

给定列表Input = {A,B}和Output = {1,2,3,4},我想要得到一个包含所有可能连接对{connection1,connection2}的新列表:

connections = {A1, B2}, 
         {A1, B3}, 
         {A1, B4}, 
         {A2, B1},
         {A2, B3}, 
         {A2, B4}, 
         {A3, B1},
         {A3, B2},
         {A3, B4}, 
         {A4, B1},
         {A4, B2},
         {A4, B3}


  • 每个组合代表2个连接。
  • 每个连接由1个输入和1个输出表示。(例如,AB不可能)
  • 如果一个输入或输出元素已经在前一个连接中使用,则不能在下一个连接中使用。(例如,{A1,B1}不可能)
  • 输入可以包含n个元素(n>=2),输出可以包含m个元素(m>=2),但是组合总是由只有2个连接表示。

连接 {A1, B3} 的示例:

enter image description here


输入始终包含2个元素,第一个元素连接到connection1,第二个元素连接到connection2? - CodeFuller
输入可以包含n个元素(n≥2),输出可以包含m个元素(m≥2),但始终仅有两个连接。 - ehh
使用LINQ来做这件事会非常低效和复杂。 - Slai
提示:您需要三个运算符:(1)“选择两个,有序”,(2)“选择两个,无序”,以及(3)使用Select的笛卡尔积。 您想要的输出是这三个运算符的组合; 您看到了吗? 您能实现这三个运算符然后将它们组合起来吗? - Eric Lippert




using System.Linq;
using static System.Console;

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var inputs = new[] { "A", "B", "C" };
        var outputs = new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" };

        var res = from i1 in inputs
                  from i2 in inputs
                  where i1 != i2
                  from o1 in outputs
                  from o2 in outputs
                  where o1 != o2
                  let c1 = i1 + o1
                  let c2 = i2 + o2
                  // Avoid {x,y} and {y,x} in result.
                  where c1.CompareTo(c2) < 0
                  select (first: c1, second: c2);

        foreach (var r in res) {
            WriteLine($"{{{r.first}, {r.second}}}");

您需要LINQ to Objects中类似于交叉连接的方法,它只是循环遍历两个列表的内容而没有任何条件去限制结果集。
var allPairs = (from a in ListA
                from b in ListB
                select (a, b)




// Assume `Input` and `Output` and enumerables of string
var inputOutputPairs = (from ip in Input
                        from op in Output
                        select ip + op

var result = (from left in inputOutputPairs
              from right in inputOutputPairs
              select (left, right)
              // To avoid duplicates like ("A4","A4") include this:
              // where left != right

结果将是一个 ValueTuple<string, string> 列表。

问题在于我会得到输入连接到输入的连接,例如{A1,A2}。 - ehh
@ehh 你需要更好地定义你的问题,以清楚表明哪些组合是允许的。目前问题所表示的意思是"A1"作为输入A转换成输出1,那么输入到输入的组合应该是"AA"或"AB"。 - Richard
我更好地解释了问题并写了一些规则。请查看我的编辑。 - ehh




  1. 获取所有有效的输入组合(长度为2)
  2. 获取所有有效的输出变化(长度为2)
  3. 将所有有效的输入与所有输出变化组合。


var Input = new[] { "A", "B"};
var Output = new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" };
int maxConnections = 2;

var validInputs = new Combinations<String>(Input, maxConnections);
var validOutputs = new Variations<String>(Output, maxConnections);
var connectionsets = validInputs
    .SelectMany(ins => validOutputs
        .Select(outs => new { Ins = ins, Outs = outs })


String.Join(",", set.Ins.Select((input, i) => input + set.Outs.Skip(i).First()));


public static class PairsOfConnections
    public static IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> GetAllPairsOfConnections(string[] input, string[] output)
        var connectionsFromFirstInput = output.Select(o => new { Input = input[0], Output = o });
        var connectionsFromSecondInput = output.Select(o => new { Input = input[1], Output = o }).ToList();

        return from a in connectionsFromFirstInput
               from b in connectionsFromSecondInput
               where a.Output != b.Output
               select new Tuple<string, string>(a.Input + a.Output, b.Input + b.Output);

public class PairsOfConnectionsTests
    public void TestGetAllPairsOfConnections()
        string[] input = { "A", "B" };
        string[] output = { "1", "2", "3", "4" };

        IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> result = PairsOfConnections.GetAllPairsOfConnections(input, output);

        var expected = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B3")
        CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected, result);

我看到你添加了我们可以拥有两个以上输入的信息。在这种情况下,这段代码是不够的。 - Tao Gómez Gil
运行完美,但你是对的,它不能处理超过2个输入。 - ehh



public static class PairsOfConnections
    public static IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> GetAllPairsOfConnections(string[] inputs, string[] outputs)
        var connectionsFromFirstInput = outputs.Select(o => new { Input = inputs[0], Output = o }).ToList();

        var result = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
        foreach (string input in inputs.Skip(1))
            var connectionsFromNextInput = outputs.Select(output => new { Input = input, Output = output }).ToList();
            IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> pairs = from a in connectionsFromFirstInput
                        from b in connectionsFromNextInput
                        where a.Output != b.Output
                        select new Tuple<string, string>(a.Input + a.Output, b.Input + b.Output);


        return result;

public class PairsOfConnectionsTests
    public void TestGetAllPairsOfConnections_WithTwoInputs()
        string[] input = { "A", "B" };
        string[] output = { "1", "2", "3", "4" };

        IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> result = PairsOfConnections.GetAllPairsOfConnections(input, output);

        var expected = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B4"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A4","B3")
        CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected, result);

    public void TestGetAllPairsOfConnections_WithThreeInputs()
        string[] input = { "A", "B", "C" };
        string[] output = { "1", "2", "3" };

        IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> result = PairsOfConnections.GetAllPairsOfConnections(input, output);

        var expected = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","C2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A1","C3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","B3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","C1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A2","C3"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","B2"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","C1"),
            new Tuple<string, string>("A3","C2"),
        CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected, result);

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