

首先,我想说我是Python的新手。我正在尝试计算许多单词列表的Levenshtein距离。到目前为止,我已经成功地编写了一对单词的代码,但是在处理列表时遇到了一些问题。我只有两个单词列表,一个在下面,像这样: carlos stiv peter




#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-

def lev_dist(source, target):
    if source == target:
        return 0

#words = open(test_file.txt,'r').read().split();

    # Prepare matrix
    slen, tlen = len(source), len(target)
    dist = [[0 for i in range(tlen+1)] for x in range(slen+1)]
    for i in xrange(slen+1):
        dist[i][0] = i
    for j in xrange(tlen+1):
        dist[0][j] = j

    # Counting distance
    for i in xrange(slen):
        for j in xrange(tlen):
            cost = 0 if source[i] == target[j] else 1
            dist[i+1][j+1] = min(
                            dist[i][j+1] + 1,   # deletion
                            dist[i+1][j] + 1,   # insertion
                            dist[i][j] + cost   # substitution
    return dist[-1][-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print 'Usage: You have to enter a source_word and a target_word'
    source, target = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
    print lev_dist(source, target)

你想做什么?要计算列表中每对元素的距离吗? - Fred Foo
步骤1. 添加代码来读取您的列表(或是两个列表?)。步骤2. 添加循环以遍历您的列表(或是两个列表?)。步骤3. 发布新代码,以便我们可以对其进行评论。您发布的代码很好,但您还需要编写接下来的两部分。 - S.Lott
感谢快速回答。 Larsmans:我想计算第一个列表中每个单词到第二个列表中每个单词的距离。 S.Lott:有两个列表! - El_Patrón
有什么想法可以用两个列表来实现吗? - El_Patrón


我最终在朋友的帮助下使代码工作了 :) 你可以计算Levenshtein距离,并将其与第二个列表中的每个单词进行比较,更改脚本中的最后一行,即:将print(list1 [0],list2 [i])改为将list1的第一个单词与list2中的每个单词进行比较。


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-

import codecs

def lev_dist(source, target):
    if source == target:
        return 0

    # Prepare a matrix
    slen, tlen = len(source), len(target)
    dist = [[0 for i in range(tlen+1)] for x in range(slen+1)]
    for i in range(slen+1):
        dist[i][0] = i
    for j in range(tlen+1):
        dist[0][j] = j

    # Counting distance, here is my function
    for i in range(slen):
        for j in range(tlen):
            cost = 0 if source[i] == target[j] else 1
            dist[i+1][j+1] = min(
                            dist[i][j+1] + 1,   # deletion
                            dist[i+1][j] + 1,   # insertion
                            dist[i][j] + cost   # substitution
    return dist[-1][-1]

# load words from a file into a list
def loadWords(file):
    list = [] # create an empty list to hold the file contents
    file_contents = codecs.open(file, "r", "utf-8") # open the file
    for line in file_contents: # loop over the lines in the file
        line = line.strip() # strip the line breaks and any extra spaces
        list.append(line) # append the word to the list
    return list

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print 'Usage: You have to enter a source_word and a target_word'
    source, target = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]

    # create two lists, one of each file by calling the loadWords() function on the file
    list1 = loadWords(source)
    list2 = loadWords(target)

    # now you have two lists; each file has to have the words you are comparing on the same lines
    # now call you lev_distance function on each pair from those lists

    for i in range(0, len(list1)): # so now you are looping over a range of numbers, not lines
        print lev_dist(list1[0], list2[i])

#    print lev_dist(source, target)


有时候会有好的建议,但这也是了解车轮运作方式的最佳途径。 - grifaton
是的,我知道这个模块,但我想自己动手用Python学习一下! - El_Patrón

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