
我正在编写三角形的软件光栅化程序。 在下面的示例中,我正在光栅化一个全屏幕的三角形,但速度仍然非常慢...在我的i7上,以1024x768的分辨率运行1个多边形约为130 FPS。
我能看到一些优化空间,但仍远远达不到我所期望的性能。我缺少什么,有任何想法如何迅速加速?...即使 Quake2 在 Pentium 2 上使用更多的多边形进行软件渲染时也会运行得更快 :/
以下是代码(我正在使用 gmtl 进行向量计算)
float cross(Vec2f const &edge1, Vec2f const &edge2)
    return edge1[0] * edge2[1] - edge1[1] * edge2[0];

bool caculateBarycentricWeights(float invDoubleTriArea, float doubleTriArea, Vec2f const (&edgesFromTo01_12_20)[3], Vec2f const (&vertex)[3], Vec2f const &point, float(&outWeight)[3])
    outWeight[0] = cross(point - vertex[2], edgesFromTo01_12_20[1]);
    outWeight[1] = cross(point - vertex[0], edgesFromTo01_12_20[2]);
    outWeight[2] = cross(point - vertex[1], edgesFromTo01_12_20[0]);

    if (outWeight[0] >= 0.0f &&  outWeight[1] >= 0.0f &&  outWeight[2] >= 0.0f
        && outWeight[0] + outWeight[1] + outWeight[2] <= doubleTriArea * 1.000001f)
        outWeight[0] *= invDoubleTriArea;
        outWeight[1] *= invDoubleTriArea;
        outWeight[2] *= invDoubleTriArea;

        return true;
        return false;

void rasterize(Vec3f const &vertex0, Vec3f const &vertex1, Vec3f const &vertex2, vector<Vec3f> &dstBuffer)
    Vec2f const edgesFromTo01_12_20[3] =
        Vec2f(vertex1[0] - vertex0[0], vertex1[1] - vertex0[1]),
        Vec2f(vertex2[0] - vertex1[0], vertex2[1] - vertex1[1]),
        Vec2f(vertex0[0] - vertex2[0], vertex0[1] - vertex2[1])

    //in viewport space up and down is switched, thats why '-'
    float const doubleTriangleArea = -cross(edgesFromTo01_12_20[0], edgesFromTo01_12_20[1]);
    float const invDoubleTriangleArea = 1.0f / doubleTriangleArea;

    float weight[3];

    float invZ[3] = { 1.0f / vertex0[2], 1.0f / vertex1[2], 1.0f / vertex2[2] };

    Vec2f p(vertex0[0], vertex0[1]);

    Vec2f vPos[3] = {
        Vec2f(vertex0[0], vertex0[1]),
        Vec2f(vertex1[0], vertex1[1]),
        Vec2f(vertex2[0], vertex2[1])

    const size_t RES_X = 1024;
    const size_t RES_Y = 768;

    for (size_t y = 0; y < RES_Y; ++y)
        p[1] = y;

        for (size_t x = 0; x < RES_X; ++x)
            p[0] = x;

            if (caculateBarycentricWeights(invDoubleTriangleArea, doubleTriangleArea, edgesFromTo01_12_20, vPos, p, weight))
                //interpolate values
                float z = 1.0f / (weight[0] * invZ[0] + weight[1] * invZ[1] + weight[2] * invZ[2]);
                dstBuffer[y * RES_X + x] = ((vertex0 * (weight[0] * invZ[0])) + (vertex1 * (weight[1] * invZ[1])) + (vertex2 * (weight[2] * invZ[2]))) * z;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    vector<Vec3f> buffer;
    buffer.resize(1024 * 768);

    high_resolution_clock::time_point start = high_resolution_clock::now();
    size_t fps = 0;

    while (true) 

        static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
        static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };

        rasterize(v0, v2, v1, buffer);

        high_resolution_clock::time_point now = high_resolution_clock::now();
        auto timeDiff = duration_cast<microseconds>(now - start).count();

        static const long oneSecond = 1000000;
        if (timeDiff >= oneSecond)

            cout << fps << " ";

            fps = 0;
            start = now;


    return 0;

