


def merge(left, right):
    result = []
    i ,j = 0, 0
    while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
        if left[i] <= right[j]:
            i += 1
            j += 1
    result += left[i:]
    result += right[j:]
    return result

def mergesort(list):
    if len(list) < 2:
        return list
    middle = len(list) / 2
    left = mergesort(list[:middle])
    right = mergesort(list[middle:])
    return merge(left, right)


请查看维基页面上的动态GIF图:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort - Andrew Barrett
可能是归并排序中最干净的代码之一。这段代码的来源是什么?请提供链接。 - Surya



给定两个按最小到最大排序的单独列表 A 和 B,通过重复比较 A 中的最小值和 B 中的最小值、删除较小的值并将其附加到 C 上来构建列表 C。当一个列表耗尽时,以顺序方式将另一个列表中的剩余项附加到 C 上。列表 C 也是一个排序好的列表。


A = 1, 3
B = 2, 4
C = 
min(min(A), min(B)) = 1

A = 3
B = 2, 4
C = 1
min(min(A), min(B)) = 2

A = 3
B = 4
C = 1, 2
min(min(A), min(B)) = 3

A = 
B = 4
C = 1, 2, 3


C = 1, 2, 3, 4

非常好。对归并排序的基本单元进行了非常好的讲解。 - agf
我浏览了10-20个搜索结果,其中有可怕的图形解释,大段大段的文字谈论一般的排序。这正是我想要的。切入正题,直接给我核心思想的内容。非常感谢。现在我需要在Google上搜索类似的快排描述。 - Amogh Talpallikar
我理解算法中的“排序”部分是如何工作的。但我不明白算法如何将这些小的已排序列表进行“合并”操作。 - user3932000
@user3932000,我并没有太多地谈论排序部分。我主要是在谈论合并操作。在上面,AB是合并操作的输入,而C是输出。有什么具体的不清楚吗? - senderle




def merge(left, right):
    result = []
    i ,j = 0, 0
    while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
        print('left[i]: {} right[j]: {}'.format(left[i],right[j]))
        if left[i] <= right[j]:
            print('Appending {} to the result'.format(left[i]))           
            print('result now is {}'.format(result))
            i += 1
            print('i now is {}'.format(i))
            print('Appending {} to the result'.format(right[j]))
            print('result now is {}'.format(result))
            j += 1
            print('j now is {}'.format(j))
    print('One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.')
    result += left[i:]
    result += right[j:]
    print('result now is {}'.format(result))
    return result

def mergesort(L):
    print('mergesort on {}'.format(L))
    if len(L) < 2:
        print('length is 1: returning the list withouth changing')
        return L
    middle = len(L) / 2
    print('calling mergesort on {}'.format(L[:middle]))
    left = mergesort(L[:middle])
    print('calling mergesort on {}'.format(L[middle:]))
    right = mergesort(L[middle:])
    print('Merging left: {} and right: {}'.format(left,right))
    out = merge(left, right)
    print('exiting mergesort on {}'.format(L))
    return out



mergesort on [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
calling mergesort on [6, 5, 4]
mergesort on [6, 5, 4]
calling mergesort on [6]
mergesort on [6]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
calling mergesort on [5, 4]
mergesort on [5, 4]
calling mergesort on [5]
mergesort on [5]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
calling mergesort on [4]
mergesort on [4]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
Merging left: [5] and right: [4]
left[i]: 5 right[j]: 4
Appending 4 to the result
result now is [4]
j now is 1
One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.
result now is [4, 5]
exiting mergesort on [5, 4]
Merging left: [6] and right: [4, 5]
left[i]: 6 right[j]: 4
Appending 4 to the result
result now is [4]
j now is 1
left[i]: 6 right[j]: 5
Appending 5 to the result
result now is [4, 5]
j now is 2
One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.
result now is [4, 5, 6]
exiting mergesort on [6, 5, 4]
calling mergesort on [3, 2, 1]
mergesort on [3, 2, 1]
calling mergesort on [3]
mergesort on [3]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
calling mergesort on [2, 1]
mergesort on [2, 1]
calling mergesort on [2]
mergesort on [2]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
calling mergesort on [1]
mergesort on [1]
length is 1: returning the list withouth changing
Merging left: [2] and right: [1]
left[i]: 2 right[j]: 1
Appending 1 to the result
result now is [1]
j now is 1
One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.
result now is [1, 2]
exiting mergesort on [2, 1]
Merging left: [3] and right: [1, 2]
left[i]: 3 right[j]: 1
Appending 1 to the result
result now is [1]
j now is 1
left[i]: 3 right[j]: 2
Appending 2 to the result
result now is [1, 2]
j now is 2
One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.
result now is [1, 2, 3]
exiting mergesort on [3, 2, 1]
Merging left: [4, 5, 6] and right: [1, 2, 3]
left[i]: 4 right[j]: 1
Appending 1 to the result
result now is [1]
j now is 1
left[i]: 4 right[j]: 2
Appending 2 to the result
result now is [1, 2]
j now is 2
left[i]: 4 right[j]: 3
Appending 3 to the result
result now is [1, 2, 3]
j now is 3
One of the list is exhausted. Adding the rest of one of the lists.
result now is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
exiting mergesort on [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

