

我对使用iOS崩溃日志还比较陌生 - 我对基于应用程序的崩溃日志非常熟悉,因为它们很容易进行符号化,但我仍在努力弄清楚如何阅读由看门狗超时产生的日志。需要明确的是,这些超时是由我编写的Notification Center小部件引起的,该小部件作为SpringBoard进程的一部分运行。这些超时通常是由我的代码中的错误(例如访问已释放的对象)引起的,但是SpringBoard不会崩溃并生成崩溃日志,而是在看门狗触发重新启动之前挂起2分钟。



Hardware Model:      iPhone3,1
OS Version:          iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
Kernel version:      Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Tue Nov  1 20:33:58 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1878.4.46~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X
Date:                2012-01-25 17:38:35 -0800
Exception Code:      0xfaded321
Reason:              Watchdog timeout: 120.021790s since last successful ping: 3506u0 3406m0 3406u0 3306m0 3306u0 3206m0 3206u0 3106m0 3106u0 3006m0 3006u0 2903m0 2903u0 2800m0 2800u0 2700m0 2700u0 2600m0 2600u0 2500m0 2500u0 2400m0 2400u0 2300m0 2300u0 2200m0 2200u0 2100m0 2100u0 2000m0 2000u0 1900m0 1900u0 1800m0 1800u0 1700m0 1700u0 1600m0 1600u0 1500m0 1500u0 1400m0 1400u0 1300m0 1300u0 1200m0 1200u0 1000m10004003 1000u0 1000u0 800m10004003 800u0 800u0 600m10004003 600u0 600u0 400m10004003 400u0 400u0 200m10004003 200u0 200u0 0m10000004 0c1328 

Thermal Level:       0
Thermal Sensors:    2435 2353 5146 2839 2348 2821 2544 2406 2935 2635 32768 2 2736 2703 2430 2435 2421 2436 1973 1834 1971

Frontmost process PID:    4904
Jetsam Level:             20
Free Pages:            15086
Active Pages:           7397
Inactive Pages:         3351
Purgeable Pages:        1992
Wired Pages:           15818
Speculative Pages:      1772
Throttled Pages:       85667
Busy Buffer Count:         0

Process 0 info:
    resident memory bytes:  44748800
    page faults:               3189
    page-ins:                     0
    copy-on-write faults:         0
    user   time in task: 151641.651106 seconds
    system time in task:     0.000000 seconds

Process 0 kernel_task threads:
thread 0x1 TH_WAIT|TH_UNINT 0x802e0158
    thread priority:          92
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8005aa29
    user   time in thread:    11.050610 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
// Continues in this format for a while...


// SpringBoard process log
Process 4904 info:
    resident memory bytes:  63995904
    page faults:             932726
    page-ins:                 17055
    copy-on-write faults:      5881
    user   time in task:   883.320096 seconds
    system time in task:     0.000000 seconds