当我使用CPU采样分析时,我得到了以下结果。 图片说明

是的,我这样做了,这只是简化的代码...但仍然只是一个120FPS的全屏三角形? - Martin
请在 https://codereview.stackexchange.com/ 上发布有关工作代码的反馈请求。 - François Andrieux
使用每个像素带有3个浮点数的std::vector也可能会成为一个问题。尝试使用c++数组(new/delete)并且每个通道使用1字节。这应该可以提高内存一致性,并将内存减少4倍(不知道使用整数而不是浮点数计算是否会有所不同)。 - BDL
你能否在光栅化中删除所有计算,只用恒定值填充缓冲区吗?这将建立性能基准(你绝对无法比这更快)。 - BDL
如果能查看这个程序的汇编代码会很有帮助。你能否把它转换成可编译的示例呢?主要缺少类型定义。 - Max Langhof


我相信我一定能够达到130 FPS的速度。





  1. 光栅化器必须在屏幕空间中工作

  2. 在光栅化之前,必须将3D顶点转换为屏幕空间

  3. 内部光栅化循环必须尽可能简单——最内部循环中的分支(即if和复杂函数)肯定是适得其反的。

  • 上部位于水平基线之上的尖峰部分
  • 下部位于水平基线之下的尖峰部分。


sketch of rasterize()


const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
const Mat4x4f matScreen
  = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
  * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;


  • matProj 是投影矩阵,用于将模型坐标缩放到剪裁空间。
  • matScreen 负责将剪裁空间转换为屏幕空间。

剪裁空间是一个空间,其中可见部分在 x、y 和 z 方向上的范围为 [-1, 1]。

屏幕空间的范围为 [0, width) 和 [0, height),其中我根据 OP 的要求使用了 width = 1024height = 768

当我创建 OpenGL 程序时,通常会从蓝色屏幕开始(因为蓝色是我最喜欢的清晰颜色之一),这主要是由于某些矩阵操作的混淆,随后需要努力找到并修复这些操作。因此,我尝试将光栅化结果可视化,以确保我的基准测试不会过于热情,因为三角形的任何部分都在视图之外,因此被剪切掉了:

snapshot of demo using the transformations of benchmark


#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "linmath.h"

typedef unsigned uint;
typedef std::uint32_t uint32;

const int Width = 1024, Height = 768;

class FBO {
    const int width, height;
    std::vector<uint32> _rgba; // pixel buffer
    FBO(int width, int height):
      width(width), height(height),
      _rgba(width * height, 0)
    { }
    ~FBO() = default;
    FBO(const FBO&) = delete;
    FBO& operator=(const FBO&) = delete;

    void clear(uint32 rgba) { std::fill(_rgba.begin(), _rgba.end(), rgba); }
    void set(int x, int y, uint32 rgba)
      const size_t i = y * width + x;
      _rgba[i] = rgba;
    size_t getI(int y) const { return y * width; }
    size_t getI(int x, int y) const { return y * width + x; }
    void set(size_t i, uint32 rgba) { _rgba[i] = rgba; }

