非类型模板参数中的constexpr lambda表达式求值

template<int N> struct S { constexpr static int value = N; };

int main() {
    int N = S<[]()constexpr{return 42;}()>::value;






我想你已经回答了自己的问题。 - Barry
嗯,+1 @Barry,这实际上是一个有趣的问答。 - skypjack
“如果在替换过程中函数体中的任何语句都不合法,就需要应用SFINAE。”我不确定这是否值得关注——SFINAE仅适用于直接上下文,可以想象将Lambda的主体解释为非直接上下文。 - dyp
在前一行中,constexpr auto f=[]()constexpr{return 42;};的调用使您的参数毫无意义。 - Yakk - Adam Nevraumont
@Yakk,我不确定我理解你的意思。我猜你的变化应该是有效的C++17代码,尽管最近的gcc不接受它。但我质疑为什么需要明确地进行这个中间步骤。 - user4407569


在未求值的上下文中,Lambda 表达式不会出现是有意为之的。Lambda 表达式总是具有唯一的类型,这导致了各种问题。

以下是来自 comp.lang.c++ 讨论 的 Daniel Krugler 的几个例子:

There would indeed exist a huge number of use-cases for allowing lambda expressions, it would probably extremely extend possible sfinae cases (to include complete code "sand-boxes"). The reason why they became excluded was due to exactly this extreme extension of sfinae cases (you were opening a Pandora box for the compiler) and the fact that it can lead to problems on other examples as yours, e.g.

template<typename T, typename U>
void g(T, U, decltype([](T x, T y) { return x + y; }) func);

is useless, because every lambda expression generates a unique type, so something like

g(1, 2, [](int x, int y) { return x + y; });

doesn't actually work, because the type of the lambda used in the parameter is different from the type of the lambda in the call to g.

Finally it did also cause name-mangling issues. E.g. when you have

template<typename T>
void f(T, A<sizeof([](T x, T y) { return x + y; })> * = 0);

in one translation unit but

template<typename T>
void f(T, A<sizeof([](T x, T y) { return x - y; })> * = 0);

in another translation unit. Assume now that you instantiate f<int> from both translation units. These two functions have different signatures, so they must produce differently-mangled template instantiations. The only way to keep them separate is to mangle the body of the lambdas. That, in turn, means that compiler writers have to come up with name mangling rules for every kind of statement in the language. While technically possible, this was considered as both a specification and an implementation burden.


int N = S<[]()constexpr{return 42;}()>::value;


constexpr auto f = []() constexpr { return 42; }
int N = S<f()>::value;

当然,既然我发布了这个问题,我也找到了这个问答 - Barry
我不太明白模板参数有什么问题,它们并不是签名的一部分,为什么SFINAE要应用于lambda主体? - dyp
@dyp SFINAE对于实际上首先有lambda表达式来说是次要的。我认为这并不重要。 - Barry

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