Latex Tikz/Pgf用参数和数字声明形状和锚点



  % The 'minimum width' and 'minimum height' keys, not the content, determine
  % the size
  % This is redundant, but makes some things easier:
  % Inherit from rectangle

  % Define same anchor a normal rectangle has
  \anchor{north}{\northeast \pgf@x=0pt}
  \anchor{east}{\northeast \pgf@y=0pt}
  \anchor{south}{\southwest \pgf@x=0pt}
  \anchor{west}{\southwest \pgf@y=0pt}
  \anchor{north east}{\northeast}
  \anchor{north west}{\northeast \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
  \anchor{south west}{\southwest}
  \anchor{south east}{\southwest \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
    \advance\pgf@x by -.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
    \advance\pgf@y by -.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
    \advance\pgf@y by +.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%

  % Define anchors for signal ports



  % Draw the rectangle box and the port labels
    % Rectangle box

    % Drawing Triangle for clock input
    % upper left x
    \southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x 
    \northeast \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xb=\pgf@x
    \pgf@xc=\pgf@x \pgf@yc=\pgf@y
    \advance\pgf@xa by .15mm
    \advance\pgf@xb by -.15mm
    \advance\pgf@yc by -\pgf@x

    \tikzset{flip flop/port labels} % Use font from this style

    %Drawing CLK circuit
    \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
    \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
    \advance\pgf@yb by \pgf@x
    %Draw clock label

    %Drawing PC circuit
    \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
    %\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x

    %Drawing PC' circuit
    \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y\pgf@xa=\pgf@x 
    %\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x




    \node [reg,black!50,ports=3] (PC) at (0,0) {};




编辑: 我现在发现可以使用\pgfkeys来向图形添加参数,但它们似乎不能正常工作,而我并不真的知道该怎么处理。

\pgfkeys{\microarchbasekey/.is family}




        \pgf@x = \pgfkeysvalueof{\microarchbasekey/spacing}

%a lot of code down there

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)


我现在没有时间,但你可能会对circuitikz中的muxdemux定义感兴趣: --- 它的注释不是很详细,但那里有很多锚点技巧。 - Rmano
我在 GitHub 存储库中找到了一些东西,并将它们添加到帖子中。但是我很难让它正常工作。我真的很感激您的帮助。 - MrDiver
我发布了我的方法 --- 也许有更好的方法来完成它。 - Rmano




  1. Add keys for the parameters. Be careful about the hierarchy, node expects keys under the /tikz family:

    % better to create a family, but as an example...
    \tikzset{flip flop/port labels/.initial={\tiny}}
    % number of ports
    % we need a counter
  2. Add stable (linked to the specific node, and not to the generic shape) parameters, all those you need to compute the position of the anchors:

    % you have to save the relevant parameters as \savedmacro
        % and \saveddimen
            % you can't use savedmacros nor savedanchors here (bummer!)
  3. In the shape definition, you have to add the anchors with a trick --- anchors have to be added to the shape internal function. Dangerous, because the developers can change it in the future (it happened already), but I know no other way.

    % create input anchors
        % this touch internal things, so beware...
        % anchors are named pgf@anchor@<name-of-the-shape>@<name of the anchors>
            % assign the anchor "in \pgfmathcounter" to the macro \reg@port with the number as argument
            \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@anchor@reg@in \pgfmathcounter\endcsname{%
                \noexpand\reg@port{\pgfmathcounter}% defined below
            % \typeout{YAY\space\pgfmathcounter}
  4. Define the specific functions that calculate the variable anchors. You must use only \saved... kind of parameters here, otherwise, your anchors will use the last value of the parameter, not the correct one specified with the node.

        % this macro has the function to return the position of the anchor
        % it must use only \savedanchors and \savedmacros
        % the parameter is the number of the anchor (see above)




% better to create a family, but as an example...
\tikzset{flip flop/port labels/.initial={\tiny}}
% number of ports
% we need a counter


    % you have to save the relevant parameters as \savedmacro
    % and \saveddimen
        % you can't use savedmacros nor savedanchors here (bummer!)

    % The 'minimum width' and 'minimum height' keys, not the content, determine
    % the size
    % This is redundant, but makes some things easier:
    % Inherit from rectangle

    % Define same anchor a normal rectangle has
    \anchor{north}{\northeast \pgf@x=0pt}
    \anchor{east}{\northeast \pgf@y=0pt}
    \anchor{south}{\southwest \pgf@x=0pt}
    \anchor{west}{\southwest \pgf@y=0pt}
    \anchor{north east}{\northeast}
    \anchor{north west}{\northeast \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
    \anchor{south west}{\southwest}
    \anchor{south east}{\southwest \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
        \advance\pgf@x by -.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
        \advance\pgf@y by -.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
        \advance\pgf@y by +.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%

    % Define anchors for signal ports



    % Draw the rectangle box and the port labels
        % Rectangle box

        % Drawing Triangle for clock input
        % upper left x
        \southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
        \northeast \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xb=\pgf@x
        \pgf@xc=\pgf@x \pgf@yc=\pgf@y
        \advance\pgf@xa by .15mm
        \advance\pgf@xb by -.15mm
        \advance\pgf@yc by -\pgf@x

        \tikzset{flip flop/port labels} % Use font from this style

        %Drawing CLK circuit
        \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
        \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
        \advance\pgf@yb by \pgf@x
        %Draw clock label

        %Drawing PC circuit
        \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
        %\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x

        %Drawing PC' circuit
        \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y\pgf@xa=\pgf@x
        %\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x

    % create input anchors
    % this touch internal things, so beware...
    % anchors are named pgf@anchor@<name-of-the-shape>@<name of the anchors>
        % assign the anchor "in \pgfmathcounter" to the macro \reg@port with the number as argument
        \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@anchor@reg@in \pgfmathcounter\endcsname{%
            \noexpand\reg@port{\pgfmathcounter}% defined below
        % \typeout{YAY\space\pgfmathcounter}

    % this macro has the function to return the position of the anchor
    % it must use only \savedanchors and \savedmacros
    % the parameter is the number of the anchor (see above)

%%% handy macro to show the anchors

    node[circle, red, draw, inner sep=1pt,pin={%
        [red, inner sep=0.5pt, font=\small,
        pin distance=#3cm, pin edge={red, }%

    \node [draw,reg,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=3cm, black!50] (PC1) at (0,0) {};
    \path (PC1.north west) \showcoord(NW)<45:0.2>;
    \node [draw, reg,black!50,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=5cm, ports=6, blue] (PC2) at (3,0) {};
    \foreach \p in {1,...,4} \path( \p) \showcoord(in \p)<145:0.3>;
    \foreach \p in {1,...,6} \path( \p) \showcoord(in \p)<145:0.3>;

仍然在努力理解所有这些内容,但即使我不完全明白它为什么能够工作,它似乎也是有效的。您能否推荐一些文档或网站供我查阅?(不是tikz/pgf文档)+ 非常感谢您抽出时间来撰写此文。 - MrDiver
@MrDiver 我不知道有其他的资源,除了源代码。我是通过TeX.stackexchange这个专门的网站上的社区学习的,那里有很多专家和友好的人(还有包的作者甚至核心开发人员)! - Rmano

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