    const std::vector<uint32>& getRGBA() const { return _rgba; }

void rasterize(FBO &fbo, const Vec3f vtcs[3], const uint32 rgba)
  // sort vertices by y coordinates
  uint iVtcs[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
  if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
  if (vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[2]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[1], iVtcs[2]);
  if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y > vtcs[iVtcs[1]].y) std::swap(iVtcs[0], iVtcs[1]);
  const Vec3f vtcsS[3] = { vtcs[iVtcs[0]], vtcs[iVtcs[1]], vtcs[iVtcs[2]] };
  const float yM = vtcs[1].y;
  // cut triangle in upper and lower part
  const float xT = vtcsS[0].x;
  float xML = vtcsS[1].x;
  const float f = (yM - vtcsS[0].y) / (vtcsS[2].y - vtcsS[0].y);
  float xMR = (1.0f - f) * xT + f * vtcsS[2].x;
  if (xML > xMR) std::swap(xML, xMR);
  // draw upper part of triangle
  if (vtcs[iVtcs[0]].y < yM) {
    const float dY = yM - vtcsS[0].y;
    for (int y = std::max((int)vtcsS[0].y, 0),
      yE = std::min((int)(yM + 0.5f), fbo.height);
      y < yE; ++y) {
      const float f1 = (yM - y) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
      const float xL = f0 * xT + f1 * xML, xR = f0 * xT + f1 * xMR;
      const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
      for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
        xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
        x < xE; ++x) {
        fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
  } // else upper edge horizontal
  // draw lower part of triangle
  if (yM < vtcs[2].y) {
    const float xB = vtcsS[2].x;
    const float dY = vtcsS[2].y - yM;
    for (int y = std::max((int)yM, 0),
      yE = std::min((int)(vtcsS[2].y + 0.5f), fbo.height);
      y < yE; ++y) {
      const float f1 = (y - yM) / dY, f0 = 1.0f - f1;
      const float xL = f0 * xML + f1 * xB, xR = f0 * xMR + f1 * xB;
      const size_t i = fbo.getI(y);
      for (int x = std::max((int)xL, 0),
        xE = std::min((int)(xR + 0.5f), fbo.width);
        x < xE; ++x) {
        fbo.set(i + x, rgba);
  } // else lower edge horizontal

template <typename VALUE>
Vec3T<VALUE> transformPoint(const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &mat, const Vec3T<VALUE> &pt)
  Vec4T<VALUE> pt_ = mat * Vec4T<VALUE>(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, (VALUE)1);
  return pt_.w != (VALUE)0
    ? Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x / pt_.w, pt_.y / pt_.w, pt_.z / pt_.w)
    : Vec3T<VALUE>(pt_.x, pt_.y, pt_.z);

typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock HiResClock;
typedef std::chrono::microseconds MicroSecs;

int mainBench()
  const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
  const Mat4x4f matScreen
    = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
    * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
  const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
  FBO fbo(Width, Height);

  HiResClock::time_point start = HiResClock::now();
  size_t fps = 0;

  for (;;) {
    static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
    static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
    static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
    const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
      transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
    rasterize(fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);

    HiResClock::time_point now = HiResClock::now();
    auto timeDiff
      = std::chrono::duration_cast<MicroSecs>(now - start).count();

    static const long oneSecond = 1000000;
    if (timeDiff >= oneSecond) {
      std::cout << fps << " " << std::flush;
      fps = 0;
      start = now;

#include <stack>

#include <QtWidgets>

struct RenderContext {
  FBO fbo; // frame buffer object
  Mat4x4f matModelView;
  Mat4x4f matProj;

  RenderContext(int width, int height):
    fbo(width, height),
  { }
  ~RenderContext() = default;

