有人有一个好的Proper Case算法吗?


有没有一种可信的 Proper Case 或 PCase 算法(类似于 UCase 或 Upper)?我正在寻找一些可以将像 "GEORGE BURDELL""george burdell" 这样的值转换为 "George Burdell" 的方法。

我有一个简单的算法可以处理简单的情况。理想情况下,希望有一种方法可以处理像 "O'REILLY" 这样的情况,并将其转换为 "O'Reilly",但我知道这更困难。


更新: 我使用 C# 作为编程语言,但我可以从几乎任何语言进行转换(假定存在类似功能)。

我同意 McDonald's 场景是一个棘手的问题。我原本打算将它与我的 O'Reilly 示例一起提及,但在原始帖子中没有提到。




using System.Globalization;

CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase("GeOrGE bUrdEll")

将返回"George Burdell". 如果有特殊规则涉及,您可以使用自己的文化。

更新: Michael(在此回答的评论中)指出,如果输入是全部大写,则该方法将假定其为首字母缩写词而无法正常工作。这种情况下的简单解决方案是在将文本提交给ToTitleCase之前将其转换为小写。

实际上,这是不正确的。你的例子会返回“GEORGE BURDELL”。从文档中可以看出: 通常,标题大小写将单词的第一个字符转换为大写,其余字符转换为小写。但是,全大写的单词(例如缩写)不会被转换。 - user1684
@Michael:你说得对...我想避免这种情况的简单方法就是确保输入一开始就是小写的。我会更新我的答案以反映这一点。 - Markus Olsson
InvariantCulture 用于需要文化组件但不匹配任何实际人类文化的操作。由于原帖作者专注于实际的人类语言(英语),因此必须使用一个设置为英语的文化对象。 - Windows programmer




void Main()
    List<string> names = new List<string>() {
        "bill o'reilly", 
        "johannes diderik van der waals", 
        "mr. moseley-williams", 
        "Joe VanWyck", 
        "william the third", 
        "hrh prince charles", 
        "h.r.m. queen elizabeth the third",
        "william gates, iii", 
        "pope leo xii",
        "a.k. jennings"
    names.Select(name => name.ToProperCase()).Dump();

// https://dev59.com/wXVD5IYBdhLWcg3wRpeX
public static class ProperCaseHelper
    public static string ToProperCase(this string input)
        if (IsAllUpperOrAllLower(input))
            // fix the ALL UPPERCASE or all lowercase names
            return string.Join(" ", input.Split(' ').Select(word => wordToProperCase(word)));
            // leave the CamelCase or Propercase names alone
            return input;

    public static bool IsAllUpperOrAllLower(this string input)
        return (input.ToLower().Equals(input) || input.ToUpper().Equals(input));

    private static string wordToProperCase(string word)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return word;

        // Standard case
        string ret = capitaliseFirstLetter(word);

        // Special cases:
        ret = properSuffix(ret, "'");   // D'Artagnon, D'Silva
        ret = properSuffix(ret, ".");   // ???
        ret = properSuffix(ret, "-");       // Oscar-Meyer-Weiner
        ret = properSuffix(ret, "Mc", t => t.Length > 4);      // Scots
        ret = properSuffix(ret, "Mac", t => t.Length > 5);     // Scots except Macey

        // Special words:
        ret = specialWords(ret, "van");     // Dick van Dyke
        ret = specialWords(ret, "von");     // Baron von Bruin-Valt
        ret = specialWords(ret, "de");
        ret = specialWords(ret, "di");
        ret = specialWords(ret, "da");      // Leonardo da Vinci, Eduardo da Silva
        ret = specialWords(ret, "of");      // The Grand Old Duke of York
        ret = specialWords(ret, "the");     // William the Conqueror
        ret = specialWords(ret, "HRH");     // His/Her Royal Highness
        ret = specialWords(ret, "HRM");     // His/Her Royal Majesty
        ret = specialWords(ret, "H.R.H.");  // His/Her Royal Highness
        ret = specialWords(ret, "H.R.M.");  // His/Her Royal Majesty

        ret = dealWithRomanNumerals(ret);   // William Gates, III

        return ret;

    private static string properSuffix(string word, string prefix, Func<string, bool> condition = null)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return word;
        if (condition != null && ! condition(word)) return word;
        string lowerWord = word.ToLower();
        string lowerPrefix = prefix.ToLower();

        if (!lowerWord.Contains(lowerPrefix)) return word;

        int index = lowerWord.IndexOf(lowerPrefix);

