


 Country   Var  _1995       _1996         _1997      _1998
     AUS    GO  1 014 828   1 059 326     1 119 101  1 194 995
     AUS    L   36 873      38 895        39 502     40 425
     AUS    K   41 498      45 008        48 683     47 252
     AUT    GO  289 923     299 487       309 734    323 273
     AUT    GO  8 032       7 849         8 049      7 815
     AUT    L   1 094       1 151         1 163      1 152
     AUT    K   12 032      11 760        11 743     11 611


Country   _1995     _1996     _1997  _1998 
AUS      0,7415   0,78295   0,74406  0,6294
AUT     1,36646   1,30031   1,12904 1,11319



 Country Var    _1995            _1996            _1997           _1998        
    AUS  GO  1014828*0,7415 1059326*0,78295   1119101*0,74406 1194995*0,6294 


你能使用 dput 提供两个示例数据集吗? - Thomas
也许可以使用 merge(dataset, conversiontable, by="country"),然后对每年的列进行乘法运算。 - Ruthger Righart

dat <- data.frame(Country = rep(c("AUS", "AUT"), each = 3), 
                  Var = rep(c("GO", "L", "K"), times = 2), 
                  v_1996 = rnorm(6), v_1997 = rnorm(6), v_1998 = rnorm(6),  
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

multipliers <- data.frame(Country = c("AUS", "AUT"), 
                          v_1995 = c(0.7415, 1.36646),
                          v_1996 = c(0.78295, 1.30031),
                          v_1997 = c(0.74406, 1.12904),
                          v_1998 = c(0.6294, 1.11319), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


long <- reshape(dat, times = 1996:1998, v.names = "Value", 
                varying = c("v_1996", "v_1997", "v_1998"), 
                direction = "long")
head(long, 3)
#        Country Var time      Value id
# 1.1996     AUS  GO 1996 -0.6264538  1
# 2.1996     AUS   L 1996  0.1836433  2
# 3.1996     AUS   K 1996 -0.8356286  3
# 4.1996     AUT  GO 1996  1.5952808  4

mlong <- reshape(multipliers, times = 1995:1998, v.names = "mult", 
                 varying = c("v_1995","v_1996", "v_1997", "v_1998"), 
                 direction = "long")
head(mlong, 3)
#        Country time    mult id
# 1.1995     AUS 1995 0.74150  1
# 2.1995     AUT 1995 1.36646  2
# 1.1996     AUS 1996 0.78295  1

merged <- merge(long, mlong, by = c("Country", "time"))
merged$converted <- merged$Value * merged$mult    
head(merged, 3)
#   Country time Var      Value id.x    mult id.y  converted
# 1     AUS 1996  GO -0.6264538    1 0.78295    1 -0.4904820
# 2     AUS 1996   L  0.1836433    2 0.78295    1  0.1437835
# 3     AUS 1996   K -0.8356286    3 0.78295    1 -0.6542554

reshape(merged, idvar = c("Country", "Var"), direction = "wide", 
        drop = c("id.x", "id.y","mult"))
#    Country Var Value.1996 converted.1996 Value.1997 converted.1997  Value.1998 converted.1998
# 1      AUS  GO -0.6264538     -0.4904820  0.4874291      0.3626765 -0.62124058    -0.39100882
# 2      AUS   L  0.1836433      0.1437835  0.7383247      0.5493579 -2.21469989    -1.39393211
# 3      AUS   K -0.8356286     -0.6542554  0.5757814      0.4284159  1.12493092     0.70803152
# 10     AUT  GO  1.5952808      2.0743596 -0.3053884     -0.3447957 -0.04493361    -0.05001964
# 11     AUT   L  0.3295078      0.4284623  1.5117812      1.7068614 -0.01619026    -0.01802284
# 12     AUT   K -0.8204684     -1.0668632  0.3898432      0.4401486  0.94383621     1.05066903

谢谢。我尝试了你的解决方案,不过我使用了reshape包中的melt函数而不是你的方法。 - EconGradKI
谢谢。我尝试了你的解决方案,不过我使用了“reshape”中的melt函数而不是你的方法。一切都很好,直到我到达“merged$converted <- merged$Value * merged$mult”这一行时,我收到了错误消息:“在Ops.factor(merged$Value, merged$mult)中:‘*’对于因子无意义。”也许问题很明显,但我对R还很陌生。 - EconGradKI
检查你要相乘的变量的class()。这个错误意味着其中一个变量的类别是“factor”。你可能需要通过as.numeric(as.character(variable))之类的方法将变量的类别修改为数字型。 - Thomas
嗯。我的数据好像有些问题(即某些单元格中含有非数字字符)。您的解决方案对于非内行人来说既简单又明显,我已经使用了一些修改后的代码进行其他操作。再次感谢! - EconGradKI




#unfactorise Country or you'll get very strange results
local$Country <- as.character(local$Country); conv$Country <- as.character(conv$Country)
countries <- unique(local$Country)
for(i in 1:length(countries)) {
        cy <- countries[i]
        rates <- matrix(conv[conv$Country==cy, -1])
        local[local$Country==cy, -c(1,2)] <- local[local$Country==cy, -c(1,2)] * rates