void render(RenderContext &context)
  static Vec3f v0 = { -2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
  static Vec3f v1 = { 2000.0f, -2000.0, 10.0 };
  static Vec3f v2 = { 0.0f, 2000.0, 10.0 };
#if 0 // test transformations of mainBench()
  const Mat4x4f matProj(InitScale, 1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height, 1.0f);
  const Mat4x4f matScreen
    = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Height, 1.0f)
    * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
  const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * matProj /* * matView * matModel */;
#else // make a simple animation
  const Mat4x4f matScreen
    = Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.5f * context.fbo.width, 0.5f * context.fbo.height, 1.0f)
    * Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
  const Mat4x4f mat = matScreen * context.matProj * context.matModelView;
#endif // 0
  const Vec3f vtcs[] = {
    transformPoint(mat, v0), transformPoint(mat, v1), transformPoint(mat, v2)
  rasterize(context.fbo, vtcs, 0xff0000ff);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // evaluate arguments
  const bool gui = argc > 1
    && (strcmp(argv[1], "gui") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-gui") == 0);
  // without arguments: start benchmark
  if (!gui) return mainBench();
  // remove argument "gui"
  for (char **arg = argv + 1; *arg; ++arg) arg [0] = arg[1];
  // Qt Demo
  qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  RenderContext context(Width, Height);
  // setup GUI
  QPixmap qPixmapImg(Width, Height);
  QLabel qLblImg;
  qLblImg.setWindowTitle("Software Rasterizer Demo");
  // Qt timer for periodic rendering/animation
  QTime qTime(0, 0);
  QTimer qTimer;
  // install signal handlers
  QObject::connect(&qTimer, &QTimer::timeout,
    [&]() {
      // simple animation
      const float r = 1.0f, t = 0.001f * qTime.elapsed();
        = Mat4x4f(InitTrans, Vec3f(r * sin(t), r * cos(t), 0.0f))
        * Mat4x4f(InitScale, 0.0001f, 0.0001f, 0.0001f);
      // rendering
      // transfer FBO to qLblImg
      const QImage qImg((uchar*)context.fbo.getRGBA().data(),
        Width, Height, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
  // runtime loop
  qTime.start(); qTimer.start();
  return app.exec();


#ifndef LIN_MATH_H
#define LIN_MATH_H

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>

double Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;

template <typename VALUE>
inline VALUE degToRad(VALUE angle)
  return (VALUE)Pi * angle / (VALUE)180;

template <typename VALUE>
inline VALUE radToDeg(VALUE angle)
  return (VALUE)180 * angle / (VALUE)Pi;

template <typename VALUE>
struct Vec2T {
  VALUE x, y;
  Vec2T() { }
  Vec2T(VALUE x, VALUE y): x(x), y(y) { }
template <typename VALUE>
VALUE length(const Vec2T<VALUE> &vec)
  return sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);
template <typename VALUE>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec2T<VALUE> &v)
  return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << " )";

typedef Vec2T<float> Vec2f;
typedef Vec2T<double> Vec2;

template <typename VALUE>
struct Vec3T {
  VALUE x, y, z;
  Vec3T() { }
  Vec3T(VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z): x(x), y(y), z(z) { }
  Vec3T(const Vec2T<VALUE> &xy, VALUE z): x(xy.x), y(xy.y), z(z) { }
  explicit operator Vec2T<VALUE>() const { return Vec2T<VALUE>(x, y); }
template <typename VALUE>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec3T<VALUE> &v)
  return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << ", " << v.z << " )";

typedef Vec3T<float> Vec3f;
typedef Vec3T<double> Vec3;

template <typename VALUE>
struct Vec4T {
  VALUE x, y, z, w;
  Vec4T() { }
  Vec4T(VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z, VALUE w): x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w) { }
  Vec4T(const Vec2T<VALUE> &xy, VALUE z, VALUE w):
    x(xy.x), y(xy.y), z(z), w(w)
  { }
  Vec4T(const Vec3T<VALUE> &xyz, VALUE w):
    x(xyz.x), y(xyz.y), z(xyz.z), w(w)
  { }
  explicit operator Vec2T<VALUE>() const { return Vec2T<VALUE>(x, y); }
  explicit operator Vec3T<VALUE>() const { return Vec3T<VALUE>(x, y, z); }
template <typename VALUE>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vec4T<VALUE> &v)
  return out << "( " << v.x << ", " << v.y << ", " << v.z << ", " << v.w << " )";

typedef Vec4T<float> Vec4f;
typedef Vec4T<double> Vec4;

enum ArgInitIdent { InitIdent };
enum ArgInitTrans { InitTrans };
enum ArgInitRot { InitRot };
enum ArgInitRotX { InitRotX };
enum ArgInitRotY { InitRotY };
enum ArgInitRotZ { InitRotZ };
enum ArgInitScale { InitScale };

template <typename VALUE>
struct Mat4x4T {
  union {
    VALUE comp[4 * 4];
    struct {
      VALUE _00, _01, _02, _03;
      VALUE _10, _11, _12, _13;
      VALUE _20, _21, _22, _23;
      VALUE _30, _31, _32, _33;