        // If the search string is at the end of the word ignore.
        if (index + prefix.Length == word.Length) return word;

        return word.Substring(0, index) + prefix +
            capitaliseFirstLetter(word.Substring(index + prefix.Length));

    private static string specialWords(string word, string specialWord)
        if (word.Equals(specialWord, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            return specialWord;
            return word;

    private static string dealWithRomanNumerals(string word)
        // Roman Numeral parser thanks to [djk](https://stackoverflow.com/users/785111/djk)
        // Note that it excludes the Chinese last name Xi
        return new Regex(@"\b(?!Xi\b)(X|XX|XXX|XL|L|LX|LXX|LXXX|XC|C)?(I|II|III|IV|V|VI|VII|VIII|IX)?\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(word, match => match.Value.ToUpperInvariant());

    private static string capitaliseFirstLetter(string word)
        return char.ToUpper(word[0]) + word.Substring(1).ToLower();


我们将这个加入了我们的生产系统。仅仅过了15分钟,就有一个客户问为什么“Macey”被设置为“MacEy”...所以我们删除了那一行代码并保留其他所有内容。谢谢! - NotMe
谢谢!其实我也认识一个名叫梅西的人。嗯...等我有时间了,我会爬取苏格兰盖尔语名字维基百科页面上所有大小写混合的单词,并将其添加进来。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Scottish_Gaelic_surnames - Colin
如果罗马数字旁边有符号,比如“Sir William III.”,这个方法就会失败。我将DealWithRomanNumerals更改为这个一行代码,效果非常好:return new Regex(@"\b(?!Xi\b)(X|XX|XXX|XL|L|LX|LXX|LXXX|XC|C)?(I|II|III|IV|V|VI|VII|VIII|IX)?\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(word, match => match.Value.ToUpperInvariant()); -- 这个方法还过滤了常见的中文名字“Xi”。 - djk



public static class CIQNameCase
    static Dictionary<string, string> _exceptions = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {@"\bMacEdo"     ,"Macedo"},
            {@"\bMacEvicius" ,"Macevicius"},
            {@"\bMacHado"    ,"Machado"},
            {@"\bMacHar"     ,"Machar"},
            {@"\bMacHin"     ,"Machin"},
            {@"\bMacHlin"    ,"Machlin"},
            {@"\bMacIas"     ,"Macias"},
            {@"\bMacIulis"   ,"Maciulis"},
            {@"\bMacKie"     ,"Mackie"},
            {@"\bMacKle"     ,"Mackle"},
            {@"\bMacKlin"    ,"Macklin"},
            {@"\bMacKmin"    ,"Mackmin"},
            {@"\bMacQuarie"  ,"Macquarie"}

    static Dictionary<string, string> _replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {@"\bAl(?=\s+\w)"         , @"al"},        // al Arabic or forename Al.
            {@"\b(Bin|Binti|Binte)\b" , @"bin"},       // bin, binti, binte Arabic
            {@"\bAp\b"                , @"ap"},        // ap Welsh.
            {@"\bBen(?=\s+\w)"        , @"ben"},       // ben Hebrew or forename Ben.
            {@"\bDell([ae])\b"        , @"dell$1"},    // della and delle Italian.
            {@"\bD([aeiou])\b"        , @"d$1"},       // da, de, di Italian; du French; do Brasil
            {@"\bD([ao]s)\b"          , @"d$1"},       // das, dos Brasileiros
            {@"\bDe([lrn])\b"         , @"de$1"},      // del Italian; der/den Dutch/Flemish.
            {@"\bEl\b"                , @"el"},        // el Greek or El Spanish.
            {@"\bLa\b"                , @"la"},        // la French or La Spanish.
            {@"\bL([eo])\b"           , @"l$1"},       // lo Italian; le French.
            {@"\bVan(?=\s+\w)"        , @"van"},       // van German or forename Van.
            {@"\bVon\b"               , @"von"}        // von Dutch/Flemish

    static string[] _conjunctions = { "Y", "E", "I" };

    static string _romanRegex = @"\b((?:[Xx]{1,3}|[Xx][Ll]|[Ll][Xx]{0,3})?(?:[Ii]{1,3}|[Ii][VvXx]|[Vv][Ii]{0,3})?)\b";