创建一个小的帮助函数并管道传递数据可能是最简单的方法。为了使其更加清晰,将转换的 row.names 设置为国家并删除该列。

df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
                 Country Var  _1995       _1996         _1997      _1998
     AUS   GO  1014828   1059326     1119101  1194995
     AUS   L   36873      38895        39502     40425
     AUS   K    41498     45008        48683     47252
     AUT   GO  289923     299487       309734    323273
     AUT   GO  8032       7849         8049      7815
     AUT   L   1094       1151         1163      1152
     AUT   K   12032      11760        11743     11611

conversions <- read.table(header = TRUE, text='
                          Country _1995     _1996   _1997   _1998 
 AUS     0.7415    0.78295 0.74406 0.6294
 AUT     1.36646   1.30031 1.12904 1.11319

# the primary code to use
# set row.names, makes indexing cleaner below
row.names(conversions) <- conversions$Country
conversions <- conversions[,-1]

# helper function for conversions
myfun <- function(df1, df2) {
    df1[,3:6] <- df1[,3:6] * df2[df1$Country,]

df %>% 
   group_by(Country) %>% 
   do(myfun(., conversions))

Source: local data frame [7 x 6]
Groups: Country

  Country Var     X_1995     X_1996     X_1997     X_1998
1     AUS  GO 752494.962 829399.292 832678.290 752129.853
2     AUS   L  27341.330  30452.840  29391.858  25443.495
3     AUS   K  30770.767  35239.014  36223.073  29740.409
4     AUT  GO 396168.183 389425.941 349702.075 359864.271
5     AUT  GO  10975.407  10206.133   9087.643   8699.580
6     AUT   L   1494.907   1496.657   1313.074   1282.395
7     AUT   K  16441.247  15291.646  13258.317  12925.249


这是我使用dplyr的尝试。我进行了各种实验并得出了这个结论。首先,我按Country拆分数据(即mydf)。对于列表中的每个数据框,我希望应用适当的汇率。因此,我使用Country子集化汇率数据(即rate),并创建了新数据。(当代码运行时,R会为每个国家选择汇率。)我使用 this question中的答案来计算多个列,使用mutate_each()。最后,我使用bind_rows()组合所有数据框。

lapply(split(mydf, mydf$Country), function(i) {

        foo <- rate[rate$Country == unique(i$Country),]

        mutate_each(i, funs(. * foo$.), y_1995:y_1998)

    }) %>%

#  Country Var     y_1995     y_1996     y_1997     y_1998
#1     AUS  GO 752494.962 829399.292 832678.290 752129.853
#2     AUS   L  27341.330  30452.840  29391.858  25443.495
#3     AUS   K  30770.767  35239.014  36223.073  29740.409
#4     AUT  GO 396168.183 389425.941 349702.075 359864.271
#5     AUT  GO  10975.407  10206.133   9087.643   8699.580
#6     AUT   L   1494.907   1496.657   1313.074   1282.395
#7     AUT   K  16441.247  15291.646  13258.317  12925.249


mydf <- structure(list(Country = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L), .Label = c("AUS", "AUT"), class = "factor"), Var = structure(c(1L, 
3L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c("GO", "K", "L"), class = "factor"), 
y_1995 = c(1014828, 36873, 41498, 289923, 8032, 1094, 12032
), y_1996 = c(1059326, 38895, 45008, 299487, 7849, 1151, 
11760), y_1997 = c(1119101, 39502, 48683, 309734, 8049, 1163, 
11743), y_1998 = c(1194995, 40425, 47252, 323273, 7815, 1152, 
11611)), .Names = c("Country", "Var", "y_1995", "y_1996", 
"y_1997", "y_1998"), row.names = c(NA, -7L), class = "data.frame")

#  Country Var  y_1995  y_1996  y_1997  y_1998
#1     AUS  GO 1014828 1059326 1119101 1194995
#2     AUS   L   36873   38895   39502   40425
#3     AUS   K   41498   45008   48683   47252
#4     AUT  GO  289923  299487  309734  323273
#5     AUT  GO    8032    7849    8049    7815
#6     AUT   L    1094    1151    1163    1152
#7     AUT   K   12032   11760   11743   11611

rate <- structure(list(Country = structure(1:2, .Label = c("AUS", "AUT"
), class = "factor"), y_1995 = c(0.7415, 1.36646), y_1996 = c(0.78295, 
1.30031), y_1997 = c(0.74406, 1.12904), y_1998 = c(0.6294, 1.11319
)), .Names = c("Country", "y_1995", "y_1996", "y_1997", "y_1998"
), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = "data.frame")

#  Country  y_1995  y_1996  y_1997  y_1998
#1     AUS 0.74150 0.78295 0.74406 0.62940
#2     AUT 1.36646 1.30031 1.12904 1.11319

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