  // constructor to build a matrix by elements
    VALUE _00, VALUE _01, VALUE _02, VALUE _03,
    VALUE _10, VALUE _11, VALUE _12, VALUE _13,
    VALUE _20, VALUE _21, VALUE _22, VALUE _23,
    VALUE _30, VALUE _31, VALUE _32, VALUE _33):
    _00(_00), _01(_01), _02(_02), _03(_03),
    _10(_10), _11(_11), _12(_12), _13(_13),
    _20(_20), _21(_21), _22(_22), _23(_23),
    _30(_30), _31(_31), _32(_32), _33(_33)
  { }
  // constructor to build an identity matrix
    _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)0),
    _10((VALUE)0), _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0),
    _20((VALUE)0), _21((VALUE)0), _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // constructor to build a matrix for translation
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitTrans, const Vec3T<VALUE> &t):
    _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)t.x),
    _10((VALUE)0), _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)t.y),
    _20((VALUE)0), _21((VALUE)0), _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)t.z),
    _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about axis
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitRot, const Vec3T<VALUE> &axis, VALUE angle):
    _03((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0), _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0), _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
    const VALUE sinAngle = sin(angle), cosAngle = cos(angle);
    const VALUE xx = axis.x * axis.x, xy = axis.x * axis.y;
    const VALUE xz = axis.x * axis.z, yy = axis.y * axis.y;
    const VALUE yz = axis.y * axis.z, zz = axis.z * axis.z;
    _00 = xx + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - xx) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
    _01 = xy - cosAngle * xy - sinAngle * axis.z;
    _02 = xz - cosAngle * xz + sinAngle * axis.y;
    _10 = xy - cosAngle * xy + sinAngle * axis.z;
    _11 = yy + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - yy) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
    _12 = yz - cosAngle * yz - sinAngle * axis.x;
    _20 = xz - cosAngle * xz - sinAngle * axis.y;
    _21 = yz - cosAngle * yz + sinAngle * axis.x;
    _22 = zz + cosAngle * ((VALUE)1 - zz) /* + sinAngle * 0 */;
  // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about x axis
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotX, VALUE angle):
    _00((VALUE)1), _01((VALUE)0),    _02((VALUE)0),   _03((VALUE)0),
    _10((VALUE)0), _11(cos(angle)),  _12(-sin(angle)), _13((VALUE)0),
    _20((VALUE)0), _21(sin(angle)), _22(cos(angle)), _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0),    _32((VALUE)0),   _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about y axis
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotY, VALUE angle):
    _00(cos(angle)), _01((VALUE)0), _02(sin(angle)), _03((VALUE)0),
    _10((VALUE)0),   _11((VALUE)1), _12((VALUE)0),    _13((VALUE)0),