    /// <summary>
    /// Case a name field into its appropriate case format 
    /// e.g. Smith, de la Cruz, Mary-Jane,  O'Brien, McTaggart
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameString"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string NameCase(string nameString)
        // Capitalize
        nameString = Capitalize(nameString);
        nameString = UpdateIrish(nameString);

        // Fixes for "son (daughter) of" etc
        foreach (var replacement in _replacements.Keys)
            if (Regex.IsMatch(nameString, replacement))
                Regex rgx = new Regex(replacement);
                nameString = rgx.Replace(nameString, _replacements[replacement]);

        nameString = UpdateRoman(nameString);
        nameString = FixConjunction(nameString);

        return nameString;

    /// <summary>
    /// Capitalize first letters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameString"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string Capitalize(string nameString)
        nameString = nameString.ToLower();
        nameString = Regex.Replace(nameString, @"\b\w", x => x.ToString().ToUpper());
        nameString = Regex.Replace(nameString, @"'\w\b", x => x.ToString().ToLower()); // Lowercase 's
        return nameString;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update for Irish names.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameString"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string UpdateIrish(string nameString)
        if(Regex.IsMatch(nameString, @".*?\bMac[A-Za-z^aciozj]{2,}\b") || Regex.IsMatch(nameString, @".*?\bMc"))
            nameString = UpdateMac(nameString);
        return nameString;

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates irish Mac & Mc.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameString"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string UpdateMac(string nameString)
        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(nameString, @"\b(Ma?c)([A-Za-z]+)");
        if(matches.Count == 1 && matches[0].Groups.Count == 3)
            string replacement = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
            replacement += matches[0].Groups[2].Value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
            replacement += matches[0].Groups[2].Value.Substring(1);
            nameString = nameString.Replace(matches[0].Groups[0].Value, replacement);

            // Now fix "Mac" exceptions
            foreach (var exception in _exceptions.Keys)
                nameString = Regex.Replace(nameString, exception, _exceptions[exception]);
        return nameString;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fix roman numeral names.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameString"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string UpdateRoman(string nameString)
        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(nameString, _romanRegex);
        if (matches.Count > 1)
            foreach(Match match in matches)
                    nameString = Regex.Replace(nameString, match.Value, x => x.ToString().ToUpper());
        return nameString;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fix Spanish conjunctions.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name=""></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string FixConjunction(string nameString)
        foreach (var conjunction in _conjunctions)
            nameString = Regex.Replace(nameString, @"\b" + conjunction + @"\b", x => x.ToString().ToLower());
        return nameString;


string name_cased = CIQNameCase.NameCase("McCarthy");


public void Test_NameCase_1()
    string[] names = {
        "Keith", "Yuri's", "Leigh-Williams", "McCarthy",
        // Mac exceptions
        "Machin", "Machlin", "Machar",
        "Mackle", "Macklin", "Mackie",
        "Macquarie", "Machado", "Macevicius",
        "Maciulis", "Macias", "MacMurdo",
        // General
        "O'Callaghan", "St. John", "von Streit",
        "van Dyke", "Van", "ap Llwyd Dafydd",
        "al Fahd", "Al",
        "el Grecco",
        "ben Gurion", "Ben",
        "da Vinci",
        "di Caprio", "du Pont", "de Legate",
        "del Crond", "der Sind", "van der Post", "van den Thillart",
        "von Trapp", "la Poisson", "le Figaro",
        "Mack Knife", "Dougal MacDonald",
        "Ruiz y Picasso", "Dato e Iradier", "Mas i Gavarró",
        // Roman numerals
        "Henry VIII", "Louis III", "Louis XIV",
        "Charles II", "Fred XLIX", "Yusof bin Ishak",

    foreach(string name in names)
        string name_upper = name.ToUpper();
        string name_cased = CIQNameCase.NameCase(name_upper);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("name: {0} -> {1}  -> {2}", name, name_upper, name_cased));
        Assert.IsTrue(name == name_cased);