非常出色的解释方式..没有@senderle的回答我无法理解你的回答,也无法理解senderle的回答! - ebram khalil

1. 通过调试器逐步执行代码并观察发生了什么。 2. 或者,在纸上逐步执行它(用一个非常小的例子)并观察发生了什么。(我个人认为在纸上做这种事情更有教育意义。)
我的看法是,这个问题的关键不在于合并例程,一旦您了解到输入始终是排序的,那就很显而易见了。 "诀窍"(我用引号是因为它不是诀窍,而是计算机科学:-))在于为了确保合并的输入已排序,您必须继续递归下去,直到达到必须排序的列表,这就是为什么您要不断地调用mergesort,直到列表长度小于2。

当您第一次遇到递归和归并排序时,可能会感到不太清楚。您可能需要查阅一本好的算法书(例如DPV可以在线上合法免费获取),但是通过逐步执行您拥有的代码,您也可以走得很远。如果您真的想深入了解,斯坦福/ Coursera algo course 将很快再次运行,他将详细介绍合并排序。






一张图片胜过千言万语,一段动画胜过一万个。 查看以下动画从维基百科中获取,它将帮助您可视化归并排序算法的实际工作原理。 详细了解每个步骤的详细说明的动画可以在此处查看:https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/algorithms/sorting/merge-sort/visualize/。 另外,还有一个有趣的动画介绍各种类型的排序算法,可以在此处查看:https://www.toptal.com/developers/sorting-algorithms/。请注意,保留HTML标签。



但是你如何实际排序“平凡集”,以及如何“合并简单的解决方案”?这并没有解释一个__归并排序__的合并或排序,因此并没有回答这个问题。 - agf




我不打算使用 Python 来回答这个问题,因为我无法写出来;但是,“合并排序”算法的一部分似乎真的是这个问题的关键。一个帮助我的资源是 K.I.T.E 的有点过时的网页(由一位教授编写),因为内容的作者消除了上下文有意义的标识符。



这里是“代码”(最后附上 Java "fiddle"):

public class MergeSort {

 * @param a     the array to divide
 * @param low   the low INDEX of the array
 * @param high  the high INDEX of the array
public void divide (int[] a, int low, int high, String hilo) {

    /* The if statement, here, determines whether the array has at least two elements (more than one element). The
     * "low" and "high" variables are derived from the bounds of the array "a". So, at the first call, this if 
     * statement will evaluate to true; however, as we continue to divide the array and derive our bounds from the 
     * continually divided array, our bounds will become smaller until we can no longer divide our array (the array 
     * has one element). At this point, the "low" (beginning) and "high" (end) will be the same. And further calls 
     * to the method will immediately return. 
     * Upon return of control, the call stack is traversed, upward, and the subsequent calls to merge are made as each 
     * merge-eligible call to divide() resolves
    if (low < high) {
        String source = hilo;
        // We now know that we can further divide our array into two equal parts, so we continue to prepare for the division 
        // of the array. REMEMBER, as we progress in the divide function, we are dealing with indexes (positions)

        /* Though the next statement is simple arithmetic, understanding the logic of the statement is integral. Remember, 
         * at this juncture, we know that the array has more than one element; therefore, we want to find the middle of the 
         * array so that we can continue to "divide and conquer" the remaining elements. When two elements are left, the
         * result of the evaluation will be "1". And the element in the first position [0] will be taken as one array and the
         * element at the remaining position [1] will be taken as another, separate array.
        int middle = (low + high) / 2;

        divide(a, low, middle, "low");
        divide(a, middle + 1, high, "high");

        /* Remember, this is only called by those recursive iterations where the if statement evaluated to true. 
         * The call to merge() is only resolved after program control has been handed back to the calling method. 
        merge(a, low, middle, high, source);

public void merge (int a[], int low, int middle, int high, String source) {
// Merge, here, is not driven by tiny, "instantiated" sub-arrays. Rather, merge is driven by the indexes of the 
// values in the starting array, itself. Remember, we are organizing the array, itself, and are (obviously
// using the values contained within it. These indexes, as you will see, are all we need to complete the sort.  

    /* Using the respective indexes, we figure out how many elements are contained in each half. In this 
     * implementation, we will always have a half as the only way that merge can be called is if two
     * or more elements of the array are in question. We also create to "temporary" arrays for the 
     * storage of the larger array's elements so we can "play" with them and not propogate our 
     * changes until we are done. 
    int first_half_element_no       = middle - low + 1;
    int second_half_element_no      = high - middle;
    int[] first_half                = new int[first_half_element_no];
    int[] second_half               = new int[second_half_element_no];

    // Here, we extract the elements. 
    for (int i = 0; i < first_half_element_no; i++) {  
        first_half[i] = a[low + i]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < second_half_element_no; i++) {  
        second_half[i] = a[middle + i + 1]; // extract the elements from a

    int current_first_half_index = 0;
    int current_second_half_index = 0;
    int k = low;

    while (current_first_half_index < first_half_element_no || current_second_half_index < second_half_element_no) {

        if (current_first_half_index >= first_half_element_no) {
            a[k++] = second_half[current_second_half_index++];

        if (current_second_half_index >= second_half_element_no) {
            a[k++] = first_half[current_first_half_index++];

        if (first_half[current_first_half_index] < second_half[current_second_half_index]) {
            a[k++] = first_half[current_first_half_index++];
        } else {
            a[k++] = second_half[current_second_half_index++];


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