    _20(-sin(angle)), _21((VALUE)0), _22(cos(angle)),  _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0), _31((VALUE)0),    _32((VALUE)0),   _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // constructor to build a matrix for rotation about z axis
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitRotZ, VALUE angle):
    _00(cos(angle)),  _01(-sin(angle)), _02((VALUE)0), _03((VALUE)0),
    _10(sin(angle)), _11(cos(angle)), _12((VALUE)0), _13((VALUE)0),
    _20((VALUE)0),    _21((VALUE)0),   _22((VALUE)1), _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0),    _31((VALUE)0),   _32((VALUE)0), _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // constructor to build a matrix for scaling
  Mat4x4T(ArgInitScale, VALUE sx, VALUE sy, VALUE sz):
    _00((VALUE)sx), _01((VALUE)0),  _02((VALUE)0),  _03((VALUE)0),
    _10((VALUE)0),  _11((VALUE)sy), _12((VALUE)0),  _13((VALUE)0),
    _20((VALUE)0),  _21((VALUE)0),  _22((VALUE)sz), _23((VALUE)0),
    _30((VALUE)0),  _31((VALUE)0),  _32((VALUE)0),  _33((VALUE)1)
  { }
  // operator to allow access with [][]
  double* operator [] (int i)
    assert(i >= 0 && i < 4);
    return comp + 4 * i;
  // operator to allow access with [][]
  const double* operator [] (int i) const
    assert(i >= 0 && i < 4);
    return comp + 4 * i;
  // multiply matrix with matrix -> matrix
  Mat4x4T operator * (const Mat4x4T &mat) const
    return Mat4x4T(
      _00 * mat._00 + _01 * mat._10 + _02 * mat._20 + _03 * mat._30,
      _00 * mat._01 + _01 * mat._11 + _02 * mat._21 + _03 * mat._31,
      _00 * mat._02 + _01 * mat._12 + _02 * mat._22 + _03 * mat._32,
      _00 * mat._03 + _01 * mat._13 + _02 * mat._23 + _03 * mat._33,
      _10 * mat._00 + _11 * mat._10 + _12 * mat._20 + _13 * mat._30,
      _10 * mat._01 + _11 * mat._11 + _12 * mat._21 + _13 * mat._31,
      _10 * mat._02 + _11 * mat._12 + _12 * mat._22 + _13 * mat._32,
      _10 * mat._03 + _11 * mat._13 + _12 * mat._23 + _13 * mat._33,
      _20 * mat._00 + _21 * mat._10 + _22 * mat._20 + _23 * mat._30,
      _20 * mat._01 + _21 * mat._11 + _22 * mat._21 + _23 * mat._31,
      _20 * mat._02 + _21 * mat._12 + _22 * mat._22 + _23 * mat._32,
      _20 * mat._03 + _21 * mat._13 + _22 * mat._23 + _23 * mat._33,
      _30 * mat._00 + _31 * mat._10 + _32 * mat._20 + _33 * mat._30,
      _30 * mat._01 + _31 * mat._11 + _32 * mat._21 + _33 * mat._31,
      _30 * mat._02 + _31 * mat._12 + _32 * mat._22 + _33 * mat._32,
      _30 * mat._03 + _31 * mat._13 + _32 * mat._23 + _33 * mat._33);
  // multiply matrix with vector -> vector
  Vec4T<VALUE> operator * (const Vec4T<VALUE> &vec) const
    return Vec4T<VALUE>(
      _00 * vec.x + _01 * vec.y + _02 * vec.z + _03 * vec.w,
      _10 * vec.x + _11 * vec.y + _12 * vec.z + _13 * vec.w,
      _20 * vec.x + _21 * vec.y + _22 * vec.z + _23 * vec.w,
      _30 * vec.x + _31 * vec.y + _32 * vec.z + _33 * vec.w);