看起来很不错!顺便说一下,当我粘贴C#7时,我会得到错误[成员名称不能与其封闭类型相同](https://i.imgur.com/RG20zF9.png)。我只需将类重命名即可解决问题。 - KyleMit
我对这个进行了一些重构:https://gist.github.com/dystopiandev/df1f4a496f395643557346dfd93fe6d8 - dystopiandev





#     This filter changes all words to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever
# about *un*capitalizing small words like a/an/the in the input.
# The list of "small words" which are not capped comes from
# the New York Times Manual of Style, plus 'vs' and 'v'. 
# 10 May 2008
# Original version by John Gruber:
# http://daringfireball.net/2008/05/title_case
# 28 July 2008
# Re-written and much improved by Aristotle Pagaltzis:
# http://plasmasturm.org/code/titlecase/
#   Full change log at __END__.
# License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );

my @small_words = qw( (?<!q&)a an and as at(?!&t) but by en for if in of on or the to v[.]? via vs[.]? );
my $small_re = join '|', @small_words;

my $apos = qr/ (?: ['’] [[:lower:]]* )? /x;

while ( <> ) {
  s{\A\s+}{}, s{\s+\z}{};

  $_ = lc $_ if not /[[:lower:]]/;

      \b (_*) (?:
          ( (?<=[ ][/\\]) [[:alpha:]]+ [-_[:alpha:]/\\]+ |   # file path or
            [-_[:alpha:]]+ [@.:] [-_[:alpha:]@.:/]+ $apos )  # URL, domain, or email
          ( (?i: $small_re ) $apos )                         # or small word (case-insensitive)
          ( [[:alpha:]] [[:lower:]'’()\[\]{}]* $apos )       # or word w/o internal caps
          ( [[:alpha:]] [[:alpha:]'’()\[\]{}]* $apos )       # or some other word
      ) (_*) \b
      $1 . (
        defined $2 ? $2         # preserve URL, domain, or email
      : defined $3 ? "\L$3"     # lowercase small word
      : defined $4 ? "\u\L$4"   # capitalize word w/o internal caps
      : $5                      # preserve other kinds of word
      ) . $6

  # Exceptions for small words: capitalize at start and end of title
      (  \A [[:punct:]]*         # start of title...
      |  [:.;?!][ ]+             # or of subsentence...
      |  [ ]['"“‘(\[][ ]*     )  # or of inserted subphrase...
      ( $small_re ) \b           # ... followed by small word

      \b ( $small_re )      # small word...
      (?= [[:punct:]]* \Z   # ... at the end of the title...
      |   ['"’”)\]] [ ] )   # ... or of an inserted subphrase?

  # Exceptions for small words in hyphenated compound words
  ## e.g. "in-flight" -> In-Flight
      (?<! -)                 # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we don't want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (in-flight)
      ( $small_re )
      (?= -[[:alpha:]]+)      # lookahead for "-someword"

  ## # e.g. "Stand-in" -> "Stand-In" (Stand is already capped at this point)
      (?<!…)                  # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we don't want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (stand-in)
      ( [[:alpha:]]+- )       # $1 = first word and hyphen, should already be properly capped
      ( $small_re )           # ... followed by small word
      (?! - )                 # Negative lookahead for another '-'

  print "$_";


mary-jane => Mary-Jane o'brien => O'Brien
Joël VON WINTEREGG => Joël von Winteregg
jose de la acosta => Jose de la Acosta
function name_title_case($str)
  // name parts that should be lowercase in most cases
  $ok_to_be_lower = array('av','af','da','dal','de','del','der','di','la','le','van','der','den','vel','von');
  // name parts that should be lower even if at the beginning of a name
  $always_lower   = array('van', 'der');