Process 4904 binary images:
 0xf6000 <7506c20d86da3f1dbe9bf38f8bda253d>
 0x386000 <cf2cce379dcd3a4c970e3196b908b0b6>
 0x3cd000 <30381ec9e24c3c289f447bf428bda2c1>
 0x500000 <8a7d931c6871371e8c011cb2b9d60a4b>
 0x511000 <4cd6f668c82c3232a60da2f40737bb7b>
 0x3f1000 <fd9fcb38af01393f888320f2a67d9d8d>
 0x3f5000 <d375337d03a7324c9cfb608b7231eeea>
 0x639000 <ee905d084b7a3ee1b8d5ddf3a0d2dc2d>
 0x3fc000 <72f867f586cb34bd94ea52e2b1582b8d>
 0x642000 <87085dc54e1f324cad66b1e07d504fee>
 0x64e000 <25608ce0a9e23bd5a78415481897f8bc>
 0x653000 <af0bbe7579b13d14aee2fc8967e3c933>
 0x1993000 <afb6041043ca3935b08e00630906d9b2>
 0x1997000 <c755a0ab2ec43860931bc844b358df2d>
 0x1a35000 <b2f2268e166838f286a5838cc243bd01>
 0x1a42000 <0a8f131d01f63458846f0b016a88f080>
 0x1a58000 <97daf7f3c6cd34359e7c63ce16b33e6e>
 0x1aa8000 <bdc6016e1f9e3552b41fc6feced31050>
 0x3a3000 <36a26644e27f3bb7b5b2c8157df7dba2>
 0x3a7000 <a9101c6d02d33f128837bb355e8bfc4b>
 0x3aa000 <aa58ea5c933232d99b51b4192dc8f180>
 0x3ad000 <f5f9138532993ca1959bf0973a5de0fd>
 0x1aba000 <943484dfa081c192ec89f3f2329b085a>
 0x3b4000 <aa0b4733baee386ab29bfcbd74beaa57>
 0x3c0000 <dfda867ef28e362bb67a734199725a72>
 0x1ad2000 <bba657e1bd09bab5f888545db2928786>
 0x1ad7000 <fe21097b2cb83481a70c9ab877af55e3>
 0x1ae1000 <ad65601afce130f3abf98b3279fad9ce>
 0x1ae5000 <d138ce2db8b033aba6119acf3d561535>
 0x4dab000 <45d7c264810c364b976dba254572d73d>
 0x4ee8000 <cf8b322a0143350eb7bb7146c90c72d9>
 0x4f7f000 <d203aed2bda137bb9cd5799e8d8fd480>
 0x7325000 <199f52167001328a8e76735cd1f6c12a>
 0x67f5000 <dc67fb590cb49f466ef7e82a3f44de28>
 0x6f62000 <b00c29872f767a3a993ef2e7724af2e8>
 0x681f000 <c4d71529a1d51704706fffa892c4f5d4>
 0x6834000 <9d55da6026ab3f9574a9c9950794f0c0>
 0x6867000 <9f0179854929b62ee16f5aeed620c303>
 0x7375000 <892ebb5b3528fa70720361182fe71fe8>
 0x6894000 <d7a840f7a771adea76922c6ecd09de95>
 0x7379000 <1d40433bbdf09c726cc36edd0894bc03>
 0x737e000 <9ef7d722cc04353aad958c6e2f4a3cf7>
 0x738f000 <4c8273a6631135ee817d250488e2c3a8>
 0x7b41000 <2f8d756ef0223c02b924ddd707315c5b>
 0x7b48000 <734a26aa647d3b76b9f2c497f787bde2>
 0x7b5a000 <563cf37a7e5b39de8c2fe7e7428a8b0e>
 0x7c10000 <ede34c56929f3722b575b295964ddbcb>
 0x7d7a000 <ccec053d8f2a3893840565eb19e2401f>
 0x7ec2000 <4d06e894046a33818ac5458a29a744f1>
 0x619a000 <6525fe796904390bb5a10d71d3ecd11f>
 0x61a5000 <3fc0a7cfe9593de39f1295fd34e3c3a8>
 0x61a8000 <15c155566d4637de9db0fca6a4a4d909>
 0x61bb000 <f3f4ff89e340da2ceb563577d11c6701>
 0x6a26000 <b1c8b77244c8317493bdb5db5adba8bb>
 0x61c1000 <46f5d93c6ba0382891f35b04740e7a77>
 0x6ad8000 <303c7dd64de03ce1a1d34f055c38f5c9>
 0x662f000 <402f53a8b8963879a352a1c799d04536>
 0x69bd000 <dea93838279539519f94dc6ee85e74ce>
 0x69a9000 <54c6fb4190093744b2096fb99c6ac6ca>
 0x568000 <8826a6e7f75f80ec2d99607e8d702d8e>

Process 4904 SpringBoard threads:
thread 0x2f43e TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          22
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x376818cb 0x376802f7 0x376809ad 0x3767ed03 0x3767ebcd 0x36dc5bf9 0x36dc574d 0x33d5aab3 0x33cb5680 0x36dbc73d 0x3f21c4 0x33cb7803 0x3572d50f 0x33d24577 0x33cb00cf 0x356a13fb 0x36dbd7cb 0x36dbd6f9 0x36dc7183 0x376723e1 0x33d2c553 0x33d2c4f5 0x33d2b343 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x30532fcd 0x3712f743 0xf9a33 0xf9074
    user   time in thread:   393.531235 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f44b TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          33
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 80199e39
    user 0x35c633b4 0x3698de7f 0x3698db9d 0
    user   time in thread:     3.898458 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f450 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          55
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x348ca5bb 0x34919e6d 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:    15.476818 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f451 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          54
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33d2b47b 0x348f5573 0x34919e6d 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.000361 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f452 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x356a2b85 0x356bc533 0x3740b3c7 0x357425a1 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     3.802697 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f453 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          30
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x3618212f 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.781208 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f45c TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          54
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33d2b47b 0x348f5573 0x34919e6d 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:   343.767086 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f460 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x35c643e3 0x302e2f85 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.050931 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f461 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          63
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33d2b47b 0x302e0a17 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:    58.461374 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f468 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x169175 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.497826 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f469 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x16902f 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.000296 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f46c TH_WAIT 0x86369178
    thread priority:          47
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 801d89e9
    user 0x35c73068 0x32afef35 0x32afecb1 0x31c5a007 0x34abdfc1 0x31c79bcd 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.000439 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f4f7 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x356a2b85 0x356bc533 0x356aea91 0x357425a1 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.067711 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f502 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x32dba405 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.010444 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f503 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x32db96ef 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.022591 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f53c TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x356a2b85 0x356bc533 0x7d7bdbd 0x356aea91 0x357425a1 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.061308 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f55d TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          33
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x356aebc9 0x356aea91 0x357425a1 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     3.892466 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x2f567 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 801aac09
    user 0x35c73570 0x33d30671 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.294812 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x37423 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          47
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x34ac3cf9 0x31c79bcd 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.014877 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x3b204 TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          31
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x33d2c423 0x33d2b15b 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x356a2b85 0x356c7b5f 0x33a84a6b 0x356aea91 0x357425a1 0x32afec1d 0x32afead8
    user   time in thread:     0.087839 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds
thread 0x3d554 TH_WAIT 0x87024e80
    thread priority:          33
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 801dc8a1
    user 0x35c73cd4 0x32af9311 0x32af90a4
    user   time in thread:     0.000450 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds





thread 0x2f43e TH_WAIT 0
    thread priority:          22
    thread sched flags:     none
    kernel cont 8000f401
    user 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x376818cb 0x376802f7 0x376809ad 0x3767ed03 0x3767ebcd 0x36dc5bf9 0x36dc574d 0x33d5aab3 0x33cb5680 0x36dbc73d 0x3f21c4 0x33cb7803 0x3572d50f 0x33d24577 0x33cb00cf 0x356a13fb 0x36dbd7cb 0x36dbd6f9 0x36dc7183 0x376723e1 0x33d2c553 0x33d2c4f5 0x33d2b343 0x33cae4dd 0x33cae3a5 0x30532fcd 0x3712f743 0xf9a33 0xf9074
    user   time in thread:   393.531235 seconds
    system time in thread:     0.000000 seconds

这段文本中,带有十六进制地址列表的 user 部分(0x35c63010 0x35c6320d 0x376818cb ...)很可能是该线程的调用堆栈。

现在您需要对堆栈进行符号化处理。为此,您需要使用符号。您将使用命令行工具 atos 对每个地址进行符号化处理。请特别注意以下 atos 选项(有关更多信息,请参阅 man atos):

-o symbol_file # debugging information output by the compiler this may be a dSYM or the binary itself depending on who you saved symbol information
-l load address # the base address in the process space at which your library is loaded into the springboard process
Also a list of addresses you wish to symbolicate

    atos -o my.o -l 0xba5eadd 0x37af10a0 0x37af1aaf

使用上述 atos 示例,我们将对原始二进制文件中的符号地址 0x37af10a00x37af1aaf 进行符号化。崩溃进程中的 my.o 库应已加载到基地址 0x37af10a0
Process 4904 binary images:
 0xf6000 <7506c20d86da3f1dbe9bf38f8bda253d>
 0x386000 <cf2cce379dcd3a4c970e3196b908b0b6>
 0x3cd000 <30381ec9e24c3c289f447bf428bda2c1>

然而,根据调用堆栈数据和二进制图像数据,似乎存在数据缺失或我遗漏了什么。因为前几个地址与加载的库相比非常高。这些前几个地址是:0x35c63010 0x35c6320d ... 你可以尝试使用atos -o yourlib 0x35c63010 0x35c6320d。根据库的加载方式,它可能会起作用,因为它们被加载到地址空间中。

首先,非常感谢您提供如此详尽和有帮助的答复!我尝试了您的最后一个建议,使用了一个新的崩溃日志(我已经删除了该崩溃日志的.o文件),并成功从调用堆栈的第二个地址中获得了单个行号。有什么建议可以让我获取其余的调用堆栈符号?奇怪的是,这次崩溃的明显原因是在我的viewWillAppear方法中使用了self.iPodMusicPlayer来订阅MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChangeNotification,所以我想如果我能够检查其余的调用堆栈,这将会有所帮助。 - Andrew R.
因此,针对那些剩下的地址,您需要知道它们来自哪个库。不幸的是,这有点像猜测游戏。您可以做的是让常规崩溃发生(而不是看门狗超时)。然后从崩溃报告中映射库的UUID。但这只是一个猜测。不能保证。 - Evan
很遗憾,我无法通过引发崩溃来复现完全相同的调用堆栈(尽管这是个好主意)。这些超时日志非常令人沮丧,所以我希望能找到一种方法,在出现这些错误时拥有适当的崩溃日志(或至少打印堆栈跟踪)。但除非你知道我该如何做到这一点,否则我想这就是另一个话题了。再次感谢! - Andrew R.
异常代码0xfaded321表示内部iOS错误。 应用程序不应该做任何事情来导致它发生。 如果您使用越狱设备,那么一切都无法预测。 否则,请在developer.apple.com/bugreporter上提交错误报告并附上崩溃日志。 - Vincent Gable

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