template <typename VALUE>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &m)
  return out
    << m._00 << '\t' << m._01 << '\t' << m._02 << '\t' << m._03 << '\n'
    << m._10 << '\t' << m._11 << '\t' << m._12 << '\t' << m._13 << '\n'
    << m._20 << '\t' << m._21 << '\t' << m._22 << '\t' << m._23 << '\n'
    << m._30 << '\t' << m._31 << '\t' << m._32 << '\t' << m._33 << '\n';
typedef Mat4x4T<float> Mat4x4f;
typedef Mat4x4T<double> Mat4x4;

// enumeration of rotation axes
enum RotAxis {
  RotX, // rotation about x axis
  RotY, // rotation about y axis
  RotZ // rotation about z axis

// enumeration of possible Euler angles
enum EulerAngle {
  RotXYX = RotX + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotX, // 0 + 3 + 0 = 3
  RotXYZ = RotX + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotZ, // 0 + 3 + 18 = 21
  RotXZX = RotX + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotX, // 0 + 6 + 0 = 6
  RotXZY = RotX + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotY, // 0 + 6 + 9 = 15
  RotYXY = RotY + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotY, // 1 + 0 + 9 = 10
  RotYXZ = RotY + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotZ, // 1 + 0 + 18 = 19
  RotYZX = RotY + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotX, // 1 + 6 + 0 = 7
  RotYZY = RotY + 3 * RotZ + 9 * RotY, // 1 + 6 + 9 = 16
  RotZXY = RotZ + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotY, // 2 + 0 + 9 = 11
  RotZXZ = RotZ + 3 * RotX + 9 * RotZ, // 2 + 0 + 18 = 20
  RotZYX = RotZ + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotX, // 2 + 3 + 0 = 5
  RotZYZ = RotZ + 3 * RotY + 9 * RotZ, // 2 + 3 + 18 = 23
  RotHPR = RotZXY, // used in OpenGL Performer
  RotABC = RotZYX // used in German engineering

/* decomposes the combined EULER angle type into the corresponding
 * individual EULER angle axis types.
inline void decompose(
  EulerAngle type, RotAxis &axis1, RotAxis &axis2, RotAxis &axis3)
  unsigned type_ = (unsigned)type;
  axis1 = (RotAxis)(type_ % 3); type_ /= 3;
  axis2 = (RotAxis)(type_ % 3); type_ /= 3;
  axis3 = (RotAxis)type_;

template <typename VALUE>
Mat4x4T<VALUE> makeEuler(
  EulerAngle mode, VALUE rot1, VALUE rot2, VALUE rot3)
  RotAxis axis1, axis2, axis3;
  decompose(mode, axis1, axis2, axis3);
  const static VALUE axes[3][3] = {
    { (VALUE)1, (VALUE)0, (VALUE)0 },
    { (VALUE)0, (VALUE)1, (VALUE)0 },
    { (VALUE)0, (VALUE)0, (VALUE)1 }
        Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis1][0], axes[axis1][1], axes[axis1][2]),
    * Mat4x4T<VALUE>(InitRot,
        Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis2][0], axes[axis2][1], axes[axis2][2]),
    * Mat4x4T<VALUE>(InitRot,
        Vec3T<VALUE>(axes[axis3][0], axes[axis3][1], axes[axis3][2]),

/* decomposes a rotation matrix into EULER angles.
 * It is necessary that the upper left 3x3 matrix is composed of rotations
 * only. Translational parts are not considered.
 * Other transformations (e.g. scaling, shearing, projection) may cause
 * wrong results.
template <typename VALUE>
void decompose(
  const Mat4x4T<VALUE> &mat,
  RotAxis axis1, RotAxis axis2, RotAxis axis3,
  VALUE &angle1, VALUE &angle2, VALUE &angle3)
  assert(axis1 != axis2 && axis2 != axis3);
  /* This is ported from EulerAngles.h of the Eigen library. */
  const int odd = (axis1 + 1) % 3 == axis2 ? 0 : 1;
  const int i = axis1;
  const int j = (axis1 + 1 + odd) % 3;
  const int k = (axis1 + 2 - odd) % 3;
  if (axis1 == axis3) {
    angle1 = atan2(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]);
    if ((odd && angle1 < (VALUE)0) || (!odd && angle1 > (VALUE)0)) {
      angle1 = angle1 > (VALUE)0 ? angle1 - (VALUE)Pi : angle1 + (VALUE)Pi;
      const VALUE s2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]));
      angle2 = -atan2(s2, mat[i][i]);
    } else {
      const VALUE s2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[j][i], mat[k][i]));
      angle2 = atan2(s2, mat[i][i]);
    const VALUE s1 = sin(angle1);
    const VALUE c1 = cos(angle1);
    angle3 = atan2(c1 * mat[j][k] - s1 * mat[k][k],
      c1 * mat[j][j] - s1 * mat[k][j]);
  } else {
    angle1 = atan2(mat[j][k], mat[k][k]);
    const VALUE c2 = length(Vec2T<VALUE>(mat[i][i], mat[i][j]));
    if ((odd && angle1<(VALUE)0) || (!odd && angle1 > (VALUE)0)) {
      angle1 = (angle1 > (VALUE)0)
        ? angle1 - (VALUE)Pi : angle1 + (VALUE)Pi;
      angle2 = atan2(-mat[i][k], -c2);
    } else angle2 = atan2(-mat[i][k], c2);
    const VALUE s1 = sin(angle1);
    const VALUE c1 = cos(angle1);
    angle3 = atan2(s1 * mat[k][i] - c1 * mat[j][i],
      c1 * mat[j][j] - s1 * mat[k][j]);
  if (!odd) {
    angle1 = -angle1; angle2 = -angle2; angle3 = -angle3;