  // Create an array from the parts of the string passed in
  $parts = explode(" ", mb_strtolower($str));

  foreach ($parts as $part)
    (in_array($part, $ok_to_be_lower)) ? $rules[$part] = 'nocaps' : $rules[$part] = 'caps';

  // Determine the first part in the string
  $first_part = key($rules);

  // Loop through and cap-or-dont-cap
  foreach ($rules as $part => $rule)
    if ($rule == 'caps')
      // ucfirst() words and also takes into account apostrophes and hyphens like this:
      // O'brien -> O'Brien || mary-kaye -> Mary-Kaye
      $part = str_replace('- ','-',ucwords(str_replace('-','- ', $part)));
      $c13n[] = str_replace('\' ', '\'', ucwords(str_replace('\'', '\' ', $part)));
    else if ($part == $first_part && !in_array($part, $always_lower))
      // If the first part of the string is ok_to_be_lower, cap it anyway
      $c13n[] = ucfirst($part);
      $c13n[] = $part;

  $titleized = implode(' ', $c13n);

  return trim($titleized);



public class ProperCaseHelper {
  public string ToProperCase(string input) {
    string ret = string.Empty;

    var words = input.Split(' ');

    for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; ++i) {
      ret += wordToProperCase(words[i]);
      if (i < words.Length - 1) ret += " ";

    return ret;

  private string wordToProperCase(string word) {
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return word;

    // Standard case
    string ret = capitaliseFirstLetter(word);

    // Special cases:
    ret = properSuffix(ret, "'");
    ret = properSuffix(ret, ".");
    ret = properSuffix(ret, "Mc");
    ret = properSuffix(ret, "Mac");

    return ret;

  private string properSuffix(string word, string prefix) {
    if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return word;

    string lowerWord = word.ToLower(), lowerPrefix = prefix.ToLower();
    if (!lowerWord.Contains(lowerPrefix)) return word;

    int index = lowerWord.IndexOf(lowerPrefix);

    // If the search string is at the end of the word ignore.
    if (index + prefix.Length == word.Length) return word;

    return word.Substring(0, index) + prefix +
      capitaliseFirstLetter(word.Substring(index + prefix.Length));

  private string capitaliseFirstLetter(string word) {
    return char.ToUpper(word[0]) + word.Substring(1).ToLower();

@Colin:请将您的版本作为独立答案发表,不要过度修改其他人的答案。 - zwol

你使用哪种编程语言?许多语言允许回调函数用于正则表达式匹配。这些可以用于轻松地将匹配的内容转换为 Propercase。要使用的正则表达式非常简单,只需匹配所有单词字符,如下所示:



现在您可以分别访问匹配中的第一个字符和后续字符。回调函数可以简单地返回命中的连接。在伪 Python 中(我实际上不知道 Python):

def make_proper(match):
    return match[1].to_upper + match[2]





嗨,来自2023年 - 所提及的代码已不再在线,但我通过archive.org找到了一份副本,并在这里发布:https://github.com/alexdunae/name_case - Alex Dunae

public static String toProperName(String name)
    if (name != null)
        if (name.Length >= 2 && name.ToLower().Substring(0, 2) == "mc")  // Changes mcdonald to "McDonald"
            return "Mc" + Regex.Replace(name.ToLower().Substring(2), @"\b[a-z]", m => m.Value.ToUpper());

        if (name.Length >= 3 && name.ToLower().Substring(0, 3) == "van")  // Changes vanwinkle to "VanWinkle"
            return "Van" + Regex.Replace(name.ToLower().Substring(3), @"\b[a-z]", m => m.Value.ToUpper());

        return Regex.Replace(name.ToLower(), @"\b[a-z]", m => m.Value.ToUpper());  // Changes to title case but also fixes 
                                                                                   // appostrophes like O'HARE or o'hare to O'Hare

    return "";


`if (!lowerWord.Contains(lowerPrefix)) return word`;


if (!lowerWord.StartsWith(lowerPrefix)) return word;




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