""&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;""></form>&nbsp;" & _
                                    "<form action=""" & URL & lastPage & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value=""&nbsp;&gt;|&nbsp;""></form>"
    paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<input type=""button"" value=""&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;"" disabled>&nbsp;<input type=""button"" value=""&nbsp;&gt;|&nbsp;"" disabled>"
  end if
  paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<br>"

  ' Now calculate page links...

  lastp1 = 1
  lastp2 = page
  p1 = 1
  p2 = page
  s1 = ""
  s2 = ""
  step = 1
    if c1>=c2 then
      s1 = s1 & paginationGap(lastp1, p1) & paginationLink(p1, page, URL)
      lastp1 = p1
      p1 = p1+step
      c1 = c1-1
      s2 = paginationLink(p2, page, URL) & paginationGap(p2, lastp2) & s2
      lastp2 = p2
      p2 = p2-step
      c2 = c2-1
    end if
    if c2=0 then
      step = step*10
      p1 = p1+step-1         ' Round UP to nearest multiple of step
      p1 = p1-(p1 mod step)
      p2 = p2-(p2 mod step)  ' Round DOWN to nearest multiple of step
      c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP
      c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP
    end if
    if p1>p2 then
      paginationHTML = paginationHTML & s1 & paginationGap(lastp1, lastp2) & s2
      if (lastp2>page) or (page>=lastPage) then exit do
      lastp1 = page
      lastp2 = lastPage
      p1 = page+1
      p2 = lastPage
      c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP
      c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1
      s1 = ""
      s2 = ""
      step = 1
    end if
End Function











<!doctype html>
  <title>Logarithmic Pagination Demo</title>

body {background:#C0C0C0;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16px;text-align:left}
div {margin:0;padding:0}
div#setupDiv {margin:40px;text-align:center}
table#datarows {border-collapse:collapse;margin:40px auto}
table#datarows th {padding:5px 10px;background:#80B0FF;color:#FFFFFF;border:2px solid #80B0FF;width:1000px;text-align:center}
table#datarows td {padding:2px 10px;background:#FFFFFF;color:#D0D0D0;border:2px solid #80B0FF;width:1000px;text-align:left;font-style:italic}
input.err {border:2px solid #FF0000;background-color:#FFF0F0}
form.pager {display:table;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:2px solid #E0E0E0;border-radius:10px;background-color:#D0D0D0;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap}
form#pager1 {margin-top:40px}
form#pager2 {margin-bottom:60px}
form.pager div {display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding:0 20px;white-space:nowrap}
form.pager div + div {border-left:2px solid #E0E0E0}
form.pager div.plinks {padding:0;border:0 none;font-size:14px;line-height:24px;max-width:800px;white-space:normal}
form.pager div.plinks b {display:inline-block;vertical-align:bottom;font-size:24px;line-height:21px;height:24px;overflow:hidden;color:#808080}
form.pager div.plinks a {text-decoration:none;color:black}
form.pager div.plinks a:hover {color:#0000FF;font-weight:bold}
form.pager div.plinks + div {border:0 none}


var NumPages, RecsPerPage, els1, els2, plinks1, plinks2;

function setupClick()
  var el, n, r;
  el = document.getElementById("NumPages");
  el.className = ((n = (el.value >>> 0)) ? "" : "err");
  el = document.getElementById("RecsPerPage");
  el.className = ((r = (el.value >>> 0)) ? "" : "err");
  if (n&&r) { NumPages = n; RecsPerPage = r; setupServerPage(); }

// This function sets up what would normally be part of the server's HTML output.
function setupServerPage()
  var totRecs = NumPages * RecsPerPage, tbdy = document.getElementById("datarows").tBodies[0], l = tbdy.rows.length;
  document.getElementById("plength1").innerHTML = document.getElementById("plength2").innerHTML = totRecs + " record" + ((totRecs===1)?"":"s") + "<br>" + NumPages + " page" + ((NumPages===1)?"":"s");
  els1["pcount"].value = els2["pcount"].value = NumPages;
  while (l>RecsPerPage) tbdy.deleteRow(--l);
  while (l<RecsPerPage) tbdy.insertRow(l++).insertCell(0).innerHTML = "Some data...";

// This would be handled by a return trip to the server, if not using AJAX.
function pageClick(e)
  e = e||window.event;
  var s = e.target||e.srcElement, n, p, el;
  if (s.tagName==="A") { n = (p = s.href).lastIndexOf("=")+1; pageNavigate(p.substring(n) >>> 0); return false; }
  else if ((s.tagName!=="INPUT")||(s.type!=="submit")) return;
  if (!(n = s.name)) { p = ((el = this.elements["p"]).value >>> 0); if ((p<=0)||(p>NumPages)) { el.className = "err"; return false; }}
  else if (n==="p1") p = 1;
  else if (n==="pprev") p = (this.elements["pcurr"].value >>> 0)-1;
  else if (n==="pnext") p = (this.elements["pcurr"].value >>> 0)+1;
  else if (n==="plast") p = (this.elements["pcount"].value >>> 0);
  return false;

// This would also be handled by a return trip to the server, or else data records could be retrieved via AJAX.
function pageNavigate(p)
  els1["p"].className = els2["p"].className = els1["p"].value = els2["p"].value = "";
  if (p<1) p = 1; else if (p>NumPages) p = NumPages;
  els1["p1"].disabled = els2["p1"].disabled = els1["pprev"].disabled = els2["pprev"].disabled = (p===1);
  els1["pnext"].disabled = els2["pnext"].disabled = els1["plast"].disabled = els2["plast"].disabled = (p===NumPages);
  els1["pcurr"].value = els2["pcurr"].value = p;
  // if the server is handling this, insert NON-logarithmic page links here (can be just first, current, and last page).
  plinks1.innerHTML = plinks2.innerHTML = logarithmicPaginationLinks(NumPages,p,"?p=");

// This function produces the logarithmic pagination links.
function logarithmicPaginationLinks(lastPage,matchPage,linkURL)
  function pageLink(p, page) { return ((p===page) ? "<b>"+p+"</b>" : '<a href="'+linkURL+p+'">'+p+"</a>"); }
  function pageGap(x) { if (x===0) return ""; if (x===1) return " "; if (x<=10) return " . "; if (x<=100) return " .. "; return " ... "; }

  var page = (matchPage ? matchPage : 1), LINKS_PER_STEP = 5, lastp1 = 1, lastp2 = page, p1 = 1, p2 = page, c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1, c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1, s1 = "", s2 = "", step = 1, linkHTML = "";

  while (true)
    if (c1>=c2)
      s1 += pageGap(p1-lastp1) + pageLink(p1,matchPage);
      lastp1 = p1;
      p1 += step;
      s2 = pageLink(p2,matchPage) + pageGap(lastp2-p2) + s2;
      lastp2 = p2;
      p2 -= step;
    if (c2===0)
      step *= 10;
      p1 += step-1;        // Round UP to nearest multiple of step
      p1 -= (p1 % step);
      p2 -= (p2 % step);   // Round DOWN to nearest multiple of step
      c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
      c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
    if (p1>p2)
      linkHTML += s1 + pageGap(lastp2-lastp1) + s2;
      if ((lastp2>page)||(page>=lastPage)) break;
      lastp1 = page;
      lastp2 = lastPage;
      p1 = page+1;
      p2 = lastPage;
      c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
      c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
      s1 = '';
      s2 = '';
      step = 1;
  return linkHTML;

window.onload = function()
  els1 = document.getElementById("pager1").elements;
  els2 = document.getElementById("pager2").elements;
  plinks1 = document.getElementById("plinks1");
  plinks2 = document.getElementById("plinks2")
  document.getElementById("pager1").onclick = document.getElementById("pager2").onclick = pageClick;
  (document.getElementById("setupDiv").lastChild.onclick = setupClick)();

  <div id="setupDiv">Select number of pages: <input type="text" id="NumPages" value="100" size="7"> &nbsp; &nbsp; and records per page:  <input type="text" id="RecsPerPage" value="20" size="7"> &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type="button" value=" Go "></div>


  <form id="pager1" class="pager" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="pcount" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pcurr" value="1">
    <div>Go to page: <input type="text" name="p" size="7"> <input type="submit" value=" Go "></div>
    <div><input type="submit" name="p1" value=" |< " disabled> <input type="submit" name="pprev" value=" < " disabled></div>
    <div id="plinks1" class="plinks"></div>
    <div><input type="submit" name="pnext" value=" > "> <input type="submit" name="plast" value=" >| "></div>
    <div id="plength1"></div>

  <table id="datarows"><thead><tr><th>Column Heading...</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>

  <form id="pager2" class="pager" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="pcount" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pcurr" value="1">
    <div>Go to page: <input type="text" name="p" size="7"> <input type="submit" value=" Go "></div>
    <div><input type="submit" name="p1" value=" |< " disabled> <input type="submit" name="pprev" value=" < " disabled></div>
    <div id="plinks2" class="plinks"></div>
    <div><input type="submit" name="pnext" value=" > "> <input type="submit" name="plast" value=" >| "></div>
    <div id="plength2"></div>

似乎有人根据我在这里发布的文章开发了一个WordPress分页插件:http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-lopa/ 太棒了!!! - Doin
我已经添加了一个 jsFiddle 演示,展示了这个实践中的工作原理,并带有漂亮的 CSS,链接在这里:http://jsfiddle.net/m4Sf8/ - Doin
我不能碰那段代码。但我希望能够让它返回一个页面编号列表。没关系,这个小技巧很厉害。 - Stephane
是的,我在考虑返回页面编号,这将允许集成到非HTML环境中。我目前正在使用AngularJS进行实验,并乐于实现自己的自定义分页,它可以正常工作,但不是对数级别的。我不需要对数级别的编号来完成这个项目,但我发现这个想法很有吸引力,并试图将其应用到我的项目中。 - Stephane
@Doin 有人说这不是发布“如何做”的网站,但对于那些真正新手的用户来说,它确实提供了很好的思路。感谢您的分享,我想知道您是如何发现有人使用了您的代码,请告诉我。 - Gibbs





    function paginationLink(p, page)
        if (p == page)
            return '<option selected value="' + p + '">' + p + '</option>';
        return '<option value="' + p + '">' + p+ '</option>';

    function paginationHTML(page, lastPage)
        var LINKS_PER_STEP = 5;

        // Now calculate page links...
        var lastp1 = 1;
        var lastp2 = page;
        var p1 = 1;
        var p2 = page;
        var c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP + 1;
        var c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP + 1;
        var s1 = '';
        var s2 = '';
        var step = 1;
        var result = 0;
        while (true)
            if (c1 >= c2)
                s1 += paginationLink(p1, page);
                lastp1 = p1;
                p1 += step;
                s2 = paginationLink(p2, page) + s2;
                lastp2 = p2;
                p2 -= step;
            if (c2 == 0)
                step *= 10;
                p1 += step - 1;         // Round UP to nearest multiple of $step
                p1 -= (p1 % step);
                p2 -= (p2 % step);   // Round DOWN to nearest multiple of $step
                c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
                c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
            if (p1 > p2)
                result += s1 + s2;
                if ((lastp2 > page) || (page >= lastPage))
                    return result;
                lastp1 = page;
                lastp2 = lastPage;
                p1 = page + 1;
                p2 = lastPage;
                c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP;
                c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP + 1;
                s1 = '';
                s2 = '';
                step = 1;

    document.write('Menu generated with JavaScript <select>' + paginationHTML(765, 5055))+'</select>';




a)不要扩大分页本身,而是添加<-100 <-10 [pagination] +10> +100>

b)提供直接页面输入[# .. ] [ view ],并将输入过滤为有效页面范围


(b)通常是一个好主意,但它是页面导航链接的补充,而不是替代品。 (a)和(c)都没有真正解决快速导航到非常大的列表中的任何点的问题(而(c)可能会导致非常多的链接,并且还会引入潜在混淆的新UI元素)。 对数分页的重点在于,它从10页到数千万页(或更多)都可以优雅地扩展,具有高效且易于理解的UI。 - Doin
其实,现在我想了想,如果你想的话,你可以很容易地将功能(c)添加到我的对数分页算法中,而不需要太多工作。最终你会得到一个“扁平”的链接列表,以当前页面为中心,并且在页面列表的剩余部分两侧有“对数”链接。(你要制作“扁平”部分的大小以及它是否可由用户调整取决于你的应用程序的要求,当然也取决于你的需求)。 - Doin
啊,我想我可能误解了你的建议(a)。也许你的意思是+10> +100> +1000> +10000> ...等等,根据页面数量(的对数)自动调整?然而,如果你只是用绝对页码替换+ n,-n,那么这基本上是上面对数方案的一个小变化(仅仅是稍微改变了参数,并使用了我的建议,在端点处使页面链接“密集”,以便紧凑)。绝对页码可能比相对(例如-10,+1000)链接更好地定位用户,但这并没有太大的区别。 - Doin
对,这就是我想说的。建立一些示例分页器以测试在不同情况下在相同数据集下的导航将是很好的。也许“正确的导航”部分取决于个人喜好。 - nik
我并不认为这里有问题。如果新的UI元素有助于解决问题,那么作为UI开发人员,我们的工作就是创建良好的工具来浏览数据集。例如,滑块也可能是一个很好的解决方案。可以结合简单的“+/-”按钮进行“微调” :) 另外,还要注意引入新的UI元素可能会带来潜在的混淆。 - nik



  1. 如果相关,您可以将数据分成部分、章节和书籍。这是旧的方式,当纸张为王时,图书馆承担了互联网的工作。一些PDF文档仍然保留了这种方式。

  2. 您可以提供一个搜索框,类似于维基百科,如果有人想跳转到提到“supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”的大数据部分。

两者都非常正确。然而,这个问题并不是针对(1)适用的情况;我更多地考虑从数据库中检索记录或从网站中搜索结果等情况。(2)在这些情况下几乎总是与某种形式的页面导航一起使用,而不是替代它。(显然,在这种情况下,搜索框确实是一个非常理想的功能)。 - Doin

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的