#endif // LIN_MATH_H

在我添加 Qt 代码之前,我只是使用以下命令进行编译:

$ g++ -std=c++11 -o rasterizerSimple rasterizerSimple.cc

为了使用Qt编译,我编写了一个Qt项目 rasterizerSimple.pro
SOURCES = rasterizerSimple.cc

QT += widgets

在 Windows 10 上 cygwin64 编译并测试通过:

$ qmake-qt5 rasterizerSimple.pro

$ make

$ ./rasterizerSimple
2724 2921 3015 2781 2800 2805 2859 2783 2931 2871 2902 2983 2995 2882 2940 2878 3007 2993 3066 3067 3118 3144 2849 3084 3020 3005 3030 2991 2999 3065 2941 3123 3119 2905 3135 2938


我的笔记本电脑有一个英特尔 i7 处理器(当我让程序运行更长时间时,会产生一点冷却噪音)。

看起来还不错——平均每秒3000个三角形。(如果OP的i7不比我的慢太多,那么就超过了他的130 FPS。)

也许,通过进一步的改进,FPS 可以再提高一点。例如,可以使用Bresenham's line algorithm进行插值,尽管它在大多数内部循环中并没有出现。为了优化大多数内部循环,应该以更快的方式填充水平线(虽然我不太确定如何实现这一点)。

要启动 Qt 可视化,必须使用gui启动应用程序:

$ ./rasterizerSimple gui

snapshot of rasterizerSimple with simple animation and Qt display

这个示例激发了我一个玩具项目的灵感,可以在github上找到No-GL 3D渲染器

哇,这就是我希望看到的性能,干得好!我之前尝试过这种方法,但在透视校正插值方面遇到了问题,所以我使用了这里的方法https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/rasterization-practical-implementation/perspective-correct-interpolation-vertex-attributes。仍然不确定为什么你的方法会快那么多,但我期待着在周末分析它,感谢你的帮助! - Martin
实际上,barycentric 函数内的 if 是一种优化,它比始终进行额外计算更便宜。 - Martin
@Martin 我反过来想:只考虑在三角形内部的顶点要便宜得多。因此,我沿着三角形边插值,仅从左边缘到右边缘渲染每个光栅线。由于我错过了你代码中的颜色插值部分,它简化为一个简单的赋值(不需要进一步的 if)。 (猜猜我第一次尝试时实现了多少FPS - 错误的变换导致可见范围内只有三到四个像素...);-) - Scheff's Cat
当我删除所有额外的内容并仅计算重心权重(我需要它们用于未来的插值,如颜色、纹理坐标等...)时,编译为x32时大约有350fps。当我切换到x64时,我得到了大约425fps。但仍然只是一个全屏多边形,甚至不包括任何矩阵变换。 - Martin
@Martin 顺便提一下,《毁灭战士II》已经默认支持OpenGL了。这就是为什么每个顶点的转换和每个像素的计算已经被移动到GPU中,现在GPU已经拥有数百个核心了。(我的K5100M有1536个核心)。如果你同时计算所有像素,那么每个像素的计算工作就不会对你造成太大负担了。所以,在纯CPU光栅化中获得100 FPS(实际上只使用一个核心)并不会让我们感到太难过... - Scheff's